Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1465 Qin Qicai is dumbfounded

"Ah! How many years have passed? I also forgot. It's too long, so this village is called Jiuyuan Village. I am the oldest person in this village now, and all the people older than me have died! This is hard to say. My ancestors must be people outside the labyrinth world, and everyone in our village today was born in the labyrinth world, so this is actually our home.

The old turtle looks like an old man on the earth, with a white beard and a small beard.

Then he is different from the earth people in genes and blood. This is an out-and-out old man of the orc, who can transform into a tortoise shell as armor.

The so-called Jiuyuan Village is not big, or very small.

There are only 37 people in the village, or there are 37 men of the tortoise tribe.

Thousands of years ago, when the last female of the tortoise tribe died, the tortoise orc tribe was basically annihilated, and they did not have the tools to receive the family.

The old turtle is good. He has a collection of books left by his ancestors in his home. So he is a scholar, knows etiquette, and has own culture and beliefs. Otherwise, this beautiful and sexy woman in front of him will probably not be a complete body, long ago. It was broken by a group of turtles and grandchildren.

The old turtle wanted to convince people with morals, but before the last step, he didn't want to use the worst method.

Catalina lay on the straw mat for many days. She was rescued from the swamp by the old turtle.

The poisonous gas in the swamp is a bit fierce, and it can make people feel weak.

Katerina's body is still recovering now, at least she has the strength to eat, maybe she will get better in a few days.

"Old turtle, can we leave this space?"

"It's inseparable. It's a small place, a few kilometers in radius, and it's surrounded by swamps. We are the only small village on the edge of the swamp, except for the energy barrier."

"Then can you help me bring that kid out?"

"I can't bring it out, there are monsters in the swamp...but we will definitely find a way! Katerina...what I said before, how are you thinking about it? The hope of our whole clan It’s all on you! You can pick a few of us to do that with you...Although we are of different races, don’t you think my human form looks similar to humans? On the Sword Spirit Star, as far as I know, intermarriage between humans and orcs is also very common. We are orcs, not orcs, and half-orcs. They all have no human form. No matter how high the IQ is, we are also beasts. We and They are different, so take a look

Catalina turned her head to the side, tears streaming from her eyes.

"If I disagree, will you force me?"

"Hey, yes, my tortoises and grandchildren can't wait. They haven't seen female creatures in many years. It's hard to count them. So, I'm afraid I can't suppress them, Katrina, you can choose. Choose among them and see which ones are pleasing to your eyes? This is a very realistic question. You may never be able to get out anymore, and you will always be here in Life. Then our common Life will always be passed on from generation to generation! You are All our hope!"

Catalina's eyes became a little dull, she didn't react at all where she lay, and her face became paler.

"Don't worry, as long as you promise to help us, then we will definitely find a way to help you, the little girl who appeared in the center of the swamp before you, we will do our best to get him out, promise us ?"

After a long time, Catalina finally sighed: "Well, I can promise you, but you have to get her out first. As long as she comes out, I am willing to have relationships with all the men of your clan and help you continue your offspring! "

After these words were said, the old turtle was in trouble, but the key was that they couldn't enter the swamp.

Before he could say anything to bargain with Katerina, the door of the house was kicked open, and then a tall and burly man walked in.

"Fart! Daddy's woman is what you want to do? Damn Catalina, how many green hats are you going to wear for your father?"

Catalina, who was lying on the straw mat, trembled quickly.

This voice... actually seems familiar.

She was a little unsure, turned around with an unbelievable effort, looked at the man who had just walked in from the outside, and immediately became silly.

"Qin...Qicai? Is it really you? Are you dreaming again?"

Qin Qicai seemed to be in a bad mood at this time.

He and Tang Jiudie, and Xia Ke entered the demon leader's territory after the tornado without hesitation.

After a dizziness, he finally got his feet on the ground, but found that only Tang Jiudie was left beside him, and Erniang Xia Ke didn't know where he went.

So he and Tang Jiudie wandered around looking for them, bypassing the swamp and weeds, and finally found the village.

Qin Qicai was very cautious. He asked Tang Jiudie to wait in the distance, and then came quietly by himself, intending to see if any danger would happen first.

So he just heard the conversation between Katerina and the old turtle.


Oh my god, why is she here?

This name was almost forgotten by Qin Qicai.

Eight years ago, Qin Qicai met Weng Lan in a ruin, and Katerina and Jax followed Weng Lan.

