The few guys who were with Fang Xiaoming were all his natal relatives.

There are 13 wives that Fang Xiaoming is marrying, and there are even more lovers. In these women's families, there are always some who are greedy for the power of the Fang family, so the other side Xiaoming's words are obedient and become his dog.

"Brother Xiaoming, look, that lady is here!"

A dog-legged and flattering report to Fang Xiaoming.

Fang Xiaoming, who was squatting in front of Fang's back door and eating melon seeds, raised his head and fixed his eyes on Ding Haitang's body.

Ding Haitang's dressing level today is very high, which is already the highest configuration for her travel after marriage.

With long jet black hair hanging down on his shoulders, the charming earlobe mountain wears two somewhat large silver hoop earrings. The combination of black hair and big earrings makes her look charming.

A piece of white flesh was exposed under the long erect neck. Although it was low-cut, it did not reveal a little gully. This time, people's eyes moved downward after seeing the piece of white flesh, because it was proud of under the tights. Protruding and shocking, because they were wrapped tightly and distressed, scratching the heart and scratching the liver.

This white tight-fitting shirt is not a famous brand, but it fits Ding Haitang very well.

Not only did he highlight his chest, he also revealed the waist that was gripped with a full grip.

Downward is a pair of beige slim-fitting semi-tight trousers.

The so-called semi-tight fit means that it is not firmly connected to the body, but it can show the body under the clothes completely.

Ding Haitang has a pair of very long legs. In Qin An's opinion, the most beautiful part of this woman may be these legs and the small, crystal-clear jade feet.

At this time, Yuzu Mountain was wearing a pair of sandals, and all ten small toes were exposed, and light pink nail polish was smeared on them.

In general, Ding Haitang's dress is actually very simple, but harmonious, the breath released is elegant, high-quality, and impeccable.

Fang Xiaoming narrowed his eyes slightly, his mouth opened slightly, and saliva was already flowing out of the corners of his mouth. When he squatted there, a bulge appeared in his crotch.

Haitang and Qin An had already reached the back door at this time, so they were only a few meters away from Fang Xiaoming.

Haitang saw the greedy light in Fang Xiaoming’s eyes, so he dared not look at him again. Instead, he firmly held Qin An’s hand while firmly resting his body on Qin An’s arm. The rich bulge was already hidden in Qin An. Between his arms, it seemed that he didn't want to be seen by outsiders.

"Fool, come here early? Hey, Haitang, what's the point of seeing you dressed him up like a dog? He's just a fool!"

When Fang Xiaoming spoke, he took a few shrimp soldiers and crabs to block Qin An and Haitang's path.

"He's not stupid! Fang Xiaoming, we are here to participate in the power contest, I hope you won't make trouble!"

Hearing that Qin An was called a fool by Fang Xiaoming, all Haitang's fear instantly turned into courage!

Her man is indeed not stupid, so she can't accept someone's blasphemy against Qin An.

Qin An felt Haitang's thoughts, and a little touch rose in his heart.

Hey, Haitang is still worth loving.

She was miserable and lonely when she was a child, and she grew up to marry a fool. Now that her own soul has descended into Fang Xiaobao's body, she should also be held responsible for her.

In fact, she can live a life like a queen, but Qin An knows that her request is simple, that is, she hopes to have a stable family, just like a man who loves her.

Qin An accidentally discovered his own preferences.

In fact, Weng Lan, Qiu Jinse, and Liu Xia are all such women. They don't have too many demands, and Xiao Happiness can satisfy them.

To sum it up in one sentence, this kind of woman should be regarded as a person who is calm about Life. They are not without desires, but they are really indifferent to fame and fortune.

He looked at Fang Xiaoming, but Fang Xiaoming ignored Qin An, and kept his eyes on Haitang's body.

The corners of Qin An's mouth raised, his head leaned over Haitang's ear, and he spoke softly:

"Well, the drama is about to start!"

"What kind of drama? You see how annoying he is, always look at me!"

Haitang also whispered to Qin An.

Seeing the two intimately whispering, Fang Xiaoming finally turned his attention to Qin An, his expression gloomy.

