Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1534: Are You A Funny Girl Invited By A Monkey

"Reward? How about letting her enter the king's harem?"

"It must be her honour, but don't forget me if you have a newcomer. If you forget me, you will be angry!"

Gilsfina had a somewhat aggrieved look on her face, but her heart was refreshed.

Tian Rennu has always been pestering her recently, making her want to have a private meeting with her own lover without a chance. It would be a good thing for Gilsfina to get a woman to distract Tian Rennu. She has Mary's background, and naturally she is not afraid that other women will win the favor of Tenrono and climb on top of her.

Although the Bone City is an independent ruler of the Dwarf Kingdom, as a member of the Black Blood Alliance, it naturally cannot rely on the influence of the Alliance.

At this time, the battle on the five-man battlefield reached a fever pitch.

The other four women found that Ye Wanjun had the best physical strength, because she could grab a pillow in almost every round of competition.

Therefore, they decided to form a temporary cooperative station line to attack Ye Wanjun.

Unexpectedly, Ye Wanjun was not greedy at all for the pillow among his opponents. Seeing the four people gathered around, he immediately threw the pillow to one of them.

"Don't be fooled! She is distracting us! Let us kill each other! If we continue to snatch each other, it must be her who will be alive in the end, and we will never have any chance again!"

One of the four women was very knowledgeable and told the most tangible truth.

It's a pity that things like human nature are too cowardly.

The woman who got the pillow actually felt that what the previous woman said was reasonable.

But let her give up her pillow now and work with the other three women against the woman with the best physical strength?

So in the process, will she be killed by the opportunity, will her pillow be lost, and if she doesn't have the pillow, will she be killed by the dwarf soon?

A series of questions arose in her heart, which made her hesitate and made her unwilling to act.

Except for Ye Wanjun, the other three women all noticed her hesitation, so their desire to report to the group to kill the strongest was loosened, and the alliance quickly disintegrated before it was formally formed.

At this moment, Ye Wanjun suddenly moved. She was still the old way. She quickly approached the woman who had the pillow, and then hugged the pillow in the other's arms with both hands and pulled it into her own arms with all her strength. In this way, the two of them would fall into one another. The state of contention.

"No! One minute is about to come, let's grab it too!"

A woman reminded two women from two outsiders, so they swarmed and turned into a situation where five people competed for a pillow.

At this time, although they were still naked, they were no longer as hot as they were at the beginning, because their bodies were all the blood of other companions, and all the dirt on the ground.

Finally, one minute came again, and the five women's hands were all caught on the pillow, which made the nearby dwarves hesitate, not knowing which one to kill.

"Just kill the woman who touched the pillow last? Humph, since you don't want to die, the snatching should be more active!"

Gilsfina gave the order directly, and after receiving the order, the dwarf stepped forward and killed the woman who hit the pillow last. The remaining competitors were Ye Wanjun and the other four!

Now the problem is coming. The person who touched the pillow last will be killed. Now the four people are all grabbing the pillow and snatching it. Who dares to let go again? This is really no one dare!

Qin An also frowned slightly, thinking about how to break such a situation.

In the final of the four-choice finals, the physical strength factor is already secondary at this time, because even Ye Wanjun is already very tired now, so in the face of the four-choice finals, as long as you are distracted, you will lose your chance. That is to say, at this time, it is a firm willpower. Whoever is more brave and firm is likely to live to the end!

The dwarf king just said that the last person who survived can enter the harem!

This is obviously the best prize. For women, they think it’s good to sleep with anything at this time, as long as they can survive! If you don't continue to insist now, aren't all the efforts and snatches done in vain?

The expressions of the four women all became focused, and the pillow battle between them also attracted everyone present, including Qin An.

The last days are so ruthless, no one will pay attention to the dead corpses on the ground, everyone is waiting for the birth of the ultimate winner.

In the cave near the Yarlung Zangbo Jiāng Liú domain, Li Nan has roasted the meat, and Qin Beichen, Shi Lida, Wu Xiaoxiao, and Nostalgia began to share these barbecues.

"I have to say, your craftsmanship is good, the seasoning is very good, I haven't eaten such delicious food in a long time."

Wu Xiaoxiao eats a little heartless, and praises Li Nan while eating.

"Hey, thank you, I'm sorry."

Li Nan smiled honestly, and Qin Beichen and Shi Lida couldn't even touch his smile.

This man really looked like he was just a peasant brother who was honest and duty-bound. Why did he form a couple with the mysterious black woman nostalgic? I really don't understand.

After a while, one antelope was eaten by one third, and the atmosphere of several people was very embarrassed because of Wu Xiaoxiao and Nostalgia. The two of them seemed to have hadn’t seen each other for many years, and they talked about various strange topics. Qin Beichen and Shi Lida didn't know the so-called.

