Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1481 The Heroine Who Will Finally Meet With 4.63 Million Words

Qin An's speed was extremely fast, and it didn't take much time to enter the city of black blood where the defenders had been lost.

The so-called Black Blood City is a bit huge. It is divided into three parts: Noxes Administrative Province, Rocky Fortress Wall, and Astu City.

Among them, Astucheng is a population gathering place surrounded by a ten-meter-high wall made of mud. The Rocky Fortress wall surrounded by a half circle connected to the sea. It was 20 meters high and formed the wall of the Black Blood City. There were many fortresses built on the wall. The Administrative Province of Noxes is located on the east side of the original New York City, with its own independent 50-meter-high city wall.

It can only be said that there will be architectural styles in any era. Throwing anyone into the apocalypse, it is estimated that you will rack your brains and brainstorm ways to keep yourself in a relatively safe environment. There is no doubt about the necessity of the height and thickness of the city wall. Most people would rather sleep in the camp without building a house to ensure that the city wall around them is strong enough.

Due to the evacuation of the Black Blood Army, the city’s supplies have now been evacuated in half. If the time is not too hasty, more may be removed. Before Qin An and the others came out of the maze, the storm of Magical Beasts territory had touched the edge of the Black Blood City. .

The surrounding area is a mess. There are many small civilian villages in the surrounding areas of Astu City and the Administrative Province of Noxes. The area near the sea to the east is slum kilns.

The Black Blood Army went too hurriedly, so many people were left with nowhere to go. When Qin An entered the Noxes Administrative Province, he found that it was already controlled by hundreds of supernaturalists of the Demon Race. They were moving the Black Blood City. The poor people gathered to enter Noxes, and then closed the city gates to take advantage of the fire.

In addition to the demons, there are also some young people from Silvermoon City. They are more Damn it than the demons, because they not only want to snatch the remaining supplies in the Black Blood City, but also snatch the women!

The dream space was closed, and nearly 300,000 people inside came out together, almost all naked. Qin An knew that this would happen, so when he sent people into the dream space, he also sent a lot of clothes into the ring of apocalypse! At this time, all of them are released, so that people can snatch their beds.

Out? Have you really left the labyrinth world to return to real space? The people all screamed with joy and shook the demons and the people who were being robbed in Noxus.

"Xiao Beiyu, Mu De, Nan Qi, each of you gathered 50,000 people to immediately occupy Rocky Fortress, Yin Yao, Xia Ke, you bring some strong men to help the town, the storm in Magical Beasts territory has now disappeared, I think Black Blood The army will probably return after knowing the news! Hmph, I want to come back after I left, and there is such a good thing, this city is ours! Rest all the damaged parts of the city wall, and I will use alchemy to strengthen it when I look back! Beware of the invasion of other foreign objects, and don't know if all the monsters in the maze world will run out!

Colorful, Sanchuan, you lead people to control the cities of As and Noxus. At the same time, eliminate the demons of Crescent City and the remnants of the Black Blood Army inside and outside the city. Centralize the management of the people in the city. After screening, arrange them to enter our control area. ! Weng Die, Linghua, you guys!

Xia Xue, Zeng Huan, you helped Catalina to manage the children in a centralized manner. Qin Potian and Qin Yabei should not run around and be responsible for the safety of all the children! ! "

Qin An gave an order. The last one is for all children. In the past few years in the labyrinth world, all the children have been concentrated and protected, and a magician needs to be followed by them. Once a crisis occurs, the protective shield can be immediately set up. In any era, children are the future of a collective organization!

The crowd ran away immediately after hearing Qin An's order.

After Mo Yudongchen's death, Qin An became the Azure Sword King. In a few years, he removed the opponents from the four major families and elected a brand new leadership team, which already firmly controlled the Qing Sword King. It can be said that Qin An occupies the sky, the right place, and the harmony of people. Under the complicated situation of the labyrinth world, it is easy to achieve his original goal.

"Are you... looking for Big sis?"

Weng Die's face was a bit strange, and she didn't know what her mood was. How should we explain when we saw Weng Lan... Why did she come out of the labyrinth world at once? It's really hard to accept."Well, let Linghua take care of it here. I'll go to Weng Lan. Now no one can stop me from reaching her!"

