Losing the protection of the city wall is very weak when facing the corpse group.

Qin An was able to move freely among the zombies many years ago, because he possessed the Phantom Movement Technique and the agile physical skills.

For ordinary abilities, no matter how powerful the physical skills are, it is impossible to stay in the zombie group for too long, because the zombies are crazy and chaotic. When they are overwhelming, they are a whole, and they want to kill the zombies. Tide, maybe even fitness level can’t do it. Because the types of zombies today are complex and shocking, in the legend, some people have seen zombies similar to the Sword God Magic King! This kind of zombie is good at manipulating elemental abilities, and the mass destruction is very strong! The existence of Sword God-level zombies is still unknown. In fact, whether they have a demigod, the spirit body Realm zombies are not known, but strong body, super body realm zombies do exist, and there are still a lot of them!

In short, zombies are still the strongest existence in the last days. They have merged many alien races and some upgraded super undead races among the alien races.

There are still some differences between zombies and the undead. The creatures of the undead have some wisdom, which means that when the last moment is reached, the undead creatures may have complex emotions such as terror, excitement and so on.

Zombies have no emotions, they only have a desire for fresh flesh.

Qin An suddenly spoke softly while thinking:

"Weng Lan, do you think we will be the invaders?"

"What invader?"

"Nowadays, the main cities of the Black Blood Army are in Canada. We have been fighting against cities and foreign tribes located in the states of the United States. I think maybe we can also open up the Canadian battlefield and fight at their door. So as not to be attacked by them."

"But, how do you move troops into their territory? There should be a lot of obstacles along the way, right?"

"So, I don't plan to let the brigade go, I just want to go by myself, I want to attract zombies! Colorful daughter-in-law Tang Jiudie is in my power space, I can use her to gain the ability to control zombies! "

Today, Qin An's abilities in the realm of dead spirits are somewhat awesome, absorbing the vitality of different people in the space, and will also have the abilities of different absorbed people.

It's a pity that Qin An's ability is only the most sensitive to the sword god body. For example, he can reach the super body sword god level by absorbing Liu Ru's ability, but he can only reach the body sword god level after absorbing the vitality of other people, and cannot make the opponent's ability. Reach the sword god level.

Otherwise, if he absorbed Tang Jiudie's sword god ability, if he could reach the sword god level zombie controller, it would be a complete mess. It might not be possible to control more than 100 million zombies.

When Qin An touched her belly, Weng Lan didn't have any thoughts to think about it, so she said softly: "You are the king, you have the final say, I have no opinion, but are you really going to keep touching it like this?"

Qin An chuckled, reluctantly withdrew his hand from Weng Lan's belly, and then started to tuck the little shirt that Weng Lan was wearing into his pants with both hands to prevent the wind from getting in.

Weng Lan was very shy about Qin An's intimate act of tidying up her clothes, so she continued to blush without being able to speak.

At this time, three local scouts had entered the woods. They were Solorana, Adam and Yorkhua, three out-and-out white people, all of whom were eighth-level abilities.

Adam is a strong man with a height of nearly two meters. He has tattoos of NBA and basketball characters printed on his arms. He is probably a guy who loves basketball, but basketball in the apocalypse has long lost the meaning of competition. A group of supernatural players play basketball. , Even a basketball court the size of a football field is not enough for them to toss, and whoever has powerful abilities can castle the whole game. For example, if Qin An goes to a game, he only needs to control the basketball back and forth with opinions, then no one can stop it. Him.

In fact, Qin An is wrong to think this way. Basketball in the United States is still retained. The rules are similar to those before the model. Ability players will be injected with ability-suppressing drugs before the game to return them to the state of ordinary people, so that they can continue to compete. The angle goes to the game.

Yorkhua is not tall, looks a little thin, wears a pair of black sunglasses, his facial features are very atrophied, and he doesn't look like a good person.

Solorana is a beautiful Caucasian girl. Her skin is not as large as many white pores, but very delicate and silky.

Qin An secretly opened her perspective to look at her body, feeling very exciting.

Weng Lan is still in his arms, so holding the woman she loves most, but peeking at other women's bodies, of course it will stimulate some emotions.

Qin An is destined to become a big bad wolf, and he can hold the last conscience and not fool around. Fortunately, he used to be a virgin. In this era, the supernatural person wants to be a hooligan, and that is a real hooligan!

By this time, Qin An already had a detailed battle plan. He took down the Heavenly Mystery City armed to the teeth, then annexed the black blood forces of Canada, ruled with iron and blood to subdue all kinds of alien races, carried out a colonial policy to control the captives to fight against the zombies, and then thought The way to get the witches into the empire system, completely annex the power of the demons, destroy the Crescent City, control March to deter the world, and then...Hey, it can only be said that there is a long way to go. Qin An can foresee the future of own, and he smells a little blood.

This is an era when there is no way to be kind, so let's go with the situation.

"Solorana, what kind of man do you like?"

