In the stands of the Qingjian Square, people's comments were a bit noisy.

Nowadays, the most discussed thing is the appearance of zombies.

This thing is really scary, because they are not afraid of death, and their attack ability is very strong. Once they are numerous and upgraded, they are very difficult to deal with.

A lot of young soldiers died this time? Whether it is possible to escape the Magical Beasts world in the Magical Beasts space, people have some doubts in their hearts. Some interested people have begun to spread rumors that are not conducive to the palace. If it is not for the three sword gods of Linghua, Xiangying, and Gemini, they are afraid that it will be the people's will. More messy.

Therefore, the final of Princess Linghua's election of husbands, which should have received much attention, can no longer fully attract the attention of the people.

What everyone cares more urgently about is how to escape from here.

When the hour is up, the procedure for the finals of the election of husbands will start.

This time neither Gao Qi nor Qingjian King came out first, but pushed the four women to the front desk.

Princess Linghua did not cover her own face in front of the public for the first time. She was wearing a pink lady's gown. This dress was specially made by the earthly tailor last night by Weng Die. It is different from the looseness of ordinary lady's clothes. Instead, it imitated the tight-fitting design of China's cheongsam, but the skirt underneath did not open, and the upper body also had sleeves.

This dress covered Princess Linghua's body, but it was able to perfectly show Linghua's proud body. It can be said that among the women of the Qingjian clan, no one has worn similar clothes.

If an ordinary Qingjian clan woman wears this way, she will definitely be ridiculed as insulting her gentlemanship and breaking her female virtue.

But Princess Linghua, as a sword god, has detached from the class that people can evaluate. When people can't look at this dress with a critical eye, Princess Linghua shows beauty and temptation to others.

Really... so beautiful!

Why are there such beautiful clothes in the world? This is what women think, and men’s focus is naturally different. They didn’t expect the pride of their own race, this female sword god was so beautiful, her face and figure is simply a kind of belief. Make people go to worship, or make people go crazy!

The most important thing is that even if there is one beauty, there are three others standing beside Linghua.

Yin Yao, Weng Die, and Xia Ke wear clothes of the same style as Linghua, but the colors are different.

Yin Yao is yellow, Wengdie is blue, and Xia Ke is green.

Such things as beauties are very strange.

A beauty and a group of ugly women together can highlight the beauty of beauties and the ugliness of ugly women.

And when a group of beauties are together, it will resonate with beauty, as if beauty can infect each other among them. Let people not see the shortcomings of any of them, but feel that all beauties are so beautiful.

After being amazed, the atmosphere on the scene finally rose. No one was talking about zombies, and now it seems that they should pay more attention to it.

After paying attention for a while, people finally focused their attention on Xia Ke.

Who is this beauty? How could she stand with Linghua, Gemini, and Xiangying Sword God?

Maid? No, if it is a maidservant, there should be three, and it is impossible for a maidservant to dress like the three sword gods in such public places. Isn't this disrespect for the sword god?

People whispered to each other, but no one knew the answer.

Finally, Linghua stood up and spoke in person at this time.

"My fellow subjects and subjects from different races, I am the princess of the Azure Sword Empire, Mo Yulinghua, so today on this venue, my husband, the future King of the Azure Sword, will be selected. I have such a little excitement. This is not only because Linghua is finally going to marry, but also because of my husband, the Qing Sword King in the future is destined to become a very extraordinary man! Everyone knows that we are marrying the four female sword gods this time. , Which means that the future Blue Sword King will be assisted by the four female sword gods, and our four sisters will accompany him to build the glory of the Blue Sword tribe in the future world.

The people listened quietly, and finally someone reflected, and then began to whisper to the people around them.

"What did Princess Linghua just say?"

"It seems that the four female sword gods are married together!"

"Four? Isn't it right? Isn't it three?"

"It's probably the one in the green dress, but who is she?"

"I don't know, I don't know!"

People's discussion became louder and louder, and finally overwhelmed Linghua's speech, and the audience became restless.

When the time is right, Linghua is not speaking, it is Xia Ke's turn to play.

Marry Qin An? What Qin An proposed last night was a play, for the Qingjian kingship.

But Linghua, Yin Yao, and Weng Die didn't agree to do the show, but they didn't speak when it was their own turn.

After the resurrection of the Nine Sons of Sword God in Xia Ke, although she has a human touch, she really doesn't pay much attention to men.

Over the years, she did not resent Qin An, nor did she have much affection for Qin An.