After the words fell, Qin An's figure had disappeared, flashing to reach a kilometer away!

Weng Lan didn't look very good, and her face was covered in dirt with her disheveled hair, which made her beauty obscured.

Juliet and Ives were by her side, and the three women sat in a thatched hut and sighed.

"Hey, why am I losing my memory? Weng Lan, you really can't remember who we are?" Ives was a little unwilling, not knowing how many times I asked this question.

Weng Lan touched her greasy hair, did not answer Ives, but frowned:

"That man named Poseidon won't come to me again, will he?"

Poseidon, the prince of Crescent City, has been in the city of black blood for a few days. He came to Weng Lan once a few days ago, but it was a pity that Weng Lan looked a little old at that time, and years of sorrow made her haggard. Unbearable.

Poseidon was very disappointed. He didn't expect that the woman he was interested in was tempered into this look by the years, so he cast a one-spirit rejuvenation spell for Weng Lan.

This kind of spell card can make people's physical condition return to youth, so that Weng Lan instantly turned into the appearance of her early twenties, and immediately became Poseidon's favorite appearance.

Poseidon wanted to take Weng Lan forcibly, but Weng Lan was naturally unwilling.

For many years, she has been a little crazy and stupid because of missing her children. In her eyes, Juliet and Ives are her only relatives now, and she certainly does not want to leave them.

So Weng Lan chose to commit suicide, taking advantage of Poseidon's people inadvertently crashing into a nearby tree, and after waking up... became dementia!

This is of course false. In fact, Weng Lan just lost her memory. After waking up, Weng Lan found that the furious Poseidon seemed to deal with her. She didn't know the situation so she pretended to be dementia.

So the so-called amnesia is not the complete loss of all memories, Weng Lan just forgot the experience of the past so many years since she felt good about Qin An.

In other words, she thought that she had just arrived in Hanghai City for half a year, had just met Qin An for half a year, and then Qin An would appear in front of her house and back every morning and evening.

Seeing that Weng Lanning died, Poseidon was unwilling to go with him. He became silly and froze. He was furious and ordered to send him to the underground casino of the slum, where she could be a dancer.

Since this woman is not available, Poseidon intends to destroy her.

Weng Lan has been taken care of by Juliet’s man Odoka over the years. Odoka is a knives-mouthed tofu-hearted person. He has a very bad attitude towards Weng Lan on weekdays. He always scolds when he is uncomfortable, but it is indeed because of For his protection, Weng Lan has not been bullied by anyone in recent years. When she was a dancer in the underground casino, she didn't compensate anyone for skipping the dance. Most of the time, he was sneaked into the kitchen by Odoka. plate.

Not long afterwards, Odoka and Juliet got married, and Weng Lan left the underground entertainment casino as a dowry, and has been sent back to the chaotic place by Poseidon again.

Nowadays, Weng Lan has a crisis in entering the casino again. She has regained her youthful vitality because of Poseidon’s rejuvenation spell card. She has lost a part of her bad memory and regained her Spiritual Qi and anger. Therefore, she has become a person again. A charming woman is noticed by many men as soon as she enters the underground entertainment casino.

Odoka has worked as a security guard in this underground entertainment casino for many years, and he has some connections and relationships.

In order to prevent Weng Lan from being looked upon by men and forced to profanity, Odoka dressed her sloppyly, and then hid in the kitchen again to wash the dishes.

These things happened in the past few days.

Then three days ago, the Black Blood Army began to evacuate the Black Blood City. The city immediately became chaotic. Most of the power class wanted to escape. The underground entertainment casinos in the slums were closed because of the chaos. Naturally, Weng Lan did not need to retreat. Go to Work.

The Black Blood Army did not intend to flee with all the poor, in principle it just didn't care.

The poor are willing to follow along, but they cannot get any protection and material relief from the Black Blood Army along the way.

Because of the rush, many materials were left in the city, and some people who were greedy for petty and cheap things were reluctant to leave. They hoped that the Magical Beasts territory storm would not affect the entire Black Blood City in the end. They can find a place to hide, and then continue to live here after the storm has passed or disappeared. What they have to do for the present is to collect supplies and guard and steal the remaining resources in the city of black blood.

