Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1611 Tiger Roars Like A Dream

Qin Huxiao's brain is short-circuited, isn't Fang Rumeng a supernatural person? Could it be that a supernatural player would be drowned by an artificial lake at a depth of two meters?

This is obviously unreasonable, but Fang Rumeng's appearance does seem to be really sad. Her head has fallen under the surface of the lake several times, and her body slowly fluctuates with the water ripples that she continues to stir with her hands.

Suddenly awakening, without time to think, Qin Huxiao jumped to Fang Rumeng's side, hugged her into his arms after entering the water, and then continued to sink, stepping on his feet to the bottom of the lake.

Then, Qin Huxiao pressed his feet in the water, holding Fang Rumeng and diving into the water, soaring for several meters and falling back to the shore.

Fang Rumeng seemed to be terribly scared, and he hugged Qin Huxiao's waist hard, his body trembling.

Hey, it really is a useless woman.

Thinking of this, Qin Huxiao tried to slowly push Fang Rumeng away with his hands, and when Fang Rumeng was lying on the ground with a small distance from him, he stared at the woman in front of him and was stunned.

What is certain is that Fang Rumeng is stunning in the eyes of most normal men, but Qin Huxiao, who is inexperienced in the relationship between men and women, has no such awareness.

Then Fang Rumeng's state is different from before.

She lay on the ground breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling back and forth.

Perhaps she was struggling too hard in the water. At this time, three of the buttons on her chest fell off, revealing the pink coat inside and the two snow-white skins wrapped in it.

Her size is not small, and C is estimated to be there. Then the meat on both sides of the coat piled up together, and a ditch was naturally formed in the middle, shining brightly.

Qin Huxiao looked at it blankly for a while, and his body unconsciously beat him cleverly.


He hadn't seen a woman's breasts. It was common practice to take a bath with the female soldiers on weekdays, and he didn't think this thing was worth seeing.

But now, when Fang Rumeng's chest leaked out in front of him, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, he couldn't explain why he didn't know the truth, but he kept cutting it.

"Huxiao, I've been afraid of water since I was a child, thank you for saving me."

Suddenly Fang Rumeng spoke, and at the same time took Qin Huxiao's hand.

Qin Huxiao raised his head, moved his gaze from her chest to her face, and then froze again.

There were tears in Fang Rumeng's eyes at this time, which made her pair of clear eyes crystal clear.

Qin Huxiao hated women crying, and felt that the crying woman was squeamish.

But at this moment Fang Rumeng didn't cry, she just didn't fall with tears in her eyes.

What is this called? Ewha brings rain?

Unable to frown, Qin Huxiao suddenly realized that he had never met a woman who wanted to cry but didn't cry, so what exactly did such a woman do? How can it be so magical that tears can really swirl around the eye sockets without falling?

Also, Fang Rumeng was biting her lower lip with his teeth.

Qin Huxiao was a little scared, he was really afraid that Fang Rumeng would bite out blood on that pink lips.

What is she doing? Why bite yourself?

When Qin Huxiao had this kind of question in his mind, his gaze was already broader, and he looked at Fang Rumeng's entire face.

The pale face, the glittering tears in the eyes, the slightly twitching nose, and her ruddy lips bitten by her.

This...all of this is intertwined, making Fang Rumeng's expression look like a terrible grievance.

What is she wronged for? I didn't drag her down by myself!

Qin Huxiao looked away nervously, then couldn't help but look again.

Still so wronged.

Damn it! He...he just reacted a little slower, he should have caught her before falling into the water. Well, I have to admit that he may really have some responsibilities.

After blinking, he looked at the expression on Fang Rumeng's face again.

Oh my God, it seems to be more wronged, a tear has slowly slipped from the corner of her eye, and finally she is crying.

But this kind of crying was completely different from the crying of the women Qin Huxiao had seen in ordinary days.

Her tears were like budding, and it took a long time to finally drop a drop, and there was only one drop!She cried silently, and closed her eyes slightly after falling a drop of tears.

