Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1456 Nine Sons Have Resurrected

"You really came here from 2015? Ah, this world really opened the eyes of the old man, it's too messy!"

The husband Liu Hanliang is eighty-three years old this year. If it were in the pre-apocalyptic era, he would have become rotten wood. After the end of the world, the genes of ordinary people have also changed slightly due to changes in the atmospheric composition. Therefore, Liu Hanliang is still old and strong now. He even has Going to the tavern in the city to find a few Yanmares to ride a ride, seven times a night is absolutely impossible, but it is still capable of doing so two or three times.

The old guy's wife and children died long ago in the last days. Today's interest is apart from drinking, which is a woman's belly.

At this time, he was busy building the stove, and he was responsible for the food for more than 100 people in a nearby community.

In this kitchen area, there are still a few old women who are Liu Hanliang's hands.

While Liu Hanliang was busy working, chatting with Dong Zhi'an, who had just met him recently, he didn't forget to wipe the oil on the bodies of several nearby women.

The so-called wives are actually 50 or 60-year-old old women. They have seen big winds and waves. It is not painful to be squeezed into his arms by a bad old man. At most, they are swearing dead ghosts and rolling their eyes. .

This is the end of the world, things like violence, force, sex, and emotion are flooding the entire world, and everything is understandable.

Dong Zhian is not a friend of Qin An, so after entering the camp, he is now assigned a job to help Liu Hanliang busy in the kitchen.

This makes Dong Zhian's heart very unbalanced. He is a person who has never experienced the end of the world. A few days ago, he was a police veteran in the police station. He can get money with people walking around on weekdays, but now he has to rely on effort. For refugees in exchange for food, this psychological gap is still quite large.

What's more important is that Xia Ke, who was originally an intern under him, received a completely different treatment from her own.

It is estimated that a tent has been set up at a distance of more than 20 meters from here. Qin An, Sanchuan, Li Shu and others are all living here. This tent area is considered to be the high-rise residential area of ​​the Alliance.

Dong Zhian built several stoves. At this time, he lit a cigarette on the broken bricks on one side, and his eyes fell on Xia Ke in the open space in the center of the tent.

She was given a new set of clothes, light blue skinny jeans and a black tight-fitting shirt on her upper body, which revealed her beautiful body. She still looked so sexy and youthful, energetic, and brightened Dong Zhian’s pair. Dog eyes.

Ah, this is really a beautiful woman, he has been thinking about how to get her hands on, but unfortunately he has never had a chance.

"Hey, brother, what are you looking at? I said you really crossed over from 2015?"

The old man Liu Hanliang sat next to Dong Zhi'an and lit a cigarette. When he spoke, his eyes followed Dong Zhi'an and saw Xia Ke over there. There was a squinting charm in his old eyes.

"Well, it's here to be confused, damn it! It's really bad luck."

"Hey, I am also from the pre-apocalyptic era. This world is like this! There are crises everywhere, but there are good ones too."


"Hey, I used to live in a gangster city in United States. Those years have been really cool. Do you know the value of a Steamed bun?"

"Steamed bun? If it's the end times...should be very valuable, right? I think there may be food shortages in the end times.""Of course it is valuable. A Steamed bun can be exchanged for the first night of a fourteen-year-old girl! Haha, I was also a sitter back then. I stole something from the cafeteria when I had nothing to do. Just find a poor house, just a Steamed bun. Playing with their family’s women, Life is so beautiful!"

While speaking, Liu Hanliang's old eyes shot out an unusually sharp light.

Dong Zhian was stunned, he only felt sad for own, and the expression in Xia Ke's eyes became more intense!

The last days, it means there is no order and no moral restraint!

Maybe he could also do something that he wanted very much, but has never been able to achieve.

At this time, Xia Ke was helping Mu Xiaoci and Li Suoqiu to wash the clothes.

To be precise, she just helped the two women put the washed clothes on the clothesline.

"In fact, there are people at home, but since we got married, we have personally washed Sanchuan clothes, and we don't want his clothes to pass through the hands of other women." Mu Xiaoci is cheerful and always smiles when he speaks.

"Thank you Xia Ke, I asked you to help with the work as soon as I got here." Li Suoqiu was mature and restrained and spoke very politely.

