Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1513 Event Escalation

Seeing Solorana's clothes were taken off one by one, and listening to her screams became more and more stern, Weng Lan's face finally turned gloomy to the extreme.

"Qin An, I don't care what the world has become, but from what I see, at least I can't accept this kind of thing. If the other party is guilty, then convict! If the other party is heinous, then kill! The empire is really true Is there no way to guarantee the basic food supply for the soldiers? Then cut down on food and clothing! The righteousness that should be there must be there! Anyway, I can't accept this kind of thing happening in front of my eyes! If you don't care, I will take care of it!"

Weng Lan is indeed Weng Lan. The reason why she and Qin An can become a husband and wife is not only because of the similarities in character, but also because of the same values. There is also a Virgin in her body!

When the voice fell, Weng Lan directly pushed Qin An away and jumped down. Qin An's expression was indifferent and let Weng Lan leave.

What she thinks is what Qin An wants. Even if Weng Lan is going to poke a hole in the sky, Qin An will turn into a giant and lift her up, let alone showing kindness.

Qin An sighed after Weng Lan left. He would feel very angry when he saw this situation before, right? But now there is no response, and being a bad person would have been so easy.

Below, the appearance of Weng Lan surprised several people.

Just when Weng Lan was about to scold him, Scarlo had already stepped forward and laughed flatteringly.

"Oh my God, isn't this Lord Weng Lan? Haha, we have seen the sketches performed by you and King Qin An before. It is really funny and fun. Lord Weng Lan's acting talent is absolutely nothing! How come you... Where? Do you have a password?"

Facing Scarlo's enthusiasm and vigilance, Weng Lan froze slightly, then smiled.

I have to say that this Scarlo is really a good scout captain, at least he still knows the interrogator, but for own's sudden appearance, he showed complete trust before he even asked for a password.

As a scout, there are 64 different passwords used in different time periods of 30 hours a day. For example, when you meet at 8 o'clock, you have to say "eggplant", and at 8:20 you have to say "potato".

Although this kind of mobile password is troublesome to memorize, it is a very effective means to distinguish between enemy and enemy scouts. There is no need to be afraid of password leakage. Once someone disappears, just change the password quickly, and the ability of the ability person’s memory It's all very good, so it's easy to memorize these things.

Weng Lan was a little embarrassed because she didn't have a password.

"Sorry, I was just taken by someone to pass by, so I don't have a password. I hid in a tree before. I was a little unacceptable seeing your behavior, so I came out to meet."Weng Lan was very straightforward and directly expressed her point of view.

At this time, the brothers Xiao Long and Xiao Hu had stopped, not going to take off Solorana's clothes.

Seeing Weng Lan, both of them became cautious. The Xiao family can be regarded as Qin An’s direct line of the Qingjian people. Therefore, Xiao Long and Xiao Hu naturally recognize Qin An’s favorite woman, so they became more cautious and hurriedly arranged. own clothes.

Scalo is the captain and the smarter of the five.

Seeing Weng Lan's expression and listening to what she said, Scalo had a good idea. It seems that the woman in front of him is probably the real Weng Lan, a young woman, he still doesn't care very much. She looked down on Weng Lan in her heart, but she was still very respectful on the surface.

"Master Weng Lan, please forgive me for being unreasonable. Although I think you are really Weng Lan and not the spy of the enemy, but we met during our inspection. If you can't give an order, then I will not be able to execute any of your orders. ! Besides, you do not have the right to give orders to us in your position. If our behavior makes you feel uncomfortable, then we can deal with them after you leave. Related interrogation is always done, and ordinary means cannot. The enemy is easy to succumb, so the violent blood is actually more effective and effective. They are the scouts of the other side. Of course, the battle between the two sides in the battlefield of the camp link zone is very fierce. On our side, the battle between the two scouts is also naked life and death. Duel. Many of my comrades died during the mission. It is a blessing for us to not find the corpse. If the corpse is found

Scalo suddenly paused when he said that, Tian Musen said:

"If you find the corpse, it will be even more sad. My Big sis is called Tian Mu Yadie. She is also our super scout. She disappeared a month ago. On the seventh day after disappearing, we attacked a scout camp of the other side. She found her body, her limbs have been severed, and her whole body was tied up on a pillar, without wearing any clothes...Dear Lord Weng Lan, I don’t want to describe her misery again. , But you can imagine! What kind of treatment would a beautiful woman who had no resistance and cut off her hands and feet experience in a group of animal camps? Anyway, she died, and she died in a miserable state.

