Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1488 Infertile patients (1)

Yes, now the old calendar continues. That’s because the March disaster broke out before the full year. Who can figure out the specific day of the Spring Festival next year? Perhaps it will be abandoned soon after the AD. Now the Azure Dragon Empire Isn’t the relevant staff also working on a new calendar timetable? As the king, Qin An had received a report, and he also signed and approved the incident!

Looking at Weng Lan's face, she saw that although she was still smiling brilliantly, there was water mist in her eyes. She mentioned the child several times just now... This smart woman must have some understanding, right? Is she doing this for the children? Did she guess everything?

It shouldn't have been, maybe it's just a suspicion, but Weng Lan is an activist, and it is her personality to do what she thinks. If it were not like this, she would not take the initiative to marry herself back then!

She should also be a romantic, she stupidly ran to give her something at first, they even got married without much in-depth understanding, if it weren’t for unlimited romantic fantasies in their minds, a cleverness who got like a fish in the workplace How can a woman do such a thing?

Ah...Yes, the last Chinese Spring Festival in history, what a meaningful and grand festival, how can I miss it?

Qin An went to the 36th Army command camp almost immediately, found the 36th Army commander, and asked him to send people to the Black Blood and Mozu coalition camp for a ten-day truce negotiations. He wanted to spend the New Year with Weng Lan and his wife and children. Then give at least the 36th army a small holiday, of course, it is impossible to rest completely! The strategic intent and purpose of the 36th Army is to hold the position and prevent the Black Blood Demon from taking root on the edge of the position, to protect and support nearby friendly forces, and to ensure that Azure Dragon and the Imperial Union Army can successfully conquer some of the Black Blood Alliance camps.

The negotiation was quite successful. The enemy already knew about the Witch Princess being arrested. They seemed to value the princess very much and offered to exchange the Spirit Stones with a huge price for the intact Zeng Hao.

Qin An agreed, but the condition was to trade after 10. The initiative is considered to be in Qin An's hands, so in the end the Black Blood Demon clan coalition forces chose to cooperate.

Qin An laughed when he heard the news of the successful negotiation. Ten days? Enough to make a woman pregnant! He can release Zeng Hao after 10, but whether the witch is willing to leave at that time is her own problem!

Soon after Qin An occupied the Black Blood City, the Black Blood Army, which had withdrawn northward, heard the news that the storm in the Demon Chief's land had disappeared, and began to turn back, and the war broke out. At the beginning, Qin An was weak. Just when he was about to be unable to hold on, the reinforcements Xia Ke had called arrived. The Sea Fort fleet from Seven Sword City joined the battle and eased the pressure on Qingjian. After that, many Qingjian tribes Stepping out of the time and space gate, the strength of the Azure Dragon empire surged, and this was able to be evenly matched with the black blood and demons, thus opening the battle between the Azure Dragon empire and the Excalibur Empire to fight for the territories and cities of all states in the United States. Only with territories In order to have more resources, absorb more foreign races, strengthen the power, kill more enemies, and establish a stable new order.

So Detroit, a city surrounded by water, can be regarded as a main battlefield. The Black Blood Army also has many cities in Canada’s vast Realm. There were already a lot of troops stationed. The army stationed in the Black Blood City failed to recapture Rocky Fortress. Later, they withdrew several major cities in Canada. After that, they wanted to join the battle for many cities in the United States. Detroit is a good route for troop transportation.

In order to block the black blood ground forces, the Azure Dragon Empire established a large-scale serial position in Detroit within two months. The 36th Army reorganized 300,000 people. Today, almost 100,000 have died, and they are still holding their positions.Qin An is not the commander-in-chief here. In fact, he goes everywhere. Basically, he ran to support wherever there are tough battles.

The reason why he often appeared next to Weng Lan of the 36th Army was just to be a follower.

When Qin An is away, there will basically be a female sword god with Weng Lan. If the female sword god is also unable to get away from other battlefields, then Qin Potian and Qin Yabei will form a group to accompany Weng Lan, the two children Although small, the combined strength is enough to fight the true sword god, mainly because Qin Potian is too abnormal. And wherever Qin Potian went, Caitlin and Su Li would definitely follow. Su Li's little mouth was so sweet that it was so sweet that Weng Lan liked it very much.

Weng Lan never asked for or refused Qin An's arrangements. This was what made Qin An depressed, so she couldn't figure out Weng Lan's thoughts.

When deciding to celebrate the last Chinese New Year in China, Qin An began to use privileges to adjust animal resources. As the king of the Azure Dragon empire, this energy was still available. Flour, pork, and many vegetables were soon transported from Noxus. The soldiers of the 36th Army looked dizzy. They didn't know that the king of the empire was hiding in their position and doing nympho, so they thought it was the recent combat heroic headquarters that issued a reward, and the whole army was full of joy. . In days when supplies are scarce, food is often the most attractive thing.

Linghua and her little maid, Zeng Huan, also arrived with these supplies.

Qin An was happy after seeing Zeng Huan and arranged for her a glorious mission, that is to be a matchmaker for Zeng Hao

The city of Detroit actually had another name in the end times, called Hank Harbor.

This was changed to commemorate a good man named Hank Thomas.

In 2019, Hank's influence in Detroit is already quite strong. He takes in refugees and homeless people, provides them with supplies, shelter, and medical care. He is a rare good man in the last days.