While closing her eyes, she finally let go of her lower lip, and then bit her upper lip with her teeth.

After such a slight change, the expression on her face also changed. Instead of grievances, she turned into sadness, a touch of sadness that Qin Huxiao could feel.

The air pressure was very low, making Qin Huxiao upset for no reason after feeling Fang Rumeng's mood changes.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Isn't it just falling into the water? Don't be sad, this clothes is your favorite? After you wash and dry it again, let your family iron you, and make sure it's the same as the new one. If your family won't bother you Take me, Liu Aunt, who serves me next to me, is best at washing and ironing clothes."

Qin Huxiao finally started to comfort Fang Rumeng, he didn't want to see her aggrieved and sad.

"I am not wronged, nor sad. I just feel a little sad. Why am I so stupid that I will fall into the water. Master Qin Young, am I a very stupid woman in your eyes?"

You are stupid enough, stupid and stupid!

This was what Qin Huxiao thought in his heart, but how could he say it at such a moment.

"Um...you're not stupid, not stupid at all! Yes, very smart."

Qin Huxiao's face turned red because he felt that he had lied.

A hint of cunning flashed in Fang Rumeng's eyes.

Damn, you don’t like your mouth, right? Humph, Big sis always has time to play with you!

"Really? I'm really not stupid? Thank you Qin Young Master for complimenting me. Hey, well, my mood is not so bad anymore."

While speaking, Fang Rumeng suddenly stood up from the ground, her face already smiling like a flower.

When the goal is achieved, she just wants Qin Huxiao to feel a somewhat amorous herself when she is caught off guard.

"Master Qin Young, now you and my clothes are all wet, go to my house and put on new ones, otherwise it looks unsightly."

Qin Potian nodded naturally and said okay, then frowned, and said in his heart:

A woman's face changes as soon as it changes, and it's really faster than flipping a book. Just now she was still lying on the ground sad and dying, why suddenly her mood improved?

What a stupid woman! Thinking how sad she was, it made own mood worse, but she suddenly laughed sweetly.

Hey, I thought she was sad, but they laughed. It seems that she is also quite stupid.

The arrogance of the children of the Qin family is in their bones, and their extroversion is very calm and moderate, and Qin Huxiao is also the same, so he will conduct self-examination in his heart.

Fang Rumeng got rid of the weak state and became vigorous and resolute again. He had already strode ahead, and Qin Huxiao could only follow.

The woman in front of her was tidying up her clothes as she walked, her face was a bit ruddy. In order to deal with this kid, she sacrificed a lot and let him take advantage of it.

The clothes Fang Rumeng wore today were tight and thin, but they were not transparent.

However, thin clothing will change when it is dipped in water, not only will it be transparent, but it will stick to the skin more tightly.

Perfectly shaped women prefer to be nude, because the beauty of their bodies does not require any clothing to dress up.

Qin Huxiao followed Fang Rumeng slightly, feeling dizzy looking at the back of the woman in front of him.

Ah... I thought this woman had a weird figure, not as good as a woman in the barracks.

But it doesn't seem to be the case now!

Her legs are very straight and slender, and there is no gap between her legs when she swings forward and backward.

She is actually not really thin. Now the clothes are wet and sticking to the skin, Qin Huxiao can feel the tightness of her thighs when walking, which proves that her leg muscles are actually very healthy.

Could it be that she was wrong before, and she should be very stable in her next base.

Look at the way she walks forward, she is not weak at all, and there is such a hint of vigor.

She didn't seem to be anxious or annoyed, but she was fast, and Qin Huxiao needed to take a big step to keep up.

Her arms were also very long, and they formed traction with the back muscles when they swung back and forth. The mysterious and seductive waves made Qin Huxiao have a different feeling.

Just peeping at Fang Rumeng's back, Qin Huxiao came to a house belonging to Fang Rumeng.

"I'll get you clothes, and you will change them in the living room later."

"Haha, that's great, do you still have men's clothes in your house?"

