Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1509 Happy New Year

The two disgusting guys basically don't discuss anything else together, that is, killing and women.

Qin An understands the language of the blood bone tribe, so he can't understand their communication methods at all. Doesn't it mean that the blood bone tribe is a highly intelligent race? Why does Qin An feel like an idiot when he speaks?

"Gagalu, please eat cooked meat!"

"Cooked? Grilled meat with fire? Not good, no nutrition, I like raw."

"Yeah, but you have to eat some Chinese food, it's delicious!"


"Well, on another continent, a name on earth."

"The earth is strange."

"too small!"

"Women, I think only women are good!"

Qin An retracted his attention and stopped paying attention to the idiotic conversation between the two people. It was not worth his eavesdropping at all.

Because of the trivial things he did before, Qin An was a little ashamed, so he didn't plan to stay in this Chinese restaurant, turned and left and continued to wander around in stealth to collect information.

It was not until Starry Night appeared that Qin An left Tianji City and went to meet Xiao Beiyu and all the generals of the Seventeenth Army. Qin An shared the collected information. Everyone felt that it was difficult to win Tianji City. However, the value of this city has also been recognized by everyone.

The discussion continued until midnight, when the three moons all hung up high in the starry sky, people's opinions gradually unified.

This city must be captured, but it must be captured internally, which means that a large number of spies need to be sent in, and then rushed into the ground as a death squad to kill Bing Ji at the right time.

Therefore, the main force of this action is not the supernatural beings, but the non-superior warriors, who know how to fight without supernatural beings. In the Azure Dragon empire, the most non-power fighters are the people on earth. How to choose personnel and then arrange to sneak in? This is not a job that can be completed in a day. Qin An left Tianji City after arranging everything and intends to go home to accompany him. After the wife is here to participate in the action, it will take at least ten days for all the preparations to be done here, so just let Xiao Beiyu do the specific work.

Fly back to Detroit all the way, unexpectedly Linghua, Yin Yao, and Xia Ke had already returned, and they brought back many gifts, all of which were given to Qin An by women over there. There were all kinds of them.

Naturally, Qin An was very happy, and went to the Longyan fighter plane to video chat with the girls, and teased the children of Qiu Jinse over there, and then personally asked about the war in Europe.

Qin Xiaoyan sighed a little.

"The fighting here is quite fierce now. Tang Yu has organized most of the European people to fight against God's Domain, but the opponent's power is very strong. Without the support of Jiulong Liancheng, he would not be able to beat his opponent by relying solely on the strength of Tianju, and Tianju is your base camp, and Tang Yu doesn't want us to get involved in danger, most of the time we think she is too difficult to take the initiative to support."

Qin An looked at Lan Yue and asked:

"What do you think?"

Not seeing Lanyue for a few months seems to be a little blessed, her face has become a little rounder, but she is not fat.

She gave Qin An a blank look, and then sighed:

"We women have already had a meeting. Tianju intends to help Tang Yu completely and completely. After all, we treat Tang Yu as our own. Now we are waiting for you!"

Qin An thought for a while, then nodded.

"Okay, but you must pay attention to your safety. Tell Tang Yu, you can fight if you can, if you can't fight, get back to Tianjuli and stay honestly. Houtianju's external command and combat power is completely handed over to her, Lan Yue Xiaoyan You supervise it. In short, you can fight a war. If you dare to get hurt, I will fly to Europe and slap your ass right away!"

What Qin An said was too domineering and arrogant. Although the girls were a little surprised, they were not worried. Yin Yao has already told them that Qin An’s character will change a little due to the curse, but his nature should not change too much. It will only amplify the original character characteristics, and release a little bit of the inner corner of his heart. Little darkness.

The women thought that this was actually not bad. After all, Qin An's personality was a bit too fair. If he could change from being moderate to being moderate, it would naturally be a good thing.

"Tang Yu will thank you for your full support to her."

Qin Xiaoyan told Qin An before the video was closed.

"No thanks, let her give it a go. This is her last experience of being a queen. I will make her a housewife next time I meet!"


Qin An's aggressiveness and initiative towards women have increased a lot. Only when facing Weng Lan can he calm his mind, as if Weng Lan is his harbor.

In the few days before the New Year, Qin An is not running around, asking people to prepare ingredients for the New Year, while letting family members prepare shows, to hold a Spring Festival gala, and to broadcast live to all military positions in the empire.

This is busy with the people around Qin An. The only thing to be thankful is that neither the Demon Race nor the Black Blood Army came to make trouble. Recently, the wars across the country have slowed down, probably because of the curse.

Qin An discovered that the enemy was launching an attack on some beast areas and non-civilized race areas. It was estimated that he was collecting the sword soul fragments to restore the energy damaged by the spell, right? It is estimated that the Demon Race should have a lot of reserve Soul Sword Stones and Spirit Stones in the past, but now they are actually busy collecting the Soul Sword Fragments on the earth. This only shows that the Demon Race should urgently need these things, and the Demon Race’s reserves Maybe it has been consumed almost, I really don't know if they still have money to redeem the demon princess Zenghao.

However, it is always good for the demon to find others to fight. Qin An lets people closely monitor the whereabouts of the demon. If they have the opportunity to make a profit, they will naturally not let it go. While the military positions are doing a good job of defense, they are also more active. Qin An is bound to win the huge cake of United States. Many years ago, Qin An thought that he wanted to wash away the darkness of this world with killing and blood. He was not cruel enough before. After delaying, now... Qin An suddenly discovered that maybe his goal will be achieved soon!


