Qin An was dumbfounded, because the scene was not glamorous at all, but rather absurd.

The eight dwarfs rushed up like a devils when they saw a girl in the village and stripped off the beautiful women. They were so excited that they shouted. It's a pity that these women's identities are currency in Wangyou City, and they have become accustomed to being naked, so they don't resist at all when facing the dwarves, and even cooperate.

In the beginning, resistance is useless. According to their past experience, they may be beaten if they resist too much. Then you want to play with me? bring it on! Anyway, the old ladies don't suffer, as long as they don't kill.

When women think this way, those who want more fun from them will naturally be disappointed.

Tian Rennu looked at Gils Fina, shook his head and sighed: "I thought they would resist...This is really boring, all of them are like puppets, my dear beauties, do you have any other fun ideas?"

Gilsfina's face was also gloomy and dying. She originally thought that women who traveled from the East from the beginning of the last days would be very old-fashioned, but now she is obviously wrong.

Upon hearing the question of the Dwarf King, Gilsfina smiled:

"This group of women obviously has no shame. Honorable King, maybe I can play another game with them."

"Oh? What kind of game?"

Gilsfina turned around and picked up a square pillow from the big bed, and then said to the following:

"Eight dwarven guards form a circle. No woman is allowed to leave the circle. If someone violates the rules, they will kill you without mercy! Then women, this pillow is your gold medal for immunity. I will ask the dwarves to kill one person every minute. The person holding the pillow can live, and anyone else may be killed at random, so your last hope of survival is to snatch the only pillow. Don’t let me down? It’s best to perform well!"

While speaking, Gilsfina threw the pillow into the big circle surrounded by eight dwarves.

"Okay, the game begins! Kill one person!"

When Gilsfina's voice fell, a dwarf stepped forward and smashed a woman's head with a punch. When blood and brain fluid splashed around, the women finally realized how terrifying this game was.

So two women reacted first and went to snatch the pillow together. After that, more women began to act, and the so-called circle became chaotic.

Everyone wants to live, and everyone doesn't want to die. Even if the world is already cruel, the meaning of life is actually only three words, that is "to live"!

The scene of a group of good-looking naked women snatching a pillow for a woman is naturally stimulating. They do not care whether the secrets of their own have been completely exposed in the competition, and those women who can’t let go are actually shameful, and their hands are still being used. Come to block the owner's body and prevent himself from leaking points, but such women have become the first to be killed.

This is the reason why people don't like the Virgin, because the Virgin is often ill-fated in the last days!

At this time, the dwarf king Tian Rennu was excited. He thought this game was very interesting, so he laughed, applauded and yelled from time to time.

"Haha! Look at that woman's ass! Haha, go grab it, you idiot!"

By his side, Gilsfina was also happy. She became more beautiful when she smiled, but it was a pity that her heart was like a snake, and her life was like a grass mustard.

Qin An was also watching this game at this time.

If it were before, he would immediately stop such a human tragedy, but Qin An's mood was exceptionally calm at this time.

These women are all from the beginning of the last days, and they are not supernatural beings.

In the past, they may have reported to the group to warm up their sisters, but now they fight with each other to fight for a warm quilt!


Perhaps it was the sorrow of human nature, the plot that Qin An despised the most.

After the fifth round of the game, after the death of five women, the remaining survivors are finally awake. They start to work harder to grab, because they know that if they don’t have the pillow in their hands, they may die in a minute. .

This is an infinitely sad thing that seems worthy of sympathy, but after the collapse of values ​​and social concepts, there is actually nothing to sympathize with. This is their choice, but can the final winner survive? Only the makers of this game can decide.

Among the five winners, one woman is considered to have snatched the pillow twice. This woman looks thin but very smart. She will desperately squeeze into the crowd to touch the pillow when the time is up for one minute, even if she has not completely snatched it. Arrived, but because her hand is on the pillow, she won't be killed by the dwarf. After a person is killed, she will immediately release her pillow to escape from the scramble, and use 30 seconds to recover her strength before preparing for the next scramble.

Qin An's eyesight is like being controlled by a supercomputer, so he can see all the small movements and small details of dozens of women, so Qin An found that woman is unique.

The end of the sixth time was approaching, and the woman managed to touch the pillow again, and then quit the crowd principle to snatch to rest, and at the same time, she was looking for an opportunity to suddenly cut into the ring of seizure.

After going back and forth more than a dozen times, the number of women who survived was less than fifty. The bloody corpses of other women in the circle were scattered on the ground, and the bloody atmosphere filled the surroundings.