It’s a pity that these people’s calculations fell through, because after the Black Blood City’s large forces left, more than a dozen huge spaceships from New Moon City arrived. They also came to snatch them. They wanted to take the Black Blood City before the storm of Magical Beasts. The surplus materials were looted so Odoka did not belong to the right class, he was just a worker.

When the large forces marched north, Odoka chose to stay. His former home was a small town nearby. After the end of the world broke out, he never left the neighborhood too far. He is a somewhat alternative United States remnant before the end of the world. The survivors are unwilling to wander around, but are hard to leave their homeland.

As the head of the family, Oulanka refused to leave, and Juliet, Ives, and Weng Lan were naturally unable to leave.

Now that the superpower who was monitoring Weng Lan has withdrawn, Mary has finally obtained the right to the city of black blood. Mary, who has become the leader of one party, has the support of the Wukui Lord God. She has begun to actively prepare for the road to own hegemony, and has no thoughts anymore. Regarding the hatred of the death of her ex-husband Shirakawa Five Dragons, the small role of Weng Lan was finally given up by her.

So in fact, Weng Lan’s condition is pretty good now. She once again entered Samsara, restored her youthful beauty and forgot all her sorrows. She only felt that the gringo named Poseidon was a pervert, and she only felt that Juliet beside her was just for the wind. The foreign ladies of Sao, I only think that Ives is always talking about her mother, and only thinks that Oulanka is an asshole who talks about FUCK.

She couldn't figure out why she arrived in United States. At the moment when she woke up after losing her memory, the only thing she remembered was that she talked to the boy named Qin An downstairs in her home last night.

She actually knew his name a long time ago, Qin An herself had said it several times, but she still pretended to forget it.

That night was just right, and she got off work early.

Wearing red high heels, showing smooth and sexy thighs, Weng Lan is slightly drunk.

Colleagues all went to dinner and asked her to join her. She left for a few minutes after she went there. She hated the atmosphere. A group of so-called colleagues who weren’t very familiar gathered together and said polite words, as if everyone was all. The best brothers and sisters, but secretly they will fight desperately for their performance! Some people think that doing business this kind of work can also get along with rivals and competitors, and everyone maintains their own customers. In fact, this concept is not advisable. In a competitive Realm, if you don't kill your opponent, you will probably never get too far ahead!In short, in order to leave early, Weng Lan fined three drinks, so he was a little bit drunk.

She took a taxi all the way, and then walked slowly into her community, and she saw the kid still standing at the door of the community downstairs.

Maybe it was really too much, so Weng Lan did something that she didn't dare to do and wouldn't do it, and said something off the line.

She took the mineral water that Qin An handed over like a queen, and drank it all.

"My dear, are you really tired of sending water every day?"

"Hey, it's not annoying! I couldn't sleep at night, and I happened to run to your side, so I bought you some water, and I stopped by. I don't have any friends here in Hanghai."

It was a man who blushed even when he talked, innocent.

However, his articulation is clear, his speech does not tremble, and he can express what he wants to express intuitively. This kind of person should actually be very suitable for communicating with people, and doing business should be a good material.

"So, do you consider me your friend?"


"What's your name, brother!"

"My name is Qin An!"

"Oh, cyanamide? Melamine! Haha, you turned out to be the source of tainted milk powder!"

After Qin An was taken aback for a moment, he smiled stupidly.

At that moment, the slightly drunk Weng Lan was actually a little drunk.

She was stunned for about five seconds, then suddenly threw the water bottle to Qin An, turned and left.

After walking a few steps, she stopped again, turning her back to Qin An and said, "Hey, I drank a little wine today and a large bottle of your mineral water! If you always go to the toilet at night, see if I won't kill you tomorrow!"

The last sentence is a little coquettish, some tactful, and some melodious.

Qin An is petrified. After Weng Lan said these words, she regretted it gorgeously, and hurried upstairs, thinking that she must have drunk too much fake wine, otherwise, how could she say that to the man? Killing people...This seems to be flirting!

So after waking up this night, Weng Lan had no chance to kill Qin An, because she was completely confused when she woke up, and she didn't know what kind of world she was in.

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