Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1613 The Eve Of The Worst War

Fang Yuandong's words came to an abrupt end, and his frowning brows immediately relaxed.

Is the Qin family's seven people coming for the great grandson of own? Otherwise, why would Weng Lan speak at this time?

Turning his head, I saw that Weng Lan had gotten up and walked to her side from the back seat.

"Fang old man, I shouldn't care about your family affairs, but this man's name is Qin An, just like my husband, he made me feel bad after hearing it. So I don't want to see him being bullied. , If your Fang family can't tolerate him, then let him go to our Qin family. Anyway, he is already called Qin An!"

Weng Lan spoke very loudly, and many people could hear it.

Qin family? This woman turned out to belong to the Qin family? Is it the Qin family in the north of the city?

And what is her theory? Just because Fang Xiaobao changed his name to Qin An, she didn't even see others bullying him?

If changing the name to Qin'an still has this effect, then people really want to change it, and get the asylum of the Qin family, at least they can walk sideways in this city of Hanghai. Some people are already jealous, and more sane people are wondering what the real wish is behind the surface of the matter. What is the relationship between this guy who was originally named Fang Xiaobao and the Qin family? Few people would believe Weng Lan's rhetoric, because it is simply too fake.

"Ah, Mrs. Weng Lan, you laughed...it is wrong for Qin An to kill people, but Fang Xiaoqi did a lot of evil, and now his death can be regarded as self-blame. It is the lax family rules that led to this kind of thing. Come on. Let’s do it, Qin An, I will punish you not to participate in this power contest. After this contest, the children of the Fang family will go to the front line to support you, so go! Madam Weng Lan, what do you think of my handling?"

Fang Yuandong is not stupid at all. Although he still doesn't understand Weng Lan's thoughts, he will not let Qin An leave the Fang family in this situation.

This was obviously an opportunity. If the Fang family could make good relations with the Qin family through Qin An, it would be a big windfall.

When you look back, you must investigate Qin An. Fang Yuandong can be sure that the seven members of the Qin family are indeed coming to Qin An. So what is the specific purpose? And Qin An is indeed shocking. He was just a fool before. He regained his wisdom a year ago and changed his name to Qin An. It seems that everything has changed. What's the reason for this?

Fang Yuandong's words made Fang Yunliang's face pale.

Own's son is dead in vain. Fang Yuandong has set the tone for this matter. This is really losing his wife and breaking down. What kind of punishment is for Qin An not to participate in the power contest? It's hilarious!

However, there is no way to do this. Now that Qin An's strength is shown, it is estimated that he can win the first place without any suspense, so there is no need for him to compete.

Weng Lan seemed to be satisfied with the punishment of Yuan Dong. She looked at Qin An with a smile and nodded slightly before returning to her original seat.

Qin An smiled helplessly. It seemed that his own life would not be safe in the future. I believe that within a few tens of minutes, the things he was concerned by the Qin Patriarch's wife would spread throughout the Fang family. So within today, this matter will spread throughout Hanghai City as if it had grown wings, or maybe it will spread to Guo Sihai's ears. The three wives of the Qin family live in the simplest form on weekdays, and they have almost never appeared in public, but now a junior who runs from the north of the city to the south of the city likes them so much. Of course, this is explosive news.

Well, isn't it punishing him to go to the front line? Then take Haitang to take a look over there, he actually doesn't know what it is like outside the city wall. In this way, people who follow their own can be avoided.

"Okay, thank the owner for his tolerance. Since I don't need to participate in the competition, then I will go back and say goodbye!"

Qin An left without paying attention to anyone.

Fang Yunhai got up to stop him, but was stopped by Fang Yuan who was sitting next to him. In this way, everyone in the audience focused on Qin An, watching him return to his seat and leave with Haitang.

The eyes of the three women, Weng Lan, Tang Yu, and Qiu Jinse were all staring at Haitang until she disappeared. After that, the mood became unbeautiful, with a little jealousy.

Weng Lan got up again and said: "Okay, we've seen the opening ceremony of the game too! Father Fang, then I won’t disturb you today. Hu Xiao’s child hasn’t come back yet. I guess he’s playing with your little girl. You don’t need to deliberately ask about the matter. The girls and I look at them. I like them. If they have fate, then the Qin Fang family can form this marriage. Oh, by the way, I think that young man named Qin An It seems that the character is comfortable, should I not like to be disturbed too much? In this case, I hope he can do anything according to his own wishes! To put it more bluntly, I don't want to see him being investigated by anyone!"

After speaking, Weng Lan and his party also left the field, and declined Fang Yuandong's stay.

Although the people in the arena were shocked by the impact Qin An brought to them, they still did not feel the severity of the atmosphere.On the rostrum, all the three generations of Fang family managers looked weird and didn't know what to do.

