"Everything is like a dream, why did you grow up like this?"

Annie lay in Sanchuan's arms, gently walking around his strong chest with her fingers.

Looking back at the time, how thin this child was, and she was afraid that she would not be able to support him.

"My wife, don't always talk to me in the same tone as my mother. Are you not afraid that your mother-in-law will pick me up? Say you robbed her of her job."

"Hmph, don't talk back, anyway, you really called my mother when you were a kid!"

"Also? Believe it or not, I pressed your little mouth all night to make you unable to say a word?"

While talking, Sanchuan still moved, and the bear pounced on Annie.

"I protest, you can't do this to me, I'm older than you!"

Qin Sanchuan held down Annie's two hands and looked at the woman under him affectionately with his eyes, until the face she was looking at turned red and became quiet, he spoke softly:

"My dear, I have made you self-willed for so many years because I love you. Do you think I Qin Sanchuan really can't cure you? It's all because I want to spoil you and make you happy! But from now on, you have entered My door, on my bed, I won’t be polite to you anymore, you are my woman, I must give birth to a lot of dolls in the future, and then obediently listen to me, if you are not obedient, I will let you down Can’t get out of bed! Annie, remember that I’m not your child, but your man! You can hold me and cry when you are sad, you can hold me and laugh when you are happy, and you can hold me and scream when you are afraid , I can hug me when I am happy! I don’t need you to have any psychological defense against me, because you are my heart and soul, and I am your backbone. From now on, I will live with me like a conjoined baby Okay, okay?"

Annie felt the weight of Qin Sanchuan on her body, listening to his naked confession and vows, she felt a little drunk.

Closing her eyes, Annie nodded lightly, and at the same time she broke free and covered Qin Sanchuan's mouth with a hand.

"Stop talking, kiss me!"

Qin An left the banquet in Sanchuan, and dangling out of Xia Ke's tent with a bottle of wine.

He really didn't mean to listen to his son and daughter-in-law's wedding room, it's just that when Super Hearing is turned on at will, it will automatically collect all the information.

Qin An sighed with emotion, secretly sighing that it is not easy to be a father.

A few days ago, the kid was still a little furry boy with a very introverted personality.

This f*ck is now an iron-blooded man who can subdue his wife on the bed.

Ah, it's so emotional!

Qin An took a sip of wine and turned off own super hearing. He didn't want to pay attention to the affairs of his son and daughter-in-law. He sat on the ground, leaning on Xia Ke's tent with his back, and sighed slightly as he listened to the weak breathing from inside.

The reason why I came here was because Qin An found that the guy named Dong Zhian was looking around in front of Xia Ke's tent at this time.

This kid hadn't been kind to Xia Ke for a long time, and Qin An could see it, and he had already noticed it.

For the woman Xia Ke, Qin An didn't think too much. If she has a man who knows him well, then let her marry someone.

Anyway, even a one-night stand between them is not even considered as a deal at first.

But if it wasn't the man who fell in love, but someone wanted to take advantage of her, then Qin An would definitely not sit idly by.This is like a toy that I don’t often play with. If someone wants to buy it, Qin An will definitely be willing, but if it’s an insignificant person who just comes to play with his toy and doesn’t pay for it, Qin An is not so good. His temper and xinxing watched him play and praised him.

So Qin An went to Xia Ke's side, he was waiting, waiting for Dong Zhian to be a bad guy, and then he got the money.

He can be sure that Xia Ke has no interest in him, so Dong Zhian seems to have only one way to accomplish his own purpose, and that is to use Qiang!

At this time, Xia Xiake had fallen asleep and slept very soundly, because she had a dream in which Qin An knelt in front of her and kowtowed in repentance, while she was holding a small whip on his body and flicking back and forth. Kill this big bad guy who doesn't wanting face.

Suddenly, all the sights disappeared, Xia Xia Ke dumbly saw a black shadow in front of her eyes, his breathing was solemn, and the buttons of own clothes were being gently unbuttoned.

what happened?

After three seconds of stunned, Xia Ke finally realized that there was a pervert!

Her spirit of alcohol hasn't receded yet, but she is a policewoman after all, so she has so much energy.

