"You...you are so weird."

In the VIP box, Linghua looked at Qin An sitting next to her, her eyebrows furrowed.

She felt the invisible pressure from Qin An.

This kind of pressure is very special, perhaps ordinary ability users can't feel it, but Linghua, who is a sword body, can fully feel and be affected.

Qin An was holding a slap-sized furry white dog in a daze. After Linghua was awakened by a word, a smile appeared on his side.


"Really nothing? You...Where did this little white dog come from?"

"Oh, I picked it up this morning, she's called Xiaomo

"This name is so scumbag, it's called Maizi, this one is a little cute."

While talking, Linghua stretched out her hand to touch the little white dog who was sleeping sweetly. Her fingers just touched its body, she quickly retracted it, and her face was shocked.

"It...what species is it? Such a strong sense of oppression, as strong as the invisibly revealed from your body just now! Qin An, do you have any adventures? Has your strength improved a lot? Does the puppy have a lot of origin?"

Qin An didn't speak, he didn't want to discuss this issue with Linghua.

Linghua is right, Qin An's strength has indeed soared!

The little white dog in his arms was the original form of the ancestor of Magical Beasts. After being parasitic into Qin An's body, Qin An evolved twelve times in a row.

The twelve times of evolution of an ordinary person is twelve times of upgrading of the physical ability structure, but Qin An's twelve times of evolution directly brought him to level 128 upgraded.

This upgraded level also enabled him to cross the super body from the strong body state into the spiritual body.

Level 128 upgraded is the upgraded level of most swordsmen.

Qin An has reached this level, and the sword skill he can use is level 128, which means that all his sword god abilities can achieve effects that are very close to the true sword god level power. You must know that Qin An can use it. It is estimated that there are hundreds of sword skills, which is a bit scary...Qin An has become an alternative existence. He is still only the cultivation base of the two soul sword repairers, but his strength has already surpassed. Ordinary demigods, even if they don't summon the undead to strengthen their physical abilities, they have the power to fight the true sword god!

Such an exaggerated Ascension and the things experienced at dawn made Qin An unacceptable, so after he arrived at the meeting place in the morning, he was stunned, thinking about the Weng Lan family in his heart.

Because of his lack of consciousness, Qin An inadvertently revealed a breath of power that he hadn't fully absorbed, so Linghua felt it.

Linghua found that Qin An was still absent-minded, as if she didn't intend to talk to herself, feeling a little upset in her heart.

Just when she was trying to find Qin An for a small fight, Mo Yudongchen, who was full of red on the rostrum, suddenly appeared.

Linghua was taken aback for a moment. She didn't know what his father and king meant. Today is not the final finals yet. Why do you need him to appear in person as the host?

At this time, the surrounding auditoriums were already full of people, and almost a thousand contestants gathered in the contestant rest area outside the square, just as there is a special existence like Qin An, who is itself a contestant within the Qingjian clan. Naturally, you don't need to be crowded with most people, just stay in your family rest area.

People's eyes all shot towards the rostrum, not knowing what Dongchen King suddenly ran out to do.

Mo Yu Dongchen, who had lost his eyes, finally spoke. Before a word was spoken, the laughter had spread throughout the audience:

"Ha ha ha ha!

Everyone, after several knockout matches yesterday, only one thousand contestants were selected in the end!

The competition is fierce! Today you will usher in a more intense competition.

The 1VS1 battle knockout is about to start on the square, 500 winners continue to fight, then 250 people, 125 people!

So at this time, we will draw 1 directly to advance to the list of 32 people, and then 124 people will continue to fight team by team for elimination.

We will select 62 people among them, then 31 people, and finally start the final of 32 people!

Yes, what you heard is not wrong. We have changed the final list of candidates from 24 Ascension to 32. After all, has the prize doubled? If the chips are big, we should set aside more for the contestants. Choose an opportunity.

Although it was fierce, but for the two sword gods, Linghua and Xiangying, and the throne of my Qingjian clan, all this should be worthwhile. I wonder if there were many people who were like this king last night and couldn't sleep at night?

Hahaha, I think most people shouldn't sleep well and have no rest. So now, I want to make your minds completely clear, let me introduce you to someone! "

King Dongchen went around to say these last words.

When he turned around very excited and made an inviting gesture, people saw a beautiful and graceful beauty in a red long gown coming out and standing beside King Dongchen.

This woman has a look no less than Xiangying's sword, who is she?

In Princess Linghua’s VIP room, when Qin An saw Weng Die suddenly step onto the stage, her whole body was dumbfounded, and then quickly remembered what Weng Lan’s mother had said before. She said she would make Weng Die a sword god, and said Let yourself marry their sisters!

Then the little demon found himself to become a parasitic beast. I don't know how many times his own strength has been. It shows that everything should be true, and the ancestors of the seven beasts do exist.

Could it be said that Weng Die has really become a sword god, so he will appear here at this moment? What is her purpose?

Qin An was very nervous and hurriedly focused on Mental Energy to communicate with Weng Die.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Qin An... I am looking for you when I look back. I am still in a dream... I have become a sword god. My mother came last night and she said I also saw you. What's the matter? You have to tell me clearly!"

"Okay! I can tell you clearly, but what are you doing now? Why did you go there?" Qin An's face turned purple.

"What else can I do? I found Mo Yu Dongchen, showed the sword spirit in front of him, let him know that I am the sword god, and then made a request. I also want to be the trophy of this meeting of husband selection, and I will follow That Princess Linghua and Yin Yao Big sis married the ultimate winner...this...this is also my mother's wish."

"Are you crazy? How do you think about marrying?"

Qin An thinks he is going crazy, so let him marry his sister-in-law? His f*ck is really impossible for his concubines!

Weng Die is so smart, how could she not know Qin An's mind.

Her face was pretty red, and her whole person was a little bit glamorous, she looked like a very powerful sword god, she was a soft girl with a delicate body and easily toppled over!

"Qin An, why can't I marry someone? I want it! Do you think you will be the ultimate winner? But...whether it is you or not, my sister-in-law will be married this time!"

While speaking in the heart, Weng Die released a light sword Spiritual Qi that shocked the audience!

(Come here to give a reward, let the panda brag in front of the family, the old brothers don’t have to take action, are there any readers with new faces?)

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