In the twelve years of the last days, Qin An has been searching for Weng Lan in United States for almost ten years, and he is basically discouraged.

So in the previous ten years, Qin An's footsteps were all over the United States, so he also met many people and had good interactions with some of them.

Robert was just sixteen years old when he met Qin An. He was a child who was born before the end of the world but grew up in the end of the world.

But Robert was a little lucky, because his parents and family were very capable. They built a small farm. The so-called farm is actually a small city with a high and solid wall and the ability to supply food.

Qin An was drinking and walking on a rainy night, and finally fell asleep in front of the small farm.

Robert was the first to discover Qin An, and immediately opened the farm gate to get Qin An in.

For this reason, Robert was severely reprimanded by his parents. At that time, they found that they seemed to have neglected their son's education. How could they trust strangers so much in the last days.

Fortunately, Qin An is not a bad person. After a day or two of observations, Robert's father defined Qin An as a wanderer.

At that time, Robert was very dissatisfied, thinking that he had saved the lives of others, but he was still condemned by his parents, which was not in line with his life values.

Therefore, Robert has always taken good care of Qin An and ignored his parents' warnings. During the few days when he got along with Robert, Qin An was basically treated by his clothes to stretch out his hands and open his mouth.

After that, Qin An left the farm without saying goodbye. This made Robert depressed for a long time. He did not know why he was so good to Qin An, but he left.

Robert and even a Qin An might have been kidnapped, but in the end his statement was rejected by all his family members. Who would kidnap a downright tramp? At that time, Qin An looked really desolate, because he couldn't find Weng Lan.

In short, this matter just passed. In the next 22 years, Qin An did not communicate with Robert again. Qin An began the journey of soul crossing soon, and the body was taken away from United States by Zhang Geng. Robert's family territory was robbed by bad guys in the fifteenth year of the last days. All his family members died tragically in a gun battle. Robert fled for his life alone and started a wandering life.

Five years ago, he entered Detroit and met Acerola.

Robert likes Asilola's blond hair and sunny smile, and Asilola likes Robert's kindness and purity.

They quickly fell in love. Later, Acerola was spotted by a gang boss in Detroit and wanted to use her strong. In desperation, Robert had to take Acerola to escape from Detroit and enter Canada, and finally entered the City of Bone.

In all of Robert's life experience, he has actually forgotten Qin An.

But Qin An would not forget Robert, because Qin An could remember everyone he met.

"Who are you!"

Robert, who was held by Qin An, didn't look good, and he was still holding the axe tightly in one hand.

"I haven't seen you in 22 years, your appearance has not changed much, but this figure is a lot more burly."

"Do you know me? Twenty-two years ago?"

"Yes, I used to live on your farm for a week at that time. You treated me very warmly. Although your father didn't like me very much at the time, you still quarreled fiercely with him. Asked to keep me on the farm. Then I left without saying goodbye because I had something to do. It is normal for you not to recognize me after so many years of not seeing me."


Robert's mood finally calmed down, and he began to think about what happened 22 years ago.

It took about a minute, and Robert actually remembered this past event and the deceased Qin An.

" said that you were the wanderer I picked up and went home? How could it be possible, how could you still be so young...but your face

Robert felt that he had indeed seen Qin An's face, and his dusty memory finally became clearer after continuing to think about it.

Qin An took Robert's arm with a smile and led him back.

After entering the city, Qin An naturally turned on the ability of Keeping Spiritual Sense to collect information for the first time. This time he did it very seriously. Originally, he wanted to find out if the worm's ghost arrived in this city, but he did not expect to find out that year. Robert, the young man who used to get along with each other.

The description of "young man" is naturally Robert's state back then, and now this guy has become a strong man with a height of almost 1.5 meters.

It's a pity that Life has been a bit miserable. His wife gave him green hair, and there are not only one or two tops.

Qin An entered the city without any purpose. He just came to wait for the zombies to come. He could use Tang Jiudie's ability to control the movement of the zombies from a distance, and the zombies became a flood after being induced. It will stop easily, so Qin An only needs to wait. When these zombies swallow these cities, the Black Blood Army can only counterattack the zombies. This is Qin An’s opportunity, and there is also a great risk in the opportunity, because the Azure Dragon Empire’s army It is possible that he will face the zombies directly, but Qin An doesn’t care. The apocalypse will always end, and the most terrifying thing in the apocalypse is still the zombies. They have no souls and cannot communicate. They randomly move around and swallow everything. Sooner or later, this battle will be fought. Take it when it's time to take it.