In the end, Fang Yuandong spoke very heavily:

"I said three requirements: First, Yunhai and your wife must strengthen their contact with Qin An. In any case, he is a child of our Fang family. No one can change this! Second, Rumeng and Fang Family Young Master Yunhai’s marriage must be promoted, and Yunhai must do his job at this point. Rumeng’s child is a visionary and he likes handsome boys. I’m afraid she doesn’t look down on Qin Huxiao’s black boy, but just wants to play with others. Let her dispel this idea, Qin Huxiao will marry her! Third, from now on, stop all investigations of Qin An. As I said before, the first point is that since he is Fang's family, then we must act like a family. Treat him, be careful not to think about other things! Hmph, in the past few years, I have watched you all grow up and mature, and the family affairs have been less involved. Now the family is smoky, and the future generations are fighting secretly. Do you think I don’t know? Starting today, the Fang family will be rectified behind closed doors, small evils will be punished, and big evils will be sent directly to the front-line death squad! With military exploits, you can make up for it, or you will just go to death! In the future, if you let me hear about who is doing evil outside the Fang family , Or cause trouble within the family, then I will never be merciless!"

Fang Yuandong's tone was serious, and the children and grandchildren dare not say much, and said yes in unison.

They all understand Fang Yuandong’s intentions. Now the Qin family’s performance is very clear, and they have taken the initiative to act as Qin An’s backing. Then the reasons for this are ignored first, for fear that the Fang family’s power in the empire will be ascension in the future. Now, as long as the Qin An is attached, the Fang family and the Qin family are likely to become a family. This is a big deal. No one dared to commit crimes to trouble Qin An.

At this moment Qin An had already arrived outside the Fang family compound, Weng Lan and his group of six naturally followed him out quickly.

Qin Beichen, Qin Potian, and Qin Sanchuan didn't understand, why are the three mothers so interested in a junior of the other's family? Although his name happens to be Qin An, there are many people named Qin An in Hanghai City, and I haven't seen the reaction of the three before.

Seeing Qin An pretending to leave without seeing a few people, Tang Yu stepped forward very upset and blocked their way.

"How to run is like doing something bad, Qin An, Weng Lan helped you out just now, don't you thank you?"

While speaking, Tang Yu carefully observed Qin An's expression, wanting to see if Weng Lan judged it correctly.

Qin An actually wanted to escape directly, but he didn't expect that the three women and three boys chased him, which was really clingy.

Hehe giggled, Qin An glanced at Tang Yu's body.

"I didn't run, I just want to go home."

Qin An looked very honest, and since he was stopped, he stayed where he was and didn't continue walking.

Haitang had already known from what happened before that these women were the wives of the Qin family, and he was very nervous for a while.

She can be regarded as the bottom of the toiling mass housewife, and the Qin family's wives are the goddess of Life in the sky to her. What did own husband do? Why did you provoke them? I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

At this moment, Qiu Jinse also stood in front of Qin An, looking at Qin An intently like Tang Yu.

The two women looked left and right, looked up and down, and finally both frowned.

"Weng Lan, are you really sure? There is no shadow of him on this person. How can you tell?"

Tang Yu was puzzled.

"I can't say that there is no shadow. Look at his eyes, they look very similar."

"Damn it, are you and Weng Lan both finding fault machines? Can you tell the difference in your eyes?"

Qiu Jinse blushed. She really felt that the man in front of her looked very much like Qin An, but she also thought it could not be used as evidence.

"And his expression, occasional movements, tone of speech, and the abilities he possesses! These are all certain!"

Weng Lan was a little bit proud, she was the most careful observation, and she recognized Qin An at a glance.

The three brothers Qin Beichen were even more bewildered, and after looking at each other, they locked their eyes on Qin An at the same time.

Who is this kid like? Did not see it. Shuai is quite handsome, but there is nothing special about it, right?

Qin An looked at the three women surrounding own, feeling the nervousness of Ding Haitang beside him, and smiled helplessly:

"Okay, I live in the same city. I will have time to watch or understand. Now in front of the Fang family compound, isn't this making news for me again? People said that the third wife of the Qin family was widowed for many years. Qin An's men are not calmly chasing after them, that is a joke."

Qin An said these words casually. The key point is that he feels that he is fairly familiar with the three women, and he often pays attention to what they are doing on weekdays. Qin An's detection range covers the entire city, even if the distance between the south and north of the city is several tens of kilometers, he can know their situation.

As soon as Qin An said these words, the three women were a little embarrassed, and the three Young Masters of the Qin family jumped.

Oh shit! This kid dares to molest their mother in public?

The most earnest Qin Potian shot directly, and when no one had reacted, his punch had already hit Qin An's side.

"Don't break the sky!"

The three women were shocked, so scared that their hearts almost didn't jump out, and at the same time they shouted, but there was no time to stop them.

Qin An knows that Qin Potian's power is very strong, and the legend of the Overlord Divine Sword is a household name. Qin Potian's power can break the space, which is by no means a joke.

So Qin An didn't dare to be careless, concentrated on Mental Energy and raised his own right hand, grabbing it when Qin Potian's fist was about to touch his body.

Fortunately, this kid really returned to reality, but he didn't use much strength with this punch. I guess he just wanted to teach himself a lesson.

Qin An unloaded all Qin Potian's power, and then dodged sideways, causing Qin Potian to lose his center of gravity. After passing by Qin An, he ran for seven or eight steps before stopping.

