Qin An recognized her just by looking at it.

This...this turned out to be the second blood spirit demon moon of the Nine Sons Sword God?

Why is she here? Could it be that the host of the sword body of Jiuzi...Xia Ke in the real space is here?

Qin An remembered that he had parasiticized the Nine Sons Sword God into Xia Ke's body.

"Haha, Qin An, it’s been a long time since I saw you, there was also a demon moon in your body at the beginning, I have her memory! Do you know why the nine sons did not choose to devour Xia Ke’s soul after the resurrection? This is not just because of the colorful It’s because the souls of our Nine Blood Spirits have been living with you for a while, so they have feelings! The soul consciousness of the Nine Blood Spirits is the consciousness of the Nine Sons! Alright, well, long time no see, gossip, let Let me try your hand out? Come and experience what a real nine-blood spirit is like!"

While talking, Yaoyue's double knives still slashed at Qin An's waist. The speed was too fast. Almost the shadow flashed Qin An could only use the teleport ability to avoid the attack.

"The Nine Sons of Sword God has been resurrected? Where is Xia Ke? Why has she also entered this space?"

Qin An asked eagerly.

"Don't talk nonsense, if you have beaten our Jiu brothers and sisters, Xia Ke will naturally show up! If we can't beat us, we have to beat you up! You have a deep connection with us! The first Nine Sword God host Jiu We have the memory of the blood spirit, and we also have the memory of the nine blood spirits in your body. Now it is on Xia Ke. It can be said to be a long and tortuous love, hatred, and hatred. You kid, let me take it!"

Demon Moon Loli moved extremely fast. He had already attacked Qin An a hundred and twenty-seven times before speaking. Qin An naturally avoided all of them. He only felt that the strength of this Demon Moon was stronger than the Demon Moon in his body back then. Many many.


A breaking wind sounded from behind Qin An.

Qin An once again turned on the teleportation ability to avoid it, and then fixed his eyes to see that a giant warrior with a height of four meters appeared. It was the third blood spirit with long eyebrows! Said to be the most powerful among the Nine Blood Spirits, he holds a black iron sledgehammer in his hand.

"Haha, Qin An! It's been a long time since I've seen him, I'm picking up a hammer!"

The voice of the long eyebrows buzzed, and he jumped and turned the giant hammer and hit Qin An's head.

Qin An experienced the shock of the early stage, and now he is calm and excited.

As Yaoyue said, at that time, most of the Nine Blood Spirits had spiritual wisdom in his body. When he was fine, he would come out to chat with Qin An. The feelings were also good. Later, the True Fire Sword God appeared and took all Qin An's avatars. And the internal parasitic life forms are all refining and combining, giving Qin An a leap evolution system, after which the nine blood spirits disappeared.

I didn't expect that their memories were not erased, and they ran back into the body of the next host of the Nine Sons of Sword God.

Then this can be regarded as an acquaintance meeting. Since they greeted him in this way, how could Qin An be timid?


Qin An's fist wrapped in the armour-breaking battle armor clashed with the long-brow black iron sledgehammer.The powerful force exploded immediately, and the shock wave spread to the nearby space of more than ten meters. Several tents were blown down, and some people were blown into the air by the powerful energy!

This long eyebrow is so powerful, although it may not be as good as his own son Qin Potian, but it is also a strong man who can rank in the top five among the opponents Qin An has experienced.

"Let's go, go out to the camp and fight, it will hurt the innocent here!"

Qin An ran outside the camp while she was talking, Yaoyue had no hesitation, and laughed and chased it out.

At this time, the people in the camp were also alarmed, some of the courageous naturally hid, but the courageous all chased Qin An, wanting to see the excitement.

Among the crowd, Sanchuan and others naturally all arrived, and Linghua, Wengdie, and Yin Yao all gathered together.

Linghua saw that someone suddenly attacked Qin An, thinking that it was another candidate who was doing the trick, so she wanted to step forward to help, but Yin Yao stopped her.

"Don't be nervous, they are just coming to Qin An to collect debts."

"Debt collection?"

"Yes, the host of the Nine Sons of Sword God also had a relationship with Qin An back then. Now the Nine Sons of Sword God chooses to resurrect in a demigod state. It is of the same nature as mine, but the memory of the Nine Sons on the Sword Spirit Star Excessively given to the host, the resurrection is based on the host’s will. Then she and Qin An are always a little tied, so it’s not surprising that she started doing it. I can’t feel wrong, she should be invisible nearby.” Yin Yao consciously It was someone who came over, so he opened his mouth to explain to Linghua.

