Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1495 Snow Treasure

This cheating kid...

What can Qin An say?

After a few seconds of depression, Qin An began to shamelessly defend his son.

Own children, of course, are kind, sincere, loving, and sympathetic! Daddy hero hero! I am a good person and a Virgin, isn't it the same comment on the Internet? Of course, the son has the same values ​​as himself. I am indeed very good now. I have become an alien leader, so my son will naturally have the capital to do good deeds and be the Virgin! What's wrong with cheating? Dad is a local tyrant, just pit it!

Don’t you just want to help the little girl? It's okay! It's just that the son's education career seems to be on the agenda, at least he should not be too credulous, and then he must also emphasize methods and strategies to help others.

The life of a human being on earth is actually divided into such short periods.

He just came into the world and grew up in an environment where Houtian's genetics and Houtian touch things.

When I grow up, I have my own thinking mode, and then I get some inherent knowledge of things by my family.

As a teenager, he gained more knowledge through the means of leaving the family, and found that some concepts instilled by the family before seemed incorrect, so he began to rebel and began to pursue the so-called truth alone.

After adulthood, many fantasies of adolescence were flattened by society, and then I suddenly discovered that many educations in my childhood family were truthful, but I was too young to understand thoroughly. Ever since, under the ideology of family education, social tempering, and own supervisory ideology, people each formed a mature character belonging to own, and then continued to be immersed in this society, and eventually lost water chestnut.

After middle age, people began to look back on the big world, because at this time everyone understood that life is actually very short, and every day passes quickly. Instead of caring about the future that is not by your side, that is far away from you, you might as well pay more attention to the present and yourself. Since then, the kind, evil, lazy, and industrious people have become more similar. Everyone puts away their temperament and looks kind, still has some small illusions in their hearts, but they never show their edge again. Once The guy who wants to make a fortune becomes one of the many beings.

The years continue to flow, people are getting old, and when they are old, they lose sight of everything. People don’t care about other people’s comments, they don’t care about others’ eyes, they don’t pay too much attention to the image of own, and they don’t care too much about social moral standards. , The tree is about to die, and the tree is dry.

People like Qin An are special.

He was born in China and grew up in a socialist environment. He once had a complete outlook on society, values, and life.

With the outbreak of the end times, some of his ideas were subverted and some ideas were re-established.

However, time never stopped for him and kept moving forward.

He should have become an old man.

But now his body is strong, his skin is delicate, his functions are exuberant, and he has countless abilities.

This makes him sometimes confused.

I don't know if I should live like an old man, or pretend to be a cute boy?In front of women, Qin An is better positioned for the role of own.

Nowadays, Qin An is very open to women.

Cherish and be responsible for being together; try not to provoke those who are not together, and don't leave any traces if they are really controlled by male hormones; then his favorite is still Weng Lan.

For the children, Qin An is at a loss, because in fact these children have a lot of generation gaps with him.

As the saying goes, there is a small ditch in three years and a big ditch in ten years.

Qin Sanchuan is now under ten years old, and Qin An's true age, if all the spaces are added together, is already a few hundred.

In other words, the distance between him and Qin Dafeng is not a ditch, but a quagmire.

Therefore, how such a father treats his son and how to interact with him is actually a problem.

Qin An's idea was that his son should be stocked and should be strictly taught.

However, Da Feng had not raised these children since childhood, so Qin An was still reluctant to be too harsh on them.

So how to treat children is a topic that every father needs to study throughout his life. Qin An can't be vulgar or exception, even if he is already as powerful as a superman, like a god in the legend.

"Who is his father?"

"Xue Zhi Big sis, ignore him, he is a fool!"

With a word, Xue Bao slapped both father and son in the face. Gale lowered his head and became depressed. Qin An raised his head high and decided to make a lot of delicious food for his son in a while, and then he would eat it in front of the little girl, greedy her... …Wait, that little girl seems to be a snow demon! People don't eat, and Qin An is even more upset during the retaliation action.