Xia Ke said embarrassedly:

"It's nothing, I want to thank you. I was called to the barracks to help train soldiers when I got here. Pharaoh, Honeysuckle, and Mr. Dong were all transferred to the kitchen to help, so I just had nothing to do in my spare time... .. Actually, I don’t understand. You seem to take special care of me. Why is this?"

"Because our father-in-law said hello and told us to take extra care of you. At that time, he told Sanchuan and I was there. I bet he knew his expression 100%. You! And I think he had a sad face at the time, as if his relationship with you was not ordinary." Mu Xiaoci spoke with interest.

"Your father-in-law? Is it Qin An? I have heard some of his stories in the past two days, and everyone is talking about it. How can I know him? I have never seen him before!"

Xia Ke's impression of Qin An was originally bad. I heard that it was Qin An who made people take care of her specially, and her mood immediately became unhappy. Xia Ke didn't want to get Qin An's favor.

"That's weird, why is the guild so attached to Xia Ke Big sis?" Li Suoqiu asked curiously.

"My father-in-law is really a romantic person. This is what our husband has inherited from his genes. In short, I will never guess wrong. Father-in-law and Xia Big sis must be tricky, but we don't know it... Oh, I thought about it!"

When Mu Xiaoci was half talking, he suddenly yelled out, shocking Xia Ke and Li Suoqiu.

"What did you think of?" Li Suoqiu hurriedly asked.

"Xia Ke Big sis came from another space, and that space has the same trajectory as the real space in the historical time and space. After the end of the world broke out in 2015, the father-in-law spent many years in the end of the world. I think there should be some in that world. A Xia Ke Big sis! So the father-in-law must have a very close relationship with Xia Ke Big sis in that world! Just like Jess and Liu Tian, ​​they don’t know each other now, but are they still married in that world? ? And also gave birth to our Annie Big Sister!"

Ah... will this happen? Xia Ke's face turned pale.

"Should not? I asked my aunt. She said she didn't know that there was a woman named Xia Ke beside her father-in-law."

"United States! The father-in-law once wandered the United States for eleven years, and then let the soul travel the world for eleven years, in order to find our mother-in-law, he was wandering by himself during that time, it is impossible to guarantee that he would not know some women. Xia Ke, think about it, is there anything in your Life circle related to United States? Or things related to other foreign regions! I think you and father-in-law must have met abroad, I mean Outside the country you were originally in!"

Xia Ke's face became paler, and after a daze for a while, her face became flushed again, and it became more and more red.

Mu Xiaoci and Li Suoqiu looked at each other and felt that there was a problem with Xia Ke's performance, so they continued to ask questions.

Xia Ke took a small bench, sat on it, and said softly after a long time:

"I...I belong to a family of police officers and my family members are all policemen, so I also went to the police academy. People in my family arranged me to work in the public security system, but my interest was not to be a policeman. , Half a month ago, I had applied for my passport and made all the preparations. Next month, I plan to leave home and go to United States. I have six classmates over there. I plan to go to re-education. Go to the same school as them

"Six classmates? Female?"


"Oh my God! You are one of the Seven Sword Spirit Girls!"

Mu Xiaoci and Li Suoqiu stood up almost at the same time and exclaimed, looking at Xia Ke's shock and excitement.

"Seven Sword Spirit Girls?"

Xia Ke was completely stupid, wondering what the two women were talking about.

Mu Xiaoci and Li Suoqiu are both Eight Trigrams, and immediately ran to Xia Ke and told the story about the Seven Sword Spirits that they had heard from Weng Die!

"...Because the father-in-law was only to save the seven girls and obtain the sword god ability through them, so he did not have too much nostalgia for the seven girls, and left after one night, he didn't even I know their names, but I know that the Big Sister is called Julie!"

"Julie Shake opened her mouth wide and her body trembled.

"do you know?"

"My six junior high school classmates in United States are called Julie, Tian Lu, Yu Haiyuan, Mi Lanshan, Hua Xuelian, Qi Yalu... Julie is indeed our Big Sister, she is the oldest

Xia Ke seemed to be talking to herself.

She was dumbfounded. After listening to the stories told by Mu Xiaoci and Li Suoqiu, she already understood a little bit. It seemed that the so-called Seven Sword Spirit Girls were the sisters of own. Could it be that she actually included herself? This...this is too surprising! How can she accept this?

United States, the City of Seven Swords.

