The atmosphere in the tent was extremely embarrassing at this time.

Jace was draped in a quilt, and Liu Tian was wrapped in a bed sheet. Annie sat on a stool, looking at a pair of young parents who were not doing business, with joy in her heart, but with a depressed expression on her face.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter? Don't you just ignore anyone? Why do you take off your clothes and go to bed as soon as I leave?"

"No! Our clothes disappeared suddenly, just then suddenly, I don’t know who became the trick! We wanted to leave the sensationalist, but just now it seemed to be closed by people, we couldn’t get out, and then we tried hard. No one paid any attention to us yelling, as if no one could hear." Jace said aggrievedly.

"Yeah, Annie... Don't get me wrong." Liu Tian was already flushed shyly.

Suddenly disappeared?

Annie froze for a while, and she seemed to understand for a while.

Could it be the hands and feet of your own husband who doesn't know how to adjust? He seems to have this ability to control object transmission.

Moreover, he has super hearing ability to perceive everything around him. Perhaps he knew that he had a communication problem with his young parents, so he made the next move?

It's so violent. Annie remembered the scene of Jess lying on Annie's body before. Her face turned red, and her heart was still a little touched. It seems that she will find a chance to write a note to Sanchuan guy in a moment. Let him secretly find himself tonight.

"Well, even if what you said is true, why did you suddenly run to the bed without clothes? Dry wood and raging fire?"

Annie decided not to let the two of them go. Since Qin An has created such an opportunity, she must make good use of the relationship between the two to settle down, so that she can feel at ease.

" say!" Liu Tian was so shy, so she threw the pot to Jace.

How could Jace say it embarrassingly, if it’s other women, forget it. The Anne in front of you claims to be their biological daughter in another world, so as a father, he doesn’t bother to talk about this kind of bed matter with Anne, so he continued to hug him. Tight the quilt to pretend to be deaf and dumb.Liu Tian gave Jace an annoyed look, holding her breath, but seeing Annie's eyes keep falling on her, she could only sigh softly, and said:

"The clothes were all gone. We were nervous and anxious at first, and then we called for help in the tent, hoping that someone would come to help. As a result, no one paid any attention, so we sat awkwardly in the room, just like we are now. He was wearing a quilt and I was wrapped in a mattress. Because...because we have seen each other’s body before, we will be a little fantasizing and a little shy. The atmosphere is too embarrassing, so we started talking and chatting, then The only common topic is naturally you. He said that although he was married, he had no children, and I... even a man had never experienced it. We thought that if there is a daughter as old as you, it would be very Happy things, so... the more we talk, the more complex the emotions in my heart, the more ambiguous the atmosphere between each other... it was he who hooked up with me first, he said that my mattress was too thin, he I can see my flat belly, and...and the bulge in that place, it becomes what you see! This... This is an accident!"

Liu Tian finally lowered her head completely when she talked about it, and she almost put her mouth on her own ditch.

Jace's face was flushed like a monkey's ass, sitting there sighing, and to be precise, it was hard to breathe!

Annie looked at Jace with soft eyes, and there was a trace of tears in her eyes after a long time.

When Jess and Liu Tian saw Annie crying, they couldn't bear it with a sense of conscience. They wanted to comfort them but suffered because they didn't wear any clothes.

Annie raised her hand and wiped her tears, and then stared at Jace again, and then whispered: "Jace, I didn’t want to tell you, but now it’s time to say it. In fact, in my space, Bei Nita is dead. Eighteen years ago, she and I entered the labyrinth world together, and finally died in the war. Before death, she had a very happy life and had a life without marriage with a man who was in Beni The tower also passed away the second year after his death. For you, you may not be able to fully understand it, but for Benita in real space, this is a 51-year-old story! The park broke out in the end of 2015 That year, she sent away her husband Jace away, and welcomed her friend's Big sis Weng Lan, Qin An’s wife. After that, the end of the world broke out, and Benita had been protecting Weng Lan during the early stage. The body was frozen, and then her spirit almost collapsed. After leaving Weng Lan to find Jace in the real world, she finally had a beloved man after she rushed all the way, and she married with him and gave birth to a child. This child and her husband were killed by the gangsters. In the last twenty-four years, Jess in the real space is with Liu Tian Life in the real space, and their daughter is just a teenager. That year, Jace finally met Benita, but things are different, they are not each other in the past. The two people have no nostalgia for the past, nor dreams of the future, just like a pair of people who have not seen each other for many years. Old friends reunited and got along like confidants. Later, our family began to wander, met Weng Lan, and finally separated in the trend of zombies. Realistic space Jess and Liu Tian were both killed by Devil named the silver-haired demon. Little Annie is me. I found the abandoned Qin Sanchuan in a river, so she continued to wander. It was not until eighteen years ago that I met Sanchuan’s father Qin An outside the maze world! The story has been very tortuous here, at least for me That’s the case, but... But this is like a suspenseful drama arranged by God. I never dreamed that Qin An actually brought back my parents in another space, that is You! Dear Mr. Jess, Dear Ms. Liu Tian, ​​do you know how I feel? Do you know how I felt when I saw you?"

