Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1553 Bloody Rose

Tian Lun Nu, Gils Fanna, Lan Nu and others are stupid.

They were surprised by Qin An's sudden appearance, and shocked that he was able to kill that seemingly powerful upgraded zombie in seconds.

Who is this powerful man?

Everyone began to guess.

Qin An didn't have the time to talk nonsense with them, and immediately plunged into the battle.

Flying zombies may seem scary, but to Qin An there is nothing special.

He has the ability to attack several species, Tianju's Pear Flower Rain, Hongye's Hongye Rain, and just take out one to kill a large piece in seconds.

However, Qin An didn't feel how relaxed the present form was. He was still worried, afraid that the dwarves would annihilate the race.

This kind of worry has nothing to do with emotions. It can be regarded as a pity for the intelligent race. Qin An wants to see the power of the Black Blood Alliance diminish, but he does not want to see an intelligent race that is not too evil just like this. It is a pity. The situation outside is not optimistic.

Flying zombie beasts and dwarven fighters fought anxiously in the sky, and the ground zombie beasts finally arrived, the most terrifying group of zombie rats.

These zombie rats are almost thirty centimeters in length, but they are only D9-level upgraded zombie beasts. The single attack power and defense power are relatively weak among the supernaturalists in the world today, and their terrible points are immeasurable. Digital group.

Qin An opened his perspective eyes to see the actions of these zombies, and his heart became more gloomy, because he knew the origins of these zombies.

Legend has it that there is a monster called the Landed Zombie Rat, which is recorded in "Apocalypse Biology".

The reason why such zombie rats are called monsters is that they can give birth to offspring while walking, as long as they are mother zombie beasts.

The offspring born after landing have the ability to move quickly, and can continue to grow within a few minutes, and will not stop until they grow up to mature individuals.

This zombie rat is not immortal, their life span is only seven days. However, they can produce more than a hundred offspring in seven days. The Western Tibet Academy of Sciences has studied the reasons for the birth of this zombie rat and feels that it is really terrible to let it develop. Even if they lose their body after seven days, they will quickly decay. , But their overall number will still grow exponentially.

It’s a pity that after several years of research, the Western Tibetan Academy of Sciences has not been able to find out the secrets of the birth of the fallen zombie rats. Fortunately, the fallen zombie rats are rarely seen on weekdays, because they are lurking in the tide of zombies and feed on soil. Occasionally, I will eat zombies.

In short, these guys are not terrible, and they don’t even have any offensive abilities, but their teeth are sharp and corrosive. The general strong will not be able to break the defense if they bite a few bites, but when they are gathered together It was terrifying at the time, even if the sword god, if he didn't avoid it, he would always be in the zombie rat group, and it would be impossible to get any benefit.

At this time, the fallen zombie rats had already reached the lakeside of Fenggu City. They were not afraid of the water and rushed directly into the lake water.

Obviously they can't swim. After entering the water, their four feet began to slide wildly, each with a hideous face.

When the first zombie rat enters the water, then a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand!

In the end, the extension lake was filled, and the following zombie rats couldn't see the edge at a glance, and continued to move forward to the city of Fenggu.

They seem to know that there is delicious food in Fenggu City, so they start to jump up and want to climb.

It's a pity that now the entire Fenggu City is surrounded by Hejing, which makes it impossible for the zombies to climb up.

However, the zombie rat in the front was quickly crushed to the ground by the zombie rat behind, and then the zombie rat from behind arrived. The number is increasing, hundreds of thousands, over one million, several million, breaking ten million!

From a distance, the crystal-like Calabash-shaped big city seemed to be dyed with black, and it turned black from the top down. Zombie rats kept accumulating around the Fenggu City, and finally it was level with the gap above!

After Qin An and the dwarf warriors killed all the flying zombies in the top space, they retreated to the dwarf barracks below, and Tian Lun Nu and others naturally followed.

Tian Lun Nu was completely dumbfounded at this time, he could see the hideous mouse outside He Jing, this kind of terrifying situation was he had never thought of.

Lan Nu, the little dwarf, was still calm. She had people manipulate the mechanism to seal this layer with crystals and isolate it from the topmost palace. After that, she found Qin An for questioning.

"Who on earth are you?"

Qin An lowered his head and glanced at Lan Nu.

This dwarf is not only the strongest among the dwarves, but also a real miniature beauty.

Qin An's thoughts were a bit slippery, secretly I didn't know what it was like to have a shot with such a short girl. Of course, this kind of thought only flashed in Qin An's heart and he was immediately corrected by himself.

Damn, I can't stand who I am now!

