Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1595 Butterfly Effect

Qin An seems to be a movie-watcher. Under the background of the city, he can instantly know all the people and things in the city.

Hanghai City has an area of ​​16,000 square kilometers. It is a square building system with a side length of 400 kilometers. Eighteen small cities listed vertically and horizontally along the border and connected city walls constitute the entire Hanghai City.

In other words, the detection capability of Qin An's Spiritual Sense can now detect an area with a radius of up to 400 kilometers, which is a bit exaggerated.

When he closes his eyes and settles down, he can know everything.

An hour ago.

The daughter-in-law of Lao Jin's house in the west of the city was stealing, and the old Zhao next door stepped in over the wall and hugged her directly in the woman's room.

"Baby! I want to die, let me touch it twice!"

"Ah! You, a dead man who has suffered a thousand swords, don't want to live anymore, do you? Oh my god, with such a strong hand, are you trying to squeeze me?"

"Haha, you are meat and eggs, and they are not inflated. Don't worry, don't squeeze them!"

"Why do you have the courage to run over under the light of this starry night?"

"I heard it at the door just now, Lao Jin said that he is going to the night shift today, and he will come back after the dawn of the bloody night. You are all mine tonight!"

"Huh, dead ghost, aren't you Lao Jin's brother? You come to play with his wife if he is not at home?"

"Cut, you little wave hoof likes to be played by me. I'm a brother's wife who is cheaper. It can be regarded as helping the brother to resolve the conflict between husband and wife! You will be comfortable, and you will live well with my brother. It's screaming and attracting butterflies!"

Lao Jin's wife laughed loudly when she heard that Zhao kicked Lao Zhao out of the bed.

Lao Zhao sat on the ground and was stunned. After seeing Lao Jin's wife for a long time, he said:

"What are you laughing at?"

"Haha, I'm laughing at you, melon baby, playing with other people's wives even found out the reason for such a shit! Okay, come up, get it up, and get back to your house!"

"Hey! I'm here!"

While talking, Lao Zhao jumped into bed, and soon went overboard with Lao Jin's wife.

This situation has been repeated in fact. The two people have been affair for half a year, but today is obviously different, because Lao Jin forgot to bring the water bottle, so he returned and heard all this just before entering the room.

He was heartbroken, his best neighbor, old buddy, and own mother-in-law got together, and it was obviously not the first time that the two of them were so close and familiar.

What should he do? Do you rush in to catch the rape?

The angry Lao Jin originally planned to do this, but before pushing the door he stopped and withdrew his hand that wanted to open the door.

He imagined what he saw after pushing the door open.

Lao Zhao was pressing on his wife naked, so he might be touching her Naoko with his hands!

Oh my God, Lao Jin felt that he couldn't accept that such a thing happened before his eyes, so he became weak, and finally did not rush into the room, but ran into the street.

The light of the starry night is extremely beautiful, but it can't wash away one's sorrow, and can't wash away one's suppressed anger.

An old lady who was walking in a hurry collided with Lao Jin and fell to the ground.

"Eh, you, a dog with no eyes, are blind, right? Hit someone?"


These three words irritated Lao Jin. He felt that he was indeed blind. How could he marry such a lewd woman, how could he be brothers with such a shameless neighbor?

Standing in a daze, his body swayed and dizzy.At this time, the old lady yelled at Lao Jin, but at the same time she got up and wanted to leave.

Lao Jin finally couldn't bear it, and vented his anger on the old lady, and stepped forward to punch and kick her, but she fainted, and finally died!

In a dilapidated house only 100 meters away from the scene of the death of the old lady, a man and a woman hugged each other and wept with joy!

"Daqiang, my grandma didn't come! She didn't come! I made an appointment with her. If she doesn't show up after this time, then she agreed to let me marry you! Honey, I can be your wife in the future NS!"

How could the girl named Xiaocui know that Grandma Own had been beaten to death by an angry man on the street 100 meters away.

"Really? It's true? Great! Grandma finally agreed to our marriage! Xiaocui, I'm so happy! That's great!"