In short, Qin An has nothing to do now, so now that he has met Robert, he is naturally willing to end this good relationship and help a bunch of men who are abnormally angry but can't do anything at all.

"I didn't expect to meet you

As the so-called blast, then decline again.

After Qin An stopped Robert, Robert's spirit immediately wilted a lot, and he didn't respond much when he was dragged away by Qin An.

"Well, I didn't expect to meet you, let's go, do you remember my name?"

"Qin An

Qin An was a little surprised. He didn't expect Robert's memory to be good. Not only did he think of himself, he even remembered his name.

"Haha, it feels so good to be remembered, shall we go to your house first? Go to eat something, I am a little hungry, I think you should treat me as warmly as you did in the past, right?"

"Qin An, I

Robert shed cowardly tears.

This is actually a man with a little cowardly heart.

Robert believed in being kind to others all his life. He did not like violence and advocated harmony.

However, in these last days, his values ​​were completely shattered by reality.

This is a cruel thing. The so-called cruelty is not to face the end times, but to face reality.

"Are you still willing to go to Acerola?"


Robert, who was crying, was stunned, wondering why Qin An actually knew the name of his lover.

Qin An took Robert's arm and speeded up his pace toward his home.

Robert was stimulated a little bit, so his head couldn't turn around, and he was pulled back to the door of his house by Qin An all the time.

It was a very simple wooden house, two houses, the so-called living room and the kitchen were connected together, the bedroom was as small as a dozen square meters, and this kind of house is already considered good in this area, at least there is the so-called living room and kitchen.

Fenggu City is a stacked building. The bottom ten meters are filled with civilian townhouses and sloping block facilities. The circular metal building connected between the islands is the information center hub storage and the intelligent system inside. Controls the hydropower and weapon defense systems of the entire city.

The building IQ of the dwarves is unmatched, but their artificial intelligence technology is not perfect. Therefore, most of the organs in the City of Fenggu are controlled by a computer-like system manually. Compared with the city of Jiulong, the city of Fenggu There is almost no advantage, but it is indeed a high-tech city.

This big city is divided into three areas, the lower city, the upper city, and the center pillar.

The lower city is home to earthlings and alien civilians and soldiers, the upper city is home to the upper classes and dwarves of various ethnic groups, and the center pillar is the weapon system equipment area.

The main combat weapon of the dwarves is the dwarf fighters. These fighters are embedded in the buildings in the upper city. They can take off directly with fixed propellers. They are small in size and move quickly. They are equipped with continuously fired energy conversion machine guns and have a small but powerful explosion range. Projection cannonball is a kind of combat weapon that is widely used by dwarves on Sword Spirit Star and has very mature technology.

Robert's home is naturally in the civilian area of ​​the Xiacheng District. Their house is built on a small island. The water between the island and the island has been filled and connected together to form the base of Fenggu City.

Qin An glanced around and couldn't help but be amazed again. How did this huge hourglass building come up? The middle column is estimated to be a cylinder with a diameter of 200 meters and a length of 400 meters, but it supports the huge upper-city building on the top. Is it supported by earth materials? How can there be so much support? I really don't understand.

Sighing and shook his head, Qin An felt that the time was almost up, and finally turned his gaze back on Robert, only to see that he was still in a daze, his eyes red and swollen from crying.

"Hi friend, you haven't answered my question yet. Are you still willing to love that woman? If you don't love, then we don't need to do anything. If you love... Then I have to tell you bad news. She committed suicide. , Cut your wrist, if you don't go in again, then she will leave you forever!"


"Suicide, Acerola, she is dying. It's in your house. Are you going to stay here in a daze, or go in and take a look?"

After Qin An's voice fell for a few seconds, Robert jumped up and ran into the room like crazy.

Qin An stood there and took out a cigarette, the expression on his face was a little light.

I don't know what Weng Lan is doing right now?

The reason why human beings are still humans is precisely because there are still seven emotions and six desires.

Perhaps Robert felt insulted because the woman went out to be a dancer.

Qin An thought it was nothing. If he were to experience this situation instead, he might be very angry and sad, but when it was changed to someone else, he really felt indifferent.

Because Qin An knows how to parte, know how to lose, and even more understand the preciousness of gaining and regaining.

In his opinion, loss should be the most painful, what else are other things?

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