So she turned over and sat up, and when she sat up, the figure flashed in the dim tent, and she heard a person exhaling in pain.

Xia Xiake couldn't figure out the situation. She was still a little scared in the dark. At this moment, she stood up and touched the gas lamp on one side, and flipped the ignition switch to ignite it.

I saw Qin An standing near him with a wine bottle in his hand, while Dong Zhian had fallen to the ground far away.

"Xiaoxia! It's him, he wants to do bad things to you, he

Dong Zhian was just about to take off Xia Xiake's clothes, when he was kicked into the air in the dark, and he couldn't figure out the situation at all.

Seeing that Xia Xiake had lit the lamp, and spotted the figure standing in front of Xia Xiake, Dong Zhian was anxious to sue the wicked person first.

But he only shouted halfway, only to find that the man standing there was Qin An, and he shut up immediately.

His heart has completely cooled down. If someone else wants to frame it, it should be possible, but Qin An... he is the master of this territory, and those high officials are Qin An’s subordinates. How can he be in others? Where is the owner of the site framed? Dong Zhian knew that when he was finished, he had seen Qin An's method of killing people, which was unambiguous at all, and Qin An's ability was too strong, it was not something ordinary people like him could challenge.

Therefore, Dong Zhian silenced his voice, knelt on the ground motionless, his face was ashes.


With a loud noise, both men in the room were blindfolded.

The reason why Qin An was dumbfounded was that he didn't expect Xia Ke to come up and slap him suddenly, nor did he expect that he didn't react because of Wei Wei's drunkenness, so he didn't dodge.

The reason why Dong Zhian was confused is that he didn't understand how Xia Xiake was so courageous? How dare to beat Qin An? Now all fools know that Qin An is a big man, okay? Take the previous era as an example. Do ordinary people dare to slap national leaders? Don't dare to die!

"Bitch! You despicable and shameless bastard! Want to insult me? I'm not afraid of you! Come on, I will die with you!"

Xia Xiake was a little excited.

In her mind, Qin An had long been regarded as a lascivious.

The position of the two men standing in the room also caused her a misunderstanding.

Qin An was close, and Dong Zhian was standing by the door, so Qin An should have been the one who just took off her clothes. Dong Zhian should have discovered Qin An's misbehavior and followed up for inspection.

Xia Ke felt that she had the ability to conduct on-site investigation and reasoning, so she would not wrong Qin An. She still didn't know that Qin An's magical Spatial Teleportation ability could quickly enter the room from any direction.

So there is another very important factor. Xia Ke and Dong Zhian are colleagues, so Xia Ke didn't think that Dong Zhian would have any interest in her.

In short, all the factors added together made Xia Ke think that Qin An must be the murderer, and he could not be wrong.

Qin An's face finally calmed down at this time, and then smiled bitterly in his heart.

It seems that I was misunderstood.

He knew that Xia Xiake was a little drunk and had a bad impression of herself, so the misunderstanding should be understandable.

Is it embarrassing for a man to be slapped?

Qin An doesn’t think so. If it’s a losing face being beaten by an enemy, but being beaten by a drunk woman who doesn’t know the situation is really not a big deal, not to mention that this woman has had a relationship with him... .... Oh, to be precise, this woman's fellow had a relationship with herself in real space.

Forget it, just treat it as the debt repayment, and not owe each other in the future, this slap is the end of two people.

Thinking of this, Qin An glanced at Dong Zhian with a gloomy look.

When Qin An saw Dong Zhi'an, his face turned green in fright, and he quickly lowered his head to make a kowtow.

The crime of molesting a woman is not dead, let alone he has not succeeded.

Just give him a chance. I will clean him up tomorrow.

The reason why Qin An didn't do it right away was because he knew that the key person who was able to clean up his wrongdoing was Dong Zhian.

Qin An doesn't care about being slapped, but he doesn't want to be wronged forever.

Therefore, Qin An raised his hand and took a sip of wine. Under Xia Ke's glaring eyes, he disappeared out of thin air, as if he had never appeared before.

This is an opportunity he gave Dong Zhian.


Xia Xiake was stunned on the spot, without any response for a full minute, what is the situation... Why did Qin An suddenly disappear? Is he really a superman? Is the so-called power so magical?

