"Well...thank you for your concern, but we will still live outside the house in the future. We are used to living and do not need to move."

While speaking, Qin An pulled his own hand out of Xu Mohua's hand, and then pulled Haitang to let her and Xu Mohua be together.

Xu Mohua took a charming look at Qin An, and then began to talk to Haitang enthusiastically, as if nothing had happened.

Qin An's thinking is actually a bit old-fashioned, in detail, it is close to the pre-apocalyptic state.

So now is the post-apocalyptic era, 2059 AD, the ninth year of the Kowloon New Calendar, almost 44 years have passed since the eruption of the apocalypse.

People's ideas have already developed by leaps and bounds in the uncertain social system of the last days.

Like Xu Mohua, she is already the third generation of the last days. Her parents were born in the year when the last days broke out, and belong to the second generation of the last days. When he grew up, he married and gave birth to Xu Mohua. Now Xu Mohua is also married, and the child born is the fourth generation of the last days.

In such a complicated apocalyptic environment, how could people's thinking continue to continue the ancient pre-apocalyptic era step by step.

Xu Mohua is an absolutely good person from Qin An's evaluation and understanding of human nature.

When she was at home, she respected her parents and made peace with friends and relatives. After getting married, she was very filial to her parents-in-law and Datian was also very good. Fang Datian was not smart, but Xu Mohua was very smart, so she also helped Datian a lot in her work.

So such a good man is not a good woman.

In Xu Mohua's concept, there is no such thing as chastity.

She can do her best for her own family, but she is not willing to be completely loyal to her husband. She feels that she can have multiple choices between men and women, and she will have a relationship with the man she likes at will.

Women like Xu Mohua are actually not uncommon in the last days. When the Kowloon Empire was still in the Star Alliance a few years ago, there was a way of combining polyandry in the law.

The Oriental people are actually older than the people on the earth in terms of thinking. They are absolutely inferior to men. Although women do not need to live by the three obedience and four virtues, but they want to have relationships with other men in marriage, this is absolutely impossible. , Will be criticized by morals.

After the Oriental people merged into the Kowloon-Liancheng society, the social atmosphere returned to its pre-apocalyptic state. The law that women can marry more at the same time was abolished, and of course the law that men can marry more was also abolished, but there is a legal loophole.

The Imperial Marriage Law clearly stipulates that after marriage, a woman is not allowed to have relationships with any other man except her husband. Then the imperial marriage law also stipulates that a man cannot marry another woman after marriage.

This rule seems to be equally binding on men and women, but in fact it is quite different before and after.

In addition to living a life, a man marries a wife for the sake of bed. The law stipulates that a woman cannot have relations with other men after marriage, so naturally no one will go back to marry her.

After a man has a daughter-in-law, the law stipulates that he cannot marry again, but there is no restriction on extramarital affairs. Therefore, men who want to find a few wives can find them, and they are fair and honest. After all, the law is not expressly prohibited, as long as they don’t give their names. ,this is nothing.

This kind of unequal legal provisions between men and women is actually not very binding.

After all, only the person concerned knows about the things in the room of the closed door men and women.

As a woman, Xu Mohua is a master at cheating.

Less than a year after joining Fang's family, she had secretly had relationships with three men except Fang Datian.

Of course, this relationship is limited to the body, and her heart is still in Fang Datian.

After all, Fang Da Deva looks good, honestly, and really loves Xu Mohua.

Therefore, Xu Mohua also loves Fang Datian, but this can't stop her from embarrassing.This is her thinking and consciousness as a third-generation woman in the last days, and it is a logical form that she cannot change.

She just feels that she can love Fang Datian deeply, but she must also go to other men to find happiness and excitement, otherwise she will not be able to live.

If marriage is an accessory to her life, then cheating is a necessity in her view. If she loses her life, then her life is meaningless.

In the pre-apocalyptic era, men would call this kind of woman rags, lousy goods.

In the post-apocalyptic era, such women are not tolerated by the main society, but women in the apocalyptic ages are more brave and less afraid of gossip. For them, as long as they are alive, they must live out themselves, otherwise they are not worthy to be women of the last days!

"Ah, this is the first time I have seen Little Brother in Datian. The young man looks so handsome. And this man is so different. His eyes are deep and bottomless, but he is not without emotion. There is clearly in his eyes. So many emotions, but why can they show such a calm feeling after being integrated? People seem to dare not explore him, because his depth is bottomless! It is as if he has been through several lives and looks down. The world is so cold, nothing can shock him!"

Qin An's brow furrowed tighter.

Xu Mohua was talking with Haitang enthusiastically, but her mind was completely focused on own. Moreover, what she thought turned out to be quite reasonable. Qin An had hardly met such a woman before, could she see through herself?

"Oh my God! Looks very thin, I didn't expect the body to be so strong! The muscles of this body are really eye-catching. There is also that place, it is quite strong! Hehe!"

Qin An's face turned green at once, and he almost fell when he hit a rock with his toe.

"Damn! Is this woman able to see through? Can you actually see her own figure?"

