Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1510 Meeting (1)

Panda’s red envelope distribution activity is still very successful. WeChat group and Penguin group all sent red envelopes, and 106 private packages were also posted on WeChat. Except that 22 of them were book friends among panda friends, pandas did not expect to have them. 84 book friends added him and asked: What does the panda do!

Afterwards, Panda wrote a few words in his own novel.

I have to ask me what I am doing, the answer is...what about writing novels, are you stupid?

After that, he went out with a smile and continued to celebrate the New Year.

This year, four hundred yuan was issued at the beginning of the year, and more than one hundred were recovered, which is obviously a loss.

Therefore, Panda knows that he has to work harder, code words harder, and work harder to fill the gaps in the loss at the beginning of the new year.

Not to mention money, life must work hard,

Who knows whether the person who knocks on the door tomorrow will be a zombie or a beauty?

If it is a zombie, it will be dead.

If it's a beautiful panda running and walking on the street, she suddenly finds that a beautiful woman with a slender waist and a big butt is walking towards her, and she doesn't know how her breasts develop, so why are they so pretty?

If you squeeze it up, I'm guessing it would be good for him. Mom, isn't it?

The panda's eyes rolled around, staring at the person's chest, but he didn't expect it to step on the girl's foot.

"Hey, are you blind? You can't see Sa in such a wide road? Step on my mother's feet?" The girl unceremoniously pushed the panda.

The panda was stunned for a while and reacted suddenly, glaring at the girl with grief, then stepped forward and raised his hand to face the plump firmness and pushed hard, while pushing and shouting: "Who are you pushing? Why are you pushing me? , Do you want to fight?"

When he pushed the girl's chest, he even pinched it with his fingers. The girl was pushed back for a step or two. At that time, he was dumbfounded and didn't want to understand why he was hit in the chest.

Panda found that the girl seemed to have reacted to his own actions, and immediately became embarrassed, turned around and ran. The speed really matched his net name. It was really f*ck fast!

Oh shit! The squeeze is too heavy and too careful, as long as you are not a fool, you can find that he is playing a hooligan!

It seems to be careful next time!

The author of the panda analyzed and concluded, and then ran all the way and disappeared under the stars!

On the other side of the earth, the sketch is called "Zombie Blind Date", the starring is Qin An, Weng Lan, Qin Dafeng, Qin Erhe, Qin Yabao and Qin Yabei.

"I am a zombie whose soul can speak. I really want to make friends with humans or other races, but they are afraid of me and think I want to eat them... Well, I admit that I do want to eat. them!"

Qin An's dress was a little dull, some were not like zombies, but rather like clowns, and the lines he just appeared on were quite funny, and people naturally laughed in accordance with the atmosphere.

Weng Lan appeared at this time, wearing a turtle and wearing a pair of pigtails.

But she is Weng Lan after all, a Xiantian brain-upgraded. When Weng Lan is quiet, it is a pure snow lotus. When she deliberately expresses something, she will become a burning fire lotus. Attract all eyes!

People thought Weng Lan's dress was ugly at first glance, but when Weng Lan twisted his body and said the first line, everyone was dumbfounded.

"My name is Cauliflower. Today someone introduced me to a blind date. It should be here, right?"

This line is extremely simple, and Weng Lan's movements are actually not large, but people are still shocked.

Weng Lan has a dynamic beauty,

In front of her, most viewers have a feeling that Weng Lan's eyes are looking at them.

The pair of eyes were so clear and unmarked, but after looking at each other, they would feel glamorous again, as if they were talking, inviting, and seduce people to commit crimes.

Weng Lan's skin is very good, but usually it doesn't seem to be so good as to cry like a ghost.

However, when Weng Lan smiled, under the light of stars and lights, her skin became a little psychedelic, white and transparent, and red and natural, which made people want to kiss Fangze, but was afraid that her own lips would be abrupt. Perfect.

Weng Lan's lips don't seem to be static. When people see her red lips inadvertently, they will feel that time and space seem to be static. Only the beautiful lips are closed together, exhaling like orchids, with an absolutely exaggerated power of temptation.

Weng Lan's figure... it can't be described, it's obviously such ugly clothes, but when people look at the parts separately, they will be intoxicated by the beauty and sexy that flashes out.

