Ding Haitang still didn't notice it, and didn't know that the situation here was already very complicated.

"It's great, we finally opened!"

She whispered in Qin An's ear, her eyes full of surprises.

Hua Yan, a beautiful woman who came with the old man, glanced at Ding Haitang with a pair of charming eyes.

Qin An was unmoved, she could see that this woman should also have abnormal hearing, so she should think that she and Ding Haitang are really ordinary small businessmen, right?

Anyway, it's okay to be idle anyway, watching the show while waiting for the development of the situation.

I heard that Guo Sihai’s little brother-in-law Adadilan is a hateful character, and that ugly old man has gone through many years of non-stop efforts to finally reach the peak of his strength before entering Kowloon City and wanting to trouble the Qin family.

Hmph, Qin An wanted to see if the ugly old man would eventually want to deal with Qin Yana, and would this Adadilan come out for Qin Yana? If he can protect Qin Yana without fear of the ugly old man, Qin An can give him a passing score.

After this thought, Qin An was entangled again, and the human mind was indeed complicated. He had previously thought not to have any contact with the Qin family anymore. Now Qin Yana may encounter danger when he arrives, and his heart is actually affected. .

Is this the so-called blood thicker than water? Could it be that the emotions deep in his soul have not been completely exhausted? How else would there be such reactions and thoughts?

At this time, the young Adadilan was still trying to tease Qin Yana.

Qin Yana was a shy character when she was a child, and she became more ladylike when she grew older. Therefore, facing a very proactive boy like Adadilan, she has no defense at all, so she can only lower her head and eat, and she is still thinking about it. Run away immediately? This is not good either! Wouldn't it be a pity to have such a delicious Mala Tang if you ran away?

Ah, hold on, anyway, the bad man in front of him is just playing tricks, and he didn't offend himself.

Thinking about this, Qin Yana began to adjust her attention, counting sheep in her heart while eating. This was really a good way. She could no longer hear the buzzing of Adadilan in her ears.

Qin An, who could see through Qin Yana's thoughts, finally smiled.

This is really a lovely girl. Will she really have that kind of relationship with herself?

If it is, it seems pretty good too.

It's just that in Qin An's heart, he is still young. If he has a girl who is about the same size as he looks to be a granddaughter, then it would be a bit weird according to the thinking of people on earth.

Qin An's thinking mode still takes the thinking of the natives of the earth as the main body of the end times.

"Begonia, it's too early. Why don't you go home and clean up the room? Oh, by the way, take my bed to your room by the way. The weather is strangely cold. I want to sleep in your room tonight."

"Hey, yes, the weather is getting more and more weird. The temperature difference between day and night is very large these days. I heard that it was because an ice planet teleported from the sword spirit star, although the distance from the earth did not cause A big earthquake like the bimonthly disaster, but it makes the temperature

Halfway through the conversation, Ding Haitang paused and finally realized what Qin An said just now.

"You said you want to sleep in my room tonight?"

"Yeah, let's go and get warm in the quilt, and wait for Young Master to go home so that there will be a hot quilt to sleep in!"

Qin An lay on Ding Haitang's ear to talk, making Ding Haitang itchy and goose bumps all over.

Standing in place and being shy for a long time, she finally woke up completely. She didn't dare to talk to Qin An anymore, and she didn't dare to look in his eyes. She hurriedly ran away. conscience.

Qin An looked at the back of Ding Haitang's departure. The reason why she was transferred away was because he didn't want the violence happening here to scare her for a while.

Then, maybe he should also enter into the obligation of being a husband. Now that he has decided to start a new life, he can’t keep on dragging it on. Whether he loves deeply is actually not that important. It’s a lucky thing to have someone to live with him. .The ugly old man took a bite of Mala Tang, and then he slapped the table hard.

