"As we all know, the situation is in crisis now, so there is no need to spend too much time on the process of the election of husbands, masters make tricks, and if it is not possible for a few days or nights, there will be no winners or losers! We think that we should continue to open the elimination system. Considering the abilities of your contestants from the Martial Skill aspect, this can save time. I believe you have no opinions, right?"

Princess Linghua stood on the podium and questioned the thirty-two candidates below.

Qin An was also in a daze at this time because he didn't say that he would change the rules last night? Why did it suddenly change? The four of them studied in the morning?

The immortal turtle stepped forward and asked: "Princess, the knockout is possible, but how to ensure the fairness? If you are playing games such as poetry writing clubs, it is meaningless. The old man hopes to be fair and honest with his own force. Marry the female sword gods home, haha!"

Fairy Turtle squinted his eyes and moved back and forth over Linghua and the other four women, which looked extremely trivial.

Linghua curled her lips in disgust, and then said: "Of course it is fair. Our four sword gods are now united and we are commensurate with sisters. Our four sisters feel that as a strong person, we must first have the ability to stay in the air, whether it is mounted or mounted. Okay, or use spells! Then the first round of the finals is a test of stagnation.

In order to convince everyone, the four of us will fly to 100 meters high with everyone. No matter what method you use, as long as you can stay in the air without relying on outsiders, we only need 10 to advance. In other words, in addition to the four of us, we will choose 10 people who will eventually stay in the sky, so what should we do if we can’t fly? If you can knock down the flying people on the ground and make the final number of people in the air less than ten, then you also have a chance to be selected! Well, that's the rule! "

What? This...this rule is also painful. It has to test everyone's ability to stay in the air. It is natural to be able to fly and has nothing to say. It is a pleasant surprise. Those who can't fly are depressed, such as the old ghost and turtle fairy.

The old man was just about to speak something to refute Linghua, Na Chengxiang Linghua didn't give him a chance at all, and directly summoned Qingjian to fly to the sky and hover 100 meters above the square.

Linghua's words were transmitted to every corner of the audience by the Kuoyin equipment. Everyone thought it made sense. How could a strong person not be able to fly? How can you be called a strong one if you don't have the power of flying? If you want to kill someone, you can't catch it as soon as you fly, so you can't beat it?

After Linghua, Xia Ke summoned the first bloody black hair that could be invisible, and then let the black hair be invisible and hugged her and flew directly to Linghua's side.

Yin Yao’s ability to stay in the air was a little ridiculous. She walked to the center of the venue and raised her hand to summon thousands of clones. After that, these clones fell into human-shaped high platforms, which were several hundred meters in height. Yin Yao jumped to the top of the high platforms. , And then ride on the neck of one of his clones and look down at the scenery. This trick is nothing to say, and I have to admire Xiangying's clone technique. The real f*ck is awesome. Forcing!

Weng Die is also very good. Her Gemini pulse technique actually has other abilities. The energy between the Gemini pulses can be a tyrannical magnetic field with super cutting power, or it can be a mutually repelling reaction force magnetic field. Therefore, Weng Die walked to the Yin Yaoren Tower, and then summoned a clone above her head. After that, a reaction force pulse was generated between the two clones. Then the clone that originally appeared suspended on top of Weng Die's head was immediately pushed up by the reaction force, and the height exceeded 100 meters. When the lower clone walks, the upper clone and the lower clone will always keep in a straight line and move, and they look pretty cool.

"Okay, now it’s your turn. Come up if you can fly. Don’t think you can fly and sit back on Wu You, because you are in danger of being beaten down. I announce the official start of this knockout round. Time to think, if you don’t fly up for a minute, then you will be treated as if you can’t fly. If you want to advance, you can only knock down those who can fly!"

Linghua spoke vigorously, and the voice could spread far away.

Qin An curled his lips, and at this moment he finally understood that this was a back door for himself!

Hey, but how can this kind of opportunistic approach have a shocking effect?

Thinking of this, Qin An opened the Necro Realm channel, entered the Necro space, and went to visit Liu Ru, Wang Hui, Gong Xue and Wu Ma Danxin.



The four women in the necrosphere were immediately shocked when they heard what happened to Qin An.

"Hey, breaking the sky..."

Liu Ru's tears were already rolling around her eyes.

"Don't worry, you don't know how good the kid is. I asked Weng Lan's mother. She said that although she doesn't know where the children are, she can be sure that they are still alive. Don't worry, I think The children will definitely come back to us. As long as more space beasts are killed, the maze world will disintegrate. This is the escape route designed by Weng Lan's mother for us."

Liu Ru cried and nodded, but there was nothing left, and the other three women hurriedly uttered comfort.

They were busy harvesting wheat in the field when Qin An arrived.

