Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1597 Another World

When Hua Yan spoke, Adadilan had already hugged Qin Yana into his arms and stepped aside.

He felt the strong pressure from Hua Yan and the four ghosts of Yin Hong, and immediately protected Qin Yana.

Qin Yana didn't appreciate it, she was not so courageous by nature, and when she saw four terrifying monsters appeared, she was so frightened that she turned into a little red leaf and flew into the air.

The Four Ghosts of Yin and Red are ghost creatures from the Star of Sword Spirit.

Their bodies are fleshy balls with a diameter of one meter, and the fleshy balls are covered with thick tentacles, which are naturally used to deal with women.

Under the impact of powerful desires, they become ghosts, without a human form, and their bodies are covered with such ugly and terrifying organs.

The source of the power of the Yin-Red Four Ghosts and the sword Spiritual Qi, but they are not sword repairers. They belong to the sword Spiritual Qi transformation ability. The skills that can be displayed are not fixed. In principle, they use the transformation energy of the sword Spiritual Qi as Means of attack and defense.

They had locked Mental Energy to Qin Yana a long time ago, so when she became Hongye, four mental energy attacks attacked Xiao Hongye together.

Qin Yana felt dizzy for a while, and when she couldn't maintain her transformation state, she fell from the sky again in a human form.

Adadilan stepped up five meters and put Qin Yana firmly into her arms and landed.

"Hey, my little Hongye, don't be afraid, just these little chick Young Masters don't take it to heart!"

"You can say things like this little chick? Are you not an alien?"

Qin Yana uttered a depressed voice, only feeling ashamed to be held tightly by Adadilan, because one of the other's arms had already squashed her chest!

The reason why the girl is shy and sensitive is because her body has not been touched by men other than herself, so she can't adapt.

The reason why a young woman is promiscuous is because her body has been ravaged in every way, so she knows the fun and caters to enjoyment.

Qin Yana was an out-and-out young girl. Her chest was pinched by her strong arms and she immediately couldn't breathe. She was naturally uncomfortable and nervous. She even forgot to be afraid and started shouting and choking people.

"Haha, it's just a dialect of the natives of the earth. Is it rare to live in your Young Master?"

"You are a native of the earth! You are not my Young Master!"

Although the tone of Qin Yana's mouth was still a bit disgusting, her mood was a lot more relaxed, because Adadilan had already placed her on the ground, only holding her hand to block her behind.

Is she protected? After the original feeling of being protected was so real, it turned out to be so reassuring.

Oh my God, her palms are sweating, obviously this kid's palms are not so hot!

Just when Qin Yana took a breath, Adadilan suddenly hugged her tightly and flashed again.

"Ah! What are you doing

Qin Yana didn't finish her words, and suddenly shut up.

Because she saw the blood soaring from his shoulder when she flashed with Adadiran.

This man was injured to save himself?

With this kind of thought, all Qin Yana's emotions turned into soft fingers for a while, but she felt that this man should not be that bad, but he bleeds for herself!

Qiu Jinse once said that if a woman is willing to shed tears for a man, it is deep love, and if a man is willing to shed blood for a woman, it is deep love.

At that time Qin Yana thought it seemed very reasonable, but Tang Yu didn't expect Tang Yu to add another sentence.

If a woman is willing to shed blood for a man, then it is deep love, if a man is willing to shed tears for a woman, then it is true love.

After saying these words, Tang Yu was stared fiercely by Weng Lan and Qiu Jinse.

Qin Yana hadn't understood Tang Yu's words for many years, but she remembered all the two sentences Qiu Jinse and Tang Yu had said in her heart.

Nowadays some men shed blood for her, should she shed some tears for others?

No, no, she has nothing to do with him!In a daze, Qin Yana raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, then she became silly.

Oh my God, she actually shed tears, how could this happen?

I really hate myself, she is too fragile, she was scared to cry when she encountered some danger, she was not because of this man!

Adadilan was not as relaxed as Qin Yana at this time, and there was no time to worry about gains and losses.

Because the enemy on the opposite side is indeed very powerful.

He just reacted a little slower, and the opponent's sword spirit gas, which was faster than the speed of light and shadow, scratched his arm and injured him.