Scalo interrupted Tian Musen calmly, and then he said, "It's just that people's eyes have been dug down. When we found her, we found that her black eyes were filled with white liquid. You have to know, different. The capable person has a different physique from ordinary people. Her eyes are dug out, and after a short period of time there will be no blood flow, but the flesh will merge to form a black hole... Humph, besides, the eyes. The rest of her body is even more insecure. We are not good people, because we are already doing all the evil, but even so, we still can't accept the encounter with Tianmu Sendie. We don't know why they can be so crazy! It’s fine for a woman to play around, and let her keep that ugly body even after death! So... my dear, respected Lord Weng Lan, if your comrade-in-arms is treated like this by the enemy, then you arrest When the enemy becomes a prisoner, what should we do?"

Scalo finally threw the question to Weng Lan, and Weng Lan was in a daze, her face turned pale.

During the period of memory recovery, she had been protected by Qin An, and even when she was on the battlefield, there were always super-powerfuls following. Therefore, Weng Lan had not experienced any danger, nor had she seen the terrible and perverted end times.

So after hearing Scarlo's narration, Weng Lan couldn't speak, because she didn't know what to say, the story Scarlo told was too shocking and cruel, she couldn't accept it at all.

Seeing own woman deflated, how could Qin An still be a tortoise? And at just that instant, he suddenly felt something and found that the environment he was in now had become a bit complicated.

So Qin An jumped directly to the ground and stood beside Weng Lan, already embracing her in his arms.

"Qin An..." Weng Lan turned her head back, her eyes a little fragile.

"I'm here." Qin An looked at Weng Lan with firm eyes.

Weng Lan lowered her head in shame.

She was a little uncomfortable. If she put herself in the position and think about it, what Scarlo said was indeed correct...Should she let her own brothers and sisters be ravaged and killed instead of revenge? Even if only true Virgins can do it, right?

When Weng Lan reviewed his own thinking, the five Scaruo recognized Qin An, hurriedly and rudely at the same time, and then claimed to be the king.

The five are just small scouts, and they don't have the chance to get in touch with Qin An on weekdays. Qin An's performance with Weng Lan revealed his identity this time, and now they appear in front of them again, they will feel a little nervous.

Qin An raised his hand slightly so that the five people don't have to salute, and then left Weng Lan, smiling around the seven of Yorkhua, Solorana, Adam, Xiao Long, Xiao Hu, Scalo, Tian Musen and Alanton. , And then returned to Weng Lan to stand, frowning and thinking, after a long time, he whispered:

"Since you are here, show up! When were these seven people controlled by you? What you let them do and say is nothing more than trying to confuse us! Now that we have appeared, you have not appeared yet, do you Some sorry about your identity and ability?"

"False? You said the story they just told was false?"

Weng Lan's face was a little pale with anger, but she was shocked by her soul, thinking about the evil of the human heart, could it be said that this was a lie?

Not long after Qin An's voice fell, a woman with a wheat complexion walked out from behind a big tree barefoot.

She is a little over 1.7 meters tall, with mixed facial features, very tall and beautiful, and her figure is also perfect, plus only wearing a pair of sexy black shorts, the upper body is completely naked, which is naturally more tempting Human heart.

Qin An was not tempted, because he felt the curse power of the Sword God's warning!

Who is this woman? Would it make him feel so dangerous?