"Let's wait and see, see what these nine men want to do, and let you see the strength of my family Qin An, I have heard all your conversations in the morning, didn't he let you pass the sixteen characters out? Just listen to his arrangement, He hasn't had any ambition to be competitive over the years, and now he finally has it in this labyrinth world, which is also a good thing." Weng Die also passed on own advice to Linghua.

Linghua is tangled. Who is this earthling Qin An? Why does it seem that the Sword God is related to him?

Ah, it's a pity that she still knows too little about Qin An's story. It seems that she still needs time to entangle Qin An to tell it.

Not to mention the people with different minds here, Qin An, who was surrounded by a large group of people in the open space, was fighting fiercely with Yaoyue and Changmei at this time.

The reason for the fierceness is that Qin An has been only defending but not attacking, so Yaoyue and Changmei can use their speed and strength to attack in their strongest state.

It has to be said that the strength of the two blood spirits is indeed very strong, and the physical skills are estimated to be at the level of the spirit body, similar to most demigods in normal states.

If it were the previous Qin An, he might not be able to face the joint attack of the two people so calmly, but now he is one hundred and twenty eighth-level upgraded, and most of the sword body's upgraded level is the same.

So in the face of the relentless attack of the two blood spirits, he will not fight back and will not be defeated.

After a long battle, the fourth blood spirit Dark Feather, the fifth blood spirit Spike, the sixth blood spirit mist, the seventh blood spirit Fire Dance, and the eighth blood spirit Anya appeared at the same time!

When the seven blood spirits appeared, they surrounded Qin An, and after that, they attacked Qin An at the same time and beat Qin An into a frenzy!

Linghua on one side looked anxious, she was not worried about Qin An's comfort, but was evaluating Qin An's strength.

The seven blood spirits are indeed very strong, but at the current level, they are not strong enough to be abnormal. At least Linghua feels that if she makes a shot, she should be able to win quickly.

Then look at Qin An again, it seems that the fight was simple. He was relatively strong in Movement Technique, but he didn't see any particularly powerful killer moves in this attack. Does Qin An have reservations or his strength? ?

If this is the case, then it might be a bit difficult to get the first place in the top 32!

In fact, Linghua had wronged Qin An a bit.

He just didn’t want to do it, so he has been using the Phantom Movement Technique to evade. One is that he does not regard the seven blood spirits as real enemies, and the other is that he wants to see if the blood spirits summoned by the Ninth Sword God himself are there. How powerful, Sanze knew that the Nine Sons of Sword God did not use his full strength.

The four major skills of the Nine Sons, Mental Energy's attack control ability, the Nine Sons blood spirit summoning skills, the Nine Sons return to the heart to strengthen the body, and the heart of the sea of ​​fire is the Nine Sons to strengthen the ability.

If the nine sons used the poison of extinguishing emotion and the heart of the sea of ​​fire, and joined the battle with the nine sons, then the real firepower would be full, and it is estimated that the attack power must be super strong.

After the fierce battle between Qin An and the seven blood spirits, he already felt the power of the nine sons. As a sword-level summoner, it was really amazing. If she summons the sword spirit to go all out, she will return it without using spells or summoning the body of the dead. Really may not be able to beat her, after all, she is a real sword body after summoning the blood spirit.

In short, even though Qixueling was very active, he couldn't beat Qin An for a while. Although Qin An always seemed to dodge around, he estimated that he would not lose the game for a long time.

Among the crowd watching the battle, Qin Sanchuan still didn't understand what was going on. He immediately panicked when he saw his father being besieged.

But just as he was about to move, an old man in white grabbed his arm and smirked.

"Old man, who are you?"

Qin Sanchuan was still a little wary.

And before the old man in white could reply, Annie Qin Sanchuan yelled out in surprise.

"Dabai? My God! Are you Dabai? Are you stupid?"

Great white!

Qin Sanchuan was slightly stunned. He heard Annie talk about what happened when he was a child. At that time, he hadn't separated from his brothers. The quadruplets were all milk dolls. In addition to Dage Qin Qicai who was protecting their mother and child, there was another one. Faithful bodyguards are great! It can be said that if there is no confession, they may have several crises that cannot be avoided.

Oh my god, is this old man that big white?

"Haha! Little Annie, the old man, I am Dabai! At the beginning, I was the clone of the four little dolls. After he disappeared, he sent the memory to me. It was because of Qin An's bloodline and the unsound clone of consciousness. Attracted by the quadruplets, I have been a loyal dog for many years! Hahaha...Is this a Sanchuan baby? The old man looks good when he grows so tall!"

