Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1574

The huge human territory on the east coast of United States is called the Empire of the Sword God, and its capital is the City of Seven Swords.

The Seven Sword Spirit Girls, Fragrant Bone Julie, Ninth Son Xia Ke, Fadu Tianlu, Miechen Yuhaiyuan, Brojun Milan Mountain, Purdue Hua Xuelian, and Hades Ghost Qi Yalu came here to build the city wall. Later, the power gradually Development and growth, from a city to such an empire with a population of tens of millions.

Xuelian Hua and Qi Yalu have died tragically for several years, and Qin An has never resurrected them in the realm of dead spirits.

The current rulers of the Sword God Empire are six female sword gods.

In addition to the five sword spirit women, there is also a sea jade Qingcheng.

Jade Qingcheng is the real name of the sword god of the sea. A few days ago, Qin An handed Xia Ke the own genetic gene, and Xia Ke airlifted it to Seven Swords City, and then let it enter the sea through artificial fusion. The so-called artificial fusion seems to be Artificial insemination is normal, so now Yu Qingcheng has not only been resurrected as a sword god, but also has the flesh and blood of Qin An.

This was a situation that Qin An had not anticipated at the beginning, otherwise he might not have agreed to Xia Ke's request casually if he was killed.

The initial host of Jade Qingcheng was not a human being on earth, but an upgraded fish. The Sword God of Canghai was originally a sword god related to the sea, so she was able to parasitize herself on the fish and finally complete the fusion incarnation of a human form. Changes can make her truly resurrect, so Canghai is resurrected in the state of an absolute sword god, much more powerful than Xia Ke and other sword gods who only resurrected in a demigod state.

Over the years, Canghai Jade Qingcheng has been in the City of Seven Swords and has a good relationship with Julie and other women. She is also able to build a city of sea fortresses.

This huge city is even several times larger than the Tianji Fortress spacecraft!

It uses earth metal steel as a building material, which can be suspended on the sea like a ship, but its defense power and running speed are very slow, and it cannot enter the ground and fly into the sky like the Tianji Fortress. It can only be in sea water. Move up. Although the defensive power is not high, because of the protection of Jade Qingcheng, the sea beasts dare not approach here. The supporting facilities of the sea castle also have eight small sea castles and ten aircraft carrier formations.

Near the huge sea fort, there is a huge upgraded tree that grows from the seabed of 2,800 meters. The canopy of this tree is 30 kilometers in diameter. Yu Qingcheng has built many houses on the canopy and lives on weekdays. Here, a group of mermaids who can transform people take care of her life and diet.

The mermaid elves are palm-sized, like elves with wings, the upper body is human, and the lower body is like a mermaid tail.

Yu Qingcheng was sitting on the trunk rocking chair, squinting at the stars in the sky.

This is a woman with a slightly gorgeous appearance.

The slender legs are straight and smooth, the charming upper body cannot be covered by clothes, and the carved features are like works of art.

The word glamorous refers to the beauty that is somewhat public, and the beauty of Yu Qingcheng is very public, because she has a good figure and looks good, not a pure appearance.

In this publicity of beauty, her temperament is very cold, as cold as frost. This glamorous and cold temperament can give men a desire to conquer.

Once the sea is hard to be watered, but Wushan is not a cloud.

There is no such a poem on the Star of Sword Spirit.

I met and chatted with Julie a few days ago. Julie mentioned this poem with her and explained the artistic conception and meaning of the poem, which gave Yu Qingcheng a lot of insights.

It turns out that the term Canghai is so artistic on the earth.

On the Sword Spirit Star, the only meaning of Canghai is one, that is, the Lord of the Seven Seas in the North, the 16th sword god on the list, Jade Qingcheng.

"Master, you haven't slept yet?"The little mermaid flew onto Yu Qingcheng's shoulder to speak.

"Well, I can't sleep, the sound of the sea is noisy, and a fleet is coming here, the distance is less than three hundred nautical miles."

"Ah, it should be Qin An and the others here!"

"Yes, Yu Xiaozheng, you went to see Julie today. Did she ever say? How are we going to move?"