After the woman appeared, her eyes kept falling on Weng Lan, her eyes were so psychedelic, and her pale golden eyes made her look special.

"who are you?"

Qin An moved his body to protect Weng Lan behind him, blocking the sight of the strange woman from looking at Weng Lan.

"My name is...Marilyn Di. The woman behind you is really strange. I just wanted to control her but couldn't do it. Her mental energy is very powerful, is she a brain-upgraded one.""Who she is has nothing to do with you, and I don't care about the name of your body. What I want to know is, what kind of soul is hidden in this body?"

"Haha, Qin An deserves to be Qin An, he can see me through."

Marilyn Dee smiled beautifully, and the tall chest was daunting.

"However, what you said is not right, how can you not care about this body? She is very important! How could there be me without her? This is what I can find! A person who can bear all of me Power, the earthling that made me finally resurrected! Her genes are perfect, so perfect that the deity wants to cry for it

Qin An's expression finally changed.

"I have long received news that Wukui, the sixth lord god, may be hidden in the forces of the Black Blood Army. Could it be that..."

"Hahaha, yes! This deity is the sixth Lord God who has truly completed the resurrection, Wu Kui! And these seven people have already received my oracle and become the whisperer! Qin An, where does life really do not meet, I just come out? Experience what it feels like to have a body just now. I didn’t expect to meet you! I heard that you almost beat that guy out of the ghost not long ago? Humph, he really lost the face of the nine main gods! We are nine! People are invincible on a planet as big as the Sword Spirit Star, even if you are the emperor and the son of True Fire? You do not have the blood inheritance of the original power of the Sword Spirit Star, so you are an ordinary human after all. , How could the legend of the nine main gods be broken by you? So, since we happened to meet today, let’s have a try. I would like to know if I have returned to my strongest state, and you! Obviously a very good one choose!"

How to do? Facing a real master god, a powerful existence that could release the skills of a super god-level sword god, Qin An really didn't have the confidence.

If only he himself might dare to fight, but with Weng Lan by his side, he would never do it!

Therefore, Qin An didn't hesitate at the moment, and reported that Weng Lan turned and ran.

When Qin An was in danger, Qin Le once again saw Zeng Hao, the princess of the demon clan.

Hao once saw that Qin Lehou didn't have a place to relax in her whole body. Last time she was kissed by Qin Le forcefully!

"Earth! When I regain my abilities and leave here, I must try every means to kill you. I am the princess of the Demon Race! Can you be casual and frivolous?"

Zeng Hao issued own protest immediately, but her tone was not harsh enough, it seemed that she wanted to reason with Qin Le.

Qin Le ignored Zeng Hao, he was not a man with delicate emotions, which was quite different from Qin An.

Then Qin Le's advantage is meticulous execution, so he sat in front of Zeng Hao, who had lost his abilities due to inhibitory drugs, and began to do the first thing, telling his own childhood.

"I actually have a happy time. I remember that I met a little girl at that time. She should be a little older than me. It seems that I was five years old that year, and she might be six or seven years old. In short, we are a little older than me. I started begging together. The days were getting better. I don’t seem to be alone anymore. I see that girl as a Big sis, a mother, a friend, forever... It’s a pity that the good times don’t last long, we met just now. At the end of a month, she was taken away by an underground dance hall...Do you know why? There are people in that dance hall who are willing to pay, just to find a little girl to play with. Ah... .. At that time, we were all sensible, and when we were accustomed to the scorching world, we naturally understood the dangers of the world. So I knew that the little girl would live a miserable life, and I wanted to do everything possible to rescue her! That night, I hid in the coat of a kindhearted person and was taken into the ballroom, and then I saw a full range of people, or living flesh, most of them were unclothed, and they hugged each other in various forms, which made people sigh. Fortunately At that time, I was young, although I was sensible, but I didn’t know much about men and women, so I didn’t care about anyone... I went to find that little girl, her name was Xueer, which she gave to myself Named because her skin is really white and flawless as if it were snow

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