Fang Yuandong, the head of the Fang family, was receiving his three sons and five grandsons in the family meeting room at this time.

The old man is over a hundred years old, his three sons are over eighty, and the youngest of his grandsons is over half a hundred years old.

If it weren't for the longer lifespan of the supernatural beings who looked younger, then this kind of senior family meeting would look like a tea party in a nursing home.

The three sons of Fang Yuanmeng have the strongest strength, Fang Yuanhe and Fang Yuanjia are not weak, mainly because their two families have more masters of supernatural powers.

Having been a brother for more than 80 years, the so-called family relationship has long since become a cloud.

Fang Yuandong intended to abdicate and wanted to hand over the Fang family to Fang Yuanmeng to take care of it.

The other two brothers were not convinced, and felt that their own abilities were stronger than Fang Yuan's, which is indeed true.

Fang Yuan's pioneering spirit is much worse. Fang Yuanhe is good at business and Fang Yuanjia is good at expansion. In fact, if the three brothers work together, Fang's future must be bright. The problem is that all three of them feel that they have outstanding abilities. Therefore, Fang Yuanjia is good at expanding. All want to be the next Patriarch.

Fang Yuanmeng's own problems are also more troublesome. He has three sons, Fang Yunsheng, Fang Yunjie, and Fang Yunhai.

Fang Yunsheng is lascivious but not doing his job properly. Fang Yunjie’s gambling addiction is a prodigal. Only Fang Yunhai is quite satisfactory, but he gave birth to a stupid son, which made him suffer the criticism. In a straightforward way, the Fang family thinks his genes are not good, the Fang family The orthodox bloodline must not allow him to continue.

The fourth generation of the Fang family did not have the qualifications to take over as the head of the family.

In other words, Fang Yuanmeng faced an embarrassing situation with no successor.

On the contrary, Fang Yunliang, the son of Fang Yunhe, and Fang Yunyi, the son of Fang Yunjia, are both outstanding figures in the third generation of the Fang family.

Powerful abilities, and the ability to govern the family has surpassed his father's generation.

Therefore, Fang Yuandong has been hesitant. Kangxi was able to face the conquest of Jiulong, but now Fang Yuandong has three sons but does not know how to deal with each other. This is really a headache.

At this time, the three sons had been arguing about Fang Xiaobao's affairs.

"Dage, why can't your grandson join the army? Isn't he a son of the Fang family? Since the ability contest can participate, this army will naturally also join! Nowadays, the south is raging. Our family is not the mainstay of the empire, but it is also an indispensable part of the empire's army. I have seven grandsons who are now fighting in the mountains on the southern front. The news came yesterday that one of my favorite grandsons, Fang Dayong, has been killed on the battlefield. Hmph, so this Fang Xiaobao must go to the front line unless he completely leaves the family!"

Fang Yuanjia was filled with outrage, as if Fang Yuanmeng was full of accusations.

Fang Yuanhe smiled slightly:

"The third child, have you forgotten? This Fang Xiaobao has already changed his name to Qin An. He actually left the Fang family a long time ago, but Dage is still providing him with life expenses over the years. This is a trivial matter, but It can also be seen that Dage is a person who cares for a calf. Hmph, the Fang family has training, and it’s hard for me to think about what the future Fang family will be like if Dage becomes the head of the family. It is estimated that Dage's children and grandchildren will be treated and treated in the family because they are afraid of death! And you and my children and grandchildren are going to work outside for the Fang family, even if they die on the battlefield, no one will care."

"Fang Yuanhe, what are you talking about? There is one thing you may not know. Father has approved Qin An’s name change and let him be called Fang Qin’an. Father also said that it doesn’t matter if he is willing to omit this square character, as long as his father It’s good to recognize him as a descendant of the Fang family. This child is my grandson, of course I have to take care of it. I will not abandon any descendants of the Fang family unless they do something that goes against the family’s interests. So although Qin An didn’t do anything for his family What contribution did he make, but he hasn’t done anything wrong? Why can’t I help him? Now this kid is not easy to be stupid, even if he is awakened with some abilities, he is still very junior, so I naturally want to give him a few Years of time consolidate the spiritual will and ability. At this time, it is meaningless to let him go to the battlefield. Why let him go to death?"

Fang Yuan's face blushed. In fact, he just said casually, the grandson of own has just begun to have his wisdom, and he is not suitable for going to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

Unexpectedly, the two brothers would seize this issue and hold on to many other issues.

