Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1491 Gifts and Poems (2)

The meaning of "going the country" was actually "escape" at the time. During the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang usurped power, Liu Xiu crossed the Yellow River north to Hebei, then went to Beijing, then went south to beg to Raoyang, and finally continued to flee to Xindu in the cold winter. After that, he began to make a fortune, and finally established the Eastern Han Dynasty and became Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty!

Xia Yu managed the water three times without entering the house. After successfully managing the flood, Emperor Shun felt that his merits were greater than the sky, so he took the position of Zen. From then on, Xia Yu became a generation of emperors, built Nine Cauldrons to mean the world of Kyushu, and created great achievements.

When Liu Xia mentioned these two people, she compared her love with Qin An to the difficulty of the emperor’s road. This is not an exaggeration. Because of life and death for more than 20 years, how much youth was wasted and wasted. There are so many good times, only the party knows the taste!

Then the last two sentences of the poem are a bit cruel.

It means that Liu Xia always sheds tears when he thinks of the things he had forgotten before. In any case, I hope that Qin An will not have the old people and forget the new ones, otherwise she will commit suicide!

How could Qin An not be overwhelmed when he heard this!

"Sister-in-law Li Na gave a mirror and said it was a breast mirror!"

Needless to say, Li Na's particularity to own is the heart-shaped scar on her chest that will never fade.

"A poem by sister-in-law Li Na,

Li’s charming daughters don’t ask,

Na Xiu's concubine is chilling.

I want to slash my emotions,

You kissed me like a dream! "

OMG! Li Na wrote this poem really well!

In the first sentence, Li's charming daughter does not ask, this is to bring Li Na herself and her daughter Qin Wenxin, which means that you don't care about your wife and children!

In the second sentence, Na Niao gives birth to a concubine with a chill. The term Na Niao is interpreted as slender and beautiful, which means to be a beautiful woman. It means that there is a woman next to Qin An, and Li Na is very sad.

In the third sentence, I want to cut my feelings through pain, which means literally, Li Na doesn't want to be with Qin An!

In the fourth sentence, you dreamt of kissing me and seduce me naked, which means that Li Na originally didn't want to talk to Qin An, didn't her love and thoughts have to be cut? But Qin An ran into other people's dreams to make trouble!

Hey, when did Li Na have such talents? Didn't she go to sports school?

So the reason why this poem is said to be powerful is that it not only uses the hidden head of "Li Na miss you", but also the hidden tail of "Ask your love"!

This is really a mother and daughter going into battle, it is bound to make Qin An feel ashamed of guilt!

"Sister-in-law Qiu Jinse sent a piece of diapers!"

Qin An, who was full of emotions because of Li Na, seemed to have black lines on his face.

This Qiu Jinse, see if he doesn't go back and spank her!

I don't pay attention to giving gifts. People give me affectionate things, but she doesn't give me diapers.

What do you mean? Isn't it because there are so many children, mothers are more expensive by their children? I'm not afraid of getting angry.

Thinking of Qin Huxiao, Qin Fangzheng, Qin Xiaotian, Qin Tianbao, and Qin Busheng these five boys, Qin An's face smiled.

Fortunately, although he has been in the labyrinth world and the undead space for decades, only a few months have passed since the real world outside! Otherwise these guys have grown up again!

Therefore, Qiu Jinse has capital, that is, mothers are expensive with children. Qin An thinks of his sons that Qiu Jinse is really not easy. Although other women will help take care of them, as the mother of five kids, she will naturally. The most tiring!

At this time, He Ke Liusu who partnered with Qin Le continued to recite poems.

"Splendid years of prison lock Jiao Jiao,

The lonely girl hides her face.

I want to gather the dream of Fangfei Huangliang,

If you are in my heart! "

Ah...Qiu Jinse deserves to be Qiu Jinse!

The first sentence is sorry for her life in prison.

The second sentence is that she was pitiful at that time,

The third sentence is her expectation and powerlessness in prison,

None of these three sentences mentioned Qin An, and there was no complaint about the status quo.

And the fourth sentence has a sharp turn in style, if you are a god in my heart!

It expresses full and deep love and admiration for Qin An.

Qin An can understand Qiu Jinse and know that she has a deep affection for Own; just as Qiu Jinse also understands Qin An, the reason for not mentioning the missing is just that he does not want to put too much pressure on him!

Without Weng Lan, Qin An was not sure if he would love Qiu Jinse like Weng Lan!

It can only be said that such things as destiny and fate are very wonderful.

It can only be said that Qin An is very fortunate that he did not miss a woman like Qiu Jinse, and has five children with her.

"Wang Yunzhi's sister-in-law gave a green hat!"

Qin An was still thinking about Qiu Jinse, and almost didn't feel unconscious when he heard the gift from Wang Yunzhi.

Why does this girl give herself a green hat?

"All living beings go to the east,

Zhicao has no roots and already admires love.

Thinking of two or three times that day,

Can you accompany me to send the east wind? "

No wonder... it turns out that the green hat means this.

When Liu Dongfeng died, Wang Yunzhi seemed to have no roots, so she naturally regarded herself as a support. She said that she gave Liu Dongfeng a green hat.

Later, in order to gain the power of the Sword God of Earth Seal, Qin An and Wang Yunzhi came into contact and finally lived together.