So a total of more than 20 people have died. This means that more than 20 minutes have passed. Just now, almost everyone was excited to snatch and consumed a huge amount of physical energy. Some people are already unable to participate in the fight because of physical exhaustion. Some stamina but can no longer output sustained good state.

So in the end, it was only that woman who didn't change her face, because she was deliberately resting and conserving her strength from the beginning.

This is not to say how smart she is, but Karma who can think of this thing just after thinking about it. The key is that in it, she can still think about this problem so calmly, not in a hurry and firm implementation of own strategy, this is the most difficult.

Qin An squinted his eyes and looked at the woman for a long time, and finally found unexpectedly that the woman's facial features were so familiar!

No way? Know her by yourself?

Probably not...this face...

The next moment, Qin An almost fainted.

He opened the fluoroscopy and looked at the woman carefully, and found that her nose was padded, her chin and cheeks had been moved with a knife, and the texture of the skin was probably an anti-wrinkle needle and hyaluronic acid. He looked at her body, and there was something inside her chest. The prosthesis, belly and thighs are estimated to have been liposuction, this f*ck is simply a super artificial beauty with all-round 360° and no dead ends!

Hey, it’s not surprising that she traveled from the era that just broke out in the end of 2015. So, isn’t it what women like to do in the pre-apocalyptic era?

But why do you think this woman looks so familiar?

Qin An looked into her eyes and recalled carefully, and then secretly asked with some uncertainty: "Could it be that nasty ghost, fat girl?"

Speaking of this fat girl, we have to go back to Qin An's high school days.

The former Li Na was definitely not a simple woman, how awesome was she? Even the bastards outside the school have to politely scream Sister Na when they see Li Na!

Such an awesome Big Sister is unlikely to be without a follower, or called a dog leg.

Then Li Na's dog legs at the time was a super ugly fat girl named Ye Wanjun.

When Ye Wanjun was first in high school, she was the one who saw people stepping on her. The key point was that she really hated her. She slept with the class teacher every day, and even said bad things about her classmates every day.

As a result, Big Sister Li Na came out to preside over justice, and once beat Ye Wanjun to persuade. At that time, Fatty knelt and licked Li Na's vamp in order not to be beaten.

In short, since then, the fat girl Ye Wanjun began to obey Li Nayan.

So at the time, the relationship between Li Na and Qin An was on Maimang, and Li Na would often find various reasons to fight with Qin An. In this process, Ye Wanjun played a very important role, and Qin An suffered a lot from making suggestions for Li Na.

Qin An was actually a good old man no matter whether he was in school or when he was in the army, and he had almost no enemies. If Li Na counts as one, then this Ye Wanjun might be what Qin An really hates. After all, Qin An and Li Na have known each other for many years, even if the two of them are unaware. Yes, but there are indeed some male and female talks between them mixed in their feelings. And Ye Wanjun was a shit-cutter, and in Qin An's eyes at the time, it was a lot of evil.

After graduating from high school, Qin An went to serve as a soldier. He never met Ye Wanjun. Later, when he grew up in high school, he forgot some people and things.

I didn’t expect that after the end of 2015, Ye Wanjun actually went to Wangyou City in Jianghai City, and now he has traveled here. The reason why Qin An didn’t recognize it for the first time was because she had all facelifted, at least from the outside. She is also a super beauty!

...... This is really where you never meet in your life. Qin An didn't even have any hatred at all when he could meet his enemies many years ago in United States in 34 years of the last days, but felt a deep feeling.

Haha, this fat girl has been suffering from bad water since he was a child, no wonder he could think of such a good way to persist until now!

Qin An's mood suddenly became super good. Meeting Ye Wanjun actually made him happier than meeting Xu Tianjiao. After all, Xu Tianjiao was just a stranger with some impression to Qin An. Now Qin An is surrounded by women around Weng Lan. It is impossible to collide with too many sparks, but it is different when facing this fat girl who has undergone plastic surgery. There is a story between them!

Qin An has already begun to imagine that in the future, he will let this fat girl follow him, and then bully her, in order to repay all kinds of hatred back then!

At this time, the game lasted for 40 minutes, and only 5 people were left dead.

There should have been more people left, but some women had a mental breakdown. They wanted to escape the circle regardless, but were brutally killed by the dwarves.

At this time, the lover king was still looking at his eyes shining brightly, and he didn't mind that the Great Hall was already full of learning.

"Qin An's Gilsfina, who do you think will win in the end?"

Gilsfina chuckled softly:

"This will be clear soon, my Lord Tianluo, you'd better think about what you want to reward the ultimate winner."

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