Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1575 Moon Mystery

A pair of azure blue eyes that can fascinate people, but looks more like an Oriental woman, with a long black hair shawl, even if she just went to sea, her hair still looks so smooth, and there is no water stain on her sexy body.

After this woman appeared, Qin An's eyes were locked on her, but her eyes were straight at the fragrant tea in Qin An's arms.

Qin Xiangming and Qin Yabei trembled at the same time. They were both inherited from the emperor and could feel the mental pressure from the sea.

Seeing Own's children feel frightened, Qin An is a little unhappy. He puts Qin Xiangming on the ground, then blocks the children behind him and looks at Canghai Yuqingcheng.

"Haha, you are the legendary Canghai Jade Qingcheng, right? Beauty, are you here to greet us?"

Qin An pretended to speak easily.

Yu Qingcheng was blocked by Qin An. First, he glanced at Lanshan Slave, who was already unconscious on the ground, but his body was upgraded step by step, before going to see Qin An.

In her eyes, Qin An is a somewhat younger man, much more handsome than in the picture.

The so-called photos were seen by Yu Qingcheng on the side of the Seven Sword Spirit Girls. They wanted to know Qin An, but Yu Qingcheng only unwittingly obtained information about Qin An's appearance.

"No, I just came to find someone. Where is the empress? Was she your partner?"

Without waiting for Cang Hai to speak, Yin Yao already smiled and said:

"Canghai, the empress is dead, the energy you feel is just the empress's inheritance, why? Do you want to trouble her? It's best not to do this, because this person is Qin An's daughter, and you know Qin An's identity , Although you are very powerful, it’s difficult to move Qin An. The few of the Seven Sword Spirit Girls who are still alive are not allowed? You have been in Seven Swords City all these years, and relied on Qin An’s help to complete it a few days ago. The awakening of the Sword God level ability, so I advise you to put aside the festival between the Sword Spirit Star and the Empress, how about?"

"Qin An's daughter?"

Yu Qingcheng was slightly stunned, and focused his gaze on Qin An again.

This is the man!

The legend of Qin An has not been widely circulated in Seven Sword City, but Yu Qingcheng knows it in detail because she is a friend in the hearts of the sword spirit girls. Although Yu Qingcheng didn't like having friends in her heart, she was very kind to people on the surface, so she had heard many things about Qin An from the mouths of the women of the sword spirit.

Then he was also the father of the child he was conceiving. Thinking of this, Yu Qingcheng was slightly stunned.

She actually gave birth to a small life in her stomach like an ordinary creature.

This is too exaggerated. She, a sword god who doesn't eat the fireworks and fireworks in the world, actually wants to raise offspring like ordinary creatures.

Before seeing Qin An, she didn't even react to this question dumbly.

How could it be such a coincidence?

In fact, Qin An was trying to probe Yu Qingcheng's thoughts at this time, but he was a little bit unable to understand Yu Qingcheng's thoughts.

After all, Canghai is the 16th Sword God, and both are Sword God level, but the difference between Mental Energy is still very big.And if Qin An had turned on the state of the Necromancer Sword God, he might be able to see more of Canghai's heartfelt feelings and her past experiences.

However, due to the difference in Mental Energy, the Sword God’s original source, the effectiveness of the ability to deal with the sea will become weak, at least on the spiritual level. Then the attack effect of the judgment of Heavenly Punishment is aimed at the sword God level powerhouse. How much effect can it play? Qin An didn't know it himself.

Regarding the fact that Cang Hai was pregnant, even if Qin An spied it, it would be difficult to believe it.

You must know that since his strength Ascension reached Realm, he has not succeeded in conceiving a woman, only Qiu Jinse, who uses the multi-sub-spell card, can continue to give birth.

In fact, this incident was really a coincidence. After Qin An’s genetic genes left Qin’an ontology, they lacked the blessing of Qin’an’s powerful bloodline power. Therefore, after entering the body of Canghai by artificial fusion, they perfectly recombine with her genes. Continued the blood of two people.

Cang Hai and Qin An looked at each other for a long time, and finally put on a faint smile on their faces.

"It's really fate!"


Qin An frowned slightly, he didn't think he had anything to do with this woman.

"Since I'm the daughter of Lord Qin An, I can let go of my hatred first! Hmph, I didn't expect that this woman, the empress, would have died, and her inheritance would be on Lord Qin An's daughter? Then I don't know this. Who is the little girl's mother? I think the Empress Sword God must be passed on through her mother as the source? After all, the Empress has been on the earth for more than 30 years, and it is impossible to parasitize such a small child."

As soon as Cang Hai said this, Qin An's face was already extremely cold.

What does this mean? Still want to trouble Weng Lan?

This is Qin An's heart, and now Weng Lan is indifferent to him. He is thinking of a way to please his own wife, how could he tolerate the appearance of some people who want to crisis Weng Lan.

"Canghai, no matter how the empress passed on the godhead to my daughter, the spirit of the empress has disappeared after all. The entanglement between you and her also happened on the star of the sword spirit, and now this is the earth, I hope you can completely forget the past. The empress inherits it from the person I value. If you want to make trouble, I won't be polite to you, and I won't give anyone a Face."