"Yo? I'm not stupid anymore? Are you talking behind human fiction? Hey, do you want to do something? Is there anything that our brothers can't hear? Tell me!"Qin An still ignored Fang Xiaoming, and continued to lie in Haitang's ear and said:

"Let's go ahead and go to the back door. This drama needs other members."

While talking, Qin An took Haitang's hand and walked around Fang Xiaoming and the others, before reaching the back door after a while.

Fang Xiaoming was provoked, how dare this fool ignore him?

Because of this anger, Fang Xiaoming quickly raised his leg to catch up with Qin An, and reached out behind Qin An to pat him on the shoulder.

Qin An flashed away, then grabbed Fang Xiaoming's hand and slid him smoothly.

Under the control of Qin An's powerful strength, Fang Xiaoming's body ran forward a few steps and slammed into the back door of Fang's compound.

I don't know why it was so coincidental. At this moment, the door opened, and a sexy and enchanting woman was about to walk out.

Fang Xiaoming slammed into the woman and crushed her to the ground.

"Ah! That dog thing that doesn't have eyes...Xiao Ming?"

After the woman Tsundere cursed, she was stunned.

"Fuck, Fang Jie? Why are you?"

While talking, Fang Xiaoming got up, only to find that Fang Jie was wearing very little, and there was a vacuum in a small white sling.

Suddenly, Fang Xiaoming's brain was short-circuited.

Both Qin An and Haitang could see Fang Xiaoming pressing Fang Jie on the ground at this time.

"This Fang Jie can be regarded as a distant relative of the Fang family. I don't know that it has been a few generations, so it is no longer Fang Jiaben Sect. She is now the daughter-in-law of Fang Xiaoming's half-brother Fang Datong!"

There are too many people in the fourth generation of the Fang family, so the children born to the eldest wife are considered orthodox, in large characters. The children born to the little wives are described in small print. This shows that the Fang family is a very traditional feudal-conscious family.

Fang Datong and Fang Xiaoming have the same father, but their status is different because their mothers are of different origins.

Fang Datong has good abilities and is considered a key training target in the fourth generation of the family, while Fang Xiaoming is just an inferior child with a slightly higher status than Qin An.

However, Fang Xiaoming is better than Fang Datong, that is, he knows how to please women.

Therefore, in fact, Fang Xiaoming and Fang Jie have an affair.

"How do you know Fang Jie? I have been to Fang's compound several times. Although I have seen this woman, I don't know who she is and whose wife is. How do you know? You have almost never been to Fang's house in these years. A few times, I can count it with one hand."

"Haha, I know a lot of things, beyond your imagination. Okay, let's continue watching the drama. It was an occasional scene just now, and now it is Xiangyan!"

While talking, Qin An turned on the air teleport ability, and the small sling on Jian Fangjie's chest was teleported to Fang Xiaoming's hand.

This time, the style of painting changed sharply.

What people saw was that Fang Xiaoming was pressing on Fang Jie's body, and Fang Jie was not wearing a shirt, showing her breasts, and her clothes were being held in Fang Xiaoming's hands.

This...what is going on?

Fang Xiaoming didn't react for a while, but was dazzled by the plump chest, so he subconsciously raised his hand and squeezed it twice.

"Okay! It's time to catch the rape in bed after Xiangyan drama!"


"Keep watching! Fang Jie's husband is here, that's Fang Datong!"

Qin An's voice fell, and a figure rushed from a distance.

"My sloppy horse Fang Xiaoming, do you even dare to engage with my wife?"

Fang Datong was really strange, because what he saw from a distance was that Fang Datong pressed his wife to the ground at the back door. After that, his wife’s clothes were all gone. Although he didn’t see it too clearly, the facts were already set. In front of my eyes, my wife has been picked up. Is this going to be done in the public?

Normal people will be angry, not to mention Fang Datong was originally a violent temper!

As a result, he rushed from a distance, stepped forward and kicked Fang Xiaoming to the ground, then punched and kicked him, without listening to Fang Xiaoming's explanation.

Fang Xiaoming was anxious, he was also a supernatural power, and not a scholar who had no power to restrain the chicken.