The young man cried with joy, and the young woman lay crying in the man's arms.

In the backyard of the house, a night pedestrian was going to pass by, and stopped when he heard the cry of men and women in the room.

What's wrong? Crying and laughing? Having a mental illness?

The night walker stopped because he was too curious, hiding in the window to watch, and he saw a pair of men and women embracing each other.

"Haha, it turns out that it was a young man who was intimacy here. What a good mood! The city of the Kowloon Empire is really comfortable, and the outside is turbulent. They are still in the mood to love men and women here. Living in such a comfortable life in the last days will suffer. Damn it...Fuck, this girl doll is so beautiful!"

Nightwalker inadvertently saw Xiao Cui's face, and when he spoke, his face was ascending with a lewd smile.

"Why don't Daddy have fun first, Dage should be able to wait for me if you go later!"

Talking to himself up to this point, he slammed in through the window, killed the man, and knocked the woman out with his hands.

"Haha, looks really good, baby, I'm here!"

The night walker stripped off all his own clothes, threw himself on the bed, and pressed Xiao Cui under him, freely releasing the man's wildness and desire.

He originally didn't want to delay too long, just want to refresh and leave, but after ten minutes of activity on Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui suddenly woke up and shouted desperately.

"Help! Help me! Who are you? You bad guy!"

"Damn! Gagged your mouth and made you scream! Haha, originally I just wanted to play casually, but now it’s more fun when you wake up, daddy was originally not interested in dead meat, and you have more taste when you are awake. Come on my baby!"

This time, the night walker was refreshed, so he had completely forgotten the time.

Five kilometers away, south of the city.

Six night walkers gathered in a small courtyard.

"How did you do it? Why hasn't the fourth child arrived yet? Could something happen?"

"It is possible that although we are very careful, the defense system of the Kowloon Empire is too strong! Now that we have turned on the sound shielding magnetic field, the opponent's supernatural powers will soon find us, although it is impossible for us to be the only one in this great city. Turn on the sound to shield the magnetic field, but once they monitor our whereabouts, it will be an exposure. It does not matter if we leak, but the action will not succeed!"

"Then what to do? Isn't the assassination plan executed?"

"The fourth child is the strongest among us. Our plan to assassinate the Qin Patriarch Weng Lan must have seven of us together in order to be foolproof, because our abilities need to cooperate with each other to achieve the Sword God level effect. Now that the old man Fourth, there was an abnormal problem, and if we did not rush to meet with us within the specified time, then the plan would have to be delayed!"

With the decision, the six people did not delay, quickly dispersed and hid into the night of Hanghai City, pretending to be ordinary people again.

At this time, Weng Lan was sitting alone on the balcony of the old house, holding a piece of paper with words in his hand, and looking up at the clear night sky.

The Qin Mansion is very large and was built on the flat ground behind the old house.

The community has been abandoned, and other residential buildings have been demolished and converted to cultivated land in the Qin Mansion. Only the building where Qin An and Weng Lan lived for seven years has not been demolished. Weng Lan renovated and reorganized the house and occasionally returned here to live alone.

Speaking of which, the Patriarch Weng Lan is very incompetent, because she hardly needs to be in charge.

There is Qiu Jinse inside the Qin family and Tang Yu outside. Qin Beichen and Qin Sanchuan can stand alone. Qin Potian, as the leader of the Qin army, assisted by Ada Suli and Caitlin, has been able to manage the entire Qin army by himself. The surrounding area of ​​Qin's Mansion is full of artificial lakes.

Therefore, Weng Lan was really relaxed. The reason why she was able to become the head of the Qin family was entirely because she was Qin An's favorite woman, and was the eldest wife who had been married to Qin An for seven years.

Although nine years have passed since the Battle of the West Coast of United States, Weng Lan still has not freed from her sorrow.

She missed Qin An, and couldn't forget the scenes of Qin Xiaoyan, Lan Yue and other female bloody battles with enemies.