Do not hesitate to turn on the Mental Energy shielding. The power of perspective is actually considered to be the category of Mental Energy. Under the action of the powerful Mental Energy, seeing things and nothing is perspective.

Therefore, after Qin An turned on Mental Energy shielding, Xu Mohua's perspective ability became invalid.

"It turns out that Datian Little Brother is so powerful! It blocked my perspective ability... how could this happen? I have not mentioned the issue of perspective ability with anyone, why just peeked at Qin An and he turned it on. Mental Energy protective shield? The expression on his face is obviously wrong. I glanced at me, what a complicated emotion in that eye. He was deliberately guarding me? Could it be that he has mind-reading skills and has learned of my little thoughts? If it wasn’t for mind reading, how could he know that I was peeking at her?...Qin An, do you have mind reading? Can you hear my voice? Mental Energy defensive shield, and mind reading, this But they are all rare abilities, are you a hidden powerhouse?"

Qin An allowed his expression to return to normal at this time, but he couldn't calm down in his heart.

What kind of monster is this woman? She shouldn't have mind-reading skills, but how can she see the problem so thoroughly.

Fairy, really is a fairy!

Qin An didn't want to bother about her cheating. After all, it had nothing to do with him, it was Dage's family affair.

In fact, the main reason was that Xu Mohua had a good character, and she was a good wife except for cheating, so Qin An didn't know how to deal with her.

And Fang Datian loves this woman very much, can live for her, can die for her, it is estimated that even if he knows about her affair, he will forgive him. So Qin An feels that he is still not doing business well, and that he has to stay away from this woman. He was originally afraid of trouble, but he didn't want a fairy to appear in his life in the future.

"If you have mind-reading skills, you should be able to read many of my thoughts, then you should also know about my affair? Would you like to tell you Dage?"

Qin An's originally soothing expression was tangled again, although it was not obvious, it still made people see some clues.

"Haha! You really have mind-reading skills, right? Although your expression has hardly changed in the eyes of outsiders, but because I have the super vision power attribute, I can distinguish any subtle changes in your expression. Sure, you heard my heart, didn't you?"

Grandma's! This woman is still aggressive, which is really annoying. Qin An's expression did not change this time, so he ignored Xu Mohua.

"Well, I thought well! Your Mental Energy is really strong. Just now I asked a more sensitive question, and your expression changed slightly. Then I asked a very direct question, but you didn’t Didn't pay attention to me, it shows that you are deliberately using Mental Energy to control your emotions, so your expression did not change after I talked to you for the second time."

Qin An felt that he was going crazy, this damn fairy, who can't read mind but can see through people's hearts!

Xu Mohua's mother is a humble woman. She used to sleep with the Young Master of the Xu family and was abandoned. When Xu Mohua was born, she was no longer in the Xu family.

The life of an orphan and a widow is difficult. In the end, Xu Mohua's mother saw through life and felt that flesh and flesh were nothing but flesh and flesh. Her only wealth was her appearance and body. If she could not make good use of it, it would be a waste.

So she began to actively shuttle between men, using her body as a means. Thirteen years later, she has become a well-known beauty.

The Young Master of the Fang family, Xu Mohua's father, heard that there was such a beautiful woman, so he went to visit, only to discover that she was the woman she had abandoned 13 years ago.

The Young Master realized that this woman gave him a child when he saw Xu Mohua.

So because of Xu Mohua, because Xu Mohua's mother was different from the previous beautiful temperament, their mother and daughter were taken back to Xu's family by the scenery, and Ming Media is getting married.

Xu Mohua has followed her mother and shuttled between men since she was a child. She has seen a lot of the world’s dignity and warmth, and she knows more naturally, so her life experience is the source of her wisdom. It is actually that she followed her mother to learn among men. The pleasing and survival skills of people.

"Husband, I want to eat roast pork knuckles, will you do it for me when I go home tonight?"

Women who are in love are stupid in front of men, but they are extremely clever in front of women who try to abuse their men.

The keen Ding Haitang found that Xu Mohua's eyes were always floating towards her man, and her mood was even more unhappy, so she began to love Qin Anxiu in front of her.

Qin An finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that Haitang had become more considerate.

"Well, when I go back, I will stop by the market to see if there are cumin powder and salt and pepper. I roast pig's knuckles, but I promise you will be satisfied."

"Yeah! Ok... Sister-in-law, does my brother usually cook for you?"

Haitang suddenly ignored Qin An and started to fight Xu Mohua.

"He thought about it, but how can I have time? Our mansion has a large population. Dad has to take care of things in the mansion. Dage takes care of our own affairs. So, I eat people’s meals on weekdays, you Dage’s meals are prepared by me personally. No matter where he is, I will deliver it to him. Men are busy outside. Wouldn’t it be too unjust and wrong if you can’t eat a bite of hot rice cooked by your wife?”

Xu Mohua spoke with a smile, staring at Haitang.

Haitang was stunned for a moment, then blushed and almost snapped off own tongue.