Qin Qicai has always used Katerina as her bed partner for a period of time, so she has no affection for her.

Later in the woods, Qin Qicai met Tang Jiudie, the awakened man who controlled the zombies.

The relationship between people and people was unreasonable. At that time, Catalina could be regarded as a downhearted conscience to Qin Qicai, but Qin Qicai didn't feel it. Later, she became true love with Tang Jiudie and has been together for so many years.

Tang Jiudie is an awakened person, without the reproductive system of a human woman, so he can't live with Qin Qicai as a husband and wife.

Qin Qicai didn't know how she lived for eight years. When he was young, he was very free and easy. He went to bed when he saw the woman he liked came over, but he became a monk after being with Tang Jiudie.

Their love story is so simple, but it is also very shocking.

Marriage without sex and behavior is difficult to last even in the pre-apocalyptic era, but Qin Qicai has been consistent with Tang Jiudie.

Then this story is like this, a new story has appeared before Qin Qicai's eyes, and he actually met Katerina.

"...As long as she comes out, I am willing to have relationships with all the males of your clan and help you continue your offspring!"

This sentence is really heartbreaking.

After all, Katerina was an idiot for Qin Qicai, but now, is she willing to have a relationship with other men of the whole family for a child? Is this child so important to her? Which man did she give birth to? After separation, she must have the deep love that belongs to her, right?

A trace of anger rose in my heart, thinking that the girl who warmed his bed before now has no idea who she is deeply in love with. In fact, the machismo Qin Qicai in her bones is angry, so she kicked the door open and entered the room. The previous remarks.

In fact, Qin Qicai regretted it after speaking, because he actually had no position.

Even if you want to be jealous, it should be Katerina's men who are jealous now. What does it have to do with yourself? They have been separated for eight years and have no promises to each other.

Just when he felt embarrassed.

He found that the woman was crawling towards him!

The disheveled face was pale with tears in his eyes, and he looked terrifying and pitiful.

The old man named Lao Turtle was obviously frightened by the sudden appearance of Qin Qicai. I don't know what happened to the space recently? Why do new teleporters come so frequently? This hasn't happened in the previous thousands of years.

Seeing Catalina suddenly leaving the straw mat and crawling in the direction of the people, the old turtle hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

Just when his hand was about to touch Katerina, Qin Qicai took a shot, stepped forward and pushed the old turtle away, and then pulled the poor woman into his arms to support it.

"You... are you trapped too?"

"Save the child! Save the child!" Katerina's voice was choked and hoarse, because her teeth hit together when she was trembling and she was so excited.

"Your child? Don't get excited, as long as I can do it, I will help you save it. Where is she?" Qin Qicai's compassion overflowed, and he found that he didn't understand this woman at all, because When we were together, he didn't want to go to get to know her.

"In the swamp, entangled by a tentacle, it has been many days! We must save her, that is our child!"

"Oh, are you in the swamp?" Qin Qi was a little dazed, did not realize the meaning of Katerina's words, but felt that something was wrong.

"Wait...! Katerina? What did you just say?"

Katerina was crying even more miserable at this time.

"Qin Qicai! Are you Qin Qicai? I'm not dreaming? Then you must save our child! Her name is Qin Yana. She disappeared a few days ago. The father-in-law said she would be found back, but I later I also disappeared, and then I got here. I found our child was in the center of the swamp. She was grasped by a tentacle extending from the swamp. I didn’t know whether it was life or death! I tried to save her, but it turned out. But he was poisoned and fainted in the swamp...The surname Qin, if you are a man, go and rescue your own daughter from the swamp. If she has anything to do, I hate you forever! I will never forgive you! I gave birth to her, raised her, and also raised your two Little Brothers, one Little Sister, do you know how tired I have been all these years? To get food I went to dance with disgusting men, I let their hands on me Touching her body back and forth, my body has become filthy! I don’t want anything! Qin Qicai, I want my child! I want my child, did you hear that? Go and treat our child Ya Na brought it back to me..."

Catalina was originally very weak due to the poisoning. After crying and screaming for a while, she finally fell into a coma.

At this time, Qin Qicai, who is still holding Katerina, is completely stupid. What is the situation? Was Katerina actually pregnant after being separated from herself? Gave him a daughter? Called... what's it called? Qin Yana?

This was too exciting, Qin Qicai only felt dizzy, and almost fainted with complex emotions and excitement.

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