So the two of them started making big shots in the courtyard inside the back door.

Qin An pulled Haitang into the back door, then hid away to watch the play.

"It's weird, did you see clearly? Fang Jie's clothes suddenly disappeared and then it flashed that Fang Xiaoming was injured. What is going on?"

"Haha, what do you care about so much? Just watch the show."

At this time Haitang finally relaxed, with a smile on his face, and it was small and sweet, and his eyes were bent into crescents.

She turned her head to look at Qin An questioningly, and guessed:

"Husband, did you make a ghost? And, how did you know that Fang Jie would walk out of the door at that time, and how did you know that Fang Jie's husband, Fang Datong, was watching not far away? You let me Watching the show with you, can it be said that you have already expected what will happen? Is this a speculative ability?"

Qin An shook his head.

He claims to be omnipotent, but he is not really capable of everything.

For example, the art of calculation is his weakness.

However, Qin An has Spiritual Sense and mind-reading skills, so he can grasp the dynamics of nearby characters and naturally can predict what will happen in a short time. This does not require the ability of calculation, as long as it has a certain analytical power.

"I won't count, Xiao Ming is just unlucky, who made him call such a ridiculous name."


"Yeah, haven't you heard that brain teaser?"

"What kind of brain teasers, can you talk about it?"

"Speaking of Xiao Ming's father has three sons, the eldest is Da Mao, the second is Ermao, then guess what the third is called?"

"It's not easy, it's called Sanmao!"

Haitang answered without thinking.

Qin An laughed cheerfully.

"Where did Xiao Ming go?"

"Xiao Ming? Ah...Xiao Ming's father only has three sons. The eldest son is Da Mao and the second child is Er Mao, so the third child should be Xiao Ming? My God! You are still bad!"

Haitang blushed, feeling stupid, and at the same time began to resent Xiao Ming, thinking that the name was really stupid.

"Humph! Beat your chest!"

Haitang acted like a baby at Qin An, raised her small fist and gently beat Qin An's strong chest.

Qin An held her hand, and then tenderly dropped a kiss on her red lips.

Haitang was so intoxicated by the kiss, his whole body was numb.

A kiss was clear and warm, and Qin An's gentleness of charity suddenly came too suddenly. After Haitang was numb for a few seconds, there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

Yunkai Sunyueming, is she really going to come to her pains?

"Well, how to keep watching, this scene has just begun. The fun is yet to come!"

"Husband, can you control everything?"

"No, but by coincidence, I only need to add a little bit of help to the incident to move the incident in the direction I want."

Qin An is very unpredictable, and such a man is strange to Haitang, full of mysterious charm!

This is, Fang Datong has already beaten Fang Xiaoming’s nose and face with swelling. Fang Jie on one side got up and passed on the clothes. He stood there at a loss. Several of Fang Xiaoming’s prawns and crabs did not dare to step forward to help. Fang Datong was like Fang Xiaoming’s status in Fang’s house. It's much higher. In the old time, people are the sons of conquerors!

"Brother! I took it, it's all a misunderstanding, don't fight! It will be fatal for a while!"

Fang Xiaoming no longer has the power to resist, so he flees while begging for mercy.

Naturally, Fang Datong would not let this guy go, because he believed that he had been given a green hat. This was not a big deal for the folks, but it was not a trivial matter for a traditional family like the Fang family.

When Fang Xiaoming fled for his life, Qin An naturally wouldn't be idle.

Fang Xiaoming's belt broke when his mind moved slightly. He ran in a hurry, his pants fell off quickly, and he reached the knee position in a blink of an eye.


With an exclamation, Fang Xiaoming tripped over own pants and fell into a shit.Turning his head to see that Fang Datong was already less than one meter away from him, Fang Xiaoming hurriedly gave up his own pants and got up to continue to escape.

And he just ran two steps, the elastic band of the underwear was also disconnected, the underwear slipped instantly, and he shut his butt.

"Oh my God! It's disgusting!"

Haitang plunged into Qin An's arms and covered her eyes with her hands, but she was curious about what Fang Xiaoming looked like and ran away hurriedly with her bare butt, so she left a little gap in her fingers.

