Qin An's eyes were not attracted by the beautiful Snow Demon Girl, but at the two people who had just walked in through the door.

Yin Yao and Linghua?

"Why are you here?" Qin An talked to them in the way of Mental Energy communication.

"Yin Yao said to take me to meet two people." Linghua opened her mouth when she saw Qin An and Weng Lan together.

"Who?" Qin An asked curiously.

"The handsome men and beauties in the seats over there, you are not the sword god after all, so if they don’t release their power, you may not be able to spot them! But to me the taste of these two guys is too familiar, early Many of my clones on the Sword Spirit Star were killed by them in the past few years, especially the dead one!" Yin Yao's tone was flat and indifferent, with a vaguely murderous intent.

Qin An looked slightly, and saw that they were a pair of very seductive young men and women.

Frowning, Qin An's eyes were attracted by the short silver hair of the woman in it.

"Silya, the silver-haired witch? The commander-in-chief of the Demon Race and the Black Blood Alliance now?"

"Well, that's her, but the 13th-ranked Sword God of the Dead has been resurrected, which means that the real body hidden under the skin is the Sword God of the Dead. He is the legendary undead king, who has no gender differences. A notorious guy, it has no inherent shape, it can change into any appearance. The favorite game of the dead sword god is to hide in the crowd. Find a life body to become a couple with it. After the child is born, it will be transformed into another appearance. The child kills and disappears, making the other half feel painful, but he still doesn’t know what happened to him! He usually finds human females to start, because humans tend to value the offspring. The dead think that death is the meaning and purpose of life coming to the world. , So he is a true warmonger. Another of his greatest hobbies in his life is to endlessly start wars, and then turn people into bones in the battle! So today's earth is a beautiful place for him."

Qin An nodded slightly and looked at another young man.

In fact, he is very neutral, so Qin An can't tell a man and a woman on the surface, he can only find out after opening his perspective eyes."This is the Evil Sovereign Sword God. His host was supposed to be a female, but after he was resurrected, he released his power and caused some changes in his body, so now he looks like a man and a woman. Qin An, when were these two people? Coming? I felt their taste a few minutes ago, so I asked Shang Linghua to come with me first. Is their target Weng Lan? It's strange that the dead, as the enemy coach, would break into the territory controlled by our side. ."

"These two people were there before I came. Maybe their target is these Snow Demon Clan people? Actually, I recently felt that some strangers had entered the city, but I didn't understand their intentions, so I just asked people to follow. Now I want to come to the location where these people are located just to surround the attic where the snow demon are located. It seems that they don’t want the snow demon to escape! These things happened only these two days, what is in the hands of the snow demon? What about baby? Actually let the two sword gods, the dead and the evil monarch, come here in person at the same time?"

"I don't know, but Xue Yao always likes to stay away from the crowd. Even in the crowd, they will hide themselves without revealing their identities. Now such a big fanfare... I'm afraid it is really unusual!"

Qin An's gaze moved to Weng Lan's body. At this time, she was no longer laughing at herself but looking around.

Just now, this woman had a preliminary guess about what happened here, and she was very thorough, she was indeed a child of an alien soul, and speaking of them, the three sisters were actually very clever. Li Ying did not force herself to fool herself for almost three times. Years? Qin Anke was unwilling to admit that he was an idiot about this matter.

"They should have discovered that we are here, too. Now Weng Die and Xia Ke are deploying superpowers to encircle the outer circle. Since the dead dare to come, they must be fully prepared. I don’t think it’s too peaceful here tonight, so protect yourself. Your little baby, let us deal with the matter here. This is a battle between the Sword God and the Sword God, understand?"

Qin An rolled his eyes and was speechless to Yin Yao.

The four women around now, Yin Yao and Xia Ke have a common problem, that is, there is no femininity, when they encounter something or people occasionally put on airs, they claim to be the deity or something, they are all sword spirit stars. There were no men before, because the child followed him, but most of the time he played own. In addition, during the years in the maze, Qin An also did couples with them several times. Yin Yao is okay. After a long time, I felt more emotional, and there was another time when I asked for it, but Xia Ke didn't pay attention to him at all.

Forget it, this is good too. They are the mothers of their children. They live together with themselves, support each other and are strong. They are completely models of living well and not being clingy. If every woman around them is like Linghua, they can I'm too busy.

Linghua may think that they are a free love union, so she is very attentive to Qin An. Basically, she is a wife and a mother. She holds Qin An in her palms for fear of melting, and the eagerness comes up to make Qin An afraid.

Hey, so Qin An regrets a bit. There are too many women. If they don't have feelings, it's okay to say, if they are all tied up, then I can't be too busy.

When thinking like this, Yin Yao already took Linghua to the opposite side of the dead and the evil king and sat down.

Their arrival certainly attracted people's attention.

