"The children went back?"

When Qin An approached Weng Die, Weng Die spoke first.

"Well, I was driven back to the hole in the ground, my dear, are you not angry anymore?"

"I don't have the time to be angry with you because of things like fried sweet potatoes...Ah! Old bastard, where should I touch it!"

Weng Die was a little embarrassed to push away Qin An's hand on his ass. He only felt that the older the man, the less serious he was. Now is the critical period for Space Beast Death. Generally, it will start a new round of the most violent attack immediately after it is resurrected. , The hundreds of the most capable people who are still on the ground at that time must escort the underground caves to prevent the ground from being collapsed by powerful energy waves. After killing the 32-stage space beast, there was a disaster like this when the 33-stage space beast appeared. That time, nearly 600,000 people died, and all of them were crushed three or four meters underground. Die. Without the protection of the underground potholes, hundreds of thousands of people died during the three-month exposure period. When the tunnel was re-dug, people were already crying.

Therefore, Weng Die was very depressed when Qin An was still doing his hands and feet at this moment.

"Don't be nervous, the one who should come will always come, maybe this time it is lucky?"

The older and less serious Qin An became serious, the giant beast in the sky had already begun to change. After the blood spheroid hung on it burst, there could only be two conditions for the extinction of the world, either completely dead or resurrected to become another. A stronger state!

The SSS-level combined space beasts are powerful existences that Qin An can't trap with the Three Spirit Sleeping Heaven Curse, which means that in some respects, they are stronger than the Sword God!

"Still not dead!"

Gul'dan magician Dishana shouted depressed, her face very bad.

Originally, her Gul'dan tribe had hundreds of offspring born, but in recent years, Lord Gul died only a dozen people. Lacey, the future father of the Gul'dan. I was lucky to have survived, but if we continue to be trapped in this space for two years, it is estimated that not many people will be alive in the end.

In the sky, all the flesh and blood of the SSS-level 35-stage World Destroying Monster were all condensed together and turned into a big ball of flesh, and then began to re-differentiate the body organs and power organs, and everyone was stunned when he resurrected!

The world-destroying monsters have evolved thirty-five times, all in the form of monsters, why this time... they are humanoid creatures? Is this the 36-stage form of the SSS level? Great changes! He won't be smarter anymore, will he?

Although the previous world-destroying monsters were powerful, they did not have much wisdom, so although it was difficult to deal with, they also gave people a chance to breathe. If the humanoid monsters in front of them are wise, then it will be in trouble!

He is a hundred meters tall, has a pair of huge feathered wings on his back, a flat chest on the upper body, no signs of genital organs on the lower body, some neutral and feminine features on his facial features, and a shawl with long golden hair!

This looks as if he is a giant angel, what the hell is he doing? Everyone was pale, and when doubts arose in their hearts, they all began to be on guard, guarding against the arrival of an attack carefully!

"I'm dying... I'm about to be killed by you... After the death of the ancestor of Magical Beasts, one of the seven energy points, my energy has been exhausted, so I began to work hard to absorb the energy of thousands of worlds to replenish it. I...but now...I'm dying, the maze world will be broken, and the earth's magnetic field will be changed. You stupid creatures, do you think everything will end when you return to the real world? No! It will not end! The maze world It’s not illusory. Every world here is real. As the spirit of the labyrinth world, my Death is equivalent to opening all labyrinth worlds. The entrance to the space-time earth where you are, so...you group of lower creatures, must I will regret it!"

When the voice fell, the huge angel began to glow, and finally exploded!

Qin An's ability to open up the dream space at the moment of the explosion brought everyone in. Dream space can't keep life in it forever, but without this ability, even less than 300,000 survivors may not be able to survive until now.

"What's the situation outside?"

Yin Yao and other women were standing on the highest floating mountain with Qin An. Qin An turned on the energy screen, and saw the stars in the sky twinkling, the fragrant moon and two moons were high above the sky, and the weeds on the ground swayed in the wind. This was unexpectedly...

"Have you left the labyrinth world?" Linghua covered her mouth in surprise.

"I don't know, I'll go out and have a look, you all stay in the space first."

While talking, Qin An's figure disappeared in the dream space, and when he turned on the super hearing outside, all the sounds within a radius of two hundred kilometers were heard.

The next moment he could hardly believe it!

After being trapped in the labyrinth world for five years, he came out like this? It turned out to be the Ionian Plain! The large forces of the Black Blood City have moved north, leaving behind a huge empty city. Of course, this migration has just begun for two days. Therefore, some poor people still remain in the city, with more than one million people, in order to avoid Magical Beasts. Territory storm, but the leading troops in the city of black blood had already escaped from Qin Anke's monitoring range and went out a long way. .

