Dangerous City In The Last Days

1490 Gifts and Poems (1)

In any case, Qin An felt that they should be happy to send Qin Le to visit him.

And he has no secrets about Weng Lan at all about the fact that there are many women.

So what are these women sending Qin Le to do? Qin An was somewhat curious.

"Qin Le! Evergreen, you are all here! Haha, you don't know what I have experienced, and I will talk to you in detail! Come to Qin Le, let me introduce to you first, this is Xia Ke's child. It’s called Qin Qicai, she has grown up like this inadvertently, and she has a wife and children! Yana, come here, you have to call Grandpa, he is Dad’s Little Brother!"

Qin Le found that Dage was very calm, and found a pretty little girl calling herself grandfather, the tension in her heart immediately disappeared, and a simple smile appeared on her face.

"Dage! Looks like you! Next time you show your sister-in-law in the video chat, they must be happy."

Qin Le is not stupid, but he has no intentions in front of Dage.

This sentence is not correct, Linghua and Xia Ke may not mind Yin Yao, Weng Die, Weng Lan, but it does not mean that they have no grudges towards women in the distance.

What's more, looking at Qin Le's situation, the bag behind him is three meters in diameter! Isn't it the sweater that the woman over there knits for Qin An?

Qin An didn't feel anything wrong with what Little Brother said.

When we were together in those few years, Qin An was as frank as Qin Le, treating each other as brothers.

Qin Le is an orphan, Qin An also lost his parents when he was young, and he has such a bizarre life experience, so Qin An especially cherishes having a brother like Qin Le.

"This is Sanchuan and her four daughters-in-law! There are also these two little girls, one is Yabao and the other is Yabei. They are naughty. When you come, you will help me take care of them!"

After Qin An's voice fell, Sanchuan took his family to meet Qin Le and was so enthusiastic that Qin Le was embarrassed.

Of course, He Keliusu also met with Qin Le's relatives, and she felt normal for her husband's somewhat restrained behavior.

Qin Le is such a man. He usually looks at him blankly. Only at a critical moment can he see his dazzling flash. He is a model of not being ruthless.

"There are also these small ones, Gale, Erhe, Xiangming! Although they are also trapped in the space, they are lucky and haven't grown up yet, so now they can still play every day with Yana and the three. It’s so lively together! Haha!"

When it comes to own children, Qin An has confidence and pride. Qin Le and others are also happy to see them, and they give out small gifts that they have prepared before.

Yana is the happiest of all, because she likes to receive gifts the most.

After the children introduced, Qin An began to introduce Linghua and Xia Ke to Qin Le and others.

Linghua and Xia Ke are very enthusiastic. They heard Qin An mentioned Qin Le, knowing that this is Qin An's only non-blood brother, so they naturally want to get along well.

After the introduction, Qin An started chatting with Qin Le and Gu Changqing again, and inquired about the situation in Europe.

After seeing the ceremony, the husband and wife Wang and Qin An ran to Yin Yao to report on their duties, but they came to be the housekeeper.

When everyone was talking, they entered the living room in the room and took a seat. Qin An couldn't help nodding frequently when he heard Qin Le talk about how Tang Yu had done so well in Europe.

The women were greatly admired after hearing about Tang Yu's experience in Europe.

The same women, they may not have the kind of calmness to run on the battlefield and command thousands of troops.

In the end, Qin An finally invited Weng Lan over.

"Qin Le, Tassel, come and get to know you, this is Weng Lan

"Oh my God! It looks exactly like Shangguan Big sis!"

Tassel almost plunged into Weng Lan's arms, as if he had seen the giant panda, a national treasure.

Weng Lan hugged the tassel at a loss, but she was not too surprised by her enthusiasm.

snort! Sure enough, everyone knows and knows own! Qin An, the bad guy, didn't know how many secrets he had hidden from him, so he didn't even dare to say it!

Well, he doesn't say that he never asks!

Also, who is Shangguan Big sis? How could it look the same as yourself?

Could it be said that Little Sister Li Ying changed her name?

Wouldn't you be married to Qin An too? If that's the case... Weng Lan felt that she might go crazy and must kill Qin An to relieve her hatred.

It’s just fine to be a breeder. If you put all the two Little Sisters in the harem, Weng Lan’s face turns red inadvertently. She knows this is because of Own’s guess, she can always be sure that she and Qin An’s The relationship must be very shallow, otherwise she would not be placed in such a special position and treated like the moon by the stars.

what is it then?

It's so annoying, I can't think about it, I will have countless curiosities when I think about it, and then I will suffer from insomnia at night!

"Qin Le, quickly take out all the gifts my sister-in-law brought to Dage and the sister-in-law here. Isn't it tiring to drag that big bag of things?"

Only then did people know that the things Qin Le took so hard to drag into the living room turned out to be gifts.