He was just a normal man before, but now he has truly become a lustful shameless person.

Focusing on Mental Energy, Qin An did not intend to conceal his own identity, and said directly:

"I'm Qin An, have you ever heard of it?"

Lan Nu was stunned for a moment, then his eyes circled, and he exclaimed:

"Qin An? Are you the king of Azure Dragon Empire?"

"Yeah, I just came here to stroll around, but I didn't expect to encounter you being besieged by zombies, little girl, just now your king said that if anyone can kill the monster, whoever can get the throne, does that count?"

Lan Nu holds the military power of the Dwarf Nation, and if she can get her support, Qin An thinks that maybe he really has a chance to conquer a Dwarf army.

"It can be counted, but you have to make a huge contribution to the dwarf race before we can accept and support you! Qin An, now the City of Wind Bone is in crisis, this crystal may not be able to protect us, and even its defensive power Strong enough, we can't be trapped forever, if you can resolve this zombie crisis, you can become our new king!"

Qin An was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Lan Nu to be such a simple person.

Secretly sighed, Qin An was very helpless, because in the face of the current crisis, he actually had nothing to do. He could quickly escape by himself and run out, but he wanted to take away the millions of people in the entire Fenggu City. Foolish dreams!

Shaking his head helplessly, Qin An said frankly:

"I can't get you out, but I can fight with you to the end. In fact, the Black Blood Alliance is the biggest enemy of the Azure Dragon Empire, and you belong to the forces of the Black Blood Alliance. I didn't need to help you, but I There’s a weird saying in the country, God has a good life, I will try my best!"

Qin An was very satisfied that he pulled a very powerful proverb, but Lan Nu's eyes were cast as a result.

Qin An curled his lips boringly, and then continued to sigh.

Yeah, no matter how strong he is alone, even if all the zombies line up to kill him, it is estimated that he is exhausted and the zombies are not dead yet, right?

This thing will continue to give birth to cubs from the body when it is running, and the cubs will grow up within a few minutes and continue to produce offspring.

So when tens of thousands of zombies surrounded Feng Bone City for a few minutes, the whole city was actually caught in a tide of more than 100 million zombies. What is terrifying is that Qin An can see that there are zombies still running continuously from a few kilometers away. Come, and behind this wave of zombies and rats, there is a huge tide of human-shaped zombies, animal zombies, and insect-shaped zombies!

Suddenly, Qin An raised his brows, and then said to Lan Nu:

"Don't talk nonsense, get ready to fight, God does not care for you, because there is not only one blood Vajra zombie!"

"Blood Vajra Zombie?"

Lan Nu still didn't know what the zombie named by Qin An was.

"It's the kind of scarlet zombie in human form!"

what! Lan Nu's face suddenly turned pale.

While speaking, Qin An had activated the teleportation ability to flash continuously, and left the Wind Bone City to the sky outside, summoning the wings of the wind.

From a distance, more than a thousand blood Vajra zombies are flying here, their powerful destructive power is enough to make Fenggu City thousands of windows and holes!

At this time, Qin An had no good or evil in his heart, only the intention of killing was transferred to the whole body with the blood flow.

I am right! In this apocalypse, only zombies are unforgivable! Because no matter how powerful their abilities are, they are disgusting creatures without souls. If they can't kill all the zombies in this world, then this apocalypse will continue forever, and they will never be liberated!


Fortunately they will die too!

So what is the meaning of Death?

Qin An didn't have time to think about it anymore, that group of blood Vajra zombies had already flown.

Offering the Divine Punishment Sword, Qin An is still in the state of being blessed by the undead, possessing the strength of the Sword God level.

A red cloud bloomed in the sky, and the rain of red leaves fell rapidly with the sound of the wind, rushing to the blood Vajra zombies group, this is the strongest group attack skill Qin An can activate now.

It's a pity that Blood Vajra's defensive ability is too strong. Qin An's rain of red leaves only killed less than half of Blood Vajra, and the other half became more irritable. They roared and continued to move forward.

Qin An turned into a stream of light in the air, turning on the super hail and killing a large amount of blood Vajra in seconds.

After using two major skills, the surviving more than a hundred blood Vajra have already contacted the Feng Bone City covered by zombie rats.

They are like guided bullets. When they landed, they obscured the flesh and blood hit by the zombies. Blood spots with a radius of more than seven meters appeared on the black zombies wall, like blooming blood. Rose.

Then, after a series of loud bangs, the crystal guard wall was knocked out of huge caves!

Qin An closed his eyes and lamented, Blood Vajra has completed its mission, and no one can organize their killing. So own killing seems to have begun, this is a battle that won't be victorious!

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