The woman named Xue Zhi sent Xue Bao the so-called rice, which turned out to be a small bottle of Spiritual Qi with a relatively high concentration. This thing was collected in the air by the snow demon girls using magical abilities.

Xuebao is very different. Ordinary snow demon girls can survive very well in today's atmospheric environment, and Xuebao still inhales some purified sword Spiritual Qi as food every day, and every other snow demon girls serve as Xuebao. supply.

After inhaling a bottle of sword Spiritual Qi into his mouth, Xue Bao sent Xue Zhi away.

"I'm at the doorway on this side of the corridor. You must not run around, and don't open the door on the other side of the corridor. Since this kid has been brought in by you, let him stay first. Our whole clan is now They are all on high alert, because the patriarch is about to announce the secret, it will be up to you if you can escape smoothly this time! So you must be obedient!"

Before leaving, Xue Zhi told Xue Bao repeatedly, and Xue Bao couldn't help nodding.

After that, Xue Zhi left the corridor, then walked through a room of ten square meters in size, entered through another door and stood in the hall.

The other two Snow Demon Girls immediately entered the hut, and they opened the door on the side of the corridor so that they could monitor and protect Xuebao.

Xue Bao suddenly took Qin Dafeng's hand after Xue Zhi left, and then whispered in his ear:

"I believe that your father is a good supernatural power, but my business is more dangerous, so I won't bother you and your father! If there is anything here, you can run out along the corridor and leave! Ke Qian Don’t be nosy! You silly boy, I think I’m a little bit stunned, don’t sacrifice in vain to save me! Mom said that everyone has their own destiny, if I can escape, I will naturally work hard to continue to live! If I am destined to be Die, so well, I can accept it too! This is the crime I should suffer, not yours! So remember what I said, if there is a danger, you must run as soon as possible! Leave me alone, I I will run too, but my escape path is different from yours, I will run from the roof

"Why do you always call me stupid kid, stupid kid, I'm really not stupid or stupid."

The gale was entangled, but Xue Bao didn't pay attention to him at all, just telling him how to face the unexpected situation that was about to happen.

At this moment, Qin An had figured out the outline of the matter.

This girl named Xuebao is the treasure of the Snow Demon Race.

A few days ago, a practitioner passed by at night and happened to hear Xuebao’s mother talking with her clansmen, and learned about Xuebao’s secret, so she wanted to take Xuebao away. The Snow Demon Girl resisted desperately and finally beat the enemy away. Then the secret about Xuebao was exposed.

The Xue Yao tribe originally wanted to escape immediately, but he didn't expect that person would have a companion nearby.

At that time, Xue Ji was afraid that Xue Bao’s secret would be known by more people, so she returned home to discuss with her tribe. When she missed the best time to escape, there were more enemies nearby when she wanted to leave the next day. They secretly blocked the road. Killed all the snow monsters who were close to trying to escape.

Qin An was fighting on the battlefield at the time, so he didn't notice what happened here, and the killers were acting secretly, and they didn't attract people's attention.

So since they couldn't escape, the Snow Demon Girls began to study ways to save themselves. As Weng Lan speculated, the way they finally thought of was not to conceal the truth of the matter, but to expose it! The more chaotic the better, so that Xuebao has a chance to escape.

Qin An has learned more about the situation by listening to the whispers of those surrounding Xiangxue Tower in the past ten minutes.

The first person who discovered the secret turned out to be a spy belonging to the Black Blood Demon clan coalition army. After obtaining the Xue Yao clan secrets and catching Xue Bao to no avail, he returned and called for reinforcements.

At the beginning, only ordinary ability players were called, but two days later, now, the dead and the evil monarch would come in person!

This made Qin An extremely curious, what is the secret of Xuebao? Attracted the two great sword gods? Could it be...

"...Sword God Stone! As we all know, the women of our Snow Demon Clan can absorb the sword Spiritual Qi and form Spirit Stones in their bodies! This is different from ordinary sword repairers. At the beginning, what we formed in our bodies was only the soul of the sword. Fragments, then the accumulation of sword Spiritual Qi increased to form the sword spirit stone, and then the sword Spirit Stones! This is a process of accumulation and growth... So now, one of our people has become a sword god stone in the body of a tribe! You should understand me Meaning, getting her is equivalent to getting a sword god stone, so she is priceless!"