Cang Hai's face became a little flushed, and there was a hint of Tsundere in his smile.

"Qin An, I heard that you have the strength to allow yourself to enter the Sword God level, and there are a few strong Sword Gods around you, but... you may not know my Canghai Yuqingcheng, on land. People may be just a weak woman, but in this sea, I am the king! So, don't be aggressive with me, if you hook up my temper, it will really be deadly!"

What Cang Hai said was very horrible, not to mention that Qin An felt heart-wrenched, even Yin Yao's face became cold.

"Huh! Canghai, your Sword God ranking is a bit higher than your deity. This ranking has always been based on the backward order of the time you became the Sword God. To be honest, the deity is really not convinced. Why don’t we compete here?"

Yin Yao took out the frame of Xiangying Sword God again, already calling herself the deity.

Canghai laughed out loud, the voice was like a silver bell, with charm in tact.

She suddenly stepped into the sea, stepped on the sea and retreated to a place three kilometers away.

"Xiang Yingyan stays fragrance, I have no interest in you from Canghai Jade Qingcheng. Qin An, since you have a very close relationship with the Seven Sword Spirit Girls, I can give you a Face! But my hatred with the empress is difficult to resolve, if you If you don’t want me to make trouble again, then come and do it with me. I want to see what kind of strength your legendary primitive gene has. You must know that the reason why the forty-nine sword god came to the earth is mostly because of you. The first sword god wants to find the resurrected body, and you are the original gene, naturally the best choice. Come on, let me see your strength, if you can convince me, I will fight with the queen Let go of my hatred, otherwise no one can stop me from killing people!"

The sound of the sea spread quickly in the sea, and then I remembered it in all directions, as if she had used the sea to happen.

Looking at the distant sea, where his feet stepped on the sea but did not sink, Qin An smiled coldly, and jumped to the surface of the sea to activate the ability of the Falling Leaves.

A big battle is on the horizon!

The moon, commonly known as the moon, or Lunar and Xuantu in ancient times, is the only natural satellite of the earth and the fifth largest satellite in the solar system. The diameter of the moon is one-fourth that of the earth, and its mass is one-eighty-one of the earth.

In modern times, human research on space has not stopped, but it has obtained very little.

The moon is the first extraterrestrial planet where humans have ever landed. The former Soviet Union’s lunar program launched the first unmanned spacecraft to land on the moon in 1959; the United States NASA’s Apollo program was the only manned mission to the moon until the end of the world.

When the apocalypse broke out, the United States and some European Union countries transported a large amount of construction materials to the moon to establish a huge simulated ecosphere city, which is the earliest Crescent City. Soon after, the curse arrived in Crescent City, and under his management, Crescent City’s technology gained a significant ascension. The area of ​​the city continued to expand, and the population also increased rapidly.

Speaking of it, in fact, there have been many mysteries on the moon, which humans have always been unable to explain with science and logic. New Moon City has existed on the moon for more than 30 years, but until now there are still many problems that are still unclear, and even the curse main god can't see through this planet. Because there is a strong energy shielding magnetic field 100 kilometers below the surface of the moon, any energy exploration of any characteristic cannot pass through this magnetic field.

The super brain girl Caitlin once spoke about the beginning of the earth and the formation of the moon.

She believes that when the earth was first born, there was also a kind of super life form. This life form has a very developed IQ, but has no specific form. They eventually formed mantle plant hiding and underground magma in the process of evolution. No more action for billions of years. The moon itself is actually a huge flying machine, an intelligent life form evolved from super primitive organisms on the earth. The original building materials are taken from the huge high-metallic soil before the Pacific Ocean was formed.

Scientists on the earth before the end of the world believed that the moon existed longer than the earth, and believed that the earth came from an extra-solar Galaxy, a planet captured by the earth after breaking into the solar system.

Caitlin's mental calculation believes that the moon itself is a spacecraft. The reason why the soil on the surface of the moon seems to exist longer than the earth's soil layer is simply because the spacecraft has absorbed a lot of space Impurities and formed a bunker on the surface.

In the first year of Jiulong, the descendants of the Earthlings living in the Lunar Crescent City are continuing to develop and research the moon. There are six elements on the moon that are not on the earth. These elements are combined with the energy of the sword spirit to cooperate with the signs of the moon. Some highly reflective magnetic minerals can create super weapon black gas bombs. The black gas bombs previously tested by Crescent City have been successfully destroyed and destroyed the blue tower capital of the Gul'dan people. This super weapon is very difficult because of insufficient raw materials.

The cursed sword god was injured twice by Qin An, and almost exhausted the sword spirit minerals in New Moon City and the entire Demon Race before returning to the strongest state again, but he could not find the resurrected body, so he could only use his spiritual thoughts. The state exists.

Today's curse hates Qin Anzhi penetrates the bone, and only wants to kill it quickly.

In the sleeping palace of the main god of Nuo Da in New Moon City, the human figure transformed by the spell was receiving a guest who was a little surprised to him with a gloomy face.