Xia Ke woke up from her sleep, for some reason there was a tear in her eyes.

By the bed, a beautiful woman in her thirties was sitting there. She saw Xia Ke wake up and immediately offered a glass of water.

"Jiudie, you... why haven't you slept yet?"

"Er Niang, I can't sleep...it's uncomfortable. The potion seems to be unable to produce too strong an effect on me, and even if my ability is eliminated with potion, I will be very hungry and want to eat meat.

While talking, Tang Jiudie actually stuck out his tongue and licked a circle on his somewhat dry lips.

Raising her hand to wipe away the inexplicable tears from the corner of her eyes, Xia Ke sighed: "As an awakened person, it has not been easy for you to remain rational for so many years. How about Colorful?"

"He's with the auntie. Just now we went to say goodbye to the auntie. The auntie seemed to be a bit sentimental, so she was crying with Qi Cai. I felt uneasy and didn't want to disturb their mother and son, so I ran to find you, you know, I I like to get along with you the most, Erniang, what should I do?"

Tang Jiudie's face was full of sorrow.Xia Ke hurriedly hugged Tang Jiudie into her arms, speechless for a long time, and finally said helplessly: "Are you going to leave Seven Sword City?"

"Well, it has become more and more serious recently. I can't bear to see every fresh body. Qi Cai said that taking me away, we may not be suitable for life in the human group, only the zombie group is my destination. ..... I have nothing to do, but I have suffered colorfully. Over the years, he has been talking halfway for Tang Jiudie for me, and he can't speak anymore, tears falling down the corner of his eyes.

Erniang Xia Ke patted Tang Jiudie on the back, and said eagerly: "Good boy! Don't say that, you have given up a lot of things for Qicai over the years, Erniang knows! If it is really unbearable, then Just catch a few bad guys and eat, your face is getting more and more haggard now, where is still my beautiful pretty daughter-in-law."

"Erniang, I really don’t want to eat people! What should I do? If I can be a human again, if I can give birth to a child for Qicai, I am really willing to do anything! Erniang, mine The heart is so bitter!"

Tang Jiudie cried more fiercely.

Xia Ke hugged Tang Jiudie sadly, and then whispered softly after being silent for a while:

"Well, Erniang will go with you this time!"

"Er Niang? What are you going to do with us?" Tang Jiudie asked curiously.

"Go to Qicai's father, he should be quite capable, maybe he can have some way to help you!"

"Huh? Qicai's father? Are you taking me to China?"

"No, let's go to the west of United States. The news came back a few days ago that a huge Magical Beasts territory has appeared. I want to take you and Qicai to see!"

"Is Qi Cai's father over there?"

"Perhaps, I have always had a dream these days. In the dream, Qin An appeared and brought me from another world into the maze world, and that maze world is the territory of Magical Beasts. I think this may not be a coincidence. , Maybe Qin An is really in that maze world, and I in another world is beside Qin An, so I will have a continuous dream every day! He is Qicai’s biological father after all, and now Qicai is doing this because of you. Pain, he should also help him figure out a solution, so I will take you and Qi Cai to the maze world for a walk. Although I already have the memory of the Nine Sons of Sword God, I am still Xia Ke, I am A fusion of the sword god and human beings. The nine sons should hate Qin An. After all, the sword god Xuantian was parasitized in Qin An. The relationship between the nine sons and Xuantian is not very good... and as Xia Ke, I But can't hate him... after all

Xia Ke's words were only half said, and did not continue.

"After all, you once gave birth to a son for him!"

Tang Jiudie suddenly answered.

Xia Ke was slightly stunned and looked at Tang Jiudie in shock.

"You...how would you know?"

"Er Niang, I am not a fool, neither is Qi Cai. He is the flesh and blood that fell from your pregnancy in October. He has seen it a long time ago, but he just doesn't want to talk about it, because in his heart, all seven mothers Just like your own!"

"Good boy! You are all mom's good children!"

Xia Ke felt her own emotion was touched, and continued to hold Tang Jiudie, and the mothers cried again.

As the resurrected body of the Nine Sons of Sword God, Xia Ke will descend into the labyrinth world, bringing Qi Cai and Nine Butterfly to meet the man in memory.

This man was already very strange, but he has become familiar again these days.

Because in that dream world, another Xia Ke is having close contact and interaction with Qin An!

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