"My brother, you are about the same size as him, you should be just right to wear."

Fang Rumeng entered the bedroom during the talk, and soon took out a set of clothes, to be precise, pants and shirt, without underwear.

After Fang Rumeng left, Hu Xiao struggled a bit, and finally took off his wet clothes, then took his shirt to the window and wrung out the water and wiped his body with it.

After doing all this, he put on his new clothes. There was no panties in his pants, and he just felt uncomfortable, but now he has no choice.

"Have you changed it?"

The woman in the bedroom said.

"Oh, well, come out."

Qin Huxiao's voice fell, and Fang Rumeng walked out of the bedroom.

At this moment, she was wearing a pair of red high-heeled sandals and a light pink one-piece skirt. The skirt was really short. After only a few steps, Qin Huxiao saw the black safety pants she was wearing inside.

The hair should have been blown with a hair dryer, and it was now smooth again, resting on her shoulders smoothly.

In fact, what Qin Huxiao said before was the truth, he did think women with long hair were beautiful.

Then Fang Rumeng, who changed her outfit at this moment, changed back to a long-haired shawl, and she also changed her most proud and really beautiful and sexy one-piece dress, which made her look more energetic, and compared with the previous one. Compared to the dream, at least Qin Huxiao looked more pleasing to the eye.

"Your clothes are also washed. You can pick them up when you come back, or I will send them to you."

When speaking, Fang Rumeng had already picked up the clothes and pants that Qin Huxiao had taken off to the ground, and then stepped forward to snatch the little black underwear he was holding from Qin Huxiao's hand.

"Ohhhhh, no need!"

Qin Huxiao wanted to refuse in embarrassment, but Fang Rumeng had already snatched the underwear, went aside to turn on the washing machine, and threw in all Qin Huxiao's clothes.

Immediately afterwards, something happened that Qin Huxiao did not expect.

Fang Rumeng went back to the bedroom to take out the clothes she took off, and put them in the washing machine to wash them with Qin Huxiao's clothes.

Qin Huxiao was already dumbfounded.

Why is this woman so carefree, there are still underwear in her own place, how can he put the clothes of two people together to wash? It seems that this can only be done between husband and wife.

By the way, the clothes she put in seemed to have her own underwear.

Suddenly, the innocent little man finally realized something and blushed.

Thinking of the two men's underwear tangling back and forth in the washing machine, his mind is no longer pure and his body is not so natural.

"Okay, done! Master Qin Young, let's continue walking, I want to take you to a place, if you can guess, then I will call you Little Big Brother if you can't guess it, if you can't guess it, I will see you later I'll call it Little Big sis, OK?"

Realizing that his body and emotions are not easy, Qin Huxiao was a little sulking.

This woman is really weird.

I used to pay for Ai Ai when I fell into the lake, but now it’s impossible to get out of the shadow of the falling water immediately, right? How do you look at her current state is completely okay, as if the incident did not happen.

Weird! That's weird!

"How could I guess where you are taking me?"

"Guess! You won’t leave the Fang’s compound. You just have to guess the approximate name. I’m not asking you to guess the person’s name. You don’t need to say whether I’m going to take you to someone’s house, just say Just get to the approximate location."

"Are you going to take me back to the arena?"


"Do you want to go to the toilet?"

"No! Really annoying!"

"Um... go see your library?"

"Do not!"

"Basketball court?"


"football field?"

"Our home doesn't have a football field."

"Is that the kitchen?""no."


Qin Huxiao gave a series of answers, but he didn't guess right, which made him lose patience.

"Okay, okay, I won't guess, and I can't guess!"

"Okay, if you don't guess, you have to accept your bet and call me Little Big sis from now on. Of course, you only need to call when there is no third person present."

"Why, I didn't promise you again."

"Yeah, you didn't promise me. But you have given me so many answers before, which is tantamount to acquiescing to the bet. If you go back at this time, why do you have to say so many answers before? Wasting you and me each other's time?"