Fang Yuan is just as his name suggests, he was a hot temper when he was young, and now that he has put away his edge when he is old, it does not mean that he will become a soft guy who will be bullied by others.Therefore, Fang Yuanmeng. Just follow them and say, what if he is an old man who protects the calf?

At this time, the old man Fang Yuandong looked depressed and waved his hand to prevent the three sons from discussing.

"Okay, okay! The three of you are more than two hundred years old together, and you make a noise when you meet, and you are not afraid of the children's jokes!"

The five brothers of the third generation of the Fang family were all sitting at the conference table. They didn’t feel much at this time, because their fathers had not quarreled for one or two days. Being connected by that bloodline, if there is no bloodline, he would have become an endless enemy.

It is also very important that the old man Fang Yuandong is still alive. If he dies, it is estimated that the Fang family will fall apart, right?

Fang Yunliang, Fang Yunyi has his own abacus in his heart, and Fang Yunhai also has his own attention, but he is more inclined to follow his father's instructions.

The other two guys Fang Yunsheng, Fang Yunjie didn't have that much thought.

What Fang Yunsheng was thinking about were the two sixteen-year-old beautiful girls who had just gotten his hands. Fang Yunjie was wondering where to get some gambling money.

At this moment, a close guard of Fang Yuandong pushed in.

"Patriarch, you have something to report."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Fang Yuandong felt that his own guard was coming at the right time, so he could calm his mind.

"Visitors from the Qin family are here! Qin Beichen, Qin Potian, Qin Huxiao, Qin Sanchuan


Fang Yuandong almost bounced from his seat, and the other people in the room were also stunned, thinking that he had a wrong hearing.

"Patriarch, I mean, the four Young Masters of Qin Family Qin Beichen, Qin Potian, Qin Sanchuan, and Qin Huxiao have escorted the Qin Family Wenglan, Tang Yu, and Qiu Jinse's wives. A total of seven of them have arrived. The reception room in the front hall of the Fang family. Fang Dahai and Fang Rumeng are receiving them, and they have just sent someone to deliver a letter, asking the owner to decide."

There was no sound in the room, and people took a breath of air-conditioning almost at the same time.

Needless to say, the identities of Weng Lan, Tang Yu, and Qiu Jinse, as the helms of the Qin family, they almost never showed up.

Then there are four adult Young Masters from the Fang family.

Qin Beichen is now in charge of the external contacts of the family. He used to be the city lord of the Tang Capital, and now there are millions of people in the north of Hanghai City who have migrated from the Tang Capital. It can be said that Qin Beichen is very strong even without the Qin family background. powerful. In addition, Qin Beichen possesses the Star-Scarred Tears Sword, and is now a true four-soul sword repairer. It is said that the power of the group attack is strong, and he is called the magic swordsman!

Qin Potian is the commander of the 100,000 Qin army, and his fame has already been established a few years ago. Possessing the Overlord Excalibur, it is said to be infinitely powerful, and one punch on the ground can cause the earth to move! In addition to the background of the Qin family, Qin Potian has other identities. He has two wives, one of whom is called Caitlin. It is said that they can count, five thousand years ago, and thirty years later, to know the estimated attributes. 'S ability is the rarest. The other wife, Ada Suri, is even more unusual. It is the Little Sister of the Queen of the Empire, Adana Ren, and the Big sis of the Iron Eagle Legion Admiral Adadilan! The Iron Eagle Legion is the largest legion of the Eastern Human Race, and its strength is by no means comparable to the ordinary Earthman Legion. Then this connection is real, and it is destined to be his honorable status.