Suddenly noticing the slight coolness in own's chest, Xia Xia Ke quickly lowered her head and found that three buttons on her coat had been unbuttoned, and all the red corset inside had leaked out.


Xia Xiake's face was flushed, and she didn't know whether it was more anger or more shame, so she hurriedly arranged her clothes.

After that, she was stunned for a while, feeling that Own Jiujin had relieved a little, and she was much more clear-headed.

"Damn badass!"

Xia Xiake's breathing was a bit heavy, and she staggered to Dong Zhian's side, and took his arm and said softly:

"Old Dong, get up quickly, thanks to you, or I might be bullied by that gangster."Dong Zhian knelt on the spot, letting Xia Ke pull a few times but did not move, his mind was running fast.

what happened?

How did Qin An leave? Shouldn't he clean up himself?

Damn it!

I obviously saw that the people here drank too much and then I took the courage to do it to Xia Ke, planning to take the woman down in the dark, and then no one knew that the next day he did it by himself.

So why did Qin An, who had also drunk a lot of wine, just rushed over?

Unless he is nearby and finds own whereabouts.

Qin An’s tent is more than a hundred meters away from Xia Ke’s. Why did he come here without sleeping?

Also, Xia Ke hit Qin An without asking Qinghong and white, why didn't Qin An respond?

A man has no face when he is beaten. Qin An's identity is considered honorable here. He doesn't even care about Xia Ke's injustice to him... Could it be said that Qin An likes Xia Ke?

Thinking of this link, Dong Zhian only felt that his cold sweat was coming out.

That's it! This matter won't just leave it alone, Qin An will definitely make trouble for himself. The reason why he didn't do it right away was because he knew that he would never escape his palm!

Maybe he has already ordered someone to arrest himself now! Yes, maybe he just didn't bother to shoot himself.

How to do?

There is no law in this world, and Qin An kills him as easily as pinching an ant.

Dong Zhian raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead. At this time, he didn't have any lust, he really regretted his own behavior.

Regret is no longer useful. How can I save myself now?

I beg Qin An to think it's no use. If Qin An really likes Xia Ke, how can a man let go easily when he encounters such a thing?

So for the present plan, there may only be one way to survive!

Thinking of this, Dong Zhian turned his mind, moved his legs to face Xia Ke, and then kowtowed down frantically.

"Ah...Old Dong, what's the matter with you? What is this? Get up!"

Xia Ke was startled by Dong Zhian's actions.

"Xia Xia, I'm sorry! Old Dong is not guaranteed late festival, I'm sorry for you!"

"Old Dong...what do you mean?"

"Xia Xia, listen to me! Do you know how good-looking you are? You are so beautiful. When I was on duty with you before, I would be attracted by your beauty. But I know that it is impossible for us. You are still a Young girl, and I’m already forty years old. It’s impossible for the two of us anyway, so I didn’t dare to think about it at that time! We experienced a zombie outbreak first, and then we were trapped in school. The dormitory, then fell into the sea, and now I have entered this world where monsters may appear at any time. I feel that our life is over and my thoughts are about to collapse! So... so my heart becomes evil, I want to do something before I die that I used to only do in a dream, that is to have a relationship with you! Just now it was me, just now I wanted to assault you! I saw you walking in drunk In the tent, I saw that other people had also drunk a lot of alcohol, so I was so fascinated that I wanted to...want to do that kind of thing to you! It’s not Qin An, it’s not him, I do everything. Yes! He might have discovered the bad thing I'm doing, so he came in from outside with the ability to teleport space and kicked me away! Xiaoxia, please, please forgive me this time! I swear, I don’t dare anymore, I’ll never do this kind of thing again. We worked together for a while, you should know what I am, I’m very decent on weekdays, but this time I didn’t control the beast in my heart. Fortunately, the tragedy did not happen. Fortunately, Qin An discovered it and prevented it! Xiao Xia, I beg you to raise your hands high, help me and Qin An beg for mercy, and forgive me this time!"

After saying this, Dong Zhian continued to kneel and kowtow, his forehead was bruised and bloodshot.

And Xia Ke took a few steps backwards and fell to sit on the ground, dumbfounded.

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