"Father, the four-year young disciple power contest is coming again, and all the Fang family juniors have returned."

The owner of the family, Fang Yuandong, has silver hair and a long white beard.

The eldest son Fang Yuanmeng was already an eighty-eight-year-old man, and he looked very young.

After listening to Fang Yuanmeng's words, Fang Yuandong, who sat steadily in his chair and closed his eyes and drinking tea, pondered for a long time, and then suddenly said:

"What is your little grandson's name? He lives in the old house."

Fang Yuanmeng's face was immediately green.

"Fang Xiaobao is the youngest son of my third oldest son. Hmph, this kid is stupid. He changed his name to Qin An. He is very stubborn. There is really no way he can do it."

"After all, it's the blood of the Fang family. Even if he changes his name, he can't change this fact! Since he likes to be called Qin An, let him call him. In the future, he will be renamed Fang Qin'an. At least one surname must be added!"

"Yes, my father."

"Also, he has always lived outside the house, right?"

"Well, the personnel in the mansion are complicated, so the third child placed him outside the mansion. Originally, he was given two servants to serve him. There had been instances of slaves and deceit before. My daughter-in-law felt sorry for owning her son, so she took all the servants. Dismissed, I have personally taken care of it for many years. Two years ago, the youngest found a girl with good looks and good character in the orphanage and married her into the house. Now she takes care of the kid. This girl is fine, although With Fang...Qin An has no real husband and wife, but he also abides by women's way and can complete the task of taking care of Qin An."

"Okay, let the youngest tell Qin An, let him participate in this year's new disciple power contest."

This sentence was a bit sudden, and Fang Yuandong was stunned.

"My father, but this kid

"You want to say he is stupid?"


"I don't know if I was stupid before, but three months ago, my spy discovered that he was not acting like a stupid at all. I investigated the Violet Tavern near our house. The lady boss there is a supernatural person, very beautiful. As far as I know, Qin An has been going there for free drinking, and the lady boss has confiscated a penny from him! This is obviously abnormal. I don’t know the reason yet. I will leave it to you to do the rest and find out what’s hidden inside. Also, if this Fang Qin'an is not stupid, let him return to the family. Isn't he also your grandson?"

"It's okay to return to the family, but do you want him to sign up for the power contest? He has no powers! Although the third child and his daughter-in-law are strong powers, this child does not seem to have inherited."

"Even if it is the second generation, the third generation of supernatural powers has a time limit for awakening, not to mention the fourth generation, it is normal to wake up a few years later. How long have you not seen this child? How do you know that he is still an ordinary person? That's it. , You go and sign up for him. Some of the powers’ genes rune are inside the body, so they can’t be seen from the outside. When he comes back, he will be tested for an upgraded level before the competition starts. I have heard that he should There are some abilities!"

"Oh? Father, please make it clear."

"This kid is very resistant. No matter how badly he was injured, he just needs to sleep. For this reason, your grand-daughter-in-law brought him to the test, but there was no result. This happened in eight months. Before, I want to check it out for him personally."

"So that's the case, then I will sign up for him when I turn around, and then let my third wife to notify him of the competition."

A little curiosity in Fang Yuanmeng's heart finally dissipated, and he felt that if this grandson really awakened from the power, it would be normal, after all, he had the blood of the power. Afterwards, he would pay attention to this grandson and Violet Tavern. The only thing that needs to be concerned is whether this kid is stupid or not.

During the conversation between the Fang family's head and his son, Qu Minglang had already taken out the real fire wine he had stored.

Qin An was not polite, and without even speaking, he took up a whole bottle of wine and drank it up.

Now people are dumbfounded, and even those with strong physical abilities can't drink just a bottle, so why is this idiot able to? The most important thing is that he was safe and sound after drinking. Could it be said that he drank fake wine? Qu Minglang is more stingy and is not willing to bring out the real wine?

Qu Minglang himself was very angry after being shocked.

Naturally what he took out was real wine, but he didn't expect Qin An to really drink it up! This f*ck is an expensive bottle of wine! The value can be compared with half of his restaurant!

Although he was unusually angry, Qu Minglang maintained his demeanor, and his face was pale and squeezed out a smile.

"Haha, brother is really good drinker! But are you really Fang Xiaobao? As far as I know, this descendant of the Fang family is a fool with no abilities! And you can drink soju in one breath, this upgraded level should be Have you reached level 20 or above? Have you surpassed the realm of the strong body and entered the realm of the super body?"

At this moment, Qin An was full of food and drink. In fact, he could drink out a few more bottles of real fire shochu, but he knew that there was no stock of this kind of real fire shochu in this restaurant.

