Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1622 Eleven Ghosts

Ai Yu glanced at Hu Chenghua, who had a bad tone, and wanted to close the door without saying a word.

Hu Chenghua was about to get angry immediately, and Dage, the leader behind her, coughed slightly:

"This woman, I'm just waiting for pedestrians passing by, can't it really be convenient?"

Ai Yu's hand that was about to close the door froze, only to feel that a powerful invisible energy was invading her nerves, slightly surprised, and quickly turned her head to look at the leader Dage. After a while, Ai Yu smiled and said:

"Well, you can take shelter from the rain just by looking at your face, but I don't have that much place in my house. You can only rest in the living room and leave as soon as the rain stops."

Ai Yu opened the door, instead of greeting the eleven people, quickly returned to the own room, giving them all the space in the living room.

A group of people entered in file, Hu Chenghua sneered and said:

"It seems that she is a supernatural person, and she does not seem to be weak! Dage, anyway, we are here to kill. Do you want to take the life of this woman? There are five people in this small farmer, a couple, and two. Boy, and this woman, we might as well kill them all!"

"Hey, these two women belong to me before they are killed, Hu Chenghua, let you handle the male creatures!"

Shihu's eyes shot a brilliant squint.

Taking the lead, Dage has quietly sat down on one side of the sofa and continued to close his eyes and rest.

After a long time, he whispered: "Then you go, I also want to see their real bodies, be careful, you may not be able to take advantage of it easily. This woman who opened the door to us is no longer simple, that's right. The men in the couple may have some abilities too!"

Qin An was lying motionless on the bed, while Ai Yu's face was gloomy while sitting in his own room at this time.

"You seem to know their origins?"

Qin An uses Mental Energy to talk to Ai Yu.

"They are all ghosts, powerful! Eleven people! Have you heard of it?"

After hearing Ai Yu's words, Qin An's thoughts changed sharply.

There are eleven very famous abilities in the Russian Black Gold Empire, known as the Eleven Ghosts! It is said that they are all ghosts resurrected from ancient times on earth.

Based on the clues provided by Ai Yu and the intelligence Qin An had in his own hands on weekdays, Qin An judged their identities.

Shi Bi, the strength of this man was extremely abnormal, and it was completely improper to walk with the Guardian Lions. As a Mongolian brave general, he led a thousand men to fight against the 10,000 Song army, but he did not lose in the end. The most legendary thing is that he turned from a military commander to a civil official and became prime minister of the Yuan Dynasty. Not only was he good at painting, he was also good at calligraphy. He was called the "Old Ziwei". He was definitely a rare literary and military talent in history. In 1318 AD, Shi Bi died of illness. After his resurrection, he became the ghost of crape myrtle.

Hui Qing, a Shaolin monk in the Northern Song Dynasty, once led the monks and soldiers to fight against Daikin's iron cavalry. This person does not have a name in history, but he is a real master, far stronger than the legendary heroes in martial arts novels, and his horizontal training is absolutely worthwhile, and his muscles have been solidified. At the limit, one punch can kill a cow. In 1125 AD, Hui Qing and his monks and soldiers died in battle. Now he is resurrected as a heroic ghost, and he can summon a monk and an imp, who has a righteous energy body and is immune to any damage!Di Qing, whose name is Hanchen, has tattoos on his face, is good at riding and shooting, and is known as "General Mianni". He was born in poverty. He was the commander of Yanzhou in the first year of Song Renzong. A brave general who is proficient in battlefield command. In 1057, he died of depression due to a poisonous sore on his mouth. He died incomparably wronged. After his resurrection, he became a ghost of unjust death. He was heavy and aggressive. Killing one person would make him more hostile and his fighting power would be greater. Permanent increase.

Gongsunlan, also known as Aunt Gongsun, was the first dancer of the Tang Palace in the prosperous period of Kaiyuan, and the dance of "Sword Weapon" created by her was famous all over the world. I was fortunate enough to read a generous and sorrowful "Swordsman" by the poet sage Du Fu. Even the painting sage Wu Daozi once experienced the way of using pen by watching Gongsun Auntie dance sword. Aunt Gongsun died in the market in 760 AD. In her later years, she was poor and lonely. After the resurrection, she became the ghost of the sword god, and the sword weapon was extremely powerful, and she was brave enough to be defeated by a thousand troops.