On one side, Qin Beichen and Qin Sanchuan were all dumbfounded.

Who the hell is this kid? This is too awesome, right? It was so easy to get rid of Qin Potian's fist! Even if Qin Potian didn't exert much effort, it was the overlord's fist, how could it be resolved by others?

Seeing that Qin An was safe and sound, the three women were finally relieved.

Qiu Jinse scolded aloud: "Po Tian, ​​there are two daughters-in-law, why are you so impulsive to do things? Hurry up, this person is a friend of the Qin family, and it is more likely to be your elder. Don't be rude. !"

Qin Potian was almost staggered and fell by Qin An. Originally, he felt that he had lost his face and wanted to continue working on it.

But after listening to Qiu Jinse's words, he was immediately stunned, wondering why this kid became a friend of the Qin family at once, or maybe he was an elder? Could it be that the dead father still has such a little brother? Probably not. My father seems to have only one Little Brother named Qin Le, who died in the battle nine years ago.

At this time Weng Lan spoke:

"Okay, okay! You are not allowed to come back. Qin An, you also take your wife back. We will visit you in the future, and we may go often."

Qin An nodded slightly and said:

"Okay, but when I come back from the front line."

"Do you really want to go to the front? Do you want to join the army?"

"No, I'll go by myself. Take my wife. I will give you a formal introduction. Her name is Ding Haitang. She has been by my side after I wake up. No matter what happens in the future, I will always let her follow."

Qin An was very stingy to mention a few women, telling them that he has a wife now.The three women of Weng Lan were naturally more depressed, but there was no way. Apart from Weng Lan, the other two could not fully confirm that Qin An in front of them was the reincarnation of that man.

In the tangled, they are actually more sad.

The appearance has changed, the memory is gone, and there is a new family and life circle.

Even if his soul is Qin An's, but now he doesn't even have Qin An's shadow, then he and him are still alone?

I don't understand, I don't want to understand.

The conversation ended here. On behalf of the two women, Weng Lan enthusiastically chatted with the restrained Haitang, and then invited her to visit Qin's house if she had the opportunity in the future.

The three women didn't care too much about Qin An's going to the front line by himself.

It can be seen that this Qin An is very strong now, at least not weaker than the previous Qin An.

Then he wants to go to the front line. No matter how he wants Qin An to return, it seems that it will take a long process. For Qin An, it is like this. For the three women and all the children, they also need to adapt slowly. . After all, there was a big gap between the people in front of them and their Qin An.

Amidst the unwilling doubts of the three children, Weng Lan and his party finally bid farewell to Qin An.

This time the important figures of the family traveled to see Qin An. In fact, there are still many things in the Qin family.

Guo Sihai has issued an order that Hanghai City will form a force of more than 600,000 people, and then combine with the 400,000 standing army currently stationed in Hanghai City to go to the front together.

The Qin family is in charge of the military and civil affairs in the northern city. Guo Sihai also communicated with several women in the Qin family. The Qin family will gather a 400,000 army in the north of the city, and then together with the standing 100,000 Qin family army will also go to the front.

No way, Adadiran has only been fighting in the front for three days, and the army that has been deployed in the past has suffered heavy losses. The ferocity of the animal tide is beyond imagination.

Although the Qin army was a private army of the Qin family, at this moment, he had to act for the safety of the empire.

Of course, there is another very important reason why Weng Lan's women agree to Qin Jun's march is that Weng Lan is 100% sure that Qin An's soul is not dead, and they may still spend the rest of their lives with Qin An.

Then the matter of revenge for Qin An became less anxious. If Qin An could return, he could accomplish this by himself.

Therefore, in order to deal with the death sect, the Qin family army finally wanted to show off its strength. This was also a practical training.

Since they are going to expedition, naturally there are many things that need to be prepared, so Weng Lan and the others are not good to waste too much time. They came to see Qin An and they were satisfied, and how to get along with Qin An in the future will need to take time.

Although the three children were a little reluctant and wanted to learn more about Qin An’s background, they were forcibly taken away by three women. The Qin family’s children’s tutoring was good. This was related to Qin An’s attitude towards children’s education at the time, even though he was not accompanied by his father. Growing up, but a few women did not educate the children very much, they are still very behaved in front of their parents.

After the group of people left, Haitang finally let out a long breath, and then suddenly took Qin An's hand.

"Husband, you have become so strange to people these days. You are so different. Even the Qin family treats you differently. I think you must have a secret that I don't know. Husband, you are so extraordinary. Won't you finally abandon the ordinary me?"

"Don't worry about it, there is only one reason for me to leave you, and that is that you will be unhappy when I am by your side."

Qin An dragged his words of love, which made Ding Haitang almost burst into tears. The feeling of happiness was too intense and hot, and the tears were instantly evaporated.

Seeing Ding Haitang's excitement and tears rolling in his eyes, Qin An hurriedly changed the subject:

"Today's Fang family has come in vain, hey, boring. Or let's just go out of the city and go to the front line, I'll take you to fight monsters!"

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