The deceased’s gaze turned several times on Yin Yao’s body, and smiled: "In any case, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. Today I finally saw the real body of the deity! I have collected many clones of you before, Use all kinds of methods to torture to death. I heard that you can carry memories after they die? Then have you ever received my greetings to you?"When the deceased spoke, his facial features began to change, and his short silver hair also changed to long black hair, eventually appearing as a man. As a genderless person, he could use his ability to change and become a woman or a man.

On the other side, Qin An raised his eyebrows when he heard the deceased's words!

Damn, this kid has done such a nasty thing to Yin Yao's clone? Can't bear it! Resolutely can't bear it! Qin An's good mood tonight was completely ruined.

Yin Yao was very calm at this time. She looked at the dead coldly and whispered: "Well, when I came to the earth, 49 sword gods fought in chaos. I originally wanted to find you in the universe outside the earth, but I was caught by other swords. God is entangled. After entering the earth, the three major sword god camps have collapsed. Everyone has new forces or alliance partners. I have been searching for your information before, but unfortunately I haven’t found any... Hey, so I sometimes meet It's that simple, dead man, since you voluntarily ran to me, let me tell you, tonight...I want...kill...you!"

The last three words Yin Yao said, gnashing her teeth, it seems that she has indeed inherited the memory of her clones, so she hates the deceased and penetrates the bone.

Qin An's expression became more gloomy, this is no longer Yin Yao's own business, even if Yin Yao is willing to let the dead person go, he won't! Besides, he still killed the real enemies of Jess and Liu Tian!

"Sword God Xiangying, don't get excited, we are not here to cause trouble, you shouldn't forget that it is the armistice period, right? We just went out and wandered, and I didn't expect to be discovered by you so soon. Haha I think we have a final battle. Shouldn’t it be America’s huge battlefield? Do you think it’s necessary to do things easily with our strength? Anyway, it’s hard for us to kill each other, so why do we do it? How about letting the people below fight? Okay, let's direct it."

As the evil monarch spoke, a pair of eyes moved around, and finally fell on Weng Lan.

"Xiang Ying, who is that woman?"

The evil monarch had a strange feeling, he actually noticed the aura of the empress. Of course, the evil monarch had not seen Qin An at this time, so he didn't know the identity of Weng Lan and Qin An.

Yin Yao didn't pay attention to the evil monarch, her eyes were still fixed on the dead man, she was not eager to do it, because she wanted to figure out the purpose of the two sword gods here.

At this time, the Snow Demon Girl on that stage had already introduced her own identity.

She is the leader of more than one hundred Snow Demon Girls here, and her name is Xue Ji.

Most of the surnames of the Snow Demon Girl are Xue, and some of the Snow Demon Girls who marry out will let their names follow their husband’s surname. For the Snow Demon Girl, if she can marry a mate, it can protect her without being hurt by the Spiritual Qi in her body. If there are greed and thoughts in body condensate stones, that unintentionally is the luckiest and happiest thing. Not to mention asking them to change their names to follow their husband's family name, even if they are a cow or a horse, it will be hard work.

After Xue Ji introduced own's name, she continued to stand in the center of the stage and speak.

"Today, I am very happy to have so many friends visit our Xiangxue Tower. I found that there are still more races of Sword Spirit Stars, and there are fewer friends on earth. This is also normal. After all, friends on the earth may not know that we are snowing. The benefits of the demon clan woman! Haha, well, let’s not talk about the gossip, let’s get to the point. Three Earth days, or three days ago, we opened the door to do wine business and Xiangxuelou opened. At the beginning, it was just Attracting many nearby guests, our existence was revealed by many superpowers here in one day, and these two days followed one after another.

Everyone may be very curious, why don't the women of the Snow Demon clan keep a low profile? Isn't it hidden? Is it exposed to the public?

Hey, speaking of us, we are very pitiful. The women of the Snow Demon Race are like snow. They can't see the sunshine, because they will melt and disappear when they see it!

But I have to come out! Because I have something to protect!

Five days ago, an uninvited guest came to our residence. He was a human being from the earth, and he was good at stealth.

In fact, he just passed by our house, but he heard something that shouldn't be heard!

This is a disaster for us

When Xue Ji was talking, two little guys were talking secretly in the corridor with thick walls on the side.

"Did you see it? That person is my mother!"

"your mom?"

"Yes! My mother's name is Xue Ji, and my name is Xue Bao!"

"Ah? Your name is Xuebao? This name is really interesting. My niece is called Yabao. You are a little older than her."

"You kid is so boring. I was introducing myself to you, but you mentioned your niece?"

Qin An almost burst out laughing when he heard it here.

Is own son boring? Hey, it can only be said that this Xuebao Taigu is very strange.

Sure enough, Qin Dafeng refuted it for reputation.

"Who said that? I'm not bored! I'm so interesting, our kids like to play with me!"

"Cut! That's because they think you are stupid, you are stupid, so they will be amused by your stupidity when they play with you. Tell me, will your children laugh when they play with you?"


Qin Dafeng was dumbfounded, and his children laughed when they played with him, but that was because everyone was having fun together! Probably? Maybe it's not because you are stupid to make them laugh, right?

