How could this be?


Xia Ke only felt that own heartbeat was extremely fast.

She closed her eyes and brought her consciousness back to the previous moment.

She was dreaming and was awakened afterwards, and saw a figure, the person breathing quickly, and an unpleasant smell came out of his mouth.

This kind of smell she is familiar with is Dong Zhian's bad breath!

The digestive system of men in grades is not as good as before, and their body functions are weakened, which often accompanies this bad breath.

Xia Ke had known it a long time ago, but in the situation just now, she ignored this little problem, so she didn't see through the facts.

Then... Then why didn't Qin An explain? He should explain it!

Qin An's face appeared in front of Xia Ke's eyes, and there were red palm prints on his face, which she left behind.

At that time, his eyes were...wrong, and then flat.

Yes, she saw plainness! Does he feel that it doesn't matter if he has been wronged? Did he even have no interest in explaining?

Damn man!

Maybe he is not a pervert? The so-called Seven Sword Spirit Girls just treat them as commodities? He gave them powers, and he got powers from them, nothing more.

So if you are one of the Seven Sword Spirit Girls, wouldn't it be very sad?

Suddenly, Xia Ke lost, inexplicably lost.

She stood up abruptly, ignored Dong Zhian who was kowtow over there, and went straight out of the tent, and then frantically searched for it in a nearby tent.

She wants to find that man, and then ask everything to understand!

After walking through more than ten tents in a row, Qin An was not found. As she ran to the next tent, a warm hand suddenly grabbed her hand, and then pulled her body into a warm embrace.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Ke felt that there was no space under her feet, she actually flew directly, getting farther and farther from the ground.

OMG! Did she really fly?

Xia Ke suddenly remembered a movie plot, that is, the first flying scene of Superman with his little girlfriend.

How was Superman's little girlfriend back then? Will she be like she is now...horrified?

"Qin An! Is it Qin An? You put me down quickly, I'm afraid of heights!"

The tragic fear of heights will never experience the romance of flying.

And Qin An holding Xia Ke didn't intend to let her go.Originally he wanted to go back to sleep, but he heard Xia Ke looking for him in tents, which disturbed his dreams.

So how could Qin An let go of this savage girl who slapped him and disturbed his dreams?

With Jiu Jin, Qin An had a bad smile on his face, inciting his wings to fly to an altitude of 600 meters in a short while.

"Haha! Afraid of heights? That's because you have never stood tall and looked down! Open your eyes and see, all beings are under your feet, and everything around you is full of clouds! This kind of experience is not something you want to have! "

" are ambition that I hit you just now!"

"I'm not so stingy! Grape wine luminous cup, I want to drink Pipa immediately. Drunk lying on the battlefield, Lord laugh, how many people have fought in ancient times? Little girl, Mo sigh gratitude and resentment, don't talk about love and sadness, brother's life is not too much More energy wasted on these things! Today is my son’s wedding day. Didn’t you also sit at the table? But didn’t come to have a few drinks with me. Is it a bit rude? Haha, since you ran away without sleeping at night Come to me, it shows that we have some intentions, we are in this mysterious space, how about a few sips, brother, there is good wine here!"

Qin An’s mood tonight was originally not quite calm, and he attended the wedding of his own son. How can he be calm as a father?

Then after drinking some wine and slapped for no reason, his mood was even more erratic. At this time, he flew to the sky holding Xia Ke, and immediately had a desire to bring the wine into the wind.

While talking, Qin An already took Xia Ke to fly to an altitude of one thousand meters, and then thrown it casually, a huge white shadow shot out from Qin An's fingers.

Xia Ke tried to open her eyes and look over, then she forgot her fear and grew her small mouth.

Oh my god, that turned out to be a round bed with sky blue bed yarn. This kind of bed Xia Ke has seen before. Many sex themed hotels use this kind of round bed, which is usually used by couples.

What is Qin An, not only can he fly, but he can also play tricks?

After being shocked, Xia Ke suddenly discovered that Qin An's trick was not over yet, because after Qin An flung out the big bed, it was suspended in the air without falling. What was going on? The gravity of the earth has disappeared?

In any case, Xia Ke can't think of it. At this time, for this big bed, the gravity of the earth has indeed disappeared. The 120 eighth-level upgraded deciduous Movement Technique blade skills can already allow Qin An to control a part of the area out of gravity for a long time. , Then, with the ability of Feng Dong Sword God, Qin An could make this bed levitate in the sky.


Xia Ke let out a deafening yell, and Qin An actually threw her onto the bed, almost frightening Xia Ke to death.

"Hahaha, don't be afraid, brother is rare to be so interested, you should be stronger!"

While speaking, Qin An also jumped onto the bed, and the wind in the sky was a little cold. Qin An activated the heat ability and immediately swallowed the cold air, and the surrounding became warm.

Xia Ke finally calmed down at this time, the fear in her heart disappeared, and she only felt like she was dreaming. Is this a fairy tale? The stars in the sky seem to be lifted up, and the light on the ground is like a small firefly. She is in the sky, and she is on the bed, but she still doesn't know where she is.

Qin An took out a small round table from the Interspatial Ring and placed it between him and Xia Ke, then took out two plates of sushi and a small box of wasabi melted with vinegar and soy sauce, and placed them all. On the desktop.