"Haha, brother! Your spicy spicy soup is really authentic. It is said that the spicy spicy soup originated on the banks of the Yangtze River. At first, boatmen and trackers created the simple and unique way of eating spicy spicy soup. From Yibin to Sanxia. In the Jiāng Liú region of Sichuan, due to the turbulent currents, the trackers have become an indispensable scenery. After pulling the fibers, they set up rocks by the river, set up earthen jars, picked up some branches for firewood, and scooped a few scoops of river water. , Everything is made on the spot, if there are vegetables, put vegetables, if there are no vegetables, pull out some wild vegetables to fill up, and then add sea pepper, Chinese pepper and other seasonings, rinse and eat it, not only can fruit belly, but also can drive cold and dampness. This way of eating. Because of its simplicity and ease of use, it spread quickly along the river. Later, the hawkers on the wharf saw the business opportunities in it, so they transformed the dishes and stoves and placed them at both ends of the burden. The working people became frequent customers with their burdens. The early stage Mala Tang launched by these vendors is very flavorful. I have eaten it once, and it is really delicious. Before the end of the world, Mala Tang has been popular all over the country, but the taste is strange. I didn’t expect that after so many years in the end of the world, you can still eat such a pure Sichuan-Chongqing spicy mala Tang! Brother, although the technology is rough, you are inherited from the ancestors, right?"

Qin An didn't expect the ugly old man to be a foodie. He didn't answer the conversation, but just nodded slightly.

The ugly old man didn't need Qin An's answer. He just used Qin An to show that own is just that. People who like to pretend to. Force always need an audience, but he doesn't need the audience to express any opinions.

The coquettish Huayan has no interest in the ugly old man's Mala Tang, but she is very fond of Adadilan who is chatting with Qin Yana.

I have to say that Adadilan is very attractive and a real handsome guy.

The tall, slender and fit body, the skin is more delicate like a woman, and the bronze color reveals the domineering man.

Perfect! At least in Huayan's eyes, this man is perfect.

Hua Yan is not the granddaughter of the ugly old man, and they have no blood relationship.

Moreover, Hua Yan is not a human being on earth at all, she is much older than the ugly old man.

This woman is a coquettish stunner, who likes men. It is not that she is always willing to come, but she is not provocative. Men of all races are targets for her.

Seeing the handsome guy teasing the piece of wood with humorous language, Hua Yan felt that he was a funny guy more and more.

So Hua Yan got up and walked to Adadilan and Qin Yana's table and sat down gently.

"Man, is it fun to work so hard against a piece of wood? Why don't we talk about it?"

When she was speaking, Hua Yan was very coquettish, with her collar down and her chest straight.

Qin Yana is beautiful, but she is beautiful and pure, with a hint of blue.

The beauty of the flowers is like ripe grapes, they are truly beautiful, and the flowers bloom.

This is like a multiple choice question.

What kind of woman is suitable for falling in love, it must be Qin Yana's kind.

What kind of woman is suitable for Zuo Ai, most men may choose Huayan.

Qin Yana was originally afraid of the man opposite, when she suddenly heard someone talking, she raised her head in surprise, and then she was shocked by the turbulent appearance.


Someone in the world has such a beautiful breast?

More importantly, she actually exposed almost all of them, so ashamed!

Qin Yana was educated by Weng Lan and Qiu Jinse and a few old women. How could she be exposed to Hua Yan's boldness because of her subtlety and shame.

After experiencing the amazing early stage, Qin Yana raised her mouth.

This woman just said she was a wood?

Qin Yana is not happy anymore! She is the third most precious Little Princess in the Qin family. Who doesn't praise her for being smart? Now it is said to be wood!

snort! Is it tolerable or unbearable! She has a good temper, but it does not mean that she is weak.

She didn’t want to accept the accusation of a strange woman casually. There was one meatball that was not eaten. Qin Yana planned to eat it and leave. “Yeah, beauty, where did you come from? It’s so pretty! This breast This ass is hiring!"

