"I know I know, it's 1949!"

Qin Xiangming rushed to answer successfully. He left the seat and ran into Weng Lan's arms, and gave her a kiss on the cheek as a reward for the owner. Qin Dafeng, Qin Erhe, Qin Yana, Qin Yabei, Qin Yabao were sitting on the side. They all smiled and winked at each other, Weng Lan also had a smile on her face, and she hugged Xiangming on her lap, and then kissed her little pink cheek.

"You are really smart, you even know the time of our nation's founding! It seems that history is good, so I am asking another question... Let Albemarle answer this question!"

"Okay, okay! I'm the smartest, ask me!"

Albemarle was so happy that he waved his wings and flew around the room.

"If it is 2050 now, how many years have we passed since the founding of the nation?"

That's it!

Several children have been studying together for a while, so knowing that Qin Yabao is a math idiot, she doesn't even understand the addition and subtraction of tens, let alone thousands?

20501949 This is really a bit difficult. Qin Dafeng and Qin Yabei did not learn well, and they couldn't think of an answer.

Qin Xiangming and Qin Erhe are very smart, and they already know the result after mental arithmetic.

Er Feng raised his hand to answer, so that he could show it in front of his mother.

Qin Xiangming opened the mouth and said, "Er Feng, what hand are you raising? Mom is asking the little niece!"

Weng Lan's face is slightly ruddy, they have been called mother for a long time, but she still blushes and feels embarrassed.

Hey, is this lovely quadruplet really born to her?

The key point is that Sanchuan is already that big, so shy, how did she become a mother and a grandmother?

Seeing Er Feng's somewhat sloppy look, Weng Lan smiled and waved to him.

"come over."

Er Feng's mouth pursed up, and he lowered his head and whispered softly: "That's it, whoever answers the question correctly can go to kiss his mother."

"Well, since they are all called mothers, who is taking you so seriously? Come here and let mother hug you!"

Weng Lan now has a detailed understanding of the children Qin An.

Qin Potian and Qin Dafeng have similar personalities, but they are also fundamentally different.

The similarity is that both of them are loyal, honest and responsible, but they look stupid, but they are ingenious.

The difference Qin Potian wants to be a little cute, and sometimes looks even silly.

Qin Dafeng was quieter, and seemed to be more worried.

This is a bit like his brother Qin Erhe.

Erhe is also a thoughtful person, but he is different from Qin Dafeng.

Although Da Feng sometimes thinks about his own thoughts, he is an optimistic and open-minded person, so when he thinks about things, he can often see the traces at a glance.

Erhe's temperament is gloomy and sensitive, and he always seems to be inquiring and skeptical about the people and things around him. It is cautious to say that it sounds good, and it is careful to say that it is not good.

Relatively speaking, Erhe's character among several children is naturally unpleasant.

Weng Lan discovered this after several contacts with the child, so she would be particularly concerned about Erhe, not wanting him to become weird because of his personality.

If he is different, then give him a special love, this is what Weng Lan thinks he can do.

If she is really the mother and grandmother of these children, then she must treat them well and let them thrive and become the pillars of the family.

Seeing Weng Lan's gentle gaze and smiling face, Qin Erhe finally put down all his defenses and thoughts, and threw Weng Lan into Weng Lan's arms cheerfully, before being kissed fiercely by Weng Lan.

Over there, Qin Dafeng looked at him with a smirk, although he was a little envious but not jealous, that's good for his cheerful personality.

If the gale is changed to Erhe, then the child may think more about it, is it because my mother doesn't like me? Am I more annoying?

In fact, children will have many ideas in their hearts. Every word and deed of parents in the family will affect the children. They experience the academic classroom of their own life every day.

After Weng Lan picked up Erhe, she lay on his ears to speak.

"Mom knows that you are the smartest, but this time we let Yabao answer, OK? Mom asked her because she didn't know this question, just to let her know her shame and courage. Although counting is not an important matter, it is not important. You must know some, you already know, she doesn't know how, you can help her as an Uncle!"

Weng Lan entrusted Erhe with the important task.

Perhaps the most enjoyable thing for sensitive children is to be trusted by others, because then they will not think too much about themselves and feel that they are very important.

"Yeah! Don't worry, mother! I get it!"

Erhe turned around and spoke to Weng Lan softly. Weng Lan smiled and nodded. Then, together with the two children in her arms and other children, she looked at Albemarle floating in the room and waving her wings, and saw that the little girl was still there. Rolling his eyes while scratching his ears, he started counting his fingers at the same time.


She really can't figure out how much 20501949 is, what can we do?