The chest will straighten up with Weng Lan's breathing, and they will echo with the shoulders, armpits, arms, and abdomen. After random movements, they can combine to draw a perfect angle.

Her waist has the same charm, no matter it is combined with the upper or the lower, it can show a graceful demeanor.

In general, Weng Lan's body is beautiful, amazingly beautiful, making people unprepared.

Linghua, Yin Yao's level of beauty has become a little dignified, they always think that they are the most beautiful, so they don't care about their looks.

However, at this moment, they felt that compared with Weng Lan, they seemed to be like green leafy grass. Weng Lan was the magnificent red flower in the snow, and she was the head of the hundred flowers!

No wonder Qin An has been unable to forget Weng Lan for so many years, this is indeed an unpredictable woman!

After the opening remarks, the two leading actors began to play against each other. Let alone, the effect was very good. The sketch performance on the battlefield made the surrounding soldiers laugh and laugh. If Weng Lan were not too eye-catching, people might laugh. More cheerful.

The children performed well. Dafeng and Erhe played the big tree, Qin Yabei played the moving dead child, and Qin Yabao played the little bee flying around. They are all very cute and cute. modeling.

After Qin’an’s show ended, others began to perform. Some sang, some sang operas, and some performed superb skills. The whole party was very successful. There were more than 100 shows. Thousands of people participated in the live party. The camp also distributed many dumplings as food for the New Year’s Eve dinner. At the same time, they could use magic video equipment to watch the live broadcast of the party. Every place was full of joy.

Aliens and foreigners don’t understand what the Chinese New Year is, but this does not affect people’s desire to celebrate. Unfortunately, most soldiers can’t drink, because no one knows whether the demons will suddenly come from the sky. Assault, the huge battleship of the Demon Race is hovering under the atmosphere, and it takes tens of minutes to attack the ground.

The New Year’s Eve dinner ended on the edge of the battlefield. After the starry night came, it was the first day of the new year. Qin An personally issued the new calendar implementation minutes, echoing the Kowloon-Liancheng, and declared that February 1, 2049 was a turning point in history, and the AD would enter a brand new one. In 2050, the original calendar will be invalidated. February 1, 2049 will also become January 1 of 2050. At the same time, this day will also be January 1 of the 34th year of the last century, and January of the first year of creation. number 1!

The reason why the A.D. era was not completely abolished was that the creation era was not widely accepted globally, and more than half of the earth and races still continued the A.D. era in the old calendar.

The last century yuan only survives because the last days are still going on, and the earth is still full of crises and turbulence.

So the reason why Chuang Yuan is used is because whether it is Qin An or Jiulong Liancheng, they have set a timetable for themselves. The world will eventually be changed. Qin An's thinking consciousness is now more free and more authoritative. , Even if he is not for others but for himself, he has to fight for the world. He has desires, not only in terms of women, but also in the power and official career!


This night was beautiful again. The stars in the sky were several times more than before the double moon disaster, and they looked densely packed. The red crimson moon was already exceptionally large, and people seemed to be within reach, and snowflakes were flying between the sky and the earth again.

After Qin An greeted all the brothers, friends, women, children, and soldiers in a private chat, it was already late in the night.

The so-called late night is actually ten hours after nightfall, when there are fewer stars in the sky, and people prefer to fall asleep at this time.

Naturally, Qin An was not sleepy. He secretly stole Weng Lan and flew into the sky with his arms.

"You said, why are you so stupid? Can you hit your head and amnesia?"

"Damn, you let me down, the wind is so strong!"

Qin An flew dozens of kilometers away, and when he landed with Weng Lan, he was already on the banks of Lake Erie in Canada.

"There is Niagara Falls over there! You don't want to go see it?"

"No, it's good to be here! Why did you bring me out suddenly? I don't think you are very busy tonight?"

Weng Lan's small mouth was slightly raised, and she found that Qin An today was a little hard to control.

After meeting Qin An after amnesia, even though he felt that this man had changed a lot, he still met Weng Lan's standard of seeing a man, but Qin An in front of him was obviously beyond the standard, and he was a little too lively.

"Take you out to see the scenery! Weng Lan, don't you want to know what happened between us?"

"I don't want to...really, I always think it's good now, Wu You is carefree, and you don't need to think about it so much."

"Then marry me!"

Qin An did not drink, but he was a little drunk tonight.

"Do not

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