"Master Julie said, I want the queen to control our sea fort to cross the Pacific Ocean, and then build a base along the coast, connecting with the Kowloon City, forming a huge city-linked defense system spanning half of China, with the Hawaiian Islands as a turning point. It seems that this is what Qin An meant to open up the Pacific Ocean and land, and they had spoken through it before."

Yu Xiaozheng's voice fell, his eyes rolled, and he smiled and said, "My Lady Queen, are you a little nervous? Didn't you say that you have successfully conceived? Then Master Qin An is the father of your child. Will you be excited to see him? ?"

"Hehe, what's so exciting. It's nothing more than an earth man. He is lucky to have powerful abilities, but that's all. I know many things about him. Julie told me. I heard that he is a sex. Ghosts, a lot of women

Yu Qingcheng was already scornful at this point.

This is an enthusiastic and cold-faced female sword god. Her legend of the Seven Seas has been widely spread on the Star of Sword Spirit. No one knows, no one knows!

Gently lifted the glass with the jade yellow fruit wine in it, and put it to her mouth to stick out her small tongue. Yu Qingcheng let the tip of the tongue touch the fruit wine together, that gesture was enough to charm all living beings.

At this moment, a strange energy came from afar, making Yu Qingcheng's face pale when he was about to taste the wine.

"The Empress!"

"Oh my God! It's really the breath of an empress, is she resurrected?"

Yu Xiaozheng is Yu Qingcheng’s servant on the Sword Spirit Continent. Yu Qingcheng has been taking her by her side for so many years. After entering the earth, her soul has also been integrated into the evolutionary fish species. Therefore, the little mermaid spirit Yu Xiaozheng and Ordinary mermaid elves are different. Not only are they smarter, they also understand Jade Qingcheng's past.

"My Lady Queen, I still remember the battle between the Queen of the Land and the Queen of the Sea, and the battle between the sea and the sea...Do you still hate her?"

"Huh! How can you not hate it? Even if the water of the seven seas is exhausted, I can't let this bitch go!"

While she was talking, the gorgeous woman jumped into the sea, the waves rose, the sea was booming, and the murderous intent was soaring to the sky!

Speaking of the story of Canghai Jade Qingcheng, it was a little plain.

Back then, the evil monarch killed the emperor and took a child from his mother's womb, raising the emperor actually fell in love with others, but he foolishly told the cause of the death of the emperor's mother, and was later abandoned by the emperor.

The evil monarch began to wander around the empress and lead a wandering life. His sword god ability was a bit insidious, but his late stage personality became moderate due to the empress incident and he did not kill at will.

During this period, the evil monarch got to know Canghai.

The sea at that time did not understand love, and the evil monarch at that time lacked love.

The two began just like that. Canghai seemed to pay more attention to spiritual love, so he only had a relationship with the evil monarch, and there was no physical love between the two.

Cang Hai enjoyed the throbbing heart very much, until Xie Jun gave up her because he missed the emperor.

Jealousy produces resentment, and the sword god cannot escape this fate.

As a result, Cang Hai had a grudge with the empress, her strength was much stronger than the empress, and she wanted to find the empress trouble but was hindered by the evil monarch again and again. There was even one time when she almost died in the hands of the evil emperor, only then did she see through the ruthlessness of the evil emperor, and even more resented the emperor.

It’s really been a long time ago. As the sword god Canghai, there are actually no friends, only a little murloc spirit to accompany her. After so many years, it will be so many years later, the thought is pure, or in fact, she has lived for a long time. Women will be a little nervous.

Therefore, even though many years have passed, there are still many things that Canghai can't think about, can't forget, and finally turn into a grudge obsession.


On the Tianji Fortress spacecraft, Qin An discovered the abnormal change of the dwarf Lan Shannu as soon as he arrived in Weng Lan’s room, so he didn’t say hello to Weng Lan, and directly sent and ran outside. He hadn’t figured out the reason for this change, and was afraid of owning. The child has a problem.

"Don't worry, this is the queen chooses the master! The queen chooses the four major skills, the body of the destiny, the queen chooses the master, the mother ritual world, the nine birds pilgrimage. Yabei should have inherited the ability of the queen nine birds pilgrimage, and now Xiangming But it has awakened the empress’s ability to choose the master, that is to say, the inheritance of the empress is not for a child, and her abilities are divided into Xiangming and Yabei respectively."