Li Siye, Datang Sword God, this man is the most powerful special forces general in ancient China, and his army is called Anxi Mo Sword Army. In historical records, no one is Li Siye's swordsman. What a fierceness this is. In 759 AD, he was shot to death by random arrows during the Anshi Rebellion, but it was a pity that he was a great general. After being resurrected to become the ghost of the magic sword, a long sword in hand ignores any defenses, and can also summon the ghosts of the Modao Army!

Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, is a relatively famous emperor in history, and later generations will know that he is an extremely absurd person. Let the court ladies wear open pants and commit adultery with their own mother and concubine cousins. All sorts of incidents are fascinating. In addition to these, he is actually a very capable person. He once commanded the army to go south to unify China, excavated the Grand Sui Canal, founded the imperial examination system, and made great military achievements. In 618 AD, Yang Guang was killed by Linglinghuda. He wanted to drink poison and drink himself but did not get permission from the rebels. After being resurrected, it will become a ghost of death wish, possessing the godhead of the king's body guard, both offensive and defensive, and can become an immortal monster after unlocking the death wish.

Hu Chenghua, the woman who desires most in history is not Empress Cixi. What she wants is wealth and power; not Wu Zetian, but the world; nor Zhao Feiyan, but physical pleasure. So the real answer should be the concubine of Martial God Yuanke of the Northern Wei Dynasty. She is a rare and talented woman in history. She has been praised by the government and the public for her handling of government affairs. However, she has a strong desire for power and a poor private life. It is said that he once shared a bed with a hundred men at the same time, and is known as the world's first adulteress. In 528 AD, Er Zhurong sent troops to cross the Yellow River. After being captured, Queen Mother Hu sank into the Yellow River and died. After the resurrection, she became a ghost of the river, possessing the ability to control water, and was able to summon men who were killed after having sex with her.Shihu, the post-Zhao monarch in the Sixteen Kingdoms period, was a man of great generals. He was extremely brave on the battlefield, but his heart was cruel. Life was very lewd and extravagant. He killed his parents and children and snatched the wives and daughters of his ministers. It is said that he once made an order. At the same time, it was necessary to enroll 10,000 women as concubines, but the population of the country was not large at the time, and it was difficult to find 10,000 women who could be seen to enter the palace, but Shihu didn’t care. He was a most evil person. , He can get into bed as long as she is a naughty boy in her sixties and an old woman in her sixties. I don’t know how many women have played with in his lifetime. In history, he has 12 famous sons. In fact, his descendants are more than hundreds! Because he has slept with thousands of women. In 349 AD, Shihu became the emperor, and then died of a serious illness. After his resurrection, he became a ghost of tuberculosis.

Zhu Hai, superb martial arts, bravely crowned the three armies. He was finally captured by the Qin army, and the King of Qin asked him to serve for the Qin State. The senior officials had everything they needed. Zhu Hai disagreed. King Qin put Zhu Hai in a big iron cage with tigers to test Zhu Hai and threaten Zhu Hai. The tiger pounced upon seeing someone being thrown into the cage. Zhu Hai yelled, "Bastard, dare you!" The tiger was so scared that he lay at Zhu Hai's feet and did not dare to move. A brave who can frighten the tiger, it is estimated that his Mental Energy should be different from ordinary people. In 205 BC, Zhu Hai died by hanging himself because he refused to descend to Qin. Li Bai wrote "Xia Ke Xing" for him late stage. After his resurrection, Zhu Hai was a ghost of destiny. He was also a powerful offensive and defensive person, and he also had the ability to teleport in groups. ability.

Yang Youji, a general of Chu during the Spring and Autumn Period, was a famous marksman in ancient times. After Yangguo was destroyed by Chu, Yang Yuji became a doctor of Chu. According to legend, Yang Yuji Neng shot through the marked willow leaves a hundred steps away, and once shot through seven layers of armor with one arrow. In the "Warring States Policy and Western Zhou Policy", it is recorded: "Chu has a supporter who is good at shooting, and shoots from the willow leaves with a hundred steps." "One arrow" means that one arrow is enough to win. The arrow god who really existed in history is not comparable to the legendary figure of Hou Yi. In 541 BC, a generation of arrow gods was shot to death by Wanjian in the battle between Wu and Chu. He was truly a man who lived with arrows from beginning to end in his life. After his resurrection, he was known as the ghost of Wanjian. Into the body of the immortal body.