The bewildered Qin Dafeng started to think about it, but after thinking about it, there was no answer.

Xuebao couldn't help laughing when he saw Qin Dafeng's dementia.

"Hehe, really stupid!"

Of course Qin Dafeng is not stupid, he just hasn't dealt with little girls other than his own children, so he reacted a little slower when he was nervous for a while.

Now that Xue Bao smiled, he understood that he was fooled. Not only was he very upset, but he felt that this girl was more difficult to deal with than own Little Sister and the three nieces.

There are some Qin An's righteousness in the genes of the boys of the Qin family, and some of Qin An's sluggishness.

Therefore, Qin Dafeng was definitely not the appointed master who suffered a loss, so he started to fight back.

"Is your mother a stepmother?"

"What is a stepmother?"

"It's Mom

"What is Xiaoma?"

"It's...that is, it's not your biological mother!"

"What nonsense, my mother is my own, and it's kind to me!"

"Liar, if she treats you well, why would your hands be so rough? I felt it when I was being pulled a while ago. It seems to have frostbite! My Little Sister has also had frostbite, and that thing is uncomfortable. Are you itchy underneath?"

Qin An, who was eavesdropping, almost didn't exhale and was out of breath, his face flushed with suffocation.

Is your son so precocious? I even asked the little girl this question! This is too great!

"Down?" Xue Bao couldn't understand.

"I mean the feet! My Little Sister also had frostbite on my feet back then. Seeing that the poor died, she scratched it with her hands every day, but she broke the skin and bleeds!"

Qin An exhaled a long breath, then secretly bit his own tongue.

It really is evil! The son is still innocent, and his father is ashamed of it here.

"It's not itching! I am not frostbite. We Xue Yao people are not afraid of cold. This is a burn. Someone wanted to catch me before and burned me with flame magic...Oh! I see, you think My mother is not good to me, and I hurt me without protection, so she said she is not my mother?""Well! I think so."

"Stupid thinking! My mother just couldn't beat the bad guys, so I was hurt! We were on the run for a period of time before we traveled to the earth. My mother said that when I was born, how many ethnic groups were there? Thousands of people, in order to protect me, there will be so much left! My mother is a dear mother, and the people of the clans are also good to me!"

At this point, Xue Bao became in a bad mood and lowered his head slightly.

Dafeng couldn't see Xuebao's expression clearly in the dark, but he saw her movements and heard her tone.

So Da Feng said: "Okay, okay! Then I wronged your mother! She is a mother, and a good mother for you!"

After a pause, Da Feng asked suspiciously:

"Why are those bad guys arresting you?"

"Because I am special

"You are special? Where is special, why didn't I see it?"

"So you are stupid and stupid! You didn't even notice it!"

Qin Dafeng was speechless, and only felt that this little girl was unreasonable, so he stopped talking.

At this moment, the small door connecting the corridor to the hall opened, and a figure appeared and said, "Xuebao, who are you talking to? Didn't you tell you not to go out? Did you slip out the back door again? Why? Bring someone back?"

It was a female voice, and he had walked to Xue Bao and Qin Dafeng as he spoke.

"Xuezhi Big sis, people just got bored, opened the door and took a look, this kid is not a bad person, but a little stupid!"

After that, Da Feng felt that he might be destined to be a fool in Xue Bao's eyes.

The woman named Xuezhi took out a luminous stone, and the surroundings immediately lit up.

Qin Dafeng raised his head and looked at it.

This woman should be very young, sixteen or seventeen years old, with white skin and delicate features. She is a small Big sis that looks very seductive.

It is not that Qin Dafeng has no sense of caution. He saw his father and mother sitting in the corner just now in the hollow, so he knew that they could hear as long as he shouted, so he was not afraid of any danger.

In Qin Dafeng's mind, Qin An is a super idol, no one can beat him! Of course except for those sword gods! Dafeng knew that he could not worship blindly, but he could not belittle himself. These are the life philosophies he learned from his master John.

Xuezhi also looked at Qin Dafeng, and saw that he was just a cute little human boy with clear eyes and handsome features. He shouldn't be a bad person or a dangerous person in any way.

Xue Zhi shook his head helplessly, then knelt down and touched Xuebao's head, there were crystal tears in his eyes.

"Xuebao, don't run around! You should know how many of our people have died for you, right?"

Xue Bao's eyes turned red when Xue Zhi said this, and tears fell.

"Well, Xuezhi Big sis, I'm just too lonely, hiding in this dark corridor. You only come to see me when you deliver food, so I secretly opened the door on the other side of the corridor and peeked out. At a glance, I think this kid is not a bad person, but a little stupid, so I wanted to ask him to come in and talk to me! The door was locked when we came in!"

Xue Bao was like a pupil who had made a mistake, and his voice was getting lower and lower, which made Qin Dafeng feel a little unbearable.

As a result, when his head was hot, he opened his mouth and said:

"Why do you want to hide? Xuebao, is there any bad guy who wants to bully you? I told my dad, let him help you beat the bad guy away?"

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