Therefore, his interest disappeared, and he felt that it would be meaningless to continue to stay here to greet the strangers here and to say some useless gossip, so he pretended to be drunk and even pulled Ding Haitang up and turned away.

"Don’t talk, don’t talk, drink too much! Boss Qu, and the beautiful boss! I will say goodbye, Qin An, next time if I have this opportunity again, I will definitely call me. I am a family member! Haha!"

While talking, Qin An pulled Ding Haitang, who was astonished, to the top of the stairs.

A group of people in the room were still shocked by Qin An's drinking a bottle of real fire wine before, but now they are stunned again.

Who is this person?

Talk to the boss of Renjiaqu and ask for wine, drink the wine without saying anything, and run away after drinking?

This is really rude. Although it is not a civilized society nowadays, the life in the city of Kowloon is also considered comfortable, and people must maintain demeanor and etiquette when getting along with each other. Why is Qin An like an alien?

Qu Yingjia felt that she couldn't get off the stage, so she immediately wanted to rush to Ding Haitang, but was stopped by Qu Minglang.

"Okay, people have to go if they drink too much. You and I shouldn't stop it. Ying Jia, you continue to greet your friends, and I will be fine when I come to meet! There are still many things to do... . Everyone, eat slowly and talk slowly, and I'll leave!"

While speaking, Qu Minglang also turned around and left, his face was full of fierceness when he turned his back to the people!

He quickly returned to his own office, picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

"Little San, send someone to keep up with that kid! Also, inform the Chengnan Gang and let them take action to kill him and his woman! The wind is getting tight recently, and our restaurant is short of ingredients! Let them send some masters, that kid might Very strong!"

After issuing the assassination order, Qu Minglang slammed the phone away, the ferocious expression on his face did not slow down at all.

At this moment, he suddenly found a figure standing in the corner!

"You...Qin An? Fang Xiaobao? When did you come in? Come on! Come on!"

After being surprised, Qu Minglang realized the crisis and hurriedly shouted.

Qin An didn't move, with a sneer hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"I can't run away! I can't call anyone, because this room has been sealed by the barrier! Boss Qu, I didn't expect to see you again so soon. In fact, if you don't make this call, I might still save your life. ! After all, you are just reselling human flesh, not the culprit! I am not a nosy person, but occasionally kill some people who are too annoying! Your life is not good, I hate it!"

"What are you talking about? You want to kill me? Qin An, killing is illegal, don't be impulsive! Although it is the end of the world, this is the city of Hangzhou under the control of the Seven Swords Empire. We have the law!"

"Law? Okay, then I'll tell you about the law! Half a year ago, you killed a pair of innocent mother and daughter, and served a roasted mother and daughter meat feast for the so-called nobles in the city! A year ago you did it for To please the rich and powerful in the city, staged a live-cooking drama in the wild! These are two stains in your life, which will never be erased! I don’t even bother to mention the other big and small ones! Qu Minglang, I think Are you not convinced to judge you in the name of Heaven's Punishment?"


Qu Minglang was completely dumbfounded.

These two things are extremely secretive, how can they be known?

What is the origin of this man in front of him?

Forget it, now I can't manage that much, it's still important to find a way to save my life!

"Brother, listen to me! I have called the Chengnan Gang, if you kill me now, then the superpower they sent will kill you too! Why don't we make an exchange, you let me go, Then I'll call Chengnan Gang, so that they don't trouble you anymore?"

Qin An smiled and shook his head:

"You know, I'm actually pretty lonely now, I have nothing to do every day, so I'm not afraid of trouble, I just hope that the trouble will come a little bit more! If I'm afraid, I will do it before you call! Go with peace of mind, I will Let your eldest wife and those assassins go to bury with you later. Your eldest wife is a guy with a worse character than you. You can barely be regarded as a pair of mandarin ducks. After you kill you and her, your property will become. It's Qu Yingjia's. She is a cautious woman who dislikes poverty and loves wealth, and her personality is a bit frivolous. I think soon after you die, there will be a man who will sleep with her instead of you, sleeping with your woman, and spending your money. , Hit your naughty five-year-old son! Hmph, this is your destiny!"

Qu Minglang is completely scared! Who is the man in front of you? It seems to know everything about him.

Kneeling on the ground, Qu Minglang kept kowtowing his head, praying for forgiveness. He was no longer as fierce as he was before. He was just an ordinary fifth-level upgraded, and he knew very well that he could never be the opponent of the man in front of him.

It's really unlucky to get home today, why did he follow Qu Yingjia to see Qin An, it turned out to be the scourge of own once and again!

Qin An didn't pay attention to Qu Minglang at all, turned around and just raised a fist with one hand.

Qu Minglang's body was immediately comfortable, as if an invisible hand grabbed him.

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