Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1457 Dage, will you get pregnant?

Qin An was only 20 meters away from Xia Ke, and there were three tents in between.

Hearing that the two daughter-in-laws had moved their own old friends out, Qin An was very entangled, and at the same time he had great opinions on Weng Die.

This sister-in-law didn't know how to leave some face for herself, so why did she tell the children everything?

About the Seven Daughters of the Sword Spirit and Qin Qicai, Qin An told Weng Die when Weng Die and Yin Yao had just arrived in the Ionian Plain a few days ago. Unexpectedly, she had spread it to everyone who she knew.

In fact, this is really not to blame Weng Die.

Weng Die has been trapped in this space for eighteen years. She is very lonely. The two little wives of Sanchuan who accompany her the most on weekdays. Annie wants to avoid suspicion. After all, Mulan is an alien, so communication is always a little unsmooth. Therefore, when Li Suoqiu and Mu Xiaoci did not enter the space to cultivation with the master, they either pestered Qin Sanchuan to flirt, or they came to accompany the aunt. As a result, Weng Die will tell them many stories of the past.

Then in these stories, Weng Die suddenly found that there was no man around him that could be mentioned, the only one was Qin An!

She used to think that Qin An was a somewhat low-key person with little accomplishment, but now that she recalled Weng Die, she was surprised to find that she had despised Qin An because there were so many topics to talk about in Qin An!

Because of this discovery, Weng Die began to teach the two nephews and daughters-in-law, basically everything about Qin An, no matter how big or small, almost no omissions!

That's why the two little girls exposed Qin An in front of Xia Ke, making Qin An extremely depressed.

Qin An's sentimental emotion disappeared from thinking of Weng Lan before, and he began to recall the night with the Seven Sword Spirit Girls.

At that time, the impression of Xia Ke was... in the dark, she seemed to be the most sensitive of the seven women. It seemed that when she left she was still holding herself tightly and not letting go. The only conversation between the two people was only two sentences. Twelve words:

"Dage, will you get pregnant?"

"Sister, shouldn't..."

Damn... He and Weng Lan got pregnant after they were separated for seven years. How can we give birth to Qin Qicai after having a one-night stand with seven women? This is certainly a good thing, but it is also really tangled. The child Qin An wants it, so what the hell should the child do?

Qin Qicai...Speaking of which, Qin An actually knew what this kid looked like because they had seen it once.

When he married the fourth daughter of Lan Yue, the host of the spirit mirror sword god and other four people came to make trouble. Qin An used the ability of soul to lead the way to United States. At that time, two gangsters stole Qin Xiangming, and Qin An happened to teleport to one of them. Later on the culprits saw a man and a woman. Qin An didn't know who they were at the time, but now he knew.

That woman looked the same as the True Fire Sword God, she was Qi Rou. According to Weng Lan’s mother’s description, Qi Rou at that time should have been the resurrected body obtained by the True Fire Sword God from other time and space using the Singularity Sword God. At that time, the young man looked a little imaginative with himself, and Qin An was in After chatting with Katerina, I thought that the young man should be Qin Qicai!

So... Xia Ke and Qin Qicai in front of me look a little alike, especially the mouth, nose and ears, they really look alike!

Then Qin Qicai was born by Xia Ke in real space, right?

Ah... I never thought that in this world, I would encounter Xia Ke from the Seven Sword Spirit Girls. She didn't even go to United States when the end of the world broke out!

Tangled...!Qin An was sitting on the ground worrying, and at the same time paying attention to Xia Ke's movements.

This woman was obviously stimulated now, and she had left her own two daughter-in-laws and went back to the independent tent specially arranged for her in a daze.

Xia Ke was more than irritated, thinking that she in another world had a relationship with Qin An, and it was still 8p. She had all the embarrassment. The first reaction turned out to be... Is Qin An so powerful? Are the supernaturalists stronger in that respect?

No, this f*ck is not the point, the point is that Qin An actually took advantage of the danger? When she and six good classmates and sisters were killed, they had sex in the same small dark room?

This man... is so bad! Bad despicable!

Xia Ke began to curse Qin An in circles in the tent, but Qin An had already escaped by then.

There are Sanchuan and Li Shu in the camp, Weng Die, Yin Yao, and own two daughter-in-laws as the law protectors. There shouldn't be any major incidents. It doesn't make much sense to stay here.

