Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1554 Song of Blood and Bone

"Save me! Escort! Whoever can save me I will pass on the throne of king to whom!"

Tian Rennu shouted in horror, and in the next second he could no longer make a sound. A zombie rat got in from his open mouth, followed his esophagus directly into his abdominal cavity, and began to eat frantically.

The body of this thing looks quite big, but they have continued the ability of mouse cartilage, and they can penetrate even small burrows.

Tian Lun Nu was depressed for half his life, and finally obtained the throne as a prestigious blessing for a few years, and then went through time and space to come to the earth.

He thought he would rest in a castle, and then he could realize the absurd dream of a king in the castle, but now he died like this.

Gilsfina died worse. She had climbed onto the roof, her lover was holding her hand.

At this moment, countless zombie rats jumped from the ground to her, and then climbed up along her body.

"Honey! Save me!"

Gilsfina shouted hoarsely.

However, she finally got into the palace to be her personal guard's lover and did not pity her, and did not hesitate to let go of her hand and let her be swallowed by the zombies.

She is an ordinary person and has no abilities. She relies on own beauty to live in this apocalypse, and she relies on the background of Big sis to have a good life. However, among the zombie rats, her time is only one second. After one second, She was eaten up all but the bones.

From then on, her life ended, but she did not completely die, because the white bone suddenly stood up from the group of zombie rats, and all the zombie rats were no longer biting her. This skeleton had become a brand new upgraded zombie!

Qin An did not give this bone a chance to survive. In fact, he came here to save Gils Fenna. After all, she is a beautiful woman. In Qin An's mind, he should rub it hard at least before death. . Rub her tall and soft, but it's a pity... they were eaten.

The term "violent horror" used here is really wonderful!

Raising his left hand, more than a thousand red lights flew out instantly, killing more than 10,000 zombie rats.

However, this is not a bird use at all. The zombie rats have not decreased at all. The corpses on the ground and the influx of zombie rats are about to occupy the entire Wind Bone City. No matter how powerful it is, when there are all around you Zombie rats, when they have nowhere to stand, cannot turn around, and cannot move their arms, they also lose the ability to attack and can only wait for death in the end.

The breath of blood instantly perplexed Feng Bone City. Qin An knew that there was no need to keep going, and he finally woke up completely.

If there is no defense system like Jiulong Liancheng or Tianji City, there is no way to fight against the tide of zombies.

In other words, the defensive force that I set up on the border between Canada and United States is like a child's play!

Ah, I originally wanted to build a world in United States, and then echoed with the city of Kowloon. Now it seems that I am naive.

Qin An has a new idea in his heart. He should go back, abandon the battle situation here, go back to the Kowloon City, and then expand the giant city, and use it as a defense to fight the zombies. This may be the only way out.

Now the Black Blood Alliance is no longer a threat, and the Demon Cult above March is also an enemy, but they are in the sky, even if they return to the Kowloon City Link, they will still face them far away.

With this kind of thought, Qin An didn't deliberately kill the zombie rats, but ran around in Fenggu City. He wanted to find the real dwarf warriors and bring them into the dream space. This is the only way to preserve the blood of dwarves.

The cries became a piece of noise, but they were instantly swallowed by the roar of the zombie rat tide.

Finally, something more terrifying arrived, all kinds of weird zombies!

Some of the original forms of these insects were ants, grasshoppers, and flies. After becoming zombies, they have been upgraded several times and each have some special abilities.

These abilities are also very weak, at least not for the dwarves.

But these zombie insects have the same characteristics as zombie rats, they have sharp teeth and are numerous.

The Wind Bone City was originally occupied by zombie rats, but after these zombie insects came in, they became pervasive, taking up the space more fully!

Zombie rats and zombie insects are already crazy, they will open their mouths and bite everything around them, houses, crystals, dwarves and the like.

Of course, they will not deliberately eat the same kind, they can only accept the flesh of human-shaped zombies, but they are tasteless to each other and difficult to swallow.

It's just that the space is too crowded, the entire Fenggu City has been completely occupied by black, and there is no place to move.

Ten minutes of madness, ten minutes of blood and bones.

Lanu didn't know how many zombie rats and zombies were killed in these ten minutes, but these were useless at all, because the more she killed, the more accumulation she had around her, and the sooner she was squeezed out. Room for action.

The colors in the eyes became monotonous.

The white bones, the red blood, and the black ones are zombie insects.

For a moment Lanu's head became dizzy, and the roar of various zombies in her ear numbs her.

She remembered a concert she had heard on the Sword Spirit Star many years ago.

At that time she was a very small girl, and the person who came to play was the singer Ronin.

Is she dead? Maybe it is. If it weren't for Death, why would she feel that all kinds of strange zombies around her roar intertwined like a piece of music? In the song of blood and bone, she didn't even know if she was still alive!

snort! What about that seemingly powerful man?

God has a good life, did he escape? Or is he really that stupid, fighting with the dwarves to the end?


Hey, the country is about to be subjugated, and perhaps it will not be extinct, because there are many ronin among the dwarves!

Tears didn't know when they climbed to Lanu's face. She never thought that the own race would be destroyed so quickly that she didn't have any preparations at all.

Finally, he couldn't move even when he moved.

Her skin is hard enough, so the zombie rats and zombies have not been able to bite her skin.

But not everyone has the same strong defensive power as her, Lan Nu saw the moment when many people were bitten and turned into zombies.

...It turns out that this is the end of the earth, it turns out that this is the zombie on the earth.

They are more terrifying than any race on the Sword Spirit Star. This monster is different from the undead and zombies on the Sword Spirit Star, because there are too many of them, and why bugs and mice can also become zombies. Woolen cloth?

The last trace of consciousness finally disappeared, and the exhausted Lan Nu passed into a coma.

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