Fortunately, the door is big enough. Fortunately, the living room of this villa-style building is also big enough, otherwise it really won't be able to get it out!

Qin An found that Qin Le's face turned purple again, and didn't want to make it difficult for him, so he said: "Okay, they all asked you to bring us something? Don't hide it, just take it out!"

Qin An was not worried, because he had already seen the contents of the bag, it was indeed a gift, but the gifts they gave were a little weird.

Qin Le saw that Dage had spoken, and without hesitation, he began to dig through the bag to take out the contents one by one.

"This is from Xiaoyan's sister-in-law!"

Qin An took a look, was slightly stunned, then pursed his lips and smiled.

It turned out to be a black sexy lingerie with transparent material, because it has been preserved for so many years, it looks a bit old, but it is still a very sexy underwear!

Qin An’s memory is like a recorder. He remembers the origin of Qin Xiaoyan’s underwear. At that time, two people were trapped in their own home. Later, they went to Qin Xiaoyan’s house to fetch clothes. Qin An felt that the underwear was good-looking, so it was shameless to make the relationship not very good. Qin Xiaoyan put it on for herself.

Later, when he and Qin Xiaoyan escaped from the house, she was wearing this underwear, but she didn't expect to keep it for so many years without throwing it away.

Perhaps for Qin Xiaoyan, the moment when she forced her to wear underwear at that time has become a beautiful memory that will never be forgotten by her life.

He Ke Liusu, who was sitting next to Weng Lan, cleared his throat, and then said:

"Big sis wrote a poem for me to bring it to you!

The red apricot blossoms were blown down by the morning wind,

Yan Luozhi jumped out of the wall!

I want to ask the wanderer where is now,

If you are well, I won't come! "

Qin An's smile became stronger, silent and moved.

This Xiaoyan actually learnt that she was discouraged, and the words "Xiaoyan missed you" expressed slowly and affectionately.

Qin Le and his wife have a division of labor. Hearing that the poem was finished, he immediately took out the next gift!

"This is a gift from Tang Yu Big sis to Dage, a child's shoes!"

what! Qin An's face suddenly became pale! The shoe was given. Could it be that this little shoe...was that Beichenxing wore when he was a child?

He and Tang Yu have been together for so long, this woman didn't tell him about Beichenxing, and their relationship is still as clean as water. What is she going to do?

He Kelausu continued his mission.

"Tang Yu Big sis sent a poem,

Tang Nv went to the world alone,

There are flowers in the jade.

Would you like to ask Naifu if he knows?

Your bastard is him! "

Qin An almost jumped up angrily! Damn woman! What does this poem mean?

That is to say, she found the child when she was alone, and now she asked herself if she knew that he was his concubine! What do you mean, bastard, the first child!

Oh my God, even though he already knew the facts, he still couldn't accept it. His first child was born to Li Ying, and he had grown up like that before he knew it, and he didn't even know it before!

Wait for Tang Yu, you must punish her well when he goes back!

Huh, did she also learn from Xiaoyan's "Miss You" series of hidden poems?

It's really funny. I can be regarded as a polite and courteous girlfriend and confidante in recent years. Qin An didn't cross the border at all. After thinking about this, Qin An's mood changed sharply, and then she smiled bitterly.

What else can he do with Tang Yu? Qin An can foresee the future. He shouldn't be able to escape Tang Yu's palm. Sooner or later, she will get into bed. Tang Yu can't choose other men because of the Blood Lord Sword God!

Qin Le delivered the small shoes to Qin An, and then quickly took out a third gift.

"This is a gift from my sister-in-law Lanyue to Dage, a piece of plastic-wrapped paper. My sister-in-law has confessed that it must be protected intact. If it is lost, my head will be broken off!"

Qin An doesn’t need to look at it to know that this is the contract he wrote to Lanyue in Destiny. Love token of the month.

"Yeah, it's my turn, sister-in-law Lan Yue sent a poem.

Missing in the blue sky,

The moonlight shook the heartstrings,

I want to see the person in my dream,

You are far away! "

Dizzy, Lanyue is not a seven-character poem, it's a complete number of words, but the horizontal line can express the meaning, and the vertical column is the beginning of "Lanyue misses you", which is also a painstaking effort!

"The gift Liu Xia gave was also a piece of paper."

Qin An took a look, and almost burst into tears in his eyes.

There is one word on the front and back of this paper,



What is life? Back then, Qin An had saved Liu Xia so many times in the Twin Towers and let him live.

Why do you die? Later in Ruyan City, all of Liu Xia's family were killed because of Qin An's. This was death!

Between life and death, it is Qin An and Liu Xia who have been in love for more than 20 years!

"Sister-in-law Liu Xia sent a poem!

Liu Xiu left the country since the Eastern Han Dynasty,

Xia Yu controls the water Nine Cauldrons rise.

Thinking of the old things, tear-stained towels,

If you bear my blood floating pool! "

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