The meatballs Qin Yana had just picked up fell back into the bowl.

She secretly raised her head and glanced at Adadiran.

This is really a big satyr meat bun! Hmph, it's really tasteless, such a woman even feels good-looking? She doesn't seem to have the same flesh, she just disdains to leak her own baby.

Jealousy is a woman's nature. A woman who is not jealous will not have the true love of a man.

This sentence was told by Tang Yu's mother. Qin Yana didn't think it was the truth, but there was some truth in it.

The little girl who was thinking about running away was attracted by the boy who looked very annoying, and felt that he seemed to be even more annoying with shoes, and what he said was also annoying. How could there be such a man in the world? Get bored with yourself, The next moment praises other women for being pretty! Qin Yana forgot everything for a while, only remembering to be sulking.

"However, I am still very picky! I am not interested in a person like you, a woman who is tasted by many people with red lips. Don't deny it, I only need to look at it to know how many men you are crawling. After all, I just need to smell you, and I feel like vomiting! So if it's convenient, get out of my sight and stay away from my little red leaves. Her purity is not something you are qualified to taint!"

As soon as Adadilan spoke these words, Hua Yan and Qin Yana were both stunned.

Qin Yana raised her head again, her eyes fell on Adadilan's face, completely shocked.

She never expected that this seemingly rogue man would not be seduced by such a seductive woman? How can this be?

More importantly, what does he say he is? Pure little red leaves? OMG! She has never been described as such. Is she so good?

When it was over, Qin Yana blushed in an instant, her heart beating!

She is indeed the cutest girl in the third generation of Qin's family. Whether it is Little Brother Little Sister who is younger than her, or the elders of the family, they all love her and treat her as a baby Gada.

So she put a lot of pressure on the young men around her.

Such a beautiful Qin Yana could not have no suitors.

Speaking of which boys who had a good impression of her appeared five years ago.

The kid just wrote a small note to Qin Yana to express his favor, but Qin Potian found out.

As Yana’s little Uncle, Qin Potian heard that a boy dared to molest his own baby niece, and immediately ran over and knocked out his chin with a punch. The poor boy lay at home for six months before he recovered. Talking becomes a big tongue, the mouth can't close together, and I can't chew even when I eat.

This incident had a great impact on Yana, because after that, until now, no male creatures outside the Qin family dared to approach Qin Yana.

There were a few lies that he wanted to try without Qin Potian's action at all. Qin Huxiao took a few little brothers to follow Qin Potian's example, and directly scared people away.

It is the nature of men to protect the genes of women in the family, so too many men in the family is not a good thing for women occasionally.

Qin Yana didn't care at first, and when she grew up to the marriageable age, she felt that she should find her partner before she discovered the problems around her.

No man dares to follow her, she can't take the initiative to pursue others!

Therefore, Qin Yana is not only youthful in front of men, but also a complete white. Nowadays, hearing Adadilan use such sensational words to describe her, she naturally can't stand it, so her gorgeous face blushed.

On the other side, Hua Yan's face was flushed, but angry.

She had never met a man who was so incomprehensible, and she had simply humiliated her.

Her face quickly turned cold, Hua Yan squinted her eyes, looked at Adadilan in reality, and then raised a sneer at Qin Yana.

"Is that a pure little red leaf? Haha, since you like her so much, then I must destroy her! I will make her impure, make her very dirty! The four ghosts of Yin Hong , This woman will be rewarded to you! Remember, don't play with her to death, you must torture slowly!"

As Huayan spoke, the nearby space wrinkled, and the four ghosts of Yin Hong appeared slowly!

A chill shot into Qin An's eyes.It seems that the protagonist is not this ugly old man, but a woman called Huayan.

Ghost races are also distinguished.

This ugly old man is no one else, but Lin Ping, the undead king who reincarnated after the death of the first host of the ghost sword god.

