"Do you really want to go?"

Haitang's eyes widened dumbfounded.

"Of course it's true. Do you think I was kidding you? They all said they wanted to see the scenery, and we had to go."

Qin An's face became stern after speaking.


"Because it won't take a few days, maybe the beast tide will come to the city. This city refers to the city of Hangzhou where we live, so if you can, go and support it. This is also for ourselves."

"How could it be? In the south of Hanghai City, there are eight defensive cities such as Sparta, Brave, Wolf Smoke, Orgilian, Miyata, Xia Chen, Jiugong, and Sirius. There are many defense facilities and equipment between the eight cities. Admiral Adadiran led the Iron Eagle Legion to be stationed. Although the Iron Eagle Legion has not been assembled yet, it is said that hundreds of thousands of people have passed by. The original garrison in Eight Cities has exceeded 5 million. Robot guards , The number of smart weapons has broken through ten million, the ammunition is countless, and the defensive firepower can discourage hundreds of millions of corpses! The empire’s weapons reserves have been very strong these years."

"Yeah, don't say it, you know a lot. But what you are talking about is just a broadcast on the TV network news. If nothing else, just say those defensive weapons. If every bullet focuses on the enemy The vital part of the corpse can indeed kill hundreds of millions of zombies, but will the actual combat be so simple? A dangerous barbarian orc Practitioner is afraid that it can’t be killed with a thousand bullets! And now in the south of the empire, the number of orcs is very high. It may have exceeded billions! They were crowded together one by one, and there was no room for survival, so they could only invade northward! And the empire now has limited space. In fact, even if you want to negotiate a peace, there is no room for the orcs to live in peace, so this It is a war that must erupt and will never end! It will be the largest war on earth since the end of the world, the largest number of deaths, and the most tragic battle. Its scale will surpass that of the Hell and Hell of the year.

"And what?"

"The great battle against the West Coast of United States nine years ago! Yes, it was much fiercer than that one, and I can foresee such a future!"

Qin An’s tone was serious, but his face slowly eased. Soldiers are here to cover the water and earth. It is not his job to protect the homeland. All he can do is to do his best, no matter how strong he is, no matter whether he has become a super Biology, he still needs food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. He hasn't completely cut off his emotions and desires, so he needs a place to live. The city of Hanghai makes him feel very kind. Although the entire city has undergone reconstruction, it has long no shadow of the end of the world. But this is what gives Qin An a sense of familiarity, and he still doesn't want to lose it.

Seeing that Haitang was a little too shocked, Qin An smiled slightly, then waved, a black sports car suddenly appeared beside the two of them, as if by magic.

"Oh my God! What is this?"

"Black armor, my pet is also my mount!"

This thing was transformed by the soul of the black armored iron beast sword spirit, possessing the sword god-level defensive ability, and also possesses the sword god-level attack attributes.

Qin An has tried to summon this thing a long time ago. It has two forms, one is a cool-looking trot with a shed, and the other is a combat robot, which means that it is like a sword god-level transformation of strength. Vajra, he takes the black armored iron beast sword spirit as the body, the ancestor of Magical Beasts as the soul, and Qin An as the subject to be called to be born.

"Let's go! If you leave the city, you will leave the city. We happen to be in the south of the city now."

"Will you go now? Don't go home to prepare something? Don't say goodbye to mother-in-law?"

"No, because I don't think we will be back in a few days."



"What is unstoppable?"

Haitang didn't understand the meaning of what Qin An said. "

"You will know it when you get to the front line, don't worry, with the protection of the black armored tank, you are not in any danger, but you will be more courageous at that time, because you will see scenes that you have never experienced before!"

When the voice fell, Qin An pulled Haitang into the car.

This machine is actually a creature, with complete autonomous action ability, and its thinking and consciousness are in sync with Qin An.

So after Qin An and Haitang got in the car, they started quickly, drove out of the city by themselves, and turned into a black phantom to gallop forward when they got on the highway....

There is still a thousand kilometers away from Hanghai City to the forefront. During this period, the area was covered with many small towns and defense facilities that belonged to the empire. Long-range heavy artillery, rocket launchers, airports, and land aircraft carriers can be seen everywhere.

Qin An and Haitang set off in the morning, and a young genius ran halfway slowly.

In fact, the car drove very fast, but the young couple would stop and watch when they saw good scenery along the way, so the formation became slow.

"Husband, many wounded have been sent back. The battlefield ahead must be fierce, right?"

"Well, there are not only a large number of aliens, but they are also very powerful. The 49 sword gods were invincible in the biological population of the sword repair system at the beginning, but their planet is so big, some species that appear with the birth of the planet do not need sword repair. They are also very strong, but most of them Life in their respective territories, and the sword repair race can be regarded as well watered, and the Star Wars led by the 49 Sword God did not affect them."

"How do you know so many things?"

Haitang felt that Qin An was not the thing in the pool.

Qin An smiled slightly without answering, and let the hurried black armored chariot stop on the side of the road.

"What's wrong?"

"Look at that, there is another long-range heavy artillery base, which is 500 kilometers away from the front line. It seems that they are about to launch!"


