Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1535 Ye Wanjun's Doomsday (1)

On April 4, 2015, Ye Wanjun got off the plane from South Korea and returned to China.

She has been away from China for two years. As a part-time translator for the group general manager of the Hallyu Apparel Group in South Korea, she finally ushered in her long-awaited long vacation.

In two years, the world has changed a lot, but for Ye Wanjun, the most likely change is herself.

She met a very professional cosmetic surgeon in South Korea. It took two years for Ye Wanjun to complete the transformation, from a yellow-faced woman to a sexy and beautiful girl!

This change made Ye Wanjun worry and look forward to after returning to China.

She was looking forward to the extremely surprised expression of her husband Wang Kai when she saw her; she was worried that her 10-year-old son Wang Junhao would not recognize herself!

Yes, it is very different from Qin An. Ye Wanjun is already the mother of a ten-year-old child. She married very early and was afraid that she would not be able to marry. So she married a poor family, ugly, and very honest. Man.

Also as an ugly woman, in the eyes of Ye Wanjun at the time, the ugly man Wang Kai might be the most suitable partner for her.

Sometimes people don't always see the essence of things.

Women look good, and they like to constantly choose. Those romantic and suave bad men can often become their targets. In the end, they will lose interest when they get bored with others. Even if they get married, they may be very quick. After divorce, when they finally see everything, such women will find that they have no sense of happiness at all. They can only care about themselves hard, and gradually become strong women. They are very fashionable, seemingly fashionable, and in the circle. Basking in all kinds of dazzling and colorful Life, but in fact everyone understands that it is just loneliness, because the heart has nowhere to depend, even if the body can find a harbor to stay overnight? Still lost after having fun. This is not disease-free groaning, only those who have really felt it can experience it.

Ye Wanjun had no choice back then. The purpose of her and her family was to hope that she could get married. In everyone's eyes, a woman like Ye Wanjun should be thankful for being able to marry and having a man!

So is such a casual marriage happy after marriage?

When leaving South Korea two years ago, Ye Wanjun made a small summary for her previous eight years of marriage, and that was very happy!

There is no other reason. Although Wang Kai looks honest and ugly, he is a real man!

No one can bully Ye Wanjun outside. If Ye Wanjun was wronged and went home crying, Wang Kai would definitely rush out to find someone to fight. For this reason, he was detained for a few days. Although reckless, he was heartwarming.

At work, Wang Kai is a coolie construction worker. Basically, he goes out at around 3 in the morning and returns at 8 or 9 in the evening. Although it was very hard, he used his hands to bring benefits to the family. A month of hard work, he could get more than 10,000 yuan in wages, and the family had a little bit of savings because of his hard work.

In his free time, Wang Kai will become a housewife again. As long as he never let Ye Wanjun do any housework at home, he will go to the vegetable market to buy all kinds of delicious food for Ye Wanjun. It can be said that Wang Kai at home and Ye Wanjun are like princesses. Life, Wang Kai does not dislike her being fat and ugly, and regards her as the best treasure in the world.

On the bed, Wang Kai can fully reveal his real male characteristics. Ye Wanjun has the most perfect experience in husband and wife life, and naturally has more satisfaction!Therefore, the life between their husband and wife has been very good! Ye Wanjun was indeed a happy woman in those years.

Later, their life got better and better, Wang Kai became a super foreman, and Ye Wanjun finally became an assistant manager in his own company, and was eventually sent to South Korea for further studies, concurrently serving as a translator for the general manager of the Korean branch.

It can be said that in two years she has gained a lot of things, has a better temperament, and the most important thing is that she has a peerless appearance, which has completely subverted the image of two years ago.

Once she walked on the street, she would also attract the attention of others, because she was dark and fat, and looked sloppy.

But now, she certainly attracts the attention of others even more, and some people even come to contact her for information.

Ye Wanjun satisfies her current self, and hopes that her current self can bring a surprise to her family! She hasn't told anyone about the plastic surgery.

When he arrived at Wang Kai's company, Ye Wanjun planned to give Wang Kai a surprise. Today was April Fool's Day. Before returning to China, she didn't tell Wang Kai that she was coming back.

Dongpeng Construction Company is still somewhat large. The office building next to Wanda Plaza has two floors. Ye Wanjun took the elevator upstairs and quickly reached the ninth floor. If she remembers correctly, Room 906 is her husband Wang Kai and another man. Office shared by colleagues. As a super foreman, Wang Kai has actually become a white-collar worker. Basically, it is good to go to the construction site once a day. At other times, he plays J.J. fights. The landlord in the office, which is also a pleasant life.

"Hello...beauty, who are you looking for?"

When Xiaoli at the front desk saw Ye Wanjun, she opened her mouth slightly in surprise. It's so beautiful. She hasn't seen such a beautiful woman in a long time.