The attack power of the four ghosts of Yin and Hong had been very strong, but Adadilan knew that the stronger enemy was the coquettish-looking woman and the ugly old man.

I was in a hurry this time, and I didn't bring any of my subordinates. I originally wanted to see the situation of the beast tide first, but it was a complete accident when I met Xiao Hongye.

But Adadilan is not a fearful person, and he does have a very good impression of Qin Yana.

He could also see now that this woman and the ugly old man seemed to be not interested in drinking, they should have come to Qin Yana, all of their attention was focused on her!

Even so, it is impossible for him to escape by himself.

Isn’t it just being outnumbered? Even if there are countless ghosts hidden in the void, he will never leave Qin Yana.

At this time, Adadilan had all thoughts in Qin An's mind, which made him feel uncomfortable again, and thought that this kid really couldn't fault it.

It seems that he fell in love with Qin Yana at first sight, still sincere!

Qin An finally had to admit that to the Qin family, he was far from being as calm as he thought. Again, maybe blood is thicker than water, even if his body has become another man, but for the super soul body reincarnation, his body elements are basically all rebuilt, so if he just died, The Patriarch of the Qin Family, then the blood flowing in his body is probably still Qin An's.

"Hmph, I have also heard of the names of the four ghosts of Yin and Hong. They have done a lot of evil in the three northern provinces, but I didn't expect that they are also the pawns of others, but you can only be cannon fodder in the end!"

While talking, Adadilan finally started to fight back.

If this world is a book, it must be a challenge for the author.

Because this is different from the various upgrade systems in the fantasy novel world, the many aliens from the sword spirit star and the labyrinth world have brought countless abilities.

Various attributes such as magic, enchantment, seal, space, teleportation, Martial Skill, etc. are messy and chaotic.

Only unexpected, there is no form of ability that will not appear.

As a four-spirit sword repairer, Adadilan possesses four major skills that are very bizarre, even on the Sword Spirit Star. Moreover, his four Sword God abilities are unlimited. Although he himself has not reached the Demigod level, his Sword God skills are not even immune to the Sword God.

In an instant, the situation suddenly changed, and Qin An couldn't completely resist this illusion change. He immediately fell into it, the real space was still, and people entered another world.

It was windy and windy, and the Killing intent was overwhelming. There was a dense forest in front of me. There was a big mountain in the dense forest that was not too high but was very wide.

Qin An frowned slightly, looked at himself for a while, and found that there was no change in his state and his abilities were all present, but he was trapped invisibly.

What kind of ability is this?

Qin An raised his eyes and looked around. After a while, he suddenly realized that a few kilometers away, there was an ugly five-meter-tall humanoid Lotus Position sitting in his mouth, muttering words.

This monster has an indigo face, white fangs, and a big mouth. The matted sideburns on both sides are dyed with rouge; three or four purple moustaches are like litchi buds. The nose arch like a parrot, the bright eyes like stars, two big fists, and a pair of blue feet are not small. He was wearing a monk's robe and a blood-red sword on his back! It looks out of tune with the yellow Buddhist clothing.

Who is this person?

When Qin An was puzzled, the white bone in the ground suddenly stood up, and then raw flesh became a gorgeous beauty.

Qin An almost vomited blood when he saw that this naked woman turned out to be Qin Yana?

Fuck, what are you doing?

When Qin An was puzzled, another layer of white clothing was born on Qin Yana's body, and then she vomited.

"What the hell should I do? Please god-tier save me!"

The woman knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, as if she only had Qin Yana's appearance, but without Qin Yana's soul, another person lived in her body.

There was no clue to the monster's face at this time, but what he said was also a bit sad.

"Princess Baihua Shame, you were originally the lady who was wearing the incense of the temple, and I was one of the twenty-eight nights, Kui Mulang, we met to go down to the world to facilitate the fate, but after you became a prisoner, you forgot about me! For twelve years, because I am ugly and afraid and hate me. After twelve years, I still can't make you fall in love with me! Now you are dead when you die, and there is nothing I can do about it!"

"No! You can resurrect the bones! There must be a way! I don't want to die, please help me!"

"Hey...I want to save you now unless the Buddha comes to the world

At this point, the monster's eyes suddenly widened.