Haitang looked sideways with some doubts. At a distance of one kilometer from here, there was such a large building surrounded by a wall of 20 meters high. The position looked like a huge black rectangular parallelepiped. To the facilities inside.

Just when Haitang wanted to ask a question, there was a loud noise, and then there was a lot of smoke, and ten rockets lifted into the sky at the same time in the huge cuboid. The momentum directly frightened Haitang, the little girl.

The sports car has two rows of seats, and Haitang and Qin An are sitting in the back seats at this time.

Qin An stretched out his hand and hugged the dazed Haitang into his arms.

"How? Afraid?"

"Well, kind of, where are these rockets going?"

"Of course it's the front line, we can follow along and have a look!"

Qin An's voice fell, and the transparent glass of the front windshield suddenly turned into a display. A small aircraft quickly separated from the black armored battlefield and quickly caught up with ten rockets. The above camera directly transmitted the picture back.

"This is one of the empire's conventional long-range weapons, the Longmen Flying Armored Arrow Missile. The missile carried in the rocket has powerful explosive power and can reach a range of ten kilometers. The raw material inside is composed of the Earth's traditional model explosive mixed sword Spiritual Qi body compound. The flight of the rocket. The speed can reach the extreme in five minutes, and the flight distance can be broken through 20 kilometers per second, which means that in less than half an hour, they can attack any place of the enemy's battalion outside the defense line. This conventional weapon is often used. Yes, it’s just that this kind of scenes are not broadcast in detail in the usual TV network reports."

Qin An’s voice just fell, and another rocket took off from the launch base. In the next twenty minutes, a total of 80 rockets left the base.

At this time, in the picture recorded by the monitor, the first rocket launched has leapt over the mountain of the brave, a distance of eight kilometers from the ground.

The aircraft released by the Black Armored Chariot Mountain has a faster flight speed than a rocket.

Under the control of Qin An's mind, it temporarily left the aircraft and descended, and after a while, Haitang was stunned by the picture displayed on the monitor.

The wall of the brave city is 130 kilometers in length and 100 meters high. At this time, there are savage beasts everywhere along the line below.

There are many types of so-called savage beasts, including land beasts and sky flying beasts. Above the city wall, all kinds of weapons were fired downwards, all controlled by the intelligent system. Maya herself spent a lot of effort here to coordinate and command the battle.

Postmodern weapons mostly use sword spirit energy. These things are not as easy to deplete as traditional ammunition, but as the number of launches increases, sword spirit energy cannot be used without adding sword spirit energy. Then in addition to these weapons, the empire still has the golden cakes of Xuantian.

This is the weapon that Qin An appeared in Xuanjian City back then. It is actually a huge circular flying metal cake. It is very heavy and can be suspended in the sky. After the weightless magnetic field is removed, it will land instantly. Then the weight of the flying cake and its potential energy will drop. After being superimposed together, it can explode into tons of damage. The zombie group will die immediately when it is pressed by this thing. Most of the barbarians in the beast tide can't withstand this impact, but some strong people can Through his own power, he turned into a giant to stop these profound heavenly heavy cakes from falling. So the lethality of this weapon is still very limited.

In addition to various weapons, there are countless soldiers on the city wall and everywhere in the city.

The civilians have been evacuated, and apart from the combatants in the entire city, there are combat logistics personnel.

In the face of countless animal tides, a one-hundred-meter city wall cannot stop them, so the defense belt actually encompasses the struggle to become a big city.

Once the orc breakthrough defense rushes up, the robot warriors and the superb soldiers in the city will fight with them, of course, the purpose is to expel the enemy, otherwise they will take a step forward.

During the three-day battle, the brutal orcs broke through the city wall defense six times. The corpses left in the city have exceeded 50,000, while the defending human coalition has lost almost 70,000.

In such battles, the fighters without abilities have no effect at all. They either use mechas to fight or serve as logistical work.

Since it is a war of supernatural powers that ordinary people cannot join, the destructive power is naturally strong once it starts.

So the city of the brave looks very embarrassed now, with corpses all over the field, blood flowing into rivers,

The corpses were too late to deal with, so the people separated from the enemy and the people just piled all the corpses together to form Xiaoshan. In three days, the living people seemed to have turned a blind eye to them. They walked in front of the pile of corpses, and the expressions on their faces were not painful. Just tired and numb.

At this time, Qin An was as shocked as Haitang.

They have watched many apocalyptic movies and TV series on TV, and most of the film and television works shot in the post-apocalyptic era are doomsday themes, because everyone has lived in this environment for decades.

Therefore, Qin An and ordinary woman Haitang, who have only one year of memory, have actually seen many doomsday scenes on TV.

But they are all different from what they have seen at this time. The thoughts here are not so spectacular, but they are absolutely sad.

But Death has become a daily life, but when everyone wanders on the edge of Death, the word "death" is not so terrible.

The soldiers in the city of the brave cannot be brave, but they are all numb, stuttering, and being able to sleep has become the biggest extravagant desire. Even losing life in a deep sleep seems to have become a kind of relief.

Qin An and Haitang saw this emotion in their faces.