Sanchuan was at a loss for Da Bai and didn’t know how to communicate with this old man. He just felt excited. Seeing Da Bai reminded him of his two Big Brothers and a Little Sister. He didn’t know what Gale, Erhe, and Xiangming are doing now. That's it.

At this time, beside Yin Yao, Weng Die, and Linghua, a beauty suddenly appeared. Behind her, a naked woman with a graceful figure and twice the size of a normal human appeared at the same time. Her hair was very long and very long. Long, feet floating off the ground, it is the first blood black hair!

At this point, the nine blood spirits appeared together, the master of the nine blood spirits, the resurrected body of the nine sons, Xia Ke, is naturally this graceful and sexy beauty!

"Ah, what a powerful aura... Yan Liuxiang, who are these two next to you? How does this deity feel that they are at the Sword God level?"Xia Ke usually looked no different from the earth woman, but now she saw the Xiangying Sword God who also had more than half of the soul from the Star of Sword Spirit, so she naturally took up the air and claimed to be the deity.

"Nine sons, just call me Yin Yao. Yan Liuxiang's identity has long been looked down upon, and sometimes I even forget it. Also, Qin An has already integrated the Xuantian Divine Sword, and there is no Xuantian in his body, so you You don’t have to do it as soon as you meet. After you have been on Earth for so many years, can’t you let go of the past? I think you should let go, right?”

"Hmph, of course, if I don't let go, I won't keep Xia Ke's memory, and resurrect Xia Ke's subjective consciousness! The reason why I acted on Qin An is because of other reasons!"

Xia Ke's face is not very good, mainly because of the dream she had on the plane before entering the Magical Beasts territory!

The damn Qin An unexpectedly grabbed her to drink in the sky in a dream, and finally said what grievances disappeared, and there was no more entanglement?

Is she weak and ignorant when bullying the young?

Xia Ke's eyes moved back and forth, and she felt that there must be another herself in this space, so all the previous dreams should also be real!

"That's good, let me introduce these two to you. They are the newly-emerged sword gods. Princess Green Sword, Ling Foil God, Earthman Wengdie, Gemini Sword God!"


Xia Ke was stunned, watching Weng Die and Linghua couldn't say a word.

"Weng Die, Ling Hua, this is the Nine Sword God! It is also one of the seven sword spirit girls that Qin An encountered in United States."

Weng Die looked at Xia Ke and smiled slightly: "This look is so familiar. I saw the young version of Xia Ke yesterday, and today I saw the mature version. It seems that you are the same as me, and you have everything. A fellow in a unified space! It’s just that now I have joined Weng Xiaodie, so there is a twin sword god, Xia Ke, I think you should let your blood spirit stop, don’t you want to meet your fellow ?"

Xia Ke frowned as she watched Weng Die, and finally waved gently, and the Nine Blood Spirits disappeared at the same time in a moment.

"Well, the dismissal of the prestige can be regarded as sent to Qin An. Seeing that he dare not bully people casually in the future! I also have something serious to tell you that my fellow is spiritually connected with me, so I probably know this side. Some things, Princess Linghua, please send someone to search around for me. I took my son and daughter-in-law into the maze world of Magical Beasts territory, but they didn’t show up with me! I don’t know them. Was it in this space or went to other mazes! Hey, tangled!"

Without the enemy, Qin An was naturally at ease.

He quickly teleported to Xia Ke. Although he felt a little embarrassed, he still asked hurriedly:

"You mean, Qin Qicai is here too? Does he have a wife?"

Xia Ke gave Qin An a white look, and said coldly, "Don't talk to me, it's not all grievances and grievances, no more? Qicai is my son, the flesh and blood of my birth in October, so I have nothing to do with you. Relationship, hum!"

Xia Ke Tsundere gave a cold snort, but her face was slightly flushed. This was the first time she had disclosed the secret that Qin Qicai was her biological son in public. Why is it so? Is it because I finally met the child's father? It was the man in front of her who made her pregnant!

Qin An was dumbfounded by Xia Ke's words, this f*ck! It turned out that Xia Ke was indeed the biological mother of her own flesh and blood among the seven daughters.

Ah, what a hell, does he or she have all the memories of the young Sha Ke in this space?

If this is the case, what about the dead Tang Yu and Weng Lan? Do they in the real space also have memories of being with themselves before?

It's really weird. If the brain is not big enough, I really don't understand it. If Qi Cai took the so-called daughter-in-law and entered the maze world, then they weren't by Jiu Zi, where are they now?

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