Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1489 Infertile patients (2)

"No, no, I didn't think about making you surrender. My husband has made an agreement with your demons. After 10 days, they will put you back intact. To be precise, they bought you back with a ransom. The price of Ten Thousand Sword Spirit Stones! You are so expensive, and the demons are really rich!"

"Fifty thousand sword Spirit Stones are nothing to the nine great sword god races, but your king is really willing to let me go?"


"There are no other conditions?"

"The condition is no, but... I will be a matchmaker for you and introduce some of our excellent men to you. I heard that you went to the Demon Man many times when you were in the Star of Sword Spirit. Zhixing is a guest, but no demon man can successfully conceive you. So, the demon man is as useless as the legend!"

Zeng Hao sneered.

At this point, she didn't want to refute Zeng Huan, acting as a princess of the demon clan. Zeng Hao had not much contact with foreign men, and most of the time he was in the life of the demon star of Feiyue.

She is actually very old, she should have had her own child long ago, but I don't know why, for many years she has been unable to be conceived by a male demon, so she has not given birth to any offspring, which makes her very annoyed.

Some time ago, she finally got a little acquaintance with a Demon male named Qilang. Therefore, in the past, Demon Planet tried to contact. Now it has been more than ten months, but there is no progress at all. She feels that she is still I like Shichiro very much. I think he is mature and restrained and has good temperament, but why is he unable to conceive? She couldn't feel the momentary pleasure of Mental Energy's mingling with each other as her mother said, and she couldn't even feel Qirou's Mental Energy hovering by her side.

Did she have the so-called infertility in the legend of the demons?

If this is the case, it would be a shame. If a demon woman is infertile, she will be despised by the whole clan. As a witch princess, Zeng Hao can't accept such an ending anyway.

Therefore, she stayed on the male demon planet this time, vowing to be pregnant with a child and returning. She did not expect that now she would be taken as a prisoner. A Longyan fighter plane landed at the 36th Army temporary airfield.

The hatch opened, and a strong and handsome man walked out first, followed by a beautiful woman.

"Hey, can you be a little smiley? Go to see Qin An, not to see King Yama, look at you along the way, it's like someone owes you money and didn't give it to you!"

The woman smiled and talked while tapping the man on the shoulder, but the man's face was still without a smile, looking very sad.

"I really want to go back now!"

"Chee, dare you! I came with a mission, and I will also escort you to Qin An!"

While the two people were talking, the superb soldier of the Green Sword Clan guarding the airport had already stepped forward and checked the identity information of the two people.

Then I walked into the cabin to check, and saw an equally handsome man sleeping on a chair. On the other side of the seat, a short man with a height of just over one meter was lying on the plane window and looking out. Next to him sits a young and beautiful woman with smooth thighs.

At first glance, he is a sword repairer. If he wears so little to go outdoors, he will feel cold if he is a green sword man.

Although Qingjianren is also a supernatural person, his body's feelings for body temperature are obvious.

The soldiers left the Longyan fighter plane only after the identity check was indistinguishable.

The Longyan fighter took off vertically again, and reached the floating dock of Qin An's residence within a few minutes.

The five people on the plane jumped off, just in time for Qin Potian to play wrestling with his brothers in the courtyard.

"Second Uncle! Uncle Gu! Why are you here?"

Qin Potian ran over with joy.

"Hey hey hey! You kid, only your second uncle and uncle Gu are in your eyes? My second aunt is gone? I heard that the Qingjian clan is patriarchal, it seems that you have a bad school!"

Qin Potian smirked and said cunningly: "I just don't know whether you should be called your second aunt or aunt. This relationship is a little messy!"

When the woman heard Qin Potian say this, she blushed with shame.

Then the five people who came by the Longyan fighter plane were Qin Le, Qin Le’s newlywed wife was also Qin Xiaoyan’s Little Sister He Ke Liusu, Qin An’s brother of the Earth Tree Elf Clan King Gu Changqing, and Yin Yao who was a merchant in the last days. The prostitute who saved her life in the city, Guan Xiaoshan, and her husband, the dwarf prince!

Guan Xiaoshan and Wang Fu have been Yin Yao's internal and external affairs for a long time. Guan Xiaoshan played the role of a maid, and Wang Fu helped Yin Yao deal with some external affairs. Of course, they both swallowed the soul stone and became a sword repairer. Now that he still has a good strength, he has reached the Realm of the Second Soul Sword Repair. This time I came here because I heard that Yin Yao had become Qin An's bedman, so she came to take care of her.

The hostess is married, and there is always someone around to take care of her. Guan Xiaoshan and Wang Fu are both grateful people. Since being rescued by Yin Yao that year, Guan Xiaoshan has been in harmony with Wang Fu and no longer cares about his appearance.

In fact, this is how men and women live. When they are young, they may care about some external things. Once they pass for a long time, nothing matters. For Guan Xiaoshan, her husband will hurt others, and the bed will be mighty, so everything is satisfied. For Wang Fu. The wife is not strict, and can occasionally touch some wind in the gap. ***People's ass, that is the greatest enjoyment of Life! This is the real life.

Well, Gu Changqing came because he was so boring at home. His harem group was dozens of times that of Qin An. In the past few years, batch after batch have been sent away, and now there are dozens of people around him who treat him. Desperate woman.

Gu Changqing fell into a quagmire.

These women were all the women he picked up from Yanliuhua Alleys across the country.