"LOL really?"

"Of course it's true. I, Wu Xiaoxiao, is very famous in West Tibet and Liancheng in Kowloon. No one doesn't know me! They all say I am mentally ill!"

"Hey, I think you are the most normal person I have ever seen in this world. How can they say that you are mentally ill? What a group of stupid people!" Nostalgic regret, the coquettish charm of those facial features made Qin Bei Chen's heart was pounding as he watched, and he hurriedly turned his head and dared not look at her.

Shi Lida felt Qin Beichen's mood and couldn't help being angry. Although she was untied now, she couldn't do anything without the ability, so she could only shout.

"Hey, Wu Xiaoxiao, if you are not mentally ill, please save us as soon as possible! I really don’t understand, are you friends who haven’t seen you for many years? She broke your arm! Seeing the tone of your chat, it’s like you Like a confidant, Wu Xiaoxiao, you will not be the undercover that this woman puts beside us, are you?"

Listening to Shi Lida's words, Wu Xiaoxiao and Huai Gu looked at each other, and then they laughed loudly together, and laughed for a long time.

In the end, Wu Xiaoxiao stopped smiling, her face became serious, she turned her head to Shi Lida, and whispered:

"Little beautiful girl, you are very smart, you should know my helplessness! If I could beat her, I would have done it a long time ago, will I wait until now?"

Nostalgia still had a charming smile on her face, and she said in a flat tone:

"Yeah! Fortunately, your strength is much worse than mine, otherwise I might have to do it with you! Wu Xiaoxiao, I really don’t want to kill you now, because I like you, we can really be friends ."

Wu Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at nostalgia, then shook her head and smiled:

"We will not become friends, and perhaps will become enemies for life. Although I am not your opponent now, I think I will be qualified to fight you one day!"

Seeing Wu Xiaoxiao's serious expression, the smile on Nostalgic's face disappeared, then shook his head and sighed:

"I hope that day will never come, because then I will probably kill you by mistake!"

Qin Beichen and Shi Lida couldn't listen anymore when they heard this. The two people of f*ck are still here to cherish each other, as if they are a perfect couple about to be separated by the gods, their voices are so affectionate and ambiguous. , Who can stand this?

Just as the two were scolding their mothers in their hearts, they suddenly laughed at Wu Xiaoxiao's affectionate nostalgia before.

"Hahaha! Alright, okay, who knows what's going on in the future? We've had dinner too, so let's get to the point now, in this cave! You kneel down to heaven and earth, second to worship your parents, and third to husband and wife Bye! I said that as long as you get married and consummate, I will let the three of you go right away! You can’t resist me because I have an Acacia spell card. I don’t want to use it against you. It’s up to you. Do I want to go to bed in a muddle-headed situation, or do I want to feel each other with a clear head? Beichen, Lida, I and you are old friends, so I don't want you to be too embarrassed. Choose by yourself!"

Qin Beichen and Shi Lida's faces turned green at a glance. They didn't expect that nostalgia, they really wanted them to get married into the bridal chamber. What was it for?

When the two of them were in a daze, Wu Xiaoxiao sighed and said, "It seems that you can only do this now. Anyway, you are also intentional by Lang Youqing. During the few months on the Great Wall of Hell, I have been in a daze most of the time. But I also know what happened between you. Beichen, I know you remember the big maid Hongcui, but it’s a pity that she is not here now, so you will always meet again if you are destined. Even if you miss it in person, it’s hard to hold hands, so just Don’t think too much, it’s a good thing to marry Lida

"Hey! Wu Xiaoxiao! You lunatic, who are you in the end?"

Shi Lida's face was completely red, and she was so moist that she could get red ink with just a pinch.

Qin Beichen's face turned black at this time, the rhythm of being forced into marriage, or being forced into marriage by a stranger and a lunatic!

How can a dignified man who is nearly one meter eight can bear such a big humiliation?

When the two protagonists were extremely resistant, Wu Xiaoxiao spoke again.

"Hey, do you really have that acacia spell card?"

"Of course! Even if they are different kinds of creatures, they will be passionately fighting until dawn!"

"Oh, that's good, I don't think I need to seek their opinions, just use it!"

"Well, after all you said that, then I will use it. Do you think we need to avoid it?

"Just let your husband avoid it, let's see how busy it is?"

"Listen to you!"

Qin Beichen and Shi Lida were almost killed by the madman Wu Xiaoxiao. Unfortunately, when the spell card released by Nostalgia took effect on them, they had no more energy to think about other things, only that was left in their eyes. Each other!

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