"It shouldn't be coming. They are snatching supplies from Black Blood City. Oulanka tells us not to go out. The guys in Crescent City are catching women everywhere. There are many beautiful women in the city, called Poseidon... ...Actually, she is quite handsome and a supernatural person. Maybe it’s good to leave with him.” Juliet’s tone was a little rosy, she was actually jealous, because Weng Lan returned to her youth and beauty, and it was all waves. Seidon’s credit.

At this moment, the door of the hut was pushed open, and Oulanka ran in panting.

"How's the situation outside? I've always been upset these past few days, or let's run away too!" Juliet hurriedly stood up and spoke.

"Don't run away! The black whirlwind in Magical Beasts territory has disappeared!"

"What? Really?" Juliet and Ives couldn't believe it.

"Don't be surprised, because there are more bizarre events than this one!"

"What's wrong?"

"Suddenly hundreds of thousands of people appeared in the administrative city of Noxus! I heard that they appeared out of nowhere, a large crowd of black people! They didn't wear clothes when they appeared! I just ran to find out the news, these people They all seem to be supernatural beings, among them there are a small group of orcs, a small group of people on earth, most of them are from the Cyan Sword tribe! They are very brave, and someone is commanding them. Now some of them have occupied the walls of Rocky Fortress and Astu The city, the administrative city of Noxus, was even directly controlled. Most of the people in Crescent City were killed, the boy Poseidon was beaten away, and the spacecraft in Crescent City ran away from the Poseidon ship. The others were all detained, and no supplies were taken away. Later, the Qingjian people posted a notice telling the residents in the territory that the Azure Dragon Empire has officially taken over the rule of the Black Blood City, so that the people can rest assured, don’t be afraid. Don’t panic either, if there are troublemakers, they will be severely punished.

Azure Dragon Empire is the title that Qin An changed for the Azure Sword Empire a year ago, because Qin An felt that the future country must be a multi-ethnic aggregate, like the Star Alliance, then the name of the country is already being used as the Azure Sword. It is not appropriate, so it was changed to Azure Dragon.

After hearing Okaran's words, Juliet and Ives both grew their mouths in the room, which is more shocking than the disappearance of the black whirlwind in Magical Beasts territory.

How come hundreds of thousands of people suddenly appeared in the city? Is this a large magic teleport ability?

Now the world is full of abilities, so even though Juliet and Ives are not abilities, they can use some abilities to explain things they don't understand.

Weng Lan doesn't care about these things. She still can't figure out her clues. She doesn't know if she has traveled to the world decades later. She can't completely believe in Juliet and Ives. They say they have amnesia? It's really funny. If she really has spent more than 40 years and Life is in the so-called Park 2048, then how could she not be old? Weng Lan has lost all the memories of late stage, including Poseidon's use of spell cards for her.

In front of him, a small gap opened in the window, Weng Lan narrowed his eyes and saw the man standing outside.

Looks like Qin An!

No, it should be Qin An!

No... Qin An is not as handsome as this man!

But...that look...

Weng Lan was a little tangled.

In fact, Weng Lan is not to blame, because Juliet and Ives didn’t tell her too much in the past few days, and she didn’t ask about it. The reason was that she didn’t trust these two women. Will not listen to what they say.

Therefore, while Weng Lan was not sure about her situation, she naturally did not dare to recognize the man who had changed a lot.

And what if he is that man?

Weng Lan's memory remained at the moment when she had a good impression of Qin An, but this was just a good impression, nothing else.

Maybe... just two very similar people, right?

Weng Lan made the final conclusion for own this observation.

In fact, this is not easy. Compared with the time when Qin An and Weng Lan first met, Qin An has indeed changed a lot.

Although he remained young, his temperament, appearance, skin color, etc. were different from the earliest Qin An.

Qin An has been standing outside the window for a long time.

He heard the conversation between Juliet and Ives carrying Weng Lan in another room before, and understood what was probably going on.

"She gave birth to a child...Would you like to tell her?"

"Forget it, this kind of thing is just sad. How bitter has she been in the past few years? The eyes of crying for the child are almost blind. Then Poseidon hit her to pay attention, but it made her use it. With that spell, she returned to her youthful state, her eyes improved, and her mood became normal. Isn’t this something to be desired? Anyway, her child can’t be found, and her man

"Don't mention that man! I'm angry when I mention it. In the past few years, Weng Lan will call this name every time she dreams, but where are the others?"