Hell, she actually dug a hole for herself, and let Xu Mo spend a little bit to compare it. It is as if Xu Mohua is a good model wife, and she is a spoiled and arrogant bad woman, who wants her husband to cook for her every day.

Ah... It seems that this woman is very difficult to deal with. Forget it, let's focus on her husband.

Haitang smiled awkwardly at Xu Mohua, then took Qin An's arm and walked away relying on his body, keeping a few meters away from Fang Datian and Xu Mohua, and whispered away.

Qin An finally showed a smile on his face and stretched out his hand to scrape Haitang's nose.

"Idiot! Haven't told anyone before!"

"I'm letting her, hum!"

"Haha, all right, I am willing to cook for you. It is a pleasure to watch you eat the food I cook."

Hearing Qin An comforting himself so, Haitang raised a happily smile.

"Husband, you are so kind, I think I finally fall in love with you."

Whispering softly, Haitang nakedly expressed his emotions.

It's a bit numb, but Qin An still replied not sincerely: "I love you too."

This sentence is really not very sincere.

Love?Qin An didn't know, he just believed that he should live with Haitang, because this was the first person he saw after his soul was awakened, and he was the wife of his body medium!

There were no waves again, and finally they reached the Fang Family Arena.

This so-called arena is like a football stadium. One circle is full of stands. There is a rostrum in the front. In the middle is a circular field with a diameter of two hundred meters. There are huge display screens around the stands, which allows spectators from far away. You can also clearly see the game on the field.

At this time, many people have been prepared in the surrounding stands, and more people are coming in one after another. Qin An glanced casually, and found that the people on the other side of the rostrum were already seated, and he was in the back row of the rostrum. On the seat, I saw the figure of Weng Lan and his entourage, and the three women were looking over here with binoculars.

"Is that him? He seems to be watching us!" Tang Yu's tone was a little excited.

"If he is that man, if he retains all the powers as Weng Lan said, he can naturally know that we are paying attention to him and can hear our conversation. Qin An, do you remember Jinse? "

Weng Lan didn't speak, she just looked so quietly and looked at Qin An's eyes, she felt Qin An's attention was also on her, as if they were looking at each other at this time.

The three women spoke in a very low voice, and did not attract the attention of Qin Potian and others, because at this time Qin Potian, Qin Beichen, and Qin Sanchuan were talking about their brother Qin Huxiao.

Qin Huxiao's seat was reserved, but he was not in the stands at this time, but was following Fang Rumeng in the Fang family courtyard.

Qin An retracted his attention, walked into the stands with the people on his side, and sat down in their designated seats, then released his attention again, found Qin Huxiao and Fang Rumeng, and then put on a faint smile on his face.

This kid is really interesting.

"I have heard about several Young Masters of the Qin family, Qin Beichen, Qin Potian, Qin Dafeng, Qin Erhe, Qin Sanchuan, Qin Fangzheng, Qin Xiaotian, Qin Tianbao, Qin Busheng, and you, Qin Huxiao! Why is there a word in the middle of the child is different? This does not seem to be in line with the tradition!"

"This is personality, and you missed someone, I, Dage Qin Qicai!"

Hu Xiao's expression became a little more melancholy. He had never seen this Dage before. He died in the Battle of the West Coast of United States that year.

Humph, dead sect! This hatred will be reported sooner or later!

Qin Huxiao secretly swears in his heart, this sentence is also mentioned to himself every day, so he has always been willing to practice his own body hard in the barracks. Although possessing abilities, some combat skills and coordination also require cultivation. When two masters with similar abilities are fighting, whoever has rich combat experience will naturally have a greater chance of winning.

"Sorry, I actually also know this Qin Qicai Young Master, but he should have been away for several years? I'm afraid that it will hurt your heart when you mention it."

"What's the matter? I won't mention it for fear of heartbreak? I always mention Dage's name in my heart every day. This way I won't forget the hatred, so that I can practice hard every day!"

Hu Xiao didn't bother to look at Fang Rumeng's eyes. He felt that this kind of woman was really stupid and stupid. Can some problems be avoided? Hey, so he still likes to get along with the female soldiers in the army. He speaks and does things straightforwardly. How can he have so much scruples.

Fang Rumeng is a clever woman, and at a glance she can see that she has been disliked by the tall dead boy in front of her.

I really can't stand it. When did Fang Rumeng suffer such treatment?

The old saying goes that only villains and women are difficult to raise.

Fang Rumeng's eyes were not much bigger than Soybeans, so at this time, he was full of dissatisfaction with Qin Huxiao.

At this time, the two of them were walking in the garden in the center of the Fang family compound. There was a small artificial lake beside Qin Huxiao and Fang Rumeng.

The lake is two meters deep, clear to the bottom, and there are small fish swimming around in the lake.

It seemed that he was very careless, Fang Rumeng suddenly stepped on the edge of the lake bank, and then tilted his body into the lake.

Qin Huxiao didn't realize what was happening. He was stunned for a few seconds before looking at the lake, only to see Fang Rumeng showing his head from the water, thumping desperately.

"Help! Help! I don't know how to water, Master Qin Young, come and save me!"

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