Qin Sanchuan can be regarded as Qin Beichen's deputy, and now he is also in charge of family affairs. His own abilities are very average, but his wife and children are not simple. Qin Sanchuan has four wives. Among them, Annie is not very famous, and the other three are very famous. Mulan is the queen of tree elves, so there are more than one million tree elves living in the north of Hanghai City. They are Qin Sanchuan's private army. Mu Chen, the first warrior next to Mulan, is said to have crossed and entered Otherworld. He has a strong Martial Skill ability and has the ability to fight the Sword God. Li Suoqiu, Mu Xiaoci had joined forces to kill a Sword God Demonic Beasts that broke into Xuanjian City when he first came to Qin City in the early years, and he had also taken part in the attack of the True Fire Palace powerhouse many times. Action, strength has been proven in actual combat. Mu Xiaoci's identity is still very special, she is the love daughter of the Great Sword Saint Gulistan of the Nal Empire in the northeast of the empire. The Gnar Empire has now formed an alliance with the Kowloon Empire, with the Kowloon Empire as the main body. The Gnar Empire is considered to be a country within the Kowloon Empire. Then Mu Xiaoci has the background of the Gnar Empire, and its energy is naturally not to be underestimated. In addition, Qin Sanchuan’s daughter, Qin Yabei’s reputation is also well-known. The Nine Gods Birds have entered the maturity stage, claiming that each one has the defense and attack power of the sword god level, and is the most powerful of the seven princesses of the Qin family. girl. And Qing Yabei's husband, Shanlan, is the beneficiary of the empress's bloodline ability. Although the power is not strong, he is now serving as a servant next to the imperial capital Guo Sihai. Guo Sihai is highly regarded and is an important link between the Qin family and the high-level empire.

Qin Huxiao is the head coach of the Pioneer Camp of the Qin Army. He was not well-known when he was young. However, in the past two years, he has been genetically awakened and has become the third-generation master of the Qin family who is as famous as Qin Potian and Qin Yabei. Possessing the divine sword Tiger Roar and Longyin, it is said to be a divine sword with sound attributes. Although Qin Huxiao has never shown his strength in public, since he is claimed by the Qin family to be as famous as Qin Potian and Qin Yabei, his strength How could it be weak.

So let’s talk about the three ladies of the Qin family. Although the three of them did not show up in front of others, although the strengths of Weng Lan and Qiu Jinse are unknown, Tang Yu is too famous for the same profoundness, and it is still today. One of the most popular topics in the Empire.

Tang Yu used to be the queen of Tang Capital, and later went to Europe to form his own force. At the same time, she is also the resurrected form of one of the forty-nine sword gods in the legend. It is said that she has been completely inherited from the sword god, and is now a true sword god.

Although there are legends in the folks, the sword god is no longer a rare existence in this era. It seems that there are new sword gods in many major forces, but they have not exposed to the public after all, and Tang Yu was transmitted to know. , Can't be touched but can be seen.

In other words, the group of seven people who came to the Fang family today are the most representative figures in the Qin family today.

The Fang family is considered to be the top family in the empire. If compared with the Qin family, there is no card face. You must know that the imperial monarch Guo Sihai has to give the Qin family a bit of face. The fact that a large number of foreign enemies came to the Qin family three days ago has spread throughout the country, because Guo Sihai led a large number of supernaturalists to the Qin family in person that night. May I ask which other family in the entire empire can make Guo Sihai so inspiring?

So how could Fang Yuandong and his sons and grandchildren not be shocked when they heard that the seven most important figures of the Qin family were present, and how could they not get goosebumps.

After a daze, it was Fang Yuandong's Laocheng who was the first to react.

"Hurry, hurry! Follow me to greet them all! Mrs. Qin and the four Young Masters came to visit, and I don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse, and they all cheered up the old man's spirits!"

Fang Yuandong ran out of the room while shouting, and the other children and grandchildren followed.

Everyone’s thoughts are the same as the old man. The Qin Fang family has no personal education at all. So what are the seven heavyweights of the Qin family doing suddenly? No one really understands.

In the reception hall of the front yard of the Fang Mansion.

The seven members of the Qin family sat quietly.

Fang Dahai is the eldest son of Fang Yunliang. He is thirty-five years old this year. He is a lustful lord like his father. The only difference is that he still has some ability. Therefore, as the fourth-generation eldest grandson of the Fang family, he has already started. Manage many family affairs.

Fang Rumeng is twenty-five years old. She is the daughter of Fang Yunhai. She is known as the first beauty of the Fang family and the smartest and most capable girl in the fourth generation of the Fang family.

The two happened to be nearby, so after the family welcomed several members of the Qin family in, they took the initiative to take on the important task of receiving guests.

This is really a distinguished guest, and both of them know very well in their hearts that Grandpa Own has to bow his head when he sees these few.

Fang Dahai was very nervous at this time, thinking wildly in his heart.

Sure enough, as in the legend, the Qin family will not be old?