The height of the aircraft left the picture of the city, speeding up to catch up with the flying rocket.

At this time, the rocket has separated and the missile thruster inside is activated, which makes the rocket fly faster. After flying over the city of the brave, the lower thruster is activated, causing the rocket's flight direction to suddenly change from horizontal to tilted downward!

Thirty miles outside the city was the target of these rockets, and more brutal orcs gathered and pushed over there.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of explosions reminded me of an area of ​​50 kilometers in diameter.

Below the mushroom cloud, the savage orcs were crying and howling.

Some of them are beasts, and some still maintain human forms.

The sea of ​​fire ignited all the space in an instant, and these beings were screaming, crying, and roaring in the sea of ​​fire.

Both Qin An and Haitang were a little surprised, because when the aircraft approached, the display brought a close-up picture and also brought the sound in the scene.

Unexpectedly, the savage orcs also speak Chinese, and their way of speaking is actually similar to that of humans.

They also have seven emotions and six desires, and they also have wisdom and spirituality, so their Death is also painful for them.

Some female orcs were crying, and some male orcs died, but the war was merciless and eventually swallowed them all.Haitang finally couldn't bear this kind of scene, she turned her head sideways and plunged into Qin An's arms.

"My husband, I'm a little scared. Do we have to go to the battlefield? Wouldn't we?"

"Don't be afraid, isn't there me?"

At this time, the picture was suddenly interrupted. It is estimated that the high temperature at the scene damaged the aircraft.

Qin An patted Haitang's back lightly.

"There is no place to hide. The empire is such a place. If the eight southern cities cannot stop, then the five cities of Hanghai, Zhuer, Ange, Kasli, and Qiushi will become the front line. If these five cities cannot stop either , Then the beast wave is about to hit the Hanging Sword City on the outskirts of Nine Dragons Liancheng. So where can we go? Although the world is big, after leaving the empire, it can be said to be in crisis everywhere. We can retreat in five ways!"

What Qin An said is true. If he is alone, he can go anywhere no matter what the crisis is.

But if you want to bring Haitang, her life will be difficult in the future, because no matter what she does, she must be protected by own, and it is estimated that she will no longer have the right to move freely. Even if the black armored chariot can protect her, it is important for her to go to the toilet.

After Qin An's soul was awakened, most of the abilities were preserved, and it became even stronger.

However, some abilities have been weakened or even disappeared. For example, his spatial ability. The heavenly space and the dream space seem to be integrated, and it is no longer possible for people to live in it for a long time. Moreover, the ability level of the heavenly space and the dream space does not seem to be the same. High, many abilities who are good at space abilities can invade. This is a painful thing for Qin An after studying the own ability.

In other words, although Qin An is extremely powerful now, the protection capabilities he possesses are actually much weaker than in the previous life.

It is easier to protect one person, but too difficult to protect many people. You can only put offense first and kill the enemy first.

Seeing Haitang's tangled appearance, Qin An planned to distract her.

So, Qin An lowered his head slightly and kissed Haitang gently.

Haitang trembled slightly, then responded, then...continued to respond, and then again.

Qin An's kiss was a little long, and it took ten minutes to let go of her mouth.

After Begonia was free, his face was flushed and his breathing became rapid. This was not nervous, but lacking oxygen when he was kissed.

What a fucking dog, what kind of madness is Qin An? Will someone kiss without letting go for ten minutes?

Oh my God, I feel my lips are swollen, my tongue seems to be numb, and my saliva is sucked dry.

Not only did the kiss come suddenly, but it was also too tyrannical.

Qin An finally laughed when he saw Haitang's blushing face.

"How is it? Young Master's level of kissing is not bad, right? Although I only have one year of memory, and even though I only have a woman like you who hasn't rounded up, I should be considered an old driver! Haha, although I have never eaten pork, I But I have seen many pigs run!"

This sentence is also bragging at all. Qin An has observed the life of the husband and wife of the whole city in the past year, and he has even seen his father Fang Yunhai and his mother Xu Sanyue rolling on the bed. Of course, that time was just an accident. Qin An immediately became distracted and turned off the super vision and super hearing abilities. This of course is not to say that Qin An is a gentleman and knows etiquette. He is just not interested in seeing a fifty-something old man lying on a fifty-something old woman doing mechanical exercises. It is really boring and too spicy. Eyes out.

"you are a pig!"

Haitang, who is not in good physical condition, didn't understand what Qin An said, so he counterattacked in confusion.

Squeezed her little nose and found that she was no longer so nervous.

"Okay, since it's okay, let's continue on the road, the Orc Town of Boll ahead, the paradise for men, let's go there and rest for a night."

"Bor Orc Town? Why haven't I heard of it, why do you say it is a paradise for men?"

"Hehe, the empire now has billions of people. Although the territory is not large, the population is crowded. We have passed through many small towns along the way, but you just kept walking on the highway and you didn't pay attention. Every small town is very famous. Like this Orc town of Boer, its name has almost never appeared in the media, but for men who go out often, this is a place that is praised because it is here. There is the most beautiful female orc race of Sword Spirit Star inhabited, so let's go and experience the style of a real bunny girl together!"

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