At this point, Annie was crying like a child, and rushed forward into Liu Tian's arms.

It is the second time that Liu Tian heard Annie tell this story, but this time, the role of Benita was added to Annie's narration.

It turned out to be like this, it turned out...Benita has passed away.

Feeling the excited Annie, Liu Tian's heart was also touched, and there were tears in her eyes.

Although Annie was not born in Liu Tian's pregnancy in October, when they hugged each other, Liu Tian could still feel the throbbing in her heart. As the saying goes, blood is thicker than water!

On one side Jace looked disappointed.

He is sad for what happened to Benita in the story. Perhaps he made the wrong decision to come to work in China.

When he broke up with Benita at the airport, he thought they could see each other again at Christmas, but he didn't expect it to be a farewell in the end.

The world of own is actually somewhat different from the world described by Liu Tian, ​​because Jess did not have Weng Lan present when he broke up with Benita.

After the loss, Jace was also disturbed by Annie's cry.

This woman is really a child born in another world by herself and Liu Tian.

Even if there is no need to do a paternity test, Jace feels that he can feel it, as the so-called father and daughter are connected.

Putting on the quilt and moving to Liu Tian and Annie's side on the bed, Jace reached out and hugged the two women into his arms.

When Liu Tian's eyes met each other, Jace's eye circles were also red.

"Hi, Tian Liu, Annie...I think maybe we can stay together forever in the future, just like a family! Do you agree to my proposal?"

Liu Tian and Annie separated from the hug and looked at Jace together.

After a few seconds, the two women burst into laughter.

"But, I seem to be older than you guys. Let's live together. Who will be your mother?"

Annie's character is still optimistic, she has started to joke in order to change the atmosphere.

"Of course it is me! Dear Annie... Just now I have had an improper male-female relationship with your father, and he has left the seeds of sin in my body, you say... ...Will I get pregnant and then give birth to an Annie?"

Liu Tian was actually a little shy when she said this, but she pretended to be calm and wanted to show a mature aura in front of Annie.

"Well, mom! I'm sure you will give birth to a child as cute as me! I can attest to this that both of you have absolutely perfect reproductive functions!"

"I'm going to die!" Liu Tian lied into Annie's arms in shame, and Jace just smirked.

At this moment, Jace's mood is complicated. He will not be jealous because Benita had two other men. He only hopes that Benita will have no regrets when he died.

But... will she have no regrets?

When she died, would she think of herself? If you think about it... then there must be some regrets, right? After all, they used to love each other like that.

Jace cried, his face was full of joy, as if he was crying because of Liu Tian and Annie.

But the sad look in his eyes couldn't hide his thoughts.

He was actually crying for Benita!

Qin An raised his hand and wiped the tear that fell from the corner of his eye.

He has super vision, and the study of human expressions and eyes is already in the woods, so he understands Jace and understands his mind.

There are some regrets in life that cannot be told. They can only be placed in the corner of the heart, and then taken out by themselves to pay homage.

Qin An understands Jace, really.

While walking, he sat on a green meadow, watching the stream of people who were busy setting up tents, the unforgettable woman in the corner of his heart slowly appeared in front of him, replacing the scene in reality.

"Weng Lan, be sure to wait for me! Even if the world is flat, I will definitely walk by your side, and then never part with you, hold your hand, and be with you

At this moment, Weng Die was standing near the tent not far from Qin An, looking at Qin An's lonely expression, and probably guessed what he said through his lip-synching.

In an instant, Weng Die burst into tears.

The reason why people can be called people is because of the intricate emotions.

Qin An is attractive because he is an emotional person!

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