Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1514 Killing Incarnation Wu Kui


Why did you mention this all of a sudden?

Qin Le regretted it, because this was the eternal pain in his heart. He hadn't mentioned it to anyone, even He Ke Liusu didn't know it.

He suddenly shut his mouth and closed his eyes at the same time. This is his nightmare for many years!

"Xue'er, you let go of Xue'er!"

The thin boy tried his best to push the naked man, but he was too weak to do anything.

Nearby, there is a small circle of people, including men and women, old and young, all of them are laughing, using the little boy as a tool for ridicule, under the naked man's body, at this time there is another stripped The little girl in the clothes, that is Cher, her mouth was covered by a big hand of the man, so she couldn't speak. She tilted her head and looked at the little boy. There were tears in her eyes, but the half of her face exposed from the palm of her hand still smiled softly.

She seems to be saying, Big sis doesn’t hurt, Big sis is good, don’t be afraid, don’t struggle...

In the end, the little girl died, and all the men in the room got pleasure from the little girl.

When Qin Le was thrown into the snow outside, his whole body was collapsed, and he lay there until dawn!

It was really cold that day. He should have been frozen to death, but he did not. The hatred in his heart kept him alive, making him reluctant to take a step forward on the edge of Death!

Suddenly, the faces of seven people appeared in front of them, all of them had evil lustful smiles, they were the men who killed Xue'er!

OMG! Qin Le originally thought that he had forgotten their looks, but now it seems that he hasn't forgotten them!

Hahaha, he still remembers their faces, remembers their looks and smiles, which is really great! He still remembers!

There were tears in Qin Le's eyes long ago, and now he burst into tears of joy.

Zeng Hao initially dismissed Qin Le's story, but when he told the beginning but didn't continue, Zeng Hao felt that grass grew in his heart.

What happened to the little girl named Xueer?

For a minute, Zeng Hao discovered that the eyelashes on Qin Le's closed eyes were already moist.

Five minutes later, Qin Le actually burst into tears and cried silently.

Zeng Hao didn't realize what happened, but when she saw Qin Le's crying body began to tremble, she was finally moved.

What kind of story did you remember that made this earth man cry so sad? What happened to the little girl? died?

Zeng Hao didn't understand Qin Le's feelings, but he was moved by his tears and worried.

What's wrong? What's wrong with myself? Seeing this nasty earthling cry so much, shouldn't she be happy? Why can't she be happy? Still feel so upset?

"I'm sorry... this story is not very good. I will tell you other childhood stories tomorrow. I am in a bad condition today, so let's end it like this!"

After Qin Le said this, he stood up and turned around and walked away. The door of the room was not closed when he went out. Zeng Hao looked through the open door and saw that Qin Le was hugged by a beautiful young woman and cried. Like a child.

"what happened?"

"Think of a person, a playmate when I was a child... Tassel, I want to cry..."

"You are already crying!"

"Am I very useless?"

"Men can cry too. I like the way you are now. This will make me feel that I can be your support for the rest of my life! This can make me feel that you need me forever!"

"Thank you tassel!"

"No thanks, would you like to tell me your secret?"

"Well, I... remembered the appearance of seven enemies!"

"Oh, that would be great. If I stay with you Dage for a few more days, I'll follow you around the world, okay?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Stupid man, of course I am looking for those seven people! If they have made you sad, then even if they are dead, I, He Ke Liusu, will find their graves and dig them out from the cemetery, and then there will be no bones left. Torture!"

Qin Le stopped talking and nodded gently.

"What is the girl's name? I mean your playmate."


"Can you tell me Cher's story?"


While they were talking, the two had gone away, and the soldier who had guarded Zeng Hao finally closed the door.

"Damn it!"

She was so depressed and wanted to die, she should be the listener of Xue'er's story, why is she now replaced by that woman?

Zeng Hao didn't realize that she had an emotion that she had never had before, that was jealousy, and this emotion sometimes became the beginning of another emotion!


A child ran desperately in the wilderness, and countless wild beasts chased him wildly behind him. The child was frightened, but knew that he might not be able to escape.

He is a man without a father and no mother, he is transformed by a super god stone! In the early stage of the formation of the Sword Spirit Star, I heard that there seems to be a super god stone, which is a super structure formed by the high-density fusion of the sword Spiritual Qi bodies!

In the end, he had spirituality, transformed into a human form, and became such a child!