Just when Qin Anxin realized it, Xue Ji had already announced the correct answer.

Everyone in the audience was stunned and stunned!

Someone among the Snow Demon Girls could condense the Sword God Stone? This f*ck is too... exaggerated, right?

After being shocked, Qin An narrowed his eyes, no wonder the two sword gods would come, it turned out to be for the sword god stone!

wrong! They are all sword gods on the side of the curse, and the nine main gods all need resurrected bodies. Could it be said that they came for the body of Xue Bao? In other words, they are helping the curse to find the resurrected body!

After figuring out this link, Qin An's expression became more gloomy. It was really dangerous. Fortunately, he had penetrated everything in time. Otherwise, it would be really dangerous. Xuebao might be taken away by them!

Qin An hurriedly used Mental Energy to communicate with Yin Yaolinghua, and at the same time communicated with Wengdie and Xiake who had already arrived nearby with many abilities.Now there is no need to say anything, the purpose is to kill the two invading sword gods and protect Xuebao.

Qin An was a little worried. If Xuebao is really the resurrected body needed by the curse, will the curse himself come? Qin An had once touched the spirit body of the curse, so he knew how powerful he was.

However, the gene of the Snow Demon belongs to the Star of Sword Spirit. Qin An learned from Yin Yao that there are two conditions for the resurrection of the Sword God. The first is to obtain the original gene of own; The resurrection carrier, so Xuebao is the star of the sword spirit, shouldn't it be used as the carrier?

This is also hard to say, she is a special existence, and it is possible that she is the first person in the Xue Yao clan to condense the crystal of the sword god stone! It may also be the only person on the Sword Spirit Star who has the Sword God Stone in his body but is not the Sword God.

On the other side, Xue Ji continued to tell her calmly.

"We were in trouble. Some people learned of our secret, so they wanted to take the Sword God Stone as their own. We have no way to protect the Sword God Stone, so we exposed our identity and attracted everyone. My There is only one idea, and that is to find a powerful race, and then protect us! Then I want to ask everyone present, are you confident that you can take us in? You know, taking us in is equivalent to possessing many swords. Spirit Stones and a sword god stone! The lifespan of the demon snow clan is very short, similar to that of humans on earth, so we hope to meet kind people who are willing to wait for us to die, so that we can humanely obtain treasures from our bodies. "

At this point, Xue Ji shed a few tears.

At this time, Qin An had calmed down from the shock, and then began to reanalyze the matter.

Why do you always feel that something is wrong?

His eyes slowly passed through the crowd, and finally Qin An looked at Weng Lan beside him.

Now she is not wearing a military uniform. She wears a pair of black lace-up shoes on her feet. The trousers are made of tight-fitting blue fabric similar to jeans, and she is wearing a creamy white sweater.

The most beautiful part of Weng Lan should be his eyes and legs.

Yes, this woman with a height of 1.7 meters has a pair of beautiful long legs that does not belong to anyone.

Qin An still remembered those long legs, because they used to be able to wrap Qin An's waist when he was the most obese, and then let Qin An ask for it.

At this time, Weng Lan's upper body was leaning forward, which made her hips tighten, forming a streamlined arc with her long legs, which looked very seductive and beautiful.

Qin An couldn't help leaning forward, and seemed to unintentionally put his hand flat on the sofa, and then his arm was naturally attached to Weng Lan's buttocks, and he rubbed it twice.

The human mind is a very strange thing.

For men, a woman’s ass is a temptation, a treasure, and an infinite super magnet.

But for women, his fucking is just the ass. Women may not understand why some men love it so much. Therefore, if you have some physical contact with a man you know and don’t hate, you won’t Sensitive to care.

So even though Qin An was already wretched to the point of high nervousness at this time, Weng Lan still had no reaction.

She just felt that Qin An was approaching suddenly, so she turned her head and spoke softly:

"What's wrong?"

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