"I can't blame him. It's the end of the world. How can people who are separated meet again so easily? Maybe they are no longer alive. Weng Lan has been frozen for 20 years. If that man is still alive, he will be an old man. Ah, sixty is almost seventy! There is no possibility between them

"Well, it's really pitiful, and Weng Lan's condition is really good now, but it's just a pity that we have been sisters for so many years."

"It's nothing to be a pity, people are right in front of us, just getting along. It's just that we have encountered the crisis of Magical Beasts again. I don't know if we can survive this time."

"Don't worry, we have been here for so many years, and I believe this time we will be safe and sound!"

"Well, God bless!"

Juliet and Ives entered the room and sat down with Weng Lan after speaking these words, and Qin An heard all these words in his ears.

Qin An felt that his body seemed to be hollowed out, and he didn't even have the strength to cry. He originally thought that when he saw Weng Lan, his eyes would be hot for the first time!

She... unexpectedly lost her memory!

She has forgotten who she is? Have forgotten all of them? Have you forgotten that you once had four children?

Yeah, those two women are right, which may be a good thing.

I finally saw the real Weng Lan, and she was still young, appearing in front of own in the best state.

Perhaps Weng Lan knew that she would meet herself in the dark?

So she made a deal with God, exchanged her memory for fate, and then allowed her to have the most beautiful time before his eyes. Let him only look up to her, just like before!

Qin An stared blankly at the woman sitting quietly in the room. She was so peaceful, seemingly coldly, but in fact she had a fiery heart!

They met for the first time that year, and what he saw in the vast crowds of the talent market was exactly this kind of her!

After many years, a dramatic similarity appeared!

The so-called similarity is that feeling!

Qin An first saw Weng Lan and fell in love ever since.

After being separated for so long, Qin An had also imagined the emotion of seeing Wen Lan goodbye, but he did not expect to still be in deep love!

Suddenly, Qin An was ashamed and shameless.

How should he face Weng Lan?

For many years, Weng Lan remained alone and alone.

And he? He has a lot of wives and children, how can he meet the woman he loves most? How do you meet Weng Lan who has forgotten Qin An?

Suddenly, all of Qin An's emotions were ignited, and tears fell torrentially, and he couldn't stop it, he knelt and cried, regardless of other people's gazes.

In the wooden house, Weng Lan didn't look away from the crack of the window, so she saw the man's expression, movement, and current state.


Why is he crying so sad? Such a moving face?

Who is he crying for? For yourself?

Deep in the soul, the memory of accidental loss seemed to touch some of her fragile nerves.

Weng Lan raised her hand subconsciously and touched the teardrop in the corner of her eye.

She... why is she crying too?

Why? Obviously there is no emotion, but why did you cry?

At a loss, Weng Lan stood up abruptly, then looked away from the crack in the window.

"Weng Lan? What's wrong with you?" Ives asked with concern.

"Hey! Can you leave this woman alone? I used to worry about her, but now that she has amnesia, you have to worry even more! I really don't understand your friendship!"

Oulanka complained.

He really doesn't understand, because Weng Lan has been silly all these years, and he doesn't know why Juliet and Ives should be so good to Weng Lan.

Juliet and Ives looked at each other, then smiled bitterly.

In fact, they don't understand either.

At the beginning, they were in trouble with Weng Lan, but later they were implicated by Weng Lan and arrested into a gang, and finally reduced to the city of black blood.

Their relationship was not so good at first, but after getting along for a while, it gradually became irrelevant to you and me.

Maybe people in the last days have a lonely heart, knowing that friends are hard-won things, maybe they were sisters in the previous life, in this life, these years, they are as good as a person.

This is really a miracle, not to mention Weng Lan, just to mention Juliet and Ives, they are people with a very big personality gap!

Avis has some virgins, some naive, has a very upright three views, cheerful, enthusiastic, full of illusions and hopes for the future, and likes to be a bad person.

Juliet is selfish and afraid of death. She is cunning and cautious. She sells her own body for profit. She is also a coquettish woman who likes to hook up. In the past few years, she has always put a green hat on Oulanka, but she treats Oulanka again. It is true love, she knows this very well in her heart.

So these two women can become best friends with Weng Lan's poor mother who has been thinking about her children in a foolish way for several years. I have to say that human fate is really wonderful.

Juliet ignored Oulanka's easy dissatisfaction with their sisters, stepped forward to help Weng Lan's arm, and raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"No, it seems that the wind and sand have lost their eyes."

Weng Lan found a reasonable reason, it must be so, otherwise she would cry for no reason.

At this moment, the door of the cabin was kicked open, and three black men walked in with long guns.

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