The city of Kowloon is also full of joy. The old calendar will end at the end of the year. The Chinese Academy of Sciences officially announced that the earth is about to enter a new era of 30 hours a day and 360 days a year.

The young Diaosi male named Panda Run hastily finished writing in the own little black house, immediately dressed up and went out to the street, bought a big fish from the market and ran towards the golden castle.

When he finally passed the security checks and got out of the elevator on the ninth floor, Ba Tian had already arrived to greet him.

"Panda, your news is really well-informed, I just ran back from Europe, you came to block the door? Now Qin An is in the United States, but I don't have any internal information for you... Ah, I got such a big fish. You are polite!"

"Hey, I heard that you brought Xiaomei back to spend the last Lunar New Year with Father Guo on the earth. Naturally, you want to visit it! How is it? Father is in good health? I heard that Xiaomei is pregnant?"

"Well, this day’s sickness is very serious. Come on, let’s sit in this room for a while. You can’t smoke there. Women are troublesome. I have quit smoking for a long time! Come on, smoke yourself, knowing that you can’t live without this. Things! Hey, let me let the fish be stewed, so let’s eat here at night!"

Ba Tian and Panda Run are getting along well, and most of Qin An's privacy is also revealed by Ba Tian.

After entering the room, the guest and host took a seat, Ba Tian continued with the words just now and laughed: "My old father-in-law Guo Qi is in good health. He has retired from the Academy of Sciences a few years ago and became the reappointment of the old dean. I don't care about major issues! In the past few years, Qin An has also integrated a sword soul stone for him, and now he has become a lot younger, and he is still a supernatural person. Hey, the old man who was almost a hundred years old looked like he was only fifty years old. Strong. Not long ago, I had a one-night stand with an 18-year-old female student who accidentally wiped a gun and went off the hook. These days, I am having a divorce with my mother-in-law and my mother-in-law. Their generation is very conservative in thinking and can only say Qin An. This kid is the culprit. My old father-in-law couldn’t do that kind of thing, but now he estimates that he won’t have a pain in his waist after a night of fighting. The old mother-in-law was very easygoing, but now she’s young... hey, I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it. This old lady was already menopausal, but my aunt came again a few days ago... Now she has secondary menopausal symptoms. Every day, it's so troublesome that my family Guo Xiaomei is not at ease. fetal……"

Ba Tian may have been under a lot of pressure recently. When he had a place to talk, he immediately kept talking. The Panda Run has already taken out his notebook and started recording...

"Qin An used powers for Ba Tian's father-in-law and mother-in-law to make them rejuvenate. As a result, the old couple was restless...Qin An married an alien woman again in United States. I heard that Mei Ruo Celestial Immortals still has a big green sword in her belly!

Qin An and Weng Lan finally met, but Weng Lan lost her memory, Qin An tricked Weng Lan’s Little Sister Weng Die, and made love in front of Weng Lan, her sister-in-law became daughter-in-law, her husband became brother-in-law, and Qin An’s life fornication is nothing. Remedy..."

Ba Tian did not watch what Panda Run wrote. He believed that Panda Run should be measured, and should know what can be written in the novel and what can't. He also hoped that Panda Run could break Qin An’s writing. Back then, they But my colleague, you can see that now that he has only one wife and he is frustrated by his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, but Qin An...so many wives, he actually... does not have a father-in-law? Qin Xiaoyan, Liu Xia, Lan Yue, Li Na, Wuma Sisters, Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi, Rong Rong, Gong Xue, Guizi, Liu Ru... Sometimes Batian would forget who Qin An’s women are. It’s so complicated. With regard to women, he didn't even have a father-in-law to deal with. This is really too much for the weather!

So Tyrannical decided to go to Heiqin'an. He didn't need to be responsible for breaking the news anyway, and novels were originally written in vain. Who would be more true?

After catching Qin An’s first-hand information from Ba Tian, ​​the panda immediately went home and wrote a book. He didn’t go out for a few days. In a blink of an eye, it was New Year’s Eve. After the day and the starry night, it was the New Year. It's the first year of junior high school!

The panda ran and typed the last line on the computer

The panda is running to all the book friends for New Year's greetings. I wish all the friends in and outside the book auspicious and smooth, and more than every year!

In the new year, academic progress will be high and career will be successful!

Panda WeChat ID: pty911pty, every panda book friend who adds WeChat can get a red envelope blessing of one yuan. Effective on New Year's Eve! Bookmates who already have Panda WeChat can chat privately with Panda and ask for a red envelope password: What does Panda do? Panda will also give a red envelope of one yuan as your reward for panda's support over the past year! The final interpretation right of this activity belongs to Panda! And it is only available to panda book friends. If you have not seen the Doomsday Cities, please do not add WeChat, thank you for your cooperation! ~

Happy New Year to everyone again!

After getting the blessings and the Spring Festival book friend feedback activity, the panda quickly turned off the computer, shaved his beard, and ran to his parents' house.

Hey, another year has passed, and I always have to give my parents a head and ask for auspiciousness.

I hope my parents can live a long life.

I didn’t understand it when I was young, and I realized it when I was older, that the New Year is joyful, but for parents, it’s one year old and one year old.

People in the last days are not easy to live, because the world is full of competition and traps. People are becoming more and more selfish for a better life. Family friendship has become an accessory to the exchange of interests! Therefore, even if Life is in the comfortable city wall, the panda runs fast and does not feel that he is out of the end times.

In fact, each of us lives in the dangerous city of the last days, and all kinds of crises always surround us.

So since you can't escape the stumbling block of the dangerous city in the last days, it is better to accept such a world patiently, take care of yourself, sort out the people and things around you, and welcome the arrival of a new year!

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