Qin Huxiao was speechless again, competing for eloquence, his ten Qin Huxiao bundled together were not as good as one Fang Rumeng.

Fang Rumeng is the smartest child in the Fang family, and Qin Huxiao is the most sincere guy in the center of the Qin family.

Speaking of it, Qin Huxiao was not so stupid when he was a child, but in the past few years, he has only grown his head and has no longing eyes.

The two had already left the door when they were talking, and walked a long way out.

When Qin Huxiao finally announced his surrender, Fang Rumeng finally stopped, turned around and smiled at the silly boy and said:

"Call Little Big sis, the Young Master of the Qin family should not be able to speak but not count, otherwise, wouldn't it have lost the reputation of the Qin family?"

Qin Huxiao was helpless, and secretly said that this woman was indeed seven years older than himself, even if she called her a big sis.

Ever since, he could only speak dumbly, the little Big sis was completely unclear, and those who didn't know must not be able to hear what he was talking about.

Fang Rumeng laughed loudly, did not continue to entangle, and counted Qin Huxiao as passing the pass.

For men, it is fun to be naughty in front of them.

Suddenly approaching, Fang Rumeng took Qin Huxiao's big hand, grabbed him and entered a clothes shop on the street.

"This is the place you are bringing me to?"

Qin Huxiao asked in surprise.

"Well, it’s not accustomed not to wear underwear, right? My Big Brother underwear is worn, and it’s not easy to give it to you, so I will take you to buy it! Fang’s internal clothing stores are from foreign empires. Good brand garment factories purchase goods, so the things are absolutely good! I will help you choose them to ensure that you are comfortable after wearing them, there is no friction, and there is no static electricity! Haha!"

Seeing Fang Rumeng's laughter, Qin Huxiao was completely stupid.

This woman is really different from the female soldier.

Most of the female soldiers' minds are not delicate enough. Now they have put on their coats. Who cares if he wears underwear? Even he himself almost ignored it, only remembering it occasionally when walking was uncomfortable.

But Fang Rumeng still remembered it, and brought him here to buy a new one.

For the first time, Qin Huxiao has experienced the feeling of being cared for by a woman for the first time.

Of course, the woman here refers to women other than his mother, his Big sis, and his sister-in-law.

After experiencing this kind of feeling, Qin Huxiao felt very special. He felt as if a caterpillar had been released in his heart, crawling around and making people unstoppable.

Qin An smiled and watched the interaction between Qin Huxiao and Fang Rumeng. In his opinion, the most interesting part of this incident, Huxiao thought that other girls were stupid, and Rumeng was willing to pretend to be stupid. The actual situation was like a dream. In fact, I don't know how many times smarter than Huxiao.

After smiling, Qin An frowned again.

This Fang Rumeng should be the Big Sister of the same father and mother, then Qin Huxiao is that Qin An's child, if he is Qin An and turned around, the relationship is a bit messy.

The chaos was chaotic, but it had no effect. After all, the Fang family and the Qin family should have no intersection.

At this time, the host of the conference has completed the opening ceremony process, and the game will officially start.

There are almost a thousand contestants today.

To be fair, all children must first confirm the upgraded level, and then group them according to the level. If this is not the case, then players with high-level abilities will have an advantage against those with low-level abilities.

The upgraded level is not a factor to measure the potential of a superpower. Some people are now eighth-level upgraded, while others of the same age may still be fourth-level upgraded.

Ten years later, those with eighth-level upgraded ability will probably never experience upgrade or eighth-level again, and other capable ones may have exceeded tenth level.

This is the randomness of the evolution and upgrade of the abilities, so if you want to compare, you can only let the same level together, so that it is fair and you can see the true level of the contestants.

Under the leadership of Fang Datian, all the contestants from Fang Yunhai's line have gone down to the square. Naturally, those with upgraded gene runes do not need to be tested, so if there is no obvious upgraded rune on the surface of the body, they need to be tested. Qin An is one of them. After the resurrection, he has never tested his own upgraded level.

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