Let's go and see Linghua, she has taken 17 masters from the four major families to deal with the SS-level 27 multi-eyed cats, and she doesn't know if there is a way to kill them.

The four major families of Jinconanmu are very powerful in the Qingjian clan. Although the patriarchs of the four major families cannot be equal to the king of Dongchen, each family also maintains an army of superpowers that belong to their own control, the country of the blue sword. One part of the army belongs to these four major families. One third of the fighters in the so-called sword prison force are children of this family.

This time, there is a good master in each of the four big families.

Jinjia Jinbaidi;

Ke Jia Ke Yang Di;

Nanjia is Nan Muchen,

Mu's family is a kid named Mu Zijun whom almost no one has seen and no one has heard of.

Then these four people are one of the thirty-six candidates for Linghua's selection of husbands. Before that, they were mostly familiar with Linghua, and they were the most outstanding young generation among the four major families.

Except for that Mu Zijun.

Linghua's gaze stayed on him all the way along the way, only that he looked weird and his actions seemed to be...like a girl, giving the impression of being Monster Qi in a demon, girlish. .

So the main reason for paying attention to this person is that Linghua doesn't know who this person is. It seems that the other two members of the Mu family don't know him. Linghua has never heard of such a junior in the Mu family. You must know that the Mu family is the closest to the royal family among the four major families. If there is any genius in their family, I shouldn't have been ignorant of it.

Linghua didn't like this Mu Zijun very much. He looked very Tsundere, a typical Qingjian men's breath. Seeing a woman like a big cock, she raised her head coaxingly, as if all women in the world owed him money.

Because of Linghua's strength, most Qingjian men are respectful and courteous when they see her. This is the case with the patriarchs of the four major families. Then why is this young-looking Mu family so arrogant?

As he was thinking in his mind, Emperor Jin Bai came over and said to Linghua:

"There is still a range of about 10 kilometers away from the trapped sky prison. This is also the attack range of the multi-eyed cat and beast. I think that ordinary abilities should not move forward, Linghua, how about you and me?"

"Huh, Emperor Jin Bai, you mean that neither Yang Di nor I are qualified to move forward with Linghua?" Nan Muchen asked with a gloomy expression.

"I didn't say that, Nan Muchen, I just hate your Yin & Yang's weirdness. If you are not convinced, you will wait for the finals of the election of the husband and wife, let's try it. You don't need to say something weird to me here. If you don’t, I’m too lazy to talk to you!"


Nan Muchen was speechless, so he only said the word "you".

On the one hand, Ke Yangdi is as indifferent as ever, while Mu Zijun is still Tsundere feminine, which makes people boring to look at.

Linghua shook her head depressed, what's wrong with herself? On weekdays, seeing the young talents of these four big families is also a little inquisitive. Why are they not interested in them anymore?

If Qin An was... it should be more interesting, right? It's a pity that he seems to have gone to the Earthling Alliance camp.

Linghua was thinking about it, and she could hear the voice of a man behind her.

"You are still here, how do you get rid of the monsters trapped by the Trapped Sky Curse? I can't think of it. I don't know if I can observe and learn?"

Qin An!

Princess Linghua was happy. She turned around and ran to Qin An. Finally, she was worried about people around and did not go to pull Qin An's hand. Qin An shared a bed with her and told a story last night, which has completely corroded her heart.

Although it is difficult for Princess Linghua to say that you do not marry, she already has such a plan in her heart.

What else can I do? Even if Qin An is not the best, but people start quickly!

The other men hadn't touched Lian Linghua's hands. Qin An had bathed with him and played naked wrestling together. Naturally, he had the greatest advantage.

In front of women, in fact, money, sincerity, admiration, politeness, modesty and other words are all nonsense, the most effective and best use is only one, that is, you must start quickly! Ten thousand sentences I love you can’t compare to mouth-to-mouth!

"I also want to listen to your opinion not to come, but the patriarchs of the four major families don't like this practice of ruling by doing nothing, so they came anyway."

Speaking of this, Linghua used Mental Energy to communicate with Qin An and quietly said:

"Actually, I also watched the show. I never thought that I could kill the monster inside through the Heavenly Sleeping Curse, unless it can be opened, but if it is opened, it is also a problem. We have already obtained information about the space from the alliance allies. The detailed information of the beast, then this is already an SS-level 27-level space beast, what if it continues to evolve? If it reaches the SSS-level, will we be able to deal with it? This is all a problem!"