So in chronological order, the Yang Youji among them is older than Qin Shihuang's existence.

The ghosts resurrected by these people on Earth are not the same as the ghosts of the Sword Spirit Star. They are more in line with the laws of the earth today, so their ability and strength are more special than the ordinary Sword Spirit Star ghosts, although only a few hundred The ghosts are old or thousands of years old, but they can also contend with the big ghosts that have existed on the Sword Spirit Star for tens of thousands of years. They are even more powerful in some aspects. The defensive power and attack power can’t be used to exceed the so-called Sword God level. God-level standards to measure, because they are beyond these levels of existence, this so-called transcendence means that they are not at the same level, such as chickens and ducks, two animals, although similar, but there is no way to tell whether they are chicken. The more delicious is the duck.

The leader of the Eleven Ghosts, Dage is a mysterious figure, who should be an earthling older than Yang Yuji, and no one has any information about him.Since it was the Eleven Ghosts, Qin An's previous life actually had some connections with them.

One of the predecessors of the Dark Gold Empire was the organization in black. Among the people in black, there were eleven shadows. The other Qin An once killed several people in the eleven shadows. Later, this organization was cleared by the West of Tibet. It turns out that the man in black is controlled by the ghost generals, and after the eleven shadows, there are the eleven ghosts.

The space-time gate appeared on a large scale for the first time near Shanhaiguan, forming a plateau of flesh. During that period, Di Qing once appeared, and also worked with another Qin An.

These details are now clear to Qin An. He has read the novel called "A Dangerous City in the Last Days." Composition, but the subjective path is exactly the same as Qin An’s reality experience.

I didn't expect that the Eleven Ghosts were mixed into the empire at this time, so what was their purpose? kill? Who are you going to kill?

Qin An was pondering, Ai Yu's voice had already sounded in his heart.

"Do you know the emperor?"

"I know, the first main god of Sword Spirit Star."

"Then do you know his origin?"

Naturally, Qin An didn't know.

Ai Yu sighed softly:

"I didn't know before, but after coming to the earth, through various signs, I found that the first sword god emperor was probably the traverser of Qin Shihuang in the history of the earth. This matter is very complicated, and I don't understand it. Anyway. , Half of the energy origin of the Sword Spirit Star species came from this emperor, Qin Shihuang. Then among the eleven dark ghosts, others say that Yang Yuji and the lead Dage are not easy to deal with! Because they are Qin Shihuang. The ancestors of, in a sense, the power of Qin Shihuang is the source of them! The law of the earth today is very strange, it is the combination of the law of the sword spirit star and the law of the Milky Way, so the source of the law of the sword spirit star is Qin Shihuang, Qin Shihuang was born late again. So Yang Yuji and the big head Dage's power is definitely beyond the existence of the laws of the earth. This does not mean that they are already unmatched, but they are definitely more difficult to deal with than ordinary sword gods. , Maybe the strength and the six main gods are at the same level. Qin An, I am not a combat type of supernatural ability, so it is actually a bit difficult to deal with them now. Why don’t we join forces? I’ll deal with Yang Youji and others Nine ghosts, can you deal with the leader Dage, okay?"

Ai Yu's voice sounded sweet and greasy, and Qin An felt that her proposal seemed to be a trap.

"You are a woman, how can I make you work so hard? Or you deal with the lead Dage, I deal with other people."

"Qin An, you eat mine and live with me. Now when you need your return, why are you still pushing back and forth? I don't care, you take the lead Dage to deal with it, and the others I will come!"

Ai Yu's tone seemed to be acting like a baby, and the meaning of the words seemed to say that Qin An was her little white face.

Didn’t it mean eating a meal and staying for half the night?

At this time, the door of the room was kicked open vigorously,

The coquettish Queen Hu came in.

Haitang was awakened and stood up, Qin An also sat up with her slowly.