"Haha, Lord Lord, why is your face so gloomy? According to the logical thinking of the people on earth, we can be regarded as fellow villagers, all from the stars of the sword spirit! Lord God, are you here to stay with the people on earth? It’s been too long, so I lost my closeness to my fellow villagers?"

The curse looked at the hunched old man below, and snorted coldly after a long time:

"I'm not a human race, hungry old man, you seem to be closer to the people on earth? Humph! Your master is so powerful. When you came to my place to meet you, didn't you come here in person?"

The old man named Hungry Old Man continued to laugh out loud and said:

"The curse Lord has just arrived on the earth, and there are so many things! You should know that our Sect's power is too widely distributed, and we want to quickly gather them and manage them together. It is not something that can be done in a short time. Haha, so he only I can have a chance to visit the Lord God again in the future! Lord Lord, our dead sect has been closely related to the nine god-tier tribes for many years. We pass on information, kill people and sell goods, and do everything! This time we came to New Moon City, I just want to keep in touch with our old relationship, haha, I don’t know if there is a business reward for our dead clan to do it? As long as there is, we will definitely help you do it properly!"

The curse stood up and paced in the empty palace.

"Is the master of Dead Sect Sect the first main god, the emperor?"

"Haha! This can be regarded as a mystery on the Sword Spirit Star. In fact, I am hungry and don’t know the true identity of his old man. But it doesn’t seem to be important, right? Because what the dead sect wants is only business, you pay for it, we Do things for you, nothing more."

"Hmph, my demon army has arrived, why do you still need you?"

"Lord God, it's your business whether it's necessary or not, I'm just contacting you."

The hungry man bowed impolitely while speaking, looking very humble and humble.

The curse turned around and looked at the hungry man. He had known the old man of this human race for many years, and knew that his strength was actually terrifying. Even if he was the main god, he might not dare to provoke him easily, because behind him was more Terrible and mysterious dead sect!The death sect is not much, it is just a large number of people and complex composition, so the so-called mysterious place is actually the dead Sect Master, because he has never appeared before, and all instructions are issued from the mouth of the four old men who sits down. Yes, the hungry old man in front of him is one of the four old men.

After thinking for a long time, a smile finally hung on the curse's face, and he whispered:

"I really have an enemy who hates penetrates the bone! He is powerful and has a background. If I want to deal with him, I might have to dispatch all the Demon Legion warriors, but even this seems to be difficult because of him. His individual ability is too strong, he has reached the Sword God level!"

Guisou raised his head and stared at the curse with a pair of dry old eyes.

"Master Lord, you should be talking about Qin An, right?"

"Haha, the Dead Sect is worthy of being a huge power with apostles all over the world. It seems that my every move is already under your control! Yes, it is Qin An!"

"Does the Lord God want to take his life?"

"Yeah, is there any difficulty? He is the resurrected form of the emperor. I think the emperor should have sent someone to protect him, and he also has Xiangying, Linghua, Double Body, Nine Sons and Four Sword Gods beside him. It's so hard to kill him."

"Oh, I see."

Hungry Soo nodded, and smiled after a pause:

"Now it seems that he is about to reach the Seven Sword City Sea Fort. There are still a few resurrected sword gods over there, but they are only half gods resurrected, and there is still a gap between the strength of the real sword god."

"Sure enough, you know everything, how about it? Is it difficult to kill him?"

"Haha, of course it is difficult, but the problem will not be too big. We are just assassinating. Now there are a lot of power-suppressing drugs on Earth! Wouldn't it be easy to deal with if we let him lose his power? "

"What you said is relaxed. As far as I know, Qin An has the ability to spy on Spiritual Sense. Within the scope of his monitoring, he can't escape a single look. How can your people get close?"

"Huh, Lord Lord, you still underestimated our dead sect! Qin An is now on the Tianji Fortress spaceship, that was the super battleship built by Bing Ji back then! Tell you a secret, in fact, on that battleship, at least I am dead now. One hundred strong men of Zong!"

"Oh really?"

The curse was a little unbelievable.

"Of course it is true, there are some big ghosts among them! The worms are also on that ship."

"The worm ghost is by Qin An?"

The curse's eyes became sharp.

"Yes, the insect ghost is more famous, so I mentioned his name. But beside Qin An, we actually have stronger lurkers. As long as you need, I can activate them immediately, in less than a day. , You can get his dead body! Hmph, some of us went to the emperor before, and wanted him to give us some benefits, but that guy relied on being the father of the sword spirit and the first main god, and he didn’t even see it. We. So, if someone is willing to pay for their lives, we are very happy to have ended up Qin An!"

The curse's face was originally smiling, but after a while, one of his faces became gloomy.

"Hey, forget it, there are a few sword gods beside me, I'll send them to do it!"

"Master Curse, you should know that although the sword gods around you are powerful, they are not necessarily good at killing people! Because in this world, no one is stronger in this Realm than our dead sect! Nine god-tier Clan is not good, I think you have to admit this, right?"

"Yes, I do admit it! Hey, it's just that the deity is now a poor man, what do you want? Sword Spirit Stones? I may not be able to give you a lot! Hungry old man, you are telling me to kill Qin An to the end What price is it?"

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