Linghua and Qin An used Mental Energy to talk, and the others couldn't hear them either, but seeing Linghua Xiaoniaoyi walking with Qin An, her mood immediately became unhappy.

The faces of a circle of men all turned gloomy, if Linghua were not present, they would probably tear Qin An to pieces.

"Okay, a little Otherworld monster, look at you guys, this Qingjian tribe is really inferior to one generation, huh, even the people of the earth can come to participate in the trial of the king, I really want to laugh, ancestors sooner or later I was so angry that you crawled out of the mansion to ask for an explanation!"

This is the first time Mu Zijun has spoken. His tone is feminine, but his posture is very arrogant. These words despise Qin An and express his dissatisfaction with Linghua and Dongchen King, and he feels a bit old-fashioned. , As if he was an elder and not a young man.

After saying this, he turned around and walked towards the sleepy prison.

"Don't come here, I'll let the monster out, and then kill it, it's just a kitten, hum!"As he spoke, Mu Zijun's footsteps quickened, and in the blink of an eye he crossed ten kilometers to the bottom of the trapped sky cage.

"Who the hell is this person? No lunatic? Mu Qiang, I have endured all the way, who the hell is he?" Nan Muchen was obviously in a bad mood, and asked angrily.

The young man named Mu Qiang is actually very strong. The peak of the Four Soul Sword Sect is very likely to break through to the Five Souls soon. Hearing Nan Muchen's question, he sighed and said:

"We don’t know. He appeared suddenly after the Bimonthly Disaster. It seems that only the Patriarch knew him. On weekdays, he would not show up to talk to us. This time he was able to participate in Princess Linghua’s husband selection meeting and was included in the list of 32 people. It’s all surprising. He seems to be very strong, but we don’t know how strong he is. The Patriarch once said, let us obey his orders.

"Okay, no matter who he is, since he has this confidence, let's go and see! Baidi, Yang Di, Mu Chen, Qin An, let's go, the others are on standby, waiting for support!"

After Linghua made the arrangement, she signaled Qin An to go with her, and Qin An would naturally not refuse.

And the other three are all the strength of the Five Soul Sword Sect, so I guess they should have the power to stand alone with the Space Beast.

The speed of several people was fast, and when they caught up with Mu Zijun, they saw him summon a spell card from his body in his hand.

"Four Divinities Fight Break!"

Qin An was taken aback and couldn't help but utter a voice.

"Earth kid, sure enough, there are some ways, no wonder Linghua is favored! Yes, this is the Four Divinities that can break any cage formation!"

As Mu Zijun spoke, he raised his hand and threw the charm to the trapped sky cell suspended 100 meters from the ground.

"Can this thing open the trapped prison?" Linghua asked with a frown.

Linghua is no longer surprised that Qin An can recognize the Four Divinities. Anyway, she has seen more of Qin An's magic.

"I don't know, but he made the decision so easily to open the trapped prison, I am still a little worried!"

"What do you know? Go away if you're afraid of death!"

As Mu Zijun spoke, the Four Divinities had already collided with the Sleepy Sky Prison. After the powerful energy fluctuations, the Sleepy Sky Curse was actually cracked, and the multi-eyed cats and beasts roared out with hundreds of red blood eyes. The infinite light was immediately released, filling the entire space.

Of course, this kind of light had a powerful attack power. Linghua immediately broke through the void with a shadow sword and led Qin An and the others back to ten kilometers away, and then caused the nearby garrison to retreat quickly.

Of course, Linghua didn't bring Mu Zijun out, mainly because he was angry and scolded Qin Angun.

Qin An doesn't matter, he sees too many people who pretend to be forced. If he becomes Long Aotian immediately after being scolded, then he is not Qin An.

However, Qin An didn't have a good impression of this kid named Mu Zijun in his heart, and he secretly made up his mind to make him look good sooner or later.

So don’t worry now, let’s see if this incomparable Tsundere kid can deal with the multi-eyed cat, Qin An still has three spirits trapped on him, if he can’t deal with it, he will seal it again. The only thing Qin An is worried about is the multi-eyed cat. Can the beast continue to resurrect and evolve after being killed?

Its resurrection energy is very powerful. Although Qin An has a soul-breaking spell on his body, it seems that it cannot stop its resurrection energy.

"Okay, Linghua, let's wait and see, see if this master of your Green Sword Clan can deal with that space beast!"

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