Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1594 Love rival?

Qin Yana didn't know why she came to the south of the city. No one believed it, she came with the wind.

For so many years, Qin Yana still has only one power, that is, he can become a little red leaf along with the clothes she wears.

After turning into red leaves and moving with the wind, she could fly, so she was blown to the south of the city in a daze.

When a girl gets older, she has troubles.

Originally Yana and Aunt Xiangming could talk best. The two people were about the same age. Although there was a difference in seniority, they had always been in a relationship with sisters.

But after Qin Xiangming and Lanshan got married, they started to circle around her husband most of the time every day, and now they basically regard Qin Yana as an accessory, and occasionally ran out for a date or left in a hurry before staying together.

This made Qin Yana really tangled.

The other Little Sisters were all ages different from Yana, so she was lonely for a while and became a lonely family.

Slowly she learned to be alone, go shopping alone, go to a restaurant alone, and become a little red leaf drifting in the wind.

Just like today.

After turning back to true, Yana smelled the scent of mala Tang from a long distance away. Her taste ability had actually been awakened, and she was very good at smelling it.

So along the way, Qin Yana finally found this Mala Tang stall.

"Give me a bowl, the dishes are the same as this girl."

A handsome and seemingly weak teenager suddenly appeared and sat opposite Qin Yana.

Qin Yana frowned slightly, and then said politely:

"My son, aren't there other tables over there? Sorry, I want to sit alone, okay?"

The name Gongzi is now the generational name for young men in the Kowloon Empire. This is spread in accordance with the habits of the Eastern tribes. After all, the number of Eastern tribes in the Kowloon Empire is the largest.

Although they were all of the same race with yellow skin and dark eyes, from the details of the handsome face of the young man, Qin Yana still judged that his identity should be an oriental race.

"Haha, girl! There are indeed a lot of tables here, but I just want to sit across from you and look at you carefully?"

what! ?

Qin Yana's face blushed. Did she meet a pervert? He was so direct!

Looking closely, this man is really white, with delicate features, and his eyes are sharp and clear, so he doesn't look like a pervert.

No, who stipulates that a pervert can't be a handsome guy?

The gentle Yana cocked her mouth, looked at the two tables next to her, and said very dull:

"In other words, if I change places now, you will follow?"

"Well, you follow the wind, and I walk on the wind. I don’t know if I am holding you or you are entwining me like a silk. Now that we have the fate of this encounter, we can sit down and eat something together. There is nothing wrong with it!"

Yana was stunned, looking straight at the young man and couldn't say a word for a long time.

What does he mean?

Could it be that he was discovered by him when he turned into a little red leaf and flew? Then he followed own all the way?

Yana's face became even more flushed at the thought of this, and she was at a loss for a while.

Qin An looked at the bad boy coldly, feeling a little upset.

But the movements of his hands did not stop, and within a while, he made two bowls of spicy and spicy and gave them to them.

Qin Yana didn't speak any more when she saw the food came, lowered her head and ate quickly. She planned to flash someone right after eating. Even if the opponent is a supernatural person, she shouldn't be able to catch own, because she can become Xiao Hongye and fly into the sky.

Seeing Qin Yana sullen her head to eat, the teenager knew that she should be shy, so she thought this girl was more cute.

He took out a metal needle made of a special material and put it down in the spicy tang. Seeing that there was no response from the metal needle, the boy safely put away the needle and picked up the chopsticks to prepare to eat.

Qin An curled his lips on one side. This kid was quite cautious. He used a needle to test whether there are any supernatural inhibitor drugs in Mala Tang. This is what most supernaturalists would do when walking in Rivers and Lakes, because nowadays supernatural power is suppressed. The drugs are too rampant to prevent.

It's a pity, no matter how clever this kid is, he can't think of it, he really added special condiments to Mala Tang.

When thinking like this, the boy took a bite of the greens and put it in his mouth, frowned just after chewing, and then looked sharply at Qin An.

Qin An was unmoved, as plain as water, but a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

He poured half a bottle of mustard in Mala Tang. He might cry this bad boy who wants to molest the little girl, right?

The supernatural person is not in Vajra's body, and has a normal response to stimuli from external objects.

Therefore, the boy was so hot that he shed tears, vomited food and coughed violently twice.

He originally wanted to get angry right away, but suddenly found that the girl opposite was still eating quietly, and it seemed that the food was delicious, and she was eating very sweet.

Raising his hand and wiping tears, the boy began to ponder.

Why is mine so spicy, but the beauty opposite is not spicy?

Did the boss accidentally put the wrong materials? probably not!

I haven’t noticed just now. It seems not easy to look at this young boss carefully. He was calm from beginning to end, and he didn’t say a word with himself or the girl opposite. This is obviously abnormal. How could it be possible for a business person to do business? So unenthusiastic?

So if his identity is not simple, why would he harm himself?

It's not harmful. Putting so many spicy things in the food is more like a prank.

Why is there such a prank?

The boy glanced back and forth between the shop owner and the girl opposite, and finally came up with an answer that made him a little bit ridiculous.

Could it be that this girl often comes here to eat, so this boss has a crush on someone?

So seeing that he is very passionate about the girl, he is jealous, so he intentionally bad himself?

Well, this answer seems to make sense.

Although there is still a beautiful proprietress next to the boss, although the empire has planned the marriage law many times, the monogamy system of the earth natives before the end of the world has not been restored. It is very common for several people to form a family life together.

In other words, this little boss has every opportunity to pursue the opposite girl.

The boy felt very speechless. He had come all the way to the city south of the Kowloon Empire because he had big things to do.

Later, he was attracted by a small red leaf to follow. As a result, in a place where no one was there, the red leaf turned into a beautiful girl. He fell in love at first sight, and then came to strike up a conversation. Unexpectedly, he would encounter a rival in love before he succeeded. NS.

It doesn't matter, he can't have general knowledge with ordinary people, he is still willing to abide by fair competition, because he is confident enough in himself.

At this moment, new customers came to the stall.

"Boss, here are two bowls of Mala Tang. Seeing you are so young, I don't know if you can make the taste before the end of the world?"

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