Later, Detroit was besieged by zombies, Hank led the armed forces to resist for twelve days, and finally the city was broken.

Hank took the lead and led the armed to cover the evacuation of civilians, eventually becoming food for the zombies.

After the formation of the Doomsday Territory, some people who had lived in Detroit Life returned here again, settled in the abandoned city, and renamed Detroit to Hank Harbor.

Therefore, when the Azure Dragon empire came, there were hundreds of thousands of aborigines.

Fifty to sixty thousand of them are earthlings, and more are aliens who came here later, as well as some new labyrinth world traversers who have appeared recently.

Because Detroit has always been inhabited, Detroit doesn’t look too bad. Azure Dragon’s chain of positions surrounds the residential area in a ring. The headquarters is set up in the center of the residential area. Qin An also gets a private house for himself, which can be used by Weng Lan. Special female soldiers live on weekdays.

For what Weng Lan wants to do, Qin An's principle is not to stop, and then fully cooperate.

Then one does not refuse and is willing to compromise, the other does not stop, and fully cooperates.

This makes other people unable to understand. I don't know what games the two are playing. Sometimes they are like glue and paint. Why sometimes they look like a strange relationship? The onlookers couldn't stand the heat and cold, and they didn't know what the two parties thought.

In fact, Weng Lan understood something in her heart, but Qin An understood it completely.

They are looking for each other lost because of the gap in time and space. They are filling the gap and strangeness between the two. They are looking for the little lack and regret in the true love of the year. Since they are preparing for the Spring Festival, Qin An also brought Weng Lan. He left the position and returned to his temporary residence in the residential area.

This is a rare and intact pre-apocalyptic building. It should have been rested several times in these years. The two-story house and the courtyard in the independent wall are huge. There are no weeds in the courtyard. The 36th Army Commander After knowing that Qin An was going to move in occasionally, he naturally found someone to renovate this "mansion" again.

The commander is a member of the Qingjian tribe, who is famous for the ancient city of night.

The 36th Army is a family force in the ancient city of Yegu. As a member of the Qingjian tribe who passed through, I heard that their Qingjian king Mo Yudongchen actually passed the throne to an earthling, and most of the Qingjian people were greatly shocked.

However, due to several reasons, the later Qingjianmen were finally merged.

First, they don't think that the people of the earth are cowardly and useless like the old Qingjian tribe, because they have not been in contact before, so naturally they have no prejudice.

Second, Qin An, as a human from the earth, looks no different from the Qingjian tribe in appearance.

Third, the presence of the four female sword gods gave Qin An an invisible deterrent, and it was heard that Qin An was more capable than the sword god, and once killed more than 30 super powers such as the immortal turtle.

Fourth, the earth is too chaotic now, and they don't have the opportunity to rise up independently. They need the territorial resources provided by Qin An.

Fifth, Qin An is also a man anyhow, this has not surpassed the bottom line that they can accept.

Then Yegucheng was the one who supported Qin'an in the Qingjian tribe later, so it was reused.

This place in Detroit is regarded as a family fief for the ancient city of Night by Qin An, but if you want to gain a foothold here, you must work hard by yourself, and the support that the empire can achieve is still limited.

After returning to the so-called mansion, the witch princess Zeng Hao was locked up in a separate bedroom. Yin Yao was in charge of guarding her, and she was given a power inhibitor. She was just like an ordinary woman on earth. Now, it can only be said that inhibitors are somewhat powerful.

Zeng Huan happily accepted Qin An’s order. Anyway, everyone was busy preparing to make dumplings in the house for a new year. She, an alien, doesn’t know how to make dumplings. Just wait to eat and come free. It is naturally an interesting thing to pass the time to be a matchmaker for others.

Zeng Huan first went to select five handsome boys from the Qingjian tribe, and then selected five handsome boys from the earthling supernatural beings. This was the only person who went to visit the imprisoned Zeng Hao first, intending to be moved with affection. Xiao Zhiyi turned it over!

"Hello, hello! God, have you noticed that we two look very similar! Hey, I just came to the camp here with my wife, and my husband said that he will have a little year in China. We also have to prepare for the Spring Festival, so we will come here for a vacation, or else we will be bored in Koroa City. We have been fighting the Gina from the maze world before. These guys look like car monsters. Generally, they are very similar to the Autobots in Deformed Vajra, except that they are not deformed. They are born with a shape similar to a car, and they also have spherical feet similar to the wheels of a car, which can make them move extremely fast. Oh, yes, deformed Vajra You may not know what it is? It is a comic from the pre-apocalyptic era of United States. I read it with my Miss a few years ago. It is very beautiful..."

Zeng Huan talked with a broken mouth, while looking at Zeng Hao who was sitting on the bed honestly. She was really a beautiful girl...No, I heard from Mrs. Yin Yao that this Zeng Hao is older than his own age. Many.

"Don't be sullen at me! We are all from the star of the sword spirit, we are all humanoids, and our surnames are Zeng. Your identity is the daughter of the demon king. My identity is not bad, right? I am Azure. Dragon King’s favorite little maid is a woman who is treated like a sister by Ling Foil, so you and I can actually become friends."

"Friends? It's probably never possible. We are enemies! This time I was caught by the Xiangying Sword God. I'm unlucky, I admit it! But if you want to make me surrender or surrender, you should die!"

Zeng Hao's tone was flat, neither humble nor overbearing, and seemed to have no fear.

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