"Speaking of Buddha, I think of a person! Jin Chanzi has been reincarnated as the original body of the tenth generation of cultivation. This body has a little Yuanyang unloaded. It is a good fortune that will not be encountered in 10,000 years. If you can eat his meat, you may be able to prolong your life. Rebirth may also be possible! This secret is only known to Master Guanyin and Daxian Zhenyuan. I happened to hear about it from Daxian Zhenyuan! So if we can catch the reincarnation body of Jin Chanzi, maybe we can bring you back to life. !"

"Really? How do you catch him?"

"I use Magic power to help you become deified first. This place seems to be the only way for Jin Chanzi to go to the west. As long as he comes, then we should have a chance to succeed!"

While talking, the monster suddenly made a move and counted points behind the woman.

Four huge white and gold characters suddenly appeared, and eventually became a tattoo. Rune penetrated the woman's clothes and fell on her smooth back.

"Mrs. Bones"?

Qin An's face was already dumbfounded to the extreme.

What the hell is this mud horse? Does the bone spirit appear in mind? This illusion of Adadilan turned out to be a scene from Journey to the West?

Just when Qin An thought so, the monster changed its appearance because it lost part of its skill and became an ugly old man.

I fuck!

Qin An was stunned again, because this ugly old man was the ghost king Lin Ping!

What is going on is really confusing.

"Okay! Now you are Mrs. White Bone, and you are stronger than me! I can't go to the sky anymore. I can only be a yellow robe monster. Let's wait in this White Tiger Ridge bone cave. Among those traveling with the cicada is Ma Wen, you have to be careful."

"Who is Bute Mawen?"

"A monkey, there was a riot in the Heavenly Palace back then, and the Buddha shot him to suppress him at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain! Madam White Bone, head-to-head with him is hard to do with our strengths, so plan well!"

After saying this, Huangpaoguai turned and left, his eyes full of sadness.

As a former god-tier, now he has exposed the secret that eating Tang monk meat can last forever. What kind of Karma will he get? Huangpao Guai didn't know, and couldn't think of it.

At this moment, even the flesh on Qin An's face was trembling.

Really f*ck is okay, the ghost king Lin Ping actually thought that she was a monster in yellow robe, and Qin Yana really felt that she was a lady of bones.

Ah...I don't know what the illusion ability of Adadilan is.

When Qin An was in a daze, the situation changed suddenly and time flew by.

The Bone Lady in the bone cave has four little demons. It is the four ghosts of Yin and Red that have changed. They have become four fascinating little Bone Girls, but the Magic Power is not much different from ordinary people, and it is no longer Yin. The Realm of the Red Four Ghosts.

At the foot of Wanzi Mountain, four people and one horse came slowly.

The monk who was sitting immediately was Tang Seng, and Qin An turned on Super Sight to see that it was Adadilan at all.

Trying to probe his mind, Qin An was immediately dumbfounded. In the psychedelic world opened by Adadilan himself, he had completely entered the role, thinking he was Tang Seng.

That monkey and Monk Sha looked almost as they imagined, and that pig Bajie...Qin An almost fainted when he saw it! Because this is obviously a female version of Zhu Bajie, who else could it be if it wasn't Hua Yan?

The pig Bajie shows her breasts. The fat of her breasts does not look beautiful, but Hua Yan also talks about showing her breasts now. Although she is full of flesh, she looks sexy and seductive, that is, Qin An has calmness, otherwise it is estimated to be Nosebleeds.

Qin An felt more and more interesting, so he flew onto a tree, leaned on the trunk, raised a hand, picked a leaf and put it in his mouth, intending to quietly enjoy this scene of dog-blood drama.

"Master! I starved to death of my old pig! Hurry up and think of a way! The monks sweep the floor without hurting the lives of the ants, cherish the moth gauze and the lights, and starve me to death in a while, you will violate the precepts! Then watch Tathagata! The old man won't clean up you! He will also hold you under Wuzhi Mountain for hundreds of years!"

"Bajie, don't talk nonsense! How can you be disrespectful to the Buddha?"Tang Seng seriously criticized Zhu Bajie, then frowned and shook his head, smiling bitterly:

"Um...Bajie, can you pull up your clothes? A sow should pay attention to her own image and see how you look like this!"