It's a lie to say how much you love.

It can only be said that Gu Changqing is a man who needs women but not love, but when there are too many women and no love at all, then throwing out passion, getting along with these women will be a bit torture, so Gu Changqing will I want to give myself a vacation.

Tang Yu's power in Europe is developing steadily, with the output of supernatural beings, and the support of Kowloon City, so it shouldn't be too dangerous.

More importantly, Qin Xiaoyan, Lan Yue and other women's abilities now have further Ascension, and may soon be restored to the strength of the Sword God, which is equivalent to the resurrection of the Sword God. With them helping, Gu Changqing, the Second Soul Sword Cultivator, was irrelevant, so he could naturally come out to relax.

So the real owners of this trip are actually Qin Le and He Ke Liusu.

Why would two people come? It was entrusted by many women to give gifts to Qin An, Weng Lan and several other sisters!

To put it nicely, it's called giving a gift, but in fact, it's naturally off the beaten track!

The purpose is to tell Qin An and the women here, don't forget that there are many grieving women on the other side of the earth.

In Lan Yue's words, it is best that Qin An and Weng Lan still think of women like them when they are rolling on the bed.

He Keliusu heard this from Qin Xiaoyan, and then told Qin Le to listen to Qin Le. The honest Qin Le immediately flushed, and then told his wife not to look at indecent assault, and the rumors to stop at this time. ,

Qin An is organizing the people who have just arrived in the room to learn how to make dumplings.

Yin Yao, Xia Ke, Weng Die, Linghua, Qin Qicai, Catalina, Qin Sanchuan, Annie, Mulan, Li Suoqiu, Mu Xiaoci, plus one Weng Lan, and throwing away two sons, among so many women No one can make dumplings!

Since then, Qin An, a housewife, once again picked up his old profession, intending to serve as a chef to do a good demonstration and save these poor guys! You can't even make dumplings. Could it be said that in the thirty-four years of the last days, China's glorious tradition of eating dumplings will be lost in the hands of their generation? This is not going to work anyway!

So at this moment, Qin An heard the voice outside.What a surprise, why are these five people coming?

They must have come from Europe, because Tianju is with Tang Yu now, and Qin Le and the others were in Tianju before.

Despite the accident, Qin An is still very happy. Qin Le is his own Little Brother. The two brothers have established a deep friendship after getting along in the previous eight years.

After taking a group of people out to greet him, Qin An realized that there was something wrong after meeting with Qin Le, because Qin Le's expression was too bad, and he was carrying a huge package on his back.

Qin Ando, ​​a smart person, saw that Qin Le was blinking at him, and he understood what was about to happen.

The news that I found Weng Lan had been informed to the girls on Tianju through electronic devices, and Qin An also said very clearly that he had not completely confessed to Weng Lan, because Weng Lan had lost her memory, so he was just getting along with her.

At that time, the conversation with the girls was in video mode. When they heard that they finally found Weng Lan, they sent their blessings, and at the same time, their expressions were strange and varied, which made Qin An's heart startle.

Qin An also deliberately shared the matter with his two sons. Later, he understood the benefits of having a son, and he could solve problems!

Qin Sanchuan patted his father on the shoulder and said, "Dad, this shows that my mothers love you. They sincerely hope that you can reconcile with your ex-wife before the end of the world, but they also feel jealous. I have lost your favor, so their faces are different. But they are also considered open-minded. After all, they have been living with you for eight years. What did the aunt and me say? By the way, it is called the seven-year itch! You and them have spent seven years, the relationship has changed from turbulent to stable, they are not completely your wife, your mother, your sister, your friend, your daughter! In short, they have learned to stand. Considering the problem from your perspective is called thinking for you, so they will expect you to win the deep love of Weng Lan's mother again!"

Qin An was stunned when he heard what Qin Sanchuan said. He didn't expect his son to be so open-minded and understand women so much! No wonder we married four wives, and the wives get along so harmoniously.

Qin Qicai also expressed his opinion: "Yes, so dad, you just let go. Your sons support you! You don't know that your name has been circulated in the United States for a while! Back then, You have a relationship with my moms, but you didn't tell your origins, but you were so famous in United States at that time. Wherever you go, someone will mention the story of an Oriental man looking for his wife with a hand-drawn photo. Then this man is Qin An, and the woman we are looking for is Weng Lan. The love story of Qin An and Weng Lan has been recited with twists and turns. Some small churches have added your stories to the textbooks, telling the life and death in the last days, love The purpose of being loved is to make people believe that the last days are not terrible. As long as there is love, everything is possible! Because of your story, many people have deceived into cults!"

There is such a thing!

Qin An really feels extremely honored, but thinking of his eleven years in United States and the eleven years after which he controlled his soul to travel around the world, he really has an unspeakable emotion.

Fortunately, Weng Lan has now been found!

So as the two sons said, Qin An's women are affectionate for Qin An, and Qin An is naturally affectionate to them.

Since Ling'er built a communication system among the four major forces of Azure Dragon, Excalibur, Nine Dragons, and Tianyu, Qin An often finds time to video with women in the distance, and what he says is sweet as honey. Just want to make the women over there not feel that they have abandoned them.

In fact, Qin An was worried about this. It only took him a few months to separate from Qin An. Unlike Qin An who was trapped in a labyrinth world and wasted many years in the space of the dead, for Qin An, he was already I have been separated from Lan Yue and the others for decades, and of course I have to miss it more.

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