Ye Wanjun had met Xiaoli and found that she hadn't recognized herself at all. Ye Wanjun was a little embarrassed.

After all, plastic surgery is not widely accepted in China, so she should keep a low profile as an artificial beauty.

So Ye Wanjun smiled modestly and said, "Miss, I'm here to find Wang Kai."

"Oh, I was looking for Manager Wang!"

Xiaoli's expression changed, giving Ye Wanjun a meaningful expression.

Ye Wanjun has been working for several years. Naturally, he can see the meaning in Xiaoli's eyes at a glance. It turns out to be a little ridiculous and jealous?

Why, why does Ye Wanjun think Xiaoli is jealous? Why should she be jealous?

"Go in, Manager Wang is in the office. At this point, the colleague is off work and no one is there, so you can go directly to his office. Do you know which room it is?"


"Sure enough, I've been here, why haven't I met you? Alright, go in, they are already waiting."

Xiaoli's tone changed from enthusiasm to impatience.

Ye Wanjun frowned and glanced at Xiaoli, then left the front desk and entered the office corridor, feeling a lot of anxiety in her heart.

This corridor was a bit long and seemed to have no end. Ye Wanjun didn't know how long it took him to get there.

A woman's sixth sense is always so sensitive. She has already felt a bad breath in advance, so her heart beats faster.

"Pharaoh, this is really your wife? She is as ugly as a black pig! You have to cut your mouth when you kiss her? Hurry up, turn your hands off, I don't want to look at her pictures, I'm really afraid of eating at night Spit out everything!"

"Haha, women? It's not the same when the lights are turned off! I'm not a handsome guy either."

"That's not the same! Men and women are incomparable. Men can hide their ugliness as long as they live well and have money. Women also depend on Zhang Xiang, even if they are not long enough, they should be white. Look at your wife, it's so dark! I think you should hurry up and divorce her. I will get a divorce at that time, and then we will be paired. I have affair with you in the office this year. This has stolen the relationship. I can't do without you, old villain! "

"Hey, the children are so old

"Che, what age is this? Children will not be unhappy because of your divorce, they know more than you think!"

"Let's talk about it, yes, I just called a little girl, let's go out and play together soon!"

"Bad guy, the taste is getting heavier and heavier! Hey, but it's okay, you are so powerful, I really can't satisfy you just in bed by myself!"

Ye Wanjun's face had turned pale and bloodless when she heard it.

It's so arrogant that you don't even close the office door?

Oh...I remembered Xiaoli’s expression just now, Ye Wanjun understood, maybe Wang Kai and Xiaoli also have a leg, and Xiaoli is his eyeliner, let him watch the door!

Ha ha! Is this the good man in her memory? Is this the husband who has been married to her for eleven years?

Human nature is so terrible, why can he behave so well in front of him, and then he can play with women so unscrupulously outside?

Who is the woman who stayed with him? Wang Kai's new colleague? She even said that she was a black pig, but Wang Kai didn't even refute it!

Ye Wanjun's self-esteem had been torn apart, and she couldn't stand it anymore. She hurriedly stepped forward and pushed the door in. She saw Wang Kai hugging a woman who looked like but with white skin on the sofa and was affectionate.

Wang Kai looked up at Ye Wanjun, then was shocked.

"Wang Kai, how much money did you pay to call this girl, she is so beautiful!"

The woman who was intimate with Wang Kai was also a little dizzy.


"Only 400, this woman looks like a star! What is the name of the woman who played the opposite role with Professor Du? Oh, by the way, Qian Songyi!"

Ye Wanjun smiled miserably, with tears in her eyes.

Yes, Wang Kai likes Qian Songyi very much, so she has plastic surgery in the image of Qian Songyi, and after the treatment, she looks so uniform.

Ah, all the surprises turned into frights.

In marriage, what should a woman do when she finds a man cheating? Rush up to beat him and Xiao San? Or Ye Wanjun's eyes slowly turned gloomy, she closed the door of the room, locked it back, and walked to Wang Kai's desk.

It looks much cleaner than before. It seems that her female colleague helped him take care of it?

Turning around, Ye Wanjun's face was already covered with a beautiful smile, and she began to undress, one by one, all the time.

Poor Wang Kai did not recognize Ye Wanjun's appearance. Seeing the woman who was dragging naked, his emotions came, so he came to press Ye Wanjun on the desk.

A passion was staged, and Ye Wanjun felt that she was on the verge of bliss.

During the interaction, the man spoke softly.

"Baby, you are awesome! What is your name? I will call you next time!"

"My name is... Ye Wanjun!"


Wang Kai was stunned, he and her lower body were still joined together.

Ye Wanjun suddenly picked up the fruit knife on the tabletop and pierced Wang Kai's left eye fiercely.

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