It turns out that she is so narrow-minded. It turns out that there will be so many women in this world who might love Qin An more than herself! They can tolerate Qin An having other women, and they can die for Qin An!

A drop of tears slowly fell, and Weng Lan was sad again.

"Hey, why are you crying again?"

Tang Yu's voice remembered behind Weng Lan.

"Ah...are you here?"

"Yeah, tell me how to cry?"


Weng Lan put the paper with the words in her hand behind her with some restraint, as if she didn't want Tang Yu to pay attention.

Who is Tang Yu? A quick glance to know Weng Lan's intentions, so she no longer cares about Weng Lan's privacy, and then she said in the previous question:

"Pick you back to the mansion. If you want to come to eat Zhaili Buddha, I'm afraid it won't work. Those little unscrupulous people cry and make trouble all day. Yu Qingcheng's girl Haiyue will take away all the crying every night. The child has been born since birth. I slept with you, so I was a little uncomfortable to leave you. Yu Qingcheng lacked motherhood a few years ago. Although we have been much better with Life in the past two years, she still has little experience and patience with children. Tian Tian and Haiyue are sulking. Sometimes she can cry herself with anger. Haha, it's ridiculous to say that such a big sword god is helpless with his own daughter. There is also Yali from the Beichen family and Yahua from the Jiusi family, which is strange to say, you too No more taking care of them than me and Qiu Jinse, but these children are not easy to take after being taken by you. They just like you and don't like us. I can only say that these children are too bully, and follow their grandfather, father, I can't give up to you!"

Hearing the sourness in Tang Yu's tone, Weng Lan smiled and wiped away her tears. "How old are you? You are jealous with the children! They are not your husband!"

"Cut, I'm not too lazy because the child eats your jealousy. It was Qiu Jinse who was sulking. A few years ago, she was the king of children. Now, together with her few boys, they all like to be close to you even more. Qiu Jinse was not neglected for this, but people may still feel unhappy."

"Also nonsense, Jinse is not that stingy!"

"Haha! Alright, alright! I'm the only one who is jealous, you and Qiu Jinse are both kings of children, and both are Qin An's favorite women, alright!"

Looking at Tang Yu's plain and gentle smile, Weng Lan's face was a little apologetic.

She walked over and took Tang Yu's hand, and said softly and gently:

"If he can be resurrected, I will personally let him carry the sedan chair and marry you in! Speaking of which he owes you a wedding, a promise!"

Tang Yu's expression did not change in particular, shook his head, and also said softly:

"First, he is dead and can never be resurrected again! Second, even if he lives, I want him to come and marry me voluntarily, why do I need you to give orders?"

Speaking of the end, Tang Yu's face finally showed a little aggrieved look. When Weng Lan caught him, he could only hold Tang Yu's hands with both hands, which was a kind of comfort.

The written paper that was originally held by Weng Lan drifted away with the wind, and then drifted into the distance.

The little red leaf is entangled with the written paper, walks with the wind, and landed together.

Xiao Hongye eventually became Qin Yana, and she took the piece of paper in her hand.

Qin Yana frowned slightly, and then lightly read what was written on the paper.

"June 7, 2015, Yin!

Weng Lan has been away for a long time, and I, a man named Qin An, are still at home alone.

There were more and more zombies. I didn't know how to escape. I was a little desperate. When I woke up in the morning, I really wanted to die, so I went to the balcony. I thought that as long as I jumped down from there, I should be able to die, but when I saw the zombies walking below, I dispelled the idea of ​​jumping off the building. If I jumped down and turned into mud, then my flesh and blood will be disgusted by this group of zombies. Of creatures are eaten as food!

I don't want this to happen, so I am willing to die! Thank the zombies for saving me, thank them for their life-saving grace!

When I thought about it, I suddenly felt that I was lucky, and the zombies were not that annoying.

Compared to zombies, I should be more cruel to that low-hearted, mean woman! He who said he wanted to have one couple for a lifetime, even left me! I really want to catch her back and kill it first, and then kill it when it's finished! damn it

Qin Yana was dumbfounded when there was no content in the diary here.

