Qin An was like a beam of light, brightening the eyes of the people in the restaurant.

After Qu Yingjia returned and returned, she brought back her man, the restaurant owner Qu Minglang.

Before they entered the private room, Ding Haitang received a text message from Qu Yingjia.

"We are arguing after our incident, my husband is coming, you and your man are honest, he is not a good talker!"

Ding Haitang was a little surprised, and showed Qin An the text message, Qin An smiled slightly:

"Finally, you, the sister who grew up with you, still has a bit of conscience. She reminded me well that her husband is not a good thing."

"Do you know her husband?"

"I do not know."

"Then how do you know his husband is not a good person?"


"The fool still has intuition?"


Seeing Ding Haitang's pretty snicker, Qin An giggled helplessly.

After drinking, he felt very comfortable, and for Qin An, he didn't remember anyone who owned him, and there was only Ding Haitang beside him.

Although there is no such throbbing between men and women, Qin An is also willing to get along well with Ding Haitang. She is a nominal wife and has lived together for a year.

At this moment, Qu Minglang, who had just arrived, greeted everyone with a smile on his face.

"It's really welcome! Xiaojia grew up in an orphanage. She used to be good brothers and sisters with all of you, and everyone took good care of her. She often talked to me about your good. Our family opened a hotel. You guys in the future Come to the party once a month, and I will only pay for it, so please don’t be polite."

Qu Minglang has a kind attitude, a amiable smile, a decent speech, and looks like a really nice person.

At least all the people present except Qin An and Ding Haitang already had a good impression of him, and they all stood up to express their gratitude.

Qin An originally wanted to continue sitting, but was pulled up by Ding Haitang and toasted with everyone.

After the greeting, Qu Minglang finally entered the topic.

"Listen to Xiaojia, we have a Bacchus here? Zang Xue who has already drunk a box? Is it for the respected superstar?"

As he spoke, Qu Minglang's eyes swept across everyone, and finally fell to Qin An.

Qin An's momentum is very calm and conspicuous, and it is impossible for Qu Minglang to ignore it.

"Oh, it's me, Mr. Qu, my drink is really good. The Tibetan snow wine is not enough for me. If I can replace it with the real fire shochu specialty of Real Fire Palace, that would be great!"

Qin An took the initiative to speak, and the crowd was shocked as soon as he said this.

"Real fire shochu?"

This thing is not something ordinary people can drink! There are many brands of real fire shochu. Real fire palace brewed this kind of wine a few years ago, and later produced many counterfeit products. In order to distinguish it from fake wine, Real Fire Palace adjusted the formula and added the sword Spiritual Qi compound.

In many Fantasy novels, Spiritual Qi, Xianqi, Douqi, etc. are very impressive, but no one has specifically described what they are.

After the sword Spiritual Qi invaded the earth in large quantities, humans have conducted extensive research on it, and the sword spirit race has also achieved certain results in the research of the sword Spiritual Qi.

The so-called sword Spiritual Qi is actually a mixed stable element composed of multiple material elements.

This concept is a bit complicated. The first thing that can be determined is that the sword Spiritual Qi is not a pure thing, it is composed of multiple trinos.

So the reason why it is classified as a kind of trinos is because the combination of these multiple material trinos forms another kind of trinos with uniform characteristics.

The sword spirit race has its own concept of the trinity. The trinity is the most basic element of the concept. It is infinitely small and can be truly felt without instruments or abilities. It can only be determined by the law of material evolution of the sword spirit planet to determine their existence. It can then chemically react with other substances to form trino compounds and appear.

Trinites constitute everything, matter, law, character, life and death, emotions, virtual, and real. Everything is constituted by trinos.

On this basis, there is an extension of the concept of trinity, which is actually a kind of living body, and may even have some kind of wisdom.

Therefore, the operation of the Universe actually has a certain law under the control of trinos, whether it is repeated or crossed in parallel. This is really the source of the law of material evolution, and it is true that some powerful supernaturalists can predict the future of science and giants.

Then the sword Spiritual Qi itself is a kind of trinos, and the structure of this kind of trinos is complicated. Therefore, there is a sword spirit scientific view that there are ultratrinos under the trinos. One of the characteristics of the big contradiction is stability, and the other is the ability to combine.

Any substance combined with the sword Spiritual Qi trinity will have a variety of wonderful effects.

Like the sword Spiritual Qi steel, the sword Spiritual Qi medicine, and the sword Spiritual Qi's real fire soju.

Ordinary people with this kind of shochu will get drunk directly after one sip, those with strong physical realm can only drink one bottle, those with super physical realm can’t drink a bottle, and those with spiritual realm can only drink three bottles. Sword God level ability players can drink more than ten bottles. Real fire wine is a kind of elixir, after drinking it can Ascension very strong ability, some abilities that reach the critical point of upgrading can be directly upgraded after drinking. It's just that this kind of wine will not be absorbed quickly in the body, and the stay period is about a year, which means that you can't drink it again in a year after drinking it once, otherwise it will cause harm to the body.

Qin An is now calling for real fire shochu, which is a bit crazy.

Although it is not priceless, real fire wine is indeed very expensive. Generally, only those with higher status can drink it. There is a bottle of stock in the restaurant for the reception of VIPs, and it is not sold at all on weekdays.

Qu Minglang is not an idiot villain, and the look in Qin An's eyes is already very cautious.

Why would he make such a request to provoke?

Or is he trying to warn himself? If you can drink a cup of real fire, your strength can reach the physical state, at least ten upgraded or above.

It is not easy for earth human beings to reach the super-body state.

After smelling his heart, Qu Minglang smiled and said, "It seems that the brother is really the god of wine, Xiaojia, don't you introduce it?"

"Oh, he is the husband of our sisters in the orphanage, called Qin An! Do you remember the Ding Haitang I mentioned? She is our flower back then."

Qu Yingjia's tone was a little cautious, because she had been frightened by Qin An.

What is this really? Why would you want to drink real fire wine? If you don’t have the ability to drink this kind of wine, you will be burnt to death!

Qu Minglang stopped Qu Yingjia's words, frowned slightly, wondering how the name Qin An is so familiar?

At this time, Qu Yingjia added: "Qin An is the Fang Xiaobao of the Fang family."

Qu Minglang suddenly realized, then his eyes widened.


The man in front of him turned out to be the down-and-out boy from the Fang family, Fang Xiaobao?

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