In the wandering for not knowing how many years, he is in danger today, and he may be eaten into the abdomen by wild beasts immediately. His body is indeed very strong, but he has no powers yet, so he can't defeat so many wild beasts.Finally, he escaped to a bright place, where there was a crystal boulder ten meters into the ground, known as the heaviest material composition on the star of the sword spirit, called the stone of Quib! The reason why this stone is said to be the heaviest is that after it appeared, it has never been moved by external force. It seems that only nature can control each other. It can only be moved by the earth and the mountains. Cause it to move.

The child ran wildly along the bright light, slowly walking down, getting lower and lower, and getting closer to the bottom of the pothole!

In the end, when the body of the super god stone came into contact with the stone of quiba, the energy of heaven and earth trembled.

This is probably the only two super god stones in the sword spirit star world that met at that time.

A child who has already possessed humanity absorbs the bodyless and sexless quiba stone and refines it into a sword.

As soon as this sword came out, the desolate beast retreated, the sun and the moon rose, and the stars rose!

From then on, the Wukui Excalibur was born. After not knowing how many universes, the sun and the moon, Wukui's four skills finally took shape: martial, moving, doing, and kun!

Practitioner is based on technical skills, the sun, moon and nebula as the array, the heaven and the earth as the bones, and the broken things as the essence. The power of Wu Kui can evoke resonance and resonance of all things, and hit the universe into nothingness with one force! This power attribute is consistent with the power attribute Qin Potian has now. As one of the nine main gods, Wu Kui is more powerful. One of his powers can not only break the space barrier, but even swallow the space! The space where its power passes directly disappears, so the creatures in the space will naturally not exist. Fortunately, this is a close-range and small-range physical attack. If his attack range is large enough, it is estimated that a few punches will go down. You can destroy a world, several dimensions. Wuzhi's power is the strongest, there is no upper limit, and the achieved attack effect is irresistible except evasion. The super god's power will cause death, and there will be no chance of injury.

The mover, everything in the world is tangible, Wu Kui's movement can break through the world, and in the multiple spatial levels within the inherent time and space, everything is a place for him to go. One move can be invisible in the void world, and another move can be entered into the world of punishable ghosts. The three-movement corner of the world also has its figure floating by. The space is only a matter of one movement. He can walk thousands of miles and under his feet. Between diversity and one thought!

The doer, the genus of the sky, the elephant of the sun, Wu Kui has the ability to fly into the sky without wings, swim in the sky, and the sky is for its use. In front of him is something vulnerable. He is immune to magical ability and is not afraid of any damage from this attribute. At the same time, his magical ability is super god-level, and the power of mass killing is like the fire of The Underworld, which can be swallowed. Everything! How terrible is Wu Kui? Legend has it that he does not have a fixed sword guard, because he has the power to kill the sword guard, and every shot will attract a new sword guard or a new behemoth. As the sixth major god, he already has the power. Too much unpredictability.

Kunzhe, the genus of the earth, the image of the yin, Wukui has the ability to enter the earth, and the rocky soil of the earth can be used for it to be a Magical Item for attack and defense! It can be said that Wu Kui is a very powerful super god among the nine main gods, because his abilities are too comprehensive, and all attributes such as attack and defense are extremely powerful. He has almost no weaknesses and seems to be unable to defeat.

Most of the time Wu Kui appeared in the image of a man. People outside did not know him. Most people believed that he was a man and belonged to the human race. In other words, no one knew that Wu Kui was made of two sword gods. Created.

Since they have both the attributes of the universe and the universe, the real Wukui is considered to be a male and female, which is not the same as a true asexual race.

No matter what, Wu Kui was resurrected today, and Mary found him a perfect body, Marilyn Di.

This woman is not a powerful supernatural person. Before she was found by Mary, she was working as a nun in a church at the junction of Mexico and the United States, so Wu Kui was resurrected as a woman today, while wandering around. It happened to meet Qin An, Weng Lan and the seven people.

So Wu Kui activated his special ability as the main god, and gave the seven people an oracle to make them a martial artist. They controlled their souls. Wu Kui originally wanted to control Weng Lan, but Weng Lan is the ancestor of Magical Beasts. Although she was born in the body of an ordinary human without any physical skills, Mental Energy is powerful and is not at the mercy of Wu Kui's daughter.

So what kind of god is Wu Kui? There has long been a conclusion on the Sword Spirit Star. He is the incarnation of killing, leaving sad stories of blood and tears wherever he goes. He is Wu Kui, the god of Kuiba who shocked the world with powerful force!

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