Damn it!

Qin An accidentally fell off the tree trunk and was completely conquered by Tang Seng's line!

"Haha! You old pig, put on your clothes quickly and don't stain the eyes of the master and your monkey brother!"

"Hey! What's the matter, my old pig is a daughter and a man! It's not my fault to reincarnate and become a sow!"

"Second Sister, the word "sow" is not used by ordinary intelligent creatures to describe themselves in the human world. This is stupid!"

"Go go! The old pig is a pig, what do I say if I don't describe myself like that?"

Qin An, who climbed back to the trunk again, nodded, thinking that what Zhu Bajie said was really reasonable.

Ah, let's look at it, and see how this ability can kill the enemy.

Now Adadiran has forgotten who he is, that is to say, the way to kill the enemy should be completed after the law of space controls the development of the situation.

Qin An had to sigh, except that he was not controlled, everyone in the space had obviously been controlled. They had lost their original abilities and memories, and had the identity and abilities of a new character.

Then this space and the real space should not be synchronized, and there is no intersection, which means that the real space should be in a stagnant state after the psychedelic space is opened.

If the law of the psychedelic space can kill several enemies, then it is equivalent to saying that Adadilan can kill Huayan, Lin Ping, and the ghosts hidden around them in real space.

By the way, in other words, the two characters Sun Wukong and Monk Sha should be the same as the four ghosts of Yin Hong, and they are both ghost soldiers hidden in the space.

Qin An’s interest was completely activated. He summoned a card for recording spells, and then began to be a photographer. He planned to shoot this scene of the white bone spirit, and then it would be a gift to Qin Yana, and let her watch it. See what she looks like in her own interpretation of the white bone spirit.

"There is Monster Qi!"

Sun Wukong found the enemy very cleverly.

At this moment, a beautiful and pure woman walked out of the dense forest at the foot of the mountain.

"Wow, what is this! Master, look, there is a beautiful girl over there! Haha, she is carrying a big food box?"

The old pig's eyebrows and eyes were all smiling, and the two masses of meat on his chest trembled up and down at the same time because of the shaking of his body, which made people feel palpitation.

Tang Seng seemed to be in a good mood, and said softly:

"Amitābha, I finally met a mountain man, now I can ask for directions."

"Master, there is no one within ten miles of Fangyuan. How could a mountain man appear? Humph! I think she must be a monster!"

"Go and go, dead monkey, you see everyone is a monster! Heheheh, master, don’t listen to him, look at that little lady who is facing innocent and kind, how could she be a monster? The dead monkey will follow you along the way. I haven't used his ability to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace, so I'm worrying. Everyone feels like a monster. Just want to express yourself. Don't listen to him."

"Yeah! Ba Jie makes sense. Don't be too suspicious of Wukong. You can arrange your clothes quickly. Don't frighten this girl. Let's just stand here and wait for her to come over!"

The monkey immediately scratched his head when he heard what the master said, full of anxiety.

He has fiery eyes. Although he can't see through the monsters at a glance, he can see the same, so he knows that this woman is definitely not an ordinary human being.

But the master and the younger brothers actually believed her, how can this be good?

When the monkey was extremely depressed, the beautiful young lady transformed by Mrs. Bones had already come to Tang Seng's eyes.

Mrs. Bone was very nervous, because her magic power was low, let alone the Monkey King's Bi Mawen Sun Wukong, even Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha were very difficult to deal with. Obviously, the little ghosts under his own do not have any effect, and the yellow-robed monsters living in the mountains and forests are even more useless. After saving himself, his Magic power continues to weaken, and it is even worse than own little ghosts.

Thinking about this, Mrs. White Bone slowly raised her head, saw Tang Seng's face, and then slightly stunned.

There are video ripples of spell cards on Qin An's palm, recording everything a dozen faces away.

After seeing Madame White Bone, Qin Yana, raised her head, she started to cough repeatedly at the face of Tang Seng, and turned on the magnetic field of the ground seal barrier to avoid revealing herself.

Really f*ck is dog blood. This is really different from the official history of Journey to the West. Let’s see how Tang Seng, who is transformed by Adadilan, leads three apprentices to fight against the bones!

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