Is this a surprise? This is definitely a surprise, but what do the last words of the blasting angel mean? If the maze of thousands of worlds are real, wouldn't it be bad if all the outlets of the world were opened to the earth?


Suddenly, a shout came from behind him. Qin An turned his head and looked around. I don’t know when a huge energy luminous wall appeared at a distance of 100 meters. This is different from the time-space gate of the Sword Spirit Star. The Star Time Gate is a luminous sphere, and this light wall looks more like a real gate from a distance.

"Breaking the sky!"

Qin An looked at the children who had run out of the light wall and were about to reach him, and almost cried out in surprise. They were all children from his own family.

Pro Potian carried Caitlin on his back, followed by Ada Suli, Qin Dafeng, Qin Erhe, and Qin Xiangming!

OMG! They didn't even grow bigger, they were as small as they were separated five years ago!

In other words, the time track of their world and the real world should be synchronized!

This is really an unexpected surprise, because for the children, they may just be separated from themselves for a few days. Will they not experience too much suffering?

But seeing the embarrassment of these people, Qin An frowned again.

He knows the strength of Pro Potian. This kid is a one-punch superman. Qin An hasn’t noticed the person who can take his punch. Even if he is strong enough to kill many super-powerfuls in seconds, if he stands there, he doesn’t. Even if all the defensive capabilities are activated, Qin Potian's punch on the head will probably be fatal!

What made the sweat of this kid's anxiety come out?

"Dad! It's Daddy, great! Daddy, there are dinosaurs!"

Qin Dafeng's shouts also rang, turning his head and looking backward as he ran.


Qin An was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw that behind the huge light wall, a huge black sail-shaped structure on the back came out. It was about 20 meters tall and tens of meters long. Giant walking monster!

This... how does this seem to be the kind of animal named Spinosaurus that appeared in Jurassic Park?

At this time, the children of Qin Potian had already rushed to Qin An's side.

"Dad! Let's run! It's all dinosaurs!"

Qin Potian's small face was extremely nervous, Qin An looked at the anxious expressions of several children, and then at Caitlin who was on Qin Potian.

"Hey Qin An, it feels like a long time missing from you, have you been in the maze for a long time? We were trapped for 6 days, really scared to death, and almost eaten several times!" Caitlin is in her teens after all, better than Qin. The sky was quite high, but now he was dragged by Qin Potian with his feet behind him, which looked a bit funny.

"Yeah, you don't know Qin An, there are too many! They are all big carnivorous dinosaurs, and their skin is thick and thick, and they won't be able to kill one with a punch!" Qin Xiangming patted his chest and panted.

"Yes, some need two punches!" Qin Erhe added.

"The big dinosaurs are not the most terrible, those little dinosaurs are scary!" Qin Qintian corrected his brother's words.

"Yes! Little dinosaurs are terrible!" Qin Dafeng agreed.

The children had just been separated from Qin An for six days, so they didn't have Qin An's sentiment, so they were talking about it.

Qin An hadn't seen this group of young people in five years. When Qin Potian left, he was swallowed by zombies. Therefore, seeing the children suddenly all appearing around him, he couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it.

Qin Potian might have turned into a zombie because he was bitten by many zombies, but when Caitlin was there, this possibility disappeared. As for the meat that was bitten by the zombies, since the person was not dead, after two days Time was restored, and his physique was not fake.

Qin Potian, Caitlin, and Ada Suli floated on the sea for two days and finally saw the land. After landing, they met the three brothers and sisters of Qin Dafeng who were surrounded by dinosaurs, so the six little guys began to protect Qin Potian. Escape everywhere, and finally return to the real world after the maze world collapses.

However, all the maze worlds have been connected to the real world, and the dinosaurs naturally followed Qin Potian and entered the real world.

At this time, more huge dinosaurs ran out of the portal of the labyrinth world, and their appearance was more terrifying than human imagination, because their skins were all black and red people, looking like hard bark?

Without even thinking about it, Qin An directly raised his hand to summon Nanshan to come, and then put a few small income into the dream space.

The 206-level fantasy space ability has changed, and the ability must be fixed where it ends when it is activated. But now Qin An can carry the dream space to any place, but if the dream space moves, the time it exists at a time will also become very short.

Qin An's old heart has now been activated again.

After returning to the real world, the children returned safely.

Now, he can ignore anything, he must immediately run to Weng Lan's side. So, the hand that controls the fate of Qin An and Weng Lan will let Qin An see Weng Lan as he wishes?

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