Ah...is this a single page of Grandpa's diary? Why did you float here?The cheap woman he mentioned is Grandma Weng Lan?

Qin Yana's forehead seemed to be sweating, just because of Qin An's last statement on the diary page.

It's really awkward, and you have to fork and kill grandma first, and then kill again...In my memory, grandpa is a handsome and graceful man. It turns out that he would have such dirty little thoughts in his heart a few years ago. I wrote it back in my diary and was seen by my granddaughter today.

Who can look at Grandpa's relics? Naturally grandma Weng Lan.

Qin Yana guessed that Weng Lan must have tore it off after seeing this page of notes. Who would not be angry when such a vicious narrative was full? It is estimated that grandma would want to pull Grandpa Qin An from the underground house and beat him up, right?

Grandpa couldn't be resurrected, so this piece of paper was naturally unlucky. After it was abandoned, it eventually fell into own hands.

Speaking of this, Qin Yana folds the note pages neatly into the space container ring.

Since it is grandpa's relic, it is natural to keep it, no matter whether it is good or bad, it will be the memory and taste of grandpa.

Qin Yana missed Qin An, and she still kept the small spoon that Qin An gave her back then.

Because of that spoon, Yana had the potential to eat food since she was a child, and she has not changed yet.

She was still remembering Qin An's taste the moment before, and then she was attracted by the smell of spicy hot. So she was unlucky enough to meet the handsome boy and was violently molested.

Then Qin Yana was not only followed by the handsome boy on the way, but also noticed by the other two when she transformed from a small Hongye into a human form.

They are one man and one woman, one old and one young, one ugly and one beautiful.

"Hua Yan, what did you hear that little girl say?"

"She is reading the diary. It was written by Qin An. I think she has some kind of relationship with Qin An, right? Look at her expression just now, and it was shocked."

"Oh? The girl who has a relationship with Qin An? That's great! Let's go, accompany grandpa to take a look, she looks very beautiful, if it is Qin An's offspring, that would be great! Haha, the old man was killed by Qin An back then , How can I resolve the hatred if this hatred is not reported!"

The woman named Huayan shook her chest, took the old man's hand and put it on her chest to let him knead.

"Grandpa rest assured, if she is really a descendant of Qin An, Hua Yan promises to let you play with her! In this Hanghai City, there will never be more than five people who can beat me!"

"Good good, you really are a filial good baby, haha!"

The event is like a web,

If Lao Jin's wife did not steal, Lao Jin would not go to the streets and kill the old woman.

If the old lady could find Daqiang and Xiaocui sooner, they would not cry frantically and cry with joy.

If the night walker didn't hear the woman's wry laugh, he wouldn't be there to delay time.

If seven night walkers gather together, they have already launched an assassination of Weng Lan.

If someone came to assassinate Weng Lan, Weng Lan might not throw it away because she didn't want Tang Yu to see the contents of the diary page.

If the diary were not floating in Qin Yana's hands, Qin Yana would not read it out and reveal her identity.

If you don’t know that Qin Yana and Qin An are likely to be related, then the Mala Tang booth will not attract such two guests again!

With a sneer on the corners of Qin An's mouth, he delivered two bowls of mala Tang to the hands of the man and the woman, then turned and returned to the back of the own booth.

He had to see what kind of drama it was!

As a super power who can control the entire city's information, Qin An only finds it ridiculous.

The other four people who sat there had something to do with him.

Qin An understands all the history of another Qin An, and it is too simple to investigate a person with his ability.

Therefore, he knew that Yana was Qin An's granddaughter, and that the boy was called Adadilan, the Little Brother of Adanaren, the wife of Qin An's friend Guo Sihai.

As for the later man and woman Qin An did not know their identities, but before they came, Qin An heard the conversation between them, and Qin An also has the ability to see through people’s hearts and the past of others, even though these two are powerful. , Qin An still learned a little bit of information and learned the origins of this ugly old man.

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