Qin An raised his hand and patted his butt tightly.

"Little pervert, where do you peek?"

"I didn't take a peek, I just wanted to see his ugliness, how can you expose me!"

Haitang came to act like a baby again.

Qin An feels that today this woman is also a little different from the past. As the so-called female is a person who pleases herself, Haitang is now like this. She is showing off in front of Qin An, soft, gentle, squeamish, shy, all kinds of states toss and turn. All appearances revealed inadvertently have only the sole purpose in the end, and that is to keep the man's heart.

"Well, then you can look at it openly."

"I don't want it, he also covers every aspect, I'm afraid I saw the needle eye of the president!"

Haitang had different opinions.

"Blocking? Okay, then I'll help you block, so that you can watch with confidence."

Speaking of this, Qin An's gaze narrowed slightly, and he summoned and sent a ball of flames between Xiao Ming's legs.

This kid estimates that the endocrine is very strong, so this hair is also abnormally plump.

Flames can burn, and naturally they can burn birds.

In an instant, Fang Xiaoming let out a cry like a wolf crying, rushing all the way and finally jumping into the pond to save his life, but it is estimated that the man's guy is useless, although he is a strong physical ability, but Qin An's ability damage contains With powerful energy, it is impossible for him to repair himself.

At this moment Haitang took off the hand covering his face and looked at Fang Xiaoming struggling and shouting in the water, his body trembled slightly:

"How can it catch fire? Husband, did you make it?"

At this time Qin An didn't want to hide it either.

"Yeah, I am annoyed that he looks at your evil thoughts too deeply, so a little punishment, at least he will never be able to play with women anymore. Honey, do you think I am too cruel?"

"No! You are trying to help me out! Honey, I like this drama you arranged for me, it's really beautiful!"

Haitang took the initiative to give her a hug and expressed her gratitude with a sweet smile.

Naturally, Qin An continued happily, and then no longer paid attention to the matter here, and quietly left with Haitang.

The focus here is already on Fang Xiaoming and Fang Datong and his wife, and it will be superfluous to stay with Haitang.

The Fang family compound is also very large, as if it were a closed community before the end of the world, except that there were no high floors inside. Most of them were courtyards and three-story buildings. Each courtyard lived in a large family. Of course, these people were all The children of the Fang family.

Qin An and Haitang passed through several courtyards and walked a few trails, and finally reached the gate of Fang Yunhai's house.

This house is not small, it consists of four three-story buildings connected together, and a quadrangle courtyard is surrounded by the courtyard.

Here live Fang Yunhai, Xu Sanyue and his wife.

Of course, Fang Yunhai's many female maids who live here are actually lovers, but Fang Yunhai didn't give them status.

Fang Yunhai can be regarded as a man who is devoted to love, but he is very indulgent in physical behavior, and in principle separates left love and love.

Therefore, the only wife Fang Yunhai is marrying is Xu Sanyue, while his bed partner has more than a dozen.

Xu Sanyue gave birth to two children for the Fang family, which means that Qin An also has a Big Brother called Fang Datian.

There are so many women in Fang Yunhai, it is naturally impossible for them not to have children, so Qin An also has a few half-brothers and sisters.

Qin An is not very familiar with them, but Ding Haitang has met with these people several times.

"You Dage is an honest person, and I always treat me well when I come. There is also a Big sis at home, which is similar to your age. You seem to be born on the same day. It's a pity that your father is the same and your mother is different, so you Not twins. This Big sis is called Fang Rumeng, very beautiful! He is the first beauty of your Fang family! The entire Fang family is still in the ascending period. Because the fourth generation has many children, there are many marriages and nepotism. It is deeply ingrained in the entire Kowloon Empire. This is different from the Qin family, except for Qin Beichen, almost no one has contact with the outside world."

Haitang talked about the situation at home to Qin An. Although Qin An knew these things for a long time, she was also willing to listen to Haitang, because she could distract her and stop thinking about the unhappiness when she first met Xiao Ming.

When Haitang mentioned the Qin family, Qin Anruo interjected:

"I'm afraid that the Qin family will come out and walk around in the future

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