The four women have already run the manor very large. They plan to build a wine cellar by themselves after harvesting the dealer. Then they will make wine and drink for Qin An himself. Anyway, Qin An can freely take the items out of the necrotic space, so this space is the one. The largest storage room.

After comforting Liu Ru, Qin An took off his shirt and started to work to help harvest the crops. He did not use powers because he can stay in the Necrosphere for at least three days. Now he may stay longer when his upgraded level is increased. Some, and the outside world is relatively static when entering the Necro Space. This ability is somewhat similar to Wu Xiaoxiao's ability. Therefore, Qin An does not need to rush out.

While working, Qin An asked the four women how they were doing in the space.

Among the four, Liu Ru and Wu Ma Danxin are used to living in seclusion, so they have long known how to enjoy themselves. Gong Xue and Wang Hui would feel lonely, so they protested when Qin An asked them, hoping that Qin An could get more sword soul stones, and then resurrect all the dead spirits such as Guo Shuai in the space.

Qin An sighed slightly, if it was so easy, it would be fine.

"I have accumulated enough Spirit Stones that can resurrect a person now, but I have to let the power of the necromancer possess my body, and then to frighten the Blue Sword tribe. I will let Guo Shuai resurrect and gather with him tomorrow. If I can become the Blue Sword King, then I will be thinking of ways to embezzle the treasury's money and replace the sword soul stone with a new currency. It is estimated that I will get a lot of wealth."

"Why tomorrow? It's better to revive Guo Shuai now!"

Perhaps Gong Xue hadn't seen other people for too long, so she had so much anticipation.

Qin An looked at the large manor in the distance, and smiled slightly: "That's not okay. Master, I'm here today to pay public rations. Naturally, I will fight with your sisters for a few rounds in the evening. Wouldn't it be too convenient if Guo Shuai came here? ?"

"Perverted!" Gong Xue blushed unceremoniously.

"Dead ghost!" Liu Ru acted like a baby.

"I'm going to stew chicken!" Wang Hui seemed to want Qin An to make up for it.

"Then I'll get bath water!" Wumadan ran away shyly.

Qin An laughed immediately after seeing the four women's performance, and all the pressure in the past few days was removed.

Then this night, the space of the Necromancer was full of love, and the four women were also happily satisfied in their shyness. The fun of them was naturally not good for outsiders to tell, even Liu Ru, who was always worried because of his biological son Qin Potian. A lot easier.

The next day, Guo Shuai was resurrected by Qin An using the 100 Spirit Stones that Qin An had just re-accumulated. After he came back to life, the kid held Qin An and cried so hard that Qin An was very entangled. He could only comfort him and say that he should not be anxious and wait until he has enough sword soul stones. It must make the necromantic space become lively, then he and Lu Xiaocha will be able to stay together for a long time.

The four Liu Ru and the others showed immense enthusiasm to Guo Shuai. They have been here for many years. They have never seen anyone except Qin An. So now Guo Shuai is naturally happy to see them, watching them eagerly. It looked like Qin An couldn't help being a little jealous.

Next, Qin An and Guo Shuai talked about the wine together during the day and gave directions to the country, and finally got drunk.

In the evening, I ran to the tassels in the four women's rooms, which was regarded as the obligation to be a husband.

Qin An stayed in the space for seven days before being teleported away, so the outside state was the same as Qin An entered the necromantic space seven days ago.

Qin An captured Guo Shuai's life force when he left, and at the same time opened dozens of energy spells for himself, allowing his strength to leap into the super god level that is said to be possible only by the main god.

Qin An understood very well, either he would not do it. Once he did it, he would be a blockbuster and capture all the members of the Qingjian tribe, so that he would be qualified to be recognized by others. In the future, as their lord, he could not really rely on the four female swords. The power of deterrence? Will a king who eats soft food be respected by others?

Therefore, Qin An can be said to be fully fired this time, allowing himself to reach the strongest state of ability.

He also wants to see how he can achieve when he is the strongest!

Because Guo Shuai was the host of the Apocalyptic Sword before his death, when Qin An uses Guo Shuai's life force to gain the ability to increase, in addition to his own sword skills, the use effect has reached the super god level, and the ability that can be used by the Apocalypse Sword has also reached A super divine body.

The hexagrams of the super god level are not trivial, and Qin An's mind flashed a picture in an instant.

The huge monsters have been raging in the Green Sword Clan camp, and countless people fought fiercely with them, and countless people died at the same time.

The monster is too powerful, it seems to have an immortal body, and when it dies, it will quickly resurrect and re-evolve.

Its attack ability can cover a hundred miles, which means that it has the attack ability of the whole map, and no one can escape in this spatial world.

It seemed like a disaster, this kind of picture suddenly disappeared, and three other monsters suddenly appeared in the scene. They looked terrifying and hideous, unable to describe in words.

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