"Yorkhua, it's not yours anyway. I heard that you went to the slave market and bought some girls home to play with? I hate this kind of behavior!"

"Haha, my beautiful girl, why bother to be so serious? You know, we are in the end times now! Only those tramps who are conscious of living in the pre-apocalyptic era will care about human rights. Those women are just slaves, I give When they take a sip of delicious red wine, they are willing to come over to add. My toes, I don’t even need to take a bath now, because I lie on my own bed every night, and those humble, dog-like women will add to my whole body. Clean!"

"Hi, York Hua, pay attention to your words, I don't like your humiliating tone to women." Big Adam scolded York Hua with a bad expression.

The three of them entered the woods at this time and were sitting in the snow resting on the tree trunks.

They originally came here to investigate. They didn't have a clear goal, and they didn't dare to get too close to Detroit, because there are also scouts from the Azure Dragon Empire outside Detroit. Their task is to monitor the movement of the Azure Dragon Empire. Is there any sudden action.

In the apocalyptic warfare, high-tech detection methods are widely used, but traditional scouts also exist. They have more flexible response capabilities and smarter emergency methods. Then, when combined with high-tech detection weapons and equipment, they can be formed. With a more rigorous monitoring system, it is difficult for ordinary supernaturalists to break through such investigations.

It’s a pity that Qin An is not an ordinary ability person. When he moves, he will turn on the ground seal space magnetic field to wrap around him, so as to prevent the sound from coming out, and it will not be noticed by the hearing ability, and the quickness of his actions is that Somewhat conscientious.

"Will our words be discovered by the following?"

Weng Lan's voice was very low.

"No, it's okay to shout loudly. There is a circle of invisible space barriers around us. We are making a tree tremor on this trunk. No one will know the wolf crying ghost howling you handed to!"

"Qin An, you are so serious!"

"Weng Lan, I'm very serious enough to molest you, don't you see it?"

The two people flirted and yelled in the tree, and the emotions were so warm.

"I don't think that thin man looks like a good person."

"The thin man is called Yorkhua, the strong man is Adam, and the plump woman is called Solorana. Weng Lan, you are a wise man. This world is not for seeing people with your eyes, because you can't tell! Yorkhua naturally It's a real villain, but this Adam may be a fake gentleman. These two kinds of people are more annoying, but that's not good."

"How do you know Adam is a hypocrite?"

"The three of them walked all the way, and Adam had been cruising next to Solorana, but his body was slightly back, his eyes would occasionally sweep to the woman's buttocks and chest, and there was a greedy look in his eyes. And York Hua's eyes were very straight, and he didn't express his favor to her specifically. Now he has directly expressed his thoughts on Solorana, which is far more frank than Dang."

"That's it, what you observe is really delicate."

"Don't forget I have super vision!"

"Oh, isn't it amazing to have abilities?" Weng Lan cocked her mouth to mock Qin An.

"Well, it's amazing. My perspective can see through your clothes. From this angle, I can see the deep trenches on your chest. Hey, they used to be my favorites, but now they seem to be strong again! "


Weng Lan was shy and wanted to bite Qin An.

Although the two of them had already made it clear, Weng Lan knew that she should have been closely related to Qin An before, otherwise it would be impossible for the quadruplets to be born.

But after all, she did not have this part of the memory. In her memory, she was still a little virgin who had never experienced personnel. As for the girl, facing the naked teasing of the old driver, Qin An, she really felt unable to adapt.

However, this is actually the charm of the interaction between men and women.

Shyness plus fantasy, desire and tenderness constitute the love of all men and women in the world, which makes people linger, and finally fall into it.

"There's a show to watch!"

Just as Weng Lan was thinking about how to clean up Qin An and let him not be so mad, Qin An suddenly spoke with his mouth against her ear.


"Our people are here!"

"Our people?"

"Well, there are five squad abilities, three earthlings, two green swordsmen, and the upgraded levels of earthlings all have eighth-level, but the two blue swordsmen are truly speculative physical abilities. The scout teams of both sides are about to meet, isn't this a good scene?"

"There is a mountain king like you in the world, don't you feel nervous at all?"

"What are you nervous about? The world is fighting, and now fighting has become the norm, we have to adapt to all of this, because we are actually in this scene, do you think we are the audience? Tell you, we are all in this scene Actor."

Qin An shut up and did not speak. She found this Qin An was difficult to deal with. It was not the boy who ran to her every day to give her buns, soy milk, and mineral water!

So, do you like Qin An back then or now?

Weng Lan couldn't deny her own heart. Since meeting Qin An this time, she found that she could not resist such a man.

Of course, this is nothing. Weng Lan is not a stubborn person. One thing she is very similar to Weng Lan is that she will follow her own will and will not force something.

So the question is, which kind of Qin An does she love?

Weng Lan felt that Qin An had many ways to open it.

First of all, he is Qin An in memory, quiet and steady, with a real smile on his face. After that, Qin An can be a Super Saiyan, Crayon Shin-chan, Garfield, Mickey Mouse, Vajra Calabash, or Demacia.