The so-called two or three times that day is also funny to say. Qin An was a little nervous about doing that with Wang Yunzhi for the first time. After one time, he discovered that he had forgotten to parasitize the Earth Seal Divine Sword into Wang Yunzhi's body, so he could only be entangled with Wang Yunzhi again. Fan.

The last sentence you can accompany me to send Dongfeng, it means that she no longer thinks of Liu Dongfeng at all, because she is in love, so she forgot the love she used to...

Hey, she's also a smart woman, she's not as stupid as she usually shows!

"A gift from Ling'er sister-in-law..."

Qin Le's face paled, and then tremblingly took out a box of...condoms!

Qin An was really irritated, and the sweat fell.

"Please bring a condom for assault,

Physical hygiene is very important!

If you still want to have a shot,

If it doesn't work, take mouse medicine!

Linger missed you,

Can't write poems! "

He Keliusu couldn't help laughing after he said these few words in imitation of Ling'er's tone.

Qin An was going crazy at this time, and hurriedly took a peek at Weng Lan...found that she was still very composed and was looking at herself with squinting eyes.

Qin An quickly turned his head to the side, wishing to burrow into the ground.

This taint of being indecent in this life seems to be a mess! Damn Ling'er, now she is obviously the daughter of unsatisfied desire, and she even mentioned the past of Chen Zhizhi's rotten grains. What a fight!

"The gift from my sister-in-law is..."

Qin Le's face turned black this time, and it turned out that he hadn't taken out the thing for a long time.

Qin An was a little impatient and couldn't wait. He had perspective eyes and could naturally see the thing, so he opened his mouth and said:


"Yeah... The content inside says that there is you...with her...and Siqi's sister-in-law...said it is your video, let you remember..."

"Okay, okay, got it!"

Really f*ck is a stranger than a bizarre girl. Wuma Tie-nan actually mailed the boudoir documentary of himself and their sisters? It's... nothing to say!

So Qin An feels that Wuma Tie Nan is a weird thing, but in fact it is the hidden poem that He Keliu read next...

"The iron pestle is ground into needles,

Men want to protect themselves.

Want to play until old,

You fall early! "

Oh shit! This is clearly telling myself to abstinence here! I have to go to bed early every day to keep that thing immortal and protect the body, otherwise the iron pestle can also be ground into needles?

Really f*ck is drunk, and I have been with Wuma Tienan for a couple of years. I really don’t know that she has such a crooked talent!

Qin An really regretted teaching them how to write Xiaobai poems.

"The gift from Siqi's sister-in-law is here..."

"A bowl of...noodle soup? Vegetable soup?" Qin An looked at what Qin Le had brought over in a transparent, sealed bowl, and asked uncertainly.

"This is dumplings..."


Will this sticky thing be dumplings? Qin An is really afraid of being killed by medicine after taking a bite. Who would dare to eat this ghost? Wu Ma Siqi is also a real cow, so she dare to try to make dumplings and bring them to herself with her craftsmanship?

"Sister-in-law Siqi sends poems!

Sijun wakes up from dream and no longer sleeps,

Qi Hua Yao Cao is very busy.

I want you to fall asleep together,

You are in the cape and I am in the sky.


Qin An nodded slightly, feeling that although Wuma Siqi's poems were shit, they didn't make a big splash, and it could be regarded as preventing the heart from being frightened.

Before thinking about it, He Ke Liusu continued:

"Do you miss me in your heart?

Call me first if you want,

I want to ride the wind across the sea,

Why don't you coax me infinitely..."

This... even more shit doesn't make sense. At the end, even the spells of "Ma Li Hua" come out. This is the magic language Qin Wenxin and Qin Potian used to tease their children when they were young.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha change! After that, he took out the toys from behind and gave them to the children to play, and they were actually used by Wuma Siqi in such a place.

But at the beginning, it was connected with the previous "Siqi miss you", this sentence is "Why do you miss me".

Why did Wu Ma Siqi write 8 sentences?

Just when Qin An thought so, He Keliusu continued to recite.

When she recited the 35th sentence, she obviously forgot, so she took out a stack of paper and handed it to Qin An.

"I can't remember, just read it for yourself, sister-in-law Siqi wrote more than 1,000 sentences..."

Qin An's forehead floated across the black line, and he was completely speechless for the idiot Wuma Siqi.

"Before we came, we went to the south to find Sister-in-law Rongrong. She has already transferred from Guangnan Province to the west of Tibet. Now the battle against the zombies in Heavenly Prison City has been going on for several months. Many people have died and many people have supported them. Kowloon City called some aliens to join the Night Watch Corps. Sister-in-law Rong Rong seems to be the hell to turn around after receiving the letter from Sister Tang Yu. I really don’t know what to do. In short, we haven’t seen Sister-in-law Rongrong, so There is no gift to bring."

Qin Le exhaled a long breath, finally bringing the hearts of his sister-in-laws to Dage.

After that, Qin Le continued to bring out gifts, and the gifts to Weng Lanling and the children were much more normal, including eating, drinking, and playing.

Tianjuzhong can be said to be rich in resources. In recent years, Qin Xiaoyan's women have become collectors, and they will use various methods to obtain all kinds of good things from other places in the world. Their goal is to make Tianju a world-class city. supermarket's

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