Qin An knows this story. In the dark city of Russia, Qin Patriarch Qin An once killed Lin Ping. It is not difficult for Qin An today to investigate.

The Undead Ghost King established a ghost tribe whose main body is the resurrection of the souls of life forms on earth after death.

It's just that this ghost race can't get on the table at all, and there is almost no trace of it being submerged in the great migration of alien creatures in the post-apocalyptic era.

The real ghost tribe is one of the nine sword gods. They believe in ghost generals. Of course, some powerful super ghosts are unbelievers, and they only act according to their own preferences.

The woman named Huayan in front of her should be a real ghost of the Nine Great Sword God Race.

Now that the ghost will be with the undead queen, Qin An knows some information, it seems that the ghost clan led by the undead king is already the young man of the dark gold empire.

The purpose of the ghost king Lin Ping came to Hanghai City this time is to find the Qin family for revenge, and Hua Yan should be his helper.

Time flies. Although Qin An does not have Lin Ping in his memory, he has read the novel about the dangerous city in the last days written by Panda Run. It seems that Lin Ping is a handsome boy in the book, but it is a pity that he has become such a pair now. Ghost-like.

Qin An has always felt that he is the reincarnation of the Qin Family Patriarch, and the reason for his resurrection seems to be due to the ability of the Dark Ghost Sword God.

Qin An investigated the specific details but didn't get much information, because this was originally something that nobody knew.

If they were both undead kings, Qin An and Lin Ping might be of the same kind.

Qin An understood his own strength, and he couldn't find a reference to compare. To him, the female sword gods of the Qin family are weak creatures.

Where is Lin Ping? He reappeared many years after becoming the King of Undead, is he as strong as himself?

In fact, Qin An's thinking like this is a bit redundant, his experience is completely different from Lin Ping's.

After Qin An died, his soul wandered for several years and was reborn with Fang Xiaobao’s body. It was protected by the power of the ancestor of Magical Beasts, and was a brand new soul existence that merged with the laws of the earth, heaven and earth. At that time, he also absorbed the sword of the black armored iron beast. Spirit of God! Therefore, Qin An is a biological species that has never appeared on the earth or even the entire sword spirit star.

This is just an accident!

For example, like the sun, people think that this Star is magical. Only with its existence can the earth have life forms and the solar system can revolve.

The appearance of such a magical sun is also accidental, and there is no rule or law that can guarantee the sun to rise.

This is the case for Qin An, a perverted high-level soul species. No one could have imagined that before he appeared, he would have surpassed everything after he appeared. His light should even shimmer than the sun, but he did not reveal himself.

After seeing everything and knowing that Hua Yan, a granddaughter, might be more difficult to deal with than the ghost king Lin Ping, Qin An felt that this drama should be even more exciting.

In the chaotic space nearby, there are actually many ghosts hidden!

Lin Ping obviously came to Hanghai City this time with preparation. He has waited for many years to find Qin An, the enemy who killed him!

Sitting on the small bench, Qin An breathed out, and closed his eyes as if bored.

Then it doesn't matter if you open your eyes or not, because Qin An can control everything even with his ears.

After the Yin-red Four Ghosts appeared, Adadilan's face finally changed slightly.

"Huh! Are you from the Black Gold Empire or from the Four Sects?"

"Ah, little handsome guy, you are so knowledgeable. When you see that I am a ghost, you can almost guess my origin. Tell you, I am from the Dark Golden Empire! There are eleven dark ghosts under the ghost generals, and I am One of them, Bed Demon Huayan! Haha, back then I was an innocent little girl, and then I was invaded by foreign races and eventually killed in bed by many foreign monsters, so I am a Bed Demon, and my voice is going to be in my life. Playing on the bed with men! Little handsome guy, you can’t get out of the hands of the slave house. When I and you are happy for a while, you will also see that pure little red leaf being played by the four ghosts of Yin and red. This is not very refreshing. Is it something? Hahaha!"

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