"What's wrong?"

When Haitang was held in Qin An's arms, her mood became calm, and she asked softly.

When the light in the room was turned on, Empress Hu glanced at Haitang, then set her gaze on Qin An, then smiled after looking again:

"It should be an ordinary couple? Why can't I feel the difference between you?"

Qin An despised the other party in his heart. Compared with Ai Yu, this Empress Hu was just a weak chicken. Didn't she even realize that she was a master?

Just between Qin An's thoughts, the clothes wrapped around the woman's body slipped directly, and the white and greasy skin was completely exposed to Qin An and Haitang's eyes.

"Hey, boy, come on! Put Big sis on the bed, I promise to make you ecstatic!"

Empress Hu's face was reddish, her apricot eyes secretly sent Qiubo, her whole body was full of temptation.

She is very confident that she wants men all these years, because they only need to take herself off and they are crazy about them, and there is no need to work hard.

Haitang's face showed a slight anger, she hugged Qin An tightly, and whispered softly:

"Husband, who is she?"

"I don't know, maybe it was a door-to-door salesman?"

Qin An paused when he said the last two words, lest Haitang would mistake him for swearing.


Empress Hu, who was waiting to be pounced by the man, was taken aback for a moment, then her face turned gloomy.

She squinted her eyes and looked at Qin An coldly, and then said after a long time:

"Isn't seduced by me? Did I get what Dage said, you really have some background? Is it a supernatural person?"

Qin An snorted coldly, and at the same time turned on the mind-reading technique, and directly spied Queen Hu's mind.

It turns out that these eleven ghosts were sent by the Black Gold Empire to the southern front of the Kowloon Empire to make trouble. The purpose was to kill some commanding generals of the Kowloon Empire, destroy the Mayan defense system, and allow the beast tide to invade south, so that the barbarians and the Kowloon could be invaded. The empires consume each other, and the Black Gold Empire can reap the benefits of the fisherman and reap more territories. If it weren't for the Black Gold Empire now at war with the Arctic puppets, they actually wanted to send troops to the Kowloon Empire.

Since he came with such a plan, Qin An had murderous intent in his heart after understanding it.

Although he is largely hidden in the city, it does not mean that he has no position.

Guo Sihai, the Qin family, and the Kowloon Empire are all his positions, and he will not just watch people who want to deal with them pass in front of him and ignore them.

Without answering Queen Hu's question, Qin An opened his heart, as if a gust of wind rushed the window open, after which a figure knelt in front of Qin An.

"Master! Qin Lu is here!"

"Kill this naked woman, I look upset!"

Qin An's voice fell, and Empress Hu's body had already risen and fell out of the window, and a flame was rising amid slight fluctuations in the air.

"What kind of attack is this, why can't you dodge it?"

Queen Hu, who was severely injured by the blow through time and space, jumped from the ground. The next moment her body has been split in half! The Aurora Shadow Sword God didn't have the strength to fight back when facing Qin An, it didn't mean that she was weak, but Qin An's abilities combined with her multiple time and space, so she couldn't activate the abilities. If she could activate the power, it would be impossible for Qin An to kill her so easily.

In the room, Qin An frowned slightly, and then turned his head to focus on the leading Dage in the living room on the first floor. At this moment, his closed eyes had just opened, and he was looking at Qin An in the air.

"This person is really extraordinary! It seems that today is a bad battle!"

After killing the enemy, Qin Lu returned to the room and knelt on the ground to report the results to Qin An.

"Master, I have completed the task."

Qin An shook his head and sighed: "Go out and have a look, she has been resurrected!"

What? Qin Lu was shocked, but he didn't expect that the other party would also have the ability to resurrect.

Qin An's gaze is still fixed on the leader Dage. He knows the truth. Empress Hu does not have the ability to resurrect, but the leader Dage does!

When Qin Lu cut Empress Hu in half, a powerful energy exploded from the leader of Dage's body, acting on Empress Hu. This is how she can be resurrected.

Qin Lu had already left outside at this time, and saw that the naked woman had come alive. Her face was pale, her eyes were blood red, and she was obviously really angry.

The battle between the two women had just begun, and they would not let each other fight in one place.

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