Weng Lan looked at Albemarle's tangled look, she didn't know how cute her little expression was.

Haha, if there is such a daughter before the end of the world, if you take a picture of her and send it to your WeChat Moments, you will probably be bombarded by the likes party, right?

After a while, Weng Lan's brows suddenly frowned, and then she became annoyed.

If everything is true, then Albemarle is her granddaughter and has nothing to do with her daughter.

Oops, what a headache, the problem is back to the original point, why did she become a grandmother?

Weng Lan shook her head secretly, then complained countless times in her heart against the culprit Qin An, and then began to point out how to solve this arithmetic problem with Albemarle. Naturally, Albemarle is not really stupid. As she said, she is actually very stupid. Smart, it’s just that I’m too young to be a bit playful. Now that I see Big sis Uncle laughing at myself, I work harder, and I quickly understand how to solve the problem.

So next, Weng Lan continued to play quiz games with the children, and deliberately brought Yana over and kissed her for a while.

Yana's grandma is Xia Ke, which means that she is the offspring of other women in Qin An.

Although Weng Lan felt somewhat uncomfortable in her heart, she was unable to target the child.

Yana is really cute, she is the best character of all the little girls, gentle and quiet, and beautiful in length.

Yana especially likes spoons. The spoon gift Qin An gave her was made into a brooch and she kept it, and the spoon pendant Xia Ke gave her she also took with her every day.

This child is a little incompetent. He never quarrels with other kids. Mimi smiles when he sees everyone. The cute smile always makes people feel the urge to squeeze.


Just as Weng Lan was having the happiest time with the children, Weng Die walked in from outside.

Weng Lan leaned on the sofa and stretched out lazily, did not stand up, her temperament smiled sweeter, and she stretched out her hands to Weng Die, and the children surrounded Weng Die all at once.

Weng Die enthusiastically touched the children's heads, and reached Weng Lan's side, and was pulled into her embrace by Weng Lan.

"Big Little Sister, you are so busy every day, I can't catch your people, why? Have time to see me?"

Weng Die's face was reddened, and she fell into Weng Lan's arms and did not speak.

Weng Lan didn't say anything, she could see through her current thoughts on Little Sister, she wanted to say something to untie her knot, but she knew she couldn't do it.

Because she still can't even understand her own heart, how can she comfort Little Sister?

Hey, Weng Lan secretly scolded Qin An again, and blamed this bad guy. How could he turn from a dumb and good young man to a big carrot?

But when Qin An came, I don't know if his northbound journey will go smoothly.

Although Qin An didn't say anything, but seeing the look on his face when he left, Weng Lan could feel his mood. It should be very bad, right? It also seems a little eager.

Many troops of the Azure Dragon Empire are now being mobilized and deployed between Canada and the United States. This is a big move. It seems that many prisoners have been escorted over. These prisoners are people from the earth, more aliens, and the Azure Dragon army. They were also reorganized into troops, and then placed in front of their camp to form a defensive position.

Thinking of this, Weng Lan sighed secretly and said that she was not worried that it was true.

Perhaps because of the child, Weng Lan suddenly felt that she felt more deeply for Qin An, and when she wanted to take the initiative to contact this man, she suddenly discovered that her own heart tends to fluctuate, and she is a little bit worried about gains and losses.

As an adult, Weng Lan also understands this feeling that he has never been in love in memory in time.

Qin An is a special man to her, she cannot ignore and face it!

Suddenly, Weng Lan felt that there was some sparkle in Own's eyes.

Why does she want to cry? She obviously didn't think of anything, why she felt so bitter.

Hold Weng Die in her arms tighter, and Weng Lan's purpose is to comfort herself.

It would be fine if Qin An was here at this time. Weng Lan felt that she liked the taste of Qin An better.

At this time, Qin An smelled of smoke all over his body. He smoked five full cigarettes. When he heard Robert finally crying in the room, he slowly walked in.

It was on the floor of the living room that Robert was holding Acerola's "corpse", crying silently.

Qin An curled his lips. He knew Acerola was still alive and still had such a breath. Although the wound on her wrist was huge, and although she had left a lot of blood, Qin An could bring this woman back to life with a single thought.

Kneeling down, patted Robert on the shoulder, Qin An whispered:

"Brother, what is your mood now? Hate more, or more regret for loss? What is this woman to you? Do you... still want her to be resurrected?"

"Resurrection? How can it be resurrected? He is already dead, Qin An! I can't feel any breath of her!"

"Well, she may really die in a few tens of seconds. Now I ask you, if you don't think about anything in a single thought, do you want her to live, or do you want her to die?"

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