When Qin An arrived, Yin Yao also arrived.

Qin An nodded slightly after hearing Yin Yao's words, and pulled his daughter and granddaughters behind him.

Qin Xiangming's face was a little pale, seeing his father was like a mouse seeing a cat.

This girl is usually not leaking, but her character is fierce enough to kiss an unfamiliar male dwarf forcibly. Speaking of Qin Xiangming and Qin An's relationship, there is some fear in their closeness. After all, she didn't grow up with Qin An since she was a child. Qin An's arrival changed her life. Therefore, she knew the importance of Qin An and didn't want to irritate Qin An. A child who had experienced a lot of bitter life since childhood was very afraid of losing.

Qin An quickly read her daughter's thoughts, so he picked her up, trying to put a smile on his face.

This is really hard to laugh. The ten-year-old daughter actually fell in love with the dwarf precociously, and even made such an excessive behavior as a strong kiss, Qin An really couldn't accept it.

But feeling his daughter's fear and alienation of owning, Qin An had to repair this father-daughter relationship and comfort his sensitive daughter.

After picking up the fragrant tea, Qin An gave her a hard kiss on the cheek.

"Little baby, look at you, you really have the ability to kiss a dwarf into a strong man who is two meters tall. How did you grow up?"

Xiangming's face became paler, and his father knew what he had just done.

Yes, it's not a secret that father has super vision ability, she knows it.

The body trembled slightly, Xiangming lowered his head and said softly:

"Dad, I... I didn't mean it."

Xiangming was really terrified. He was afraid that his father would not like her in the future.

Qin An hurriedly posted to Xiangming again.

After all, the father and daughter are blood thicker than water, and Xiangming slowly calmed down in Qin An's eager response.

"It's okay. You have a good impression of this kid. You kissed and kissed. He still dares to beat you and fail? If he dares to ask you to trouble Dad to help you out!"

Hearing what Qin An said, Xiangming was a little dumbfounded, but he didn't expect his father to talk so well and have such a good temper.

Seeing that Xiangming's mood had returned to calmness, Qin An was not talking to her now, so he hugged it in his arms, and waited for the Lanshan slave who was already lying on the ground with some kind of upgrade."The queen chooses the master, and the person chosen by him will be blessed with fate and will be crowned in heaven! This is a terrible ability that can change the energy magnetic field and laws of the entire planet. Of course, this change is not obvious, just like in space. There will be many more trinos, and these trinos will surround the king, which will change what he experiences! And it will affect others. The empress once chose a very ordinary man on the Sword Spirit Star at will. Wang, that man only took two years of earth time to unify a super huge continent. You must know that he does not have any abilities, it is entirely by luck! Just after being chosen by the emperor, he was loved by Miss of a huge family Go on and become the son-in-law of the door. Soon after the patriarch of the family died, the king soon became the head of the family and eventually achieved hegemony. Of course, the queen he chose in the end was the daughter of the empress, and the empress had the ability to control the harem. She thrived in Zeharem, and the king could ride into the sky. In fact, after Weng Lan returned, I have been exploring whether there is an emperor's inheritance in him and her. You know, the Sword God of Time used Li Na's body to make himself born into Qin Wenxin. , Then the inheritance of the Time Sword God lies in Qin Wenxin's body. The Empress Sword God inherits it through Weng Lan's body, but it is different from Wen Xin, because Wen Xin has fully obtained the power of the Time Sword God, and the Queen’s The power is dispersed. According to my previous observations, Weng Lan still has the power of the emperor's inheritance. Then Yabei is a single skill awakening, possessing the power of the nine birds pilgrimage, and now Xiangming is also awakened by the skill and possesses the emperor. The ability to choose the master later. This ability has been upgraded due to the difference between the laws of the earth and the laws of the sword spirit star. This dwarf has evolved abnormally. This is the specific performance of the upgraded, so don't worry, wait and see! "

When Yin Yao and Qin An explained, no one else came. Weng Die’s mind was focused on Big sis, while Linghua was in charge of the Azure Dragon empire’s power class, and Xia Ke managed the fleet of the Seven Swords Empire, and paid back on weekdays. It's a bit busy, but Yin Yao is the only idler.