If it weren't for Qin Qicai, she might not even remember Qin An.

That's why when she first met Qin An yesterday, she was so calm and didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

It doesn't matter whether you marry or not. Anyway, your son and granddaughter can live with themselves and Qin An, and then just be happy.

She has no interest in men, so naturally she is not afraid to marry her own child, even if it is a fake.

Slowly walking to the front of the rostrum, Xia Ke turned his eyes to look at the people in the audience, then raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and activated the fifth sword god ability to summon the sword spirit.

The sword spirit of the nine sons is exactly the image of the nine blood spirits.

They appeared in Xia Ke at the same time. They had an average height of five meters. When they appeared, they were surrounded by Spiritual Qi, which blocked some key parts of the body, because the sword spirit appeared without clothes, so if you don’t use color light Sword Spiritual Qi will be exposed if blocked.

Behind the nine huge human figures, one hundred and twenty-eight colored beads formed a winding dragon shape, swimming back and forth, looking very mighty.

The surrounding auditorium immediately boiled.

The sword spirit of the nine sons is the best to recognize, so after her sword spirit appeared, more than half of the people on the scene knew the identity of Xia Ke.

"Oh my God! This is the sword body of the nine sons!"

"Under what circumstances, can our palace be able to make a sword god? The old man has not seen a sword god in the Sword Spirit Star for more than 10,000 years, and now he has seen four! Not only have nine sons, but Xiangying has been famous for a long time. Yes, and Linghua, a new sword god like Gemini, is really eye-opening, eye-opening!"

"The Four Sword Gods chose to marry the future Azure Sword King at the same time? This is obviously arranged deliberately by the palace. Why don't I believe that there will be such a coincidence? The winner of this conference must also be arranged. The contestants are all supporters!"

"Thanks to you, Little Sister? Can you invite such big people as Tortoise Immortal and Oriental Changqin to be the trustee? It's so laughable! But what you said makes sense. Look at it. After this competition, our Qingjian clan will definitely do it. There are big moves."

"What will happen? Isn't it still trapped in this labyrinth world? There are many dangers here. I don't know when someone will die. Hey... I hope that after the new king is selected, he can lead us away. In this ghost place, even if he is an earthling, I will definitely recognize him as the king!"

Xia Ke just revealed her identity for a while, and immediately returned, without speaking, because she felt that there was nothing to say.

When does it end? She is still busy going back to protect her granddaughter, and now Qin An is not worth mentioning compared to Qin Yana.

At this time, the Azure Sword King finally came out. He didn't sleep all night last night, mainly because when he was about to fall asleep, the Nine Sons of Sword God visited him and said that he was going to marry the other three Sword Gods. This is the news. Obviously it is too shocking, how can he sleep at ease?

Rubbing his tired eyes, the Azure Sword King cleared his throat and said to the sound transmission device: "Everyone, we are in a very difficult situation now, but there is nothing to worry about! Because this king is cooperating with the four sword gods to be with you. In! Sacrifice in battle is inevitable, here I would like to express my condolences to all the sacrificed Green Sword Warriors, and assure all the people that I will leave this damn space with the assistance of the Four Sword Gods. Return to the real world, and then rebuild our Azure Sword Empire!"

Mo Yu Dongchen's words are very powerful, but they are actually very cunning, because he took the initiative to kidnap the four female sword gods and enter his camp.

The people obviously didn't think so much, they just got the information they wanted from King Dongchen, that is, the four female sword gods are our own people and will always be with you in the future!

This is very important. In the legend of the Sword Spirit Star, a sword god has the power to destroy all living creatures in a continent, so four sword gods reside in the Azure Sword Empire at the same time. What is this concept?

Mo Yudongchen then said some introductory remarks with little content, feeling that people were listening to them and were about to fall asleep before giving up, and then called 32 candidates into the square together.

"We used to have contests on the Shenyuan Festival, but this year we didn’t have them, because it was changed to Princess Linghua’s selection meeting. So since it’s a selection meeting, our competition rules can’t be the same as those of the competition. This is also four. The meaning of being a female sword god, after all, is that they are choosing a husband. Okay, let the sages of the loving sword god announce the new rules of the final!"

After Dong Chen said this, he quickly returned to his own seat, and then secretly covered his ears with a cotton ball.

Sure enough, the audience around the square exploded.

what's the situation? The rules of the game have to be changed? Isn't it anymore? Is there really an inside story? But if there is no martial arts competition, how can the king finally selected be comparable in strength to the four female sword gods?

The audience was a little confused.

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