The space of the apocalypse ring is absolutely still. The advantage is what the food looks like when it is put in, and what it will look like when it is taken out, no matter how long it has been left for.

"Let’s eat some sushi. It’s different from the flavor before the end of the world. Guizi made it for me...Ah, now she is still in a dead state, I am going to save her, why suddenly I miss the dead There are people in the space? Going back to see."

While talking, Qin An took out two wine glasses and a large bottle of wine, and then poured a little into the two glasses respectively.

"Come on Xia Ke, I say sorry to you for the first drink. You entered this world because of me, I'm sorry!"

Xia Ke picked up the wine glass in the confusion. The environment at this time was too poetic, and she couldn't help but be confused.

Since I was confused, I lost my own opinion. Since I lost my own opinion, I had forgotten the purpose of coming out to find Qin An, so Xia Ke began to follow Qin An's rhythm.

"Okay! This girl will drink your glass of wine, it is indeed because of you and me that I entered the space!"

While talking, Xia Ke drank the wine in one fell swoop, no fear of heights at all, and only felt that the spirit of the wine was coming up again, which turned out to be fluttering.

Qin An naturally drank all own wine, and then pours Xia Ke again.

"This second cup is also to say sorry, I shouldn't hide from you the story of me and you in another world, I am not honest enough! So I did it!"

Qin An's momentum is very strong, and his drinking is also very bold.

Xia Ke was completely confused. It was mainly Qin An who got her into the sky, so her brain was not enough, and she forgot that she was going to come to Qin An to settle the accounts.

"Yes! How can you hide this kind of thing from me? You slept with me, brother! You slept with me in another space! It's still 8P! I did it too! Haha!"

The wind-blown silly Xia Ke drank a glass of wine.

"The third cup! I'm still sorry! I shouldn't have sex with a strange girl for the sake of an exchange of benefits! I am guilty!"

"It's done! It's guilty, or seven girls! They are all Huanghua girls!"

The atmosphere has changed into this weird way without knowing how.

The two smirked at an altitude of a thousand meters, and drank the third glass of wine to each other.

Then the wine was like water, and the two began to drink for various reasons.

"I shouldn't not save you the first time when you fall into the sea! You are Xia Ke after all!"

"Haha, drink!"

"I shouldn't peek at your body with perspective eyes, I am guilty!"

"Ah, you can do such a nasty thing, it's really bad, drink!"

"I shouldn't have clearly seen that Dong Zhian was going to bully you, but didn't stop it in advance!"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow you will castrate him to me! Let him bully women!"

Qin An didn't know if he really drank too much. In fact, he felt that his mind was still very clear, and he could still see everything clearly after turning on Super Hearing.

Maybe he is intoxicated but not drunk.

It feels like I haven't had such a refreshing drink in a long time, it's really refreshing.

And Xia Ke's drink volume was surprisingly good. The more he drank, the more beautiful he became, and the more he drank, the more energetic he became.

The two didn't know how much they drank until Qin An finally said the subject.

"Sister, is Big Brother sincere enough today? I seem to be apologizing to you all the time. Can you forgive me?"

"Interesting enough, of course I forgive you, hehe!"

"Then we later?"

"The grievances are wiped out!"

"Okay, refreshing! Another drink!"

"Okay, but you have to do one thing for me so that I can completely write off you!"

"what's up?"

"I heard about your deeds on the alien side. I heard that you are good at writing hidden poems? Don't even think about it? You write me a poem with my name in it!"

"That won't work!"


"I'm afraid you will fall in love with me

"Fart! Ben Miss will fall in love with you? Write quickly, or I won't let you go!"

"Okay! Just write, am I afraid of you little girl?"

"Then you come!"

"Then I'm here! Write a poem for you, and we will eliminate all our grievances, and no more entanglements!"

"Okay! All grievances and grievances are gone, no more entanglements!"

Qin An put another glass of wine into his mouth, and there were already eight wine bottles on the bed.

"Xia Ye fights to drink the stars in the sky,

Ke Lan has a dream and drunk sleeping pavilion.

Zhumen wine friend Fenglin night,

Lords do not take the cup and cried forever!

Hahaha! "

Xia Ke blushed like a ripe peach, which may be due to body heat caused by alcohol.

After listening to Qin An's poems and laughter, she also laughed.

"Hahaha, what, it doesn't rhyme at all! What do you hide? Xia Ke Zhu Zhu? Xia Ke Zhuzhu? badass, you are the pig!"

"Hahaha! Xia Ke is a pig! Hahaha!"

Qin An smiled happily, heartlessly.

He didn't have any scheming here, he just felt that he must drink swigs when he opened his arms, and when he was drunk, he could make happiness sublimate.

Very late and late, Qin An sent the drunk and unconscious Xia Ke back to the tent and let her go to bed alone.

After Qin An left, Xia Ke turned over, with tears on her face.

She didn’t know why she was not drunk, and she couldn’t forget what Qin An said to her at the wine table.

"Then I'm here! Write a poem for you, and we will eliminate all our grievances, and no more entanglements!"

Why? I feel that I am at a disadvantage!

The nasty villain Qin An! It's really bad!

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