Hey, it's really exhausting. Weng Lan feels that it may take a long time for her to understand Qin An, and it may take longer for her to accept Qin An, because accepting Qin An must also accept all his women, as well as him and others. Child born to a woman, tangled!

"Someone!" York Hua suddenly spoke.

Qin An nodded slightly. As expected, there are people with hearing ability in the three-person team. The five-person team on his side is more than 500 meters away from here, and the sight of the two sides is blocked by the woods. It is enough to find someone coming, which is enough to prove his power attribute.

Obviously, there are also hearing ability players among the five-person team members on his side.

His name is Scaro, the Earthman, the captain of the five-man team.

"Xiao Long, Xiao Hu, there are people over there! They want to run!"

Scalo issued a warning to the two green swordsmen. They immediately summoned the green swords and flew with their swords, chasing them forward through the woods.

Scalo took the other two earthlings through the forest on the ground.

Qin An raised his eyebrows slightly, and it seemed that these two Qingjian clans belonged to the Xiao Beiyu family.

"Let's go, let's follow up and watch the excitement."

Qin An was sneaking around with Weng Lan, and the local three-person investigation team ran out for more than a thousand meters, and was stopped by two green sword men by the river.Then there is still a big difference between the strength of the strong body and the ordinary supernatural powers. The 2VS3 battle did not last long. When Scarlow brought two other earthlings to chase nearby, the Xiao family brothers had already restrained the three of them. Got up, and injected the ability suppression potion.

"Haha! There are women!"

The two earthlings next to Scarlo are called Tian Musen and the other is Ailanton.

So it was Tian Musen who just yelled excitedly. He should be a mixture of Japanese and black. He is a little shaggy, but he is very burly.

Scalo was also very happy. He stepped forward and raised his foot to face Yorkhua and Adam and kicked them several times. The abilities of the two people were controlled, and they vomited blood directly after being kicked a few times.

"take away!"

With a cry of zero, several people started to mention the three of them and wanted to return. Qin An naturally followed in secret and walked northward for more than ten kilometers. They only stopped in the woods after approaching the defensive area of ​​the Azure Dragon empire's extended position. move on.

"Boss, it was a fruitful harvest today! I didn't expect to catch a woman!" Alanton was obviously also very happy, rubbing his hands while talking, and also lifted his pants.

"Yes, Brother Xiao family has worked hard!"

Scalo praised the two Green Swordsmen.

After Qin An took office, he continued the five-man team system of Tibetan opera. However, in order to promote multi-ethnic integration, the so-called five-man team has at least two races. Everyone can only live together and face life and death together. Establish a good revolutionary friendship, and then eventually become a big family.

"Haha, no hard work! Scalo reconciled, this woman is really good-looking! This time our brother has done the most work, it's our turn to come first, right?"

"Okay! You come first, we will continue, anyway! Tian Musen, Alanton, you take these two men aside for interrogation, to see why they are so close to us to investigate, whether there is any strategic intent If we don’t come out and kill them, we don’t have that much place or food to feed the captives! Oh, yes, let them rest their limbs and eat, and they won’t be dead! Looks disgusting!"

"Okay!" Tian Musen and Ailanton beamed their eyes, and they were about to grab the two bound men aside.

Then Qin An and Weng Lan naturally hid from the trunk on the side and took a peek.

Weng Lan's eyebrows were already frowned into the word "Chuan". She looked back at Qin An, and the meaning in her eyes was self-evident.

"Don't you care?"

"I have previously issued orders not to eat the flesh of intelligent creatures in the camp, and not to insult women of any race in the camp."

"In the camp?"

"Yes, so their behavior did not violate military regulations."

"But is this okay?"

"Hey, how do you care? There are also female supernatural fighters in our army. Once they are captured or treated super cruelly, they are killed and eaten in the end. Now the war breaks out, and the crops are on the farmland. It is impossible to supply the entire army’s expenses, and because of the time and space gates and the labyrinth gates, the number of people in our empire is getting larger and larger. Some traversers will join us. The Quartermaster Department simply cannot supply so much food to feed everyone, so we can only let They figured out their own way! The phenomenon of eating the flesh of intelligent creatures is very common in the whole army and even in the whole world. Everyone is a person who fumbles in blood and broken corpses. The soldiers on the opposite side are beasts that eat raw meat. If our soldiers are soft-hearted like little sheep, and dare not swallow their flesh and blood, this battle will be impossible."

Weng Lan bit her lip.

"What about the woman?"

"She is also the enemy's female soldier. How do you know that she has never eaten the flesh of our soldiers? How do you know that in her seemingly delicate and delicate body, there is not a cannibal demon living?"

Qin An's words were a bit cold and helpless.

Weng Lan finally stopped speaking. She felt very congested in her heart. Is this really going to happen?

Qin An didn't speak anymore. He couldn't take care of things that happened outside the camp. This was also a headache and helplessness for him.

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