It stands to reason that these three ladies should be dozens of years old, so why do they still look like twenty-year-old girls? One is more beautiful than the other. If you have the opportunity to get close to each other, I don’t know what it would be like. They have been widows for many years, and they must be like wolves in bed, right?

Although his mental thoughts were nasty, Fang Dahai did not dare to reveal the slightest on the surface. After all, the four Young Masters of the Qin family were sitting there, and their prestige was thunderous to Fang Dahai.

Fang Rumeng was very calm, looking more atmospheric than the sea, mature and stable in receiving people and things, she was always chatting with the guests after they approached the living room.

"how old are you?"

Qiu Jinse asked Fang Rumeng with a smile.

"Return to Mrs. Qiu, the girl is twenty-five years old."

"Is it married?"

"Not yet. The Fang family has many children, so the elders didn't have time to deal with our marriage. I am a big-hearted person, so I was delayed."

"Oh... what a good boy. Howl, do you think Miss Fang is more beautiful than your Big sis Little Sister?"The kid Qin Huxiao has just turned eighteen this year, and he is as sincere as Qin Potian. On weekdays, he likes to get along with soldiers in military camps. The ability to receive people and things is very average, and he has no interest in women at all.

Among the four ladies of the Qin family who are still alive, Qin Huxiao respects Weng Lan the most, admires Tang Yu the most, talks the most about Yu Qingcheng, and is the most greasy to Qiu Jinse.

Because Qiu Jinse is his biological mother, he has a lot of rebellious emotions in his heart at the beginning of his childhood, so naturally the object of rebellion can only be his biological mother.

And this mother really hates it. Now every day I think about introducing someone to myself, and when I see which girl is good, I will investigate the origin of the person, and then I will ask my own attitude.

Qin Huxiao was really annoying, and would talk to Qiu Jinse when there was no one, but he didn't dare in front of Big Brother, Weng Lan's mother, and Tang Yu's mother.

Hearing the question from his mother, he could only nod vaguely, glanced over Fang Rumeng's body, and then curled his mouth.


Look at the skin, it is smooth and white, I guess it hasn't been exposed to wind or sun. The female soldiers in the Qin Army are all supernatural beings, but they practice hard all the year round, and their skin is healthy and sunny, so how could it be so white.

And her breasts, which are so big, are probably full of fat inside. The female soldiers in the Qin Army have very strong breasts, and they don't have that much meat at all.

And her waist, so slender? It is estimated that there must be little food, or I haven't practiced. The female soldiers in the army are all going to die to eat in order to complete the training mission.

Oh my God, I can't stand her slender legs, can the base of this kind of legs be stable? It is estimated that a female soldier can be kicked to the ground with one kick.

Qin Huxiao has been participating in training in the military over the years, so his aesthetics has long been distorted.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Fang Rumeng is a peerless beauty, and her appearance does not belong to Liu Xia who died that year, but now the daughter-in-law Shi Lida of the Qin family.

But all her strengths became shortcomings in Qin Huxiao's eyes, and she didn't even bother to look at it a second time.

Fang Rumeng Huizhi Lan Xin had long understood what Qiu Jinse meant.

There is no shyness, but she is a little embarrassed, wondering to herself that the Qin family is here to get married with her own family?

She was attracted by this Qin Huxiao? I heard that he is quite good, but I don’t know what his character is?

But this looks is actually not ugly, most of the Qin family have good facial features.

Qin Huxiao's appearance is medium, and his height has reached 1.8 meters. Among the four brothers who came here, he seemed to be the strongest one, and the muscles of that body were very conspicuous.

Fang Rumeng frowned slightly. She didn't like men who were too strong. He felt that a little bit of flesh was just right for men, and too much and too strong would affect their beauty.

And he is too dark, right? Own skin is also outstanding among white women.

If you stand with this man, you will be obviously unable to see the comparison.

He seems to have just turned eighteen years old, right? I am already twenty-five, seven years older than him, should she let the children play with them in the future?

After a comparative analysis, Fang Rumeng felt that he and Qin Huxiao were not appropriate, so she secretly prayed in her heart that she should never be seen by others.

Just thinking about it, Qin Huxiao's gaze had already been swept over her.

Ah? What kind of look is this? Her face was full of disgust, as if she was an ugly monster! Having lived for so many years, Fang Rumeng has never felt this way before. A man looked at her with disgust? Could it be that he doesn't like women?

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