Qin An watched the changes of Lan Shannu while listening to Yin Yao's explanation.

His height has really grown to two meters, and the muscles all over his body look strong and tight.

Because the height of the dwarf suddenly became bigger, the clothes on the dwarf's body had been torn, and it was about to show up. Qin An didn't want his precocious daughter to see the man's private parts again, so he sent a set of own clothes to Shanlanu's body. On top, it still fits very well.

"Wait and see, since the body has been upgraded, I don't know if this ability will also become stronger? This dwarf should only have the strength of the Second Soul Sword Repair before, see if there is a breakthrough, the upgraded rune mark on his body has disappeared. Now, is this just breaking and then standing?"

"It's possible that the Sword Spirit Star is a very strange place. There are many types of superpowers, but they all have the mark of upgraded rune, but the upgraded rune has the ability to hide the upgraded rune, and once the upgraded rune appears, The strength will reach the strongest combat state. In addition to the nine main gods, the highest-level upgraded species currently recorded on the Sword Spirit Star is 300. However, they only exist in historical records and are said to be with the sword spirit. The father and the mother of the sword spirit were born at the same time. There are many different kinds of biological legends, but the facts are unclear."

A 300-level upgraded creature in the same period as the Emperor and Real Fire?

Qin An was a little stunned, and at the same time he thought of the ancestor of the seven beasts.

The ancestor of Magical Beasts, the ancestor of Demonic Beasts, the ancestor of divine beasts, the ancestor of ancient beasts, the ancestor of flame beasts, the ancestor of cursed beasts, and the ancestor of magical beasts.

Now the ancestor of Magical Beasts has grown in the form of a small white dog parasitic in the owner's body. His strength has reached the sword god level, but he is still in his infancy. The upgraded level has reached 120. This is in such a short period of time. Rapidly evolving in time.

So are the Seven Beasts the 300-level upgraded creatures Yin Yao said?

Just thinking about it, suddenly a huge wave was set off on the sea, which actually shook the huge heavenly fortress spacecraft.A majestic breath instantly filled the entire space.

"Not good! The sea is coming!"

Yin Yao's face turned green.

Qin An said in doubt:

"Canghai? Isn't that the woman who has been in Seven Sword City for Life? She is our own, why are you so nervous?"

"There are some situations that you don’t know. Canghai and the empress are feuds! Although the empress’s inheritance with the help of Weng Lan is not a secret, people outside of our circle should not know it. After all, no one will spread it on purpose. This kind of thing, Xiangming’s skills awakened just now, and the selection of the king succeeded, releasing a large amount of the power of the emperor’s inheritance. The ordinary people would naturally not be sensitive to this kind of energy trinity hidden in the space, but as a sword god, We want to feel the release of each other's energy, like a few hundred kilometers is not a problem!"

"You mean, she will come to trouble my daughter?"

"Yeah! Canghai Jade Qingcheng is a enthusiastic and cold woman. She was originally the soul of the sea. Before she transformed into a human form, she fell in love with a human woman. Later, the woman threw herself into the sea because of Life's sorrow, and the soul of the sea was incompetent. Powerless, seeing a woman die in the sea of ​​own incarnation! This sadness made it Mental Energy upgraded, and then it condensed the entity and became the woman she loves most! Therefore, the only person she really loves is herself, she is very A selfish sword god. The so-called selfishness cannot judge her good and evil, because among the forty-nine sword gods, Canghai is relatively kind and has done many good things. But she is really selfish, and the people she hates will continue to hate her. For her own selfish desires! Therefore, I think she will never let go, even in the face of the inheritance of the empress!"

Qin An's face was stunned.

He heard Xia Ke mention Canghai and knew that she had successfully returned to the strength of the Sword God level. This was entirely with the help of Own.

Humph, now she actually wants to trouble her daughter?

Well, let him wait and see!

Suddenly, on the corridor on the edge of the castle of Heavenly Mystery, a sexy woman dressed in blue appeared along with the waves. It was truly a great jade!

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