Xiaoda and Longdan got into Ai Yu's room when Shihu was talking with Queen Hu.

"Mom, Xiao Da said that there is a man outside who wants to fuck you. Isn't that a kid named Qin An? Do you want me to get it back for you?"

Ai Yu heard Dragon Egg's words and immediately Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, what do you mean by "engage"? This word is too shy, the dragon egg boy is not bright in his mind, which is really a headache.

My own two sons, Xiaoda, are smart and the dragon egg is brave. They are really her two amulets. Ai Yu has not lived easily these years. She does have a long life span. As a capable person with no active combat power, she chooses not to reveal her identity. Living low-key is actually helpless.

At this time, Shihu appeared, broke into the door and laughed.

"Little lady, the king is here, have you guessed that you are going to have a good relationship with me tonight? You were reluctant to look at you before, haha! I used to be an imperial daughter. This effort is definitely not a joke, come and let this king entertain you!"

After Shihu came in, Ai Yu had already opened the package and put the two meatballs into Xiaoda and Longdan's mouth. This is the Orchid Fire Food, and the one that Xiaoda ate can enable him to open absolute defense and shield. The one eaten by the empty egg can give him a super powerful attack.

Now there is no need to talk nonsense, Ai Yu's slight movement directly turned Shihu into a big carrot.

After eating the Orchid Fire Food, the Dragon Egg was already extremely brave, jumped over and beat the big carrot into a mess.

"Haha, if you want to fuck my mother, I will fuck you first!"

Ai Yu frowned slightly at the broken radish, just because Shihu, who should have been dead, suddenly appeared again.

Ai Yu immediately understood that if you want to kill Shihu, you must first kill the lead Dage. He has the power to resurrect and can make the dead come alive. She is right. She must be the lead Dage. Super powerful existence!

What is Qin An doing? Haven't shot yet? She is actually a soft persimmon, she can't be beaten by a real master, she is not a fighting sword god.

Although I don't know what Qin An's strength is, Ai Yu believes that he must be better than himself, so now he puts hope on him.

Qin An was not in a hurry. He had left Ai Yu's house with Haitang. The black armored chariot came with Qin Yan, and Qin An let Haitang enter the black armored chariot, and then watched the battle with Qin Yan.

The main reason is that now the opponents are only Shihu and Empress Hu, and the other people are still sitting in the living room on the first floor. Everyone is a powerful psychic, and the ghosts are biological clocks with powerful souls, so even if they are separated from the wall You can also see the fighting on both sides.

Qin An felt that since they were so stable, he shouldn't take any shots at will. It's very important for the masters to move aggressively.

The fight between Empress Hu and Qin Lu was fierce. After Empress Hu turned on all the defenses, although he could fight Qin Lu for a while, he would still not be worthy of death in the end.

But the leader Dage didn't know what abilities he possessed. Empress Hu would resurrect him the moment he died, and then the woman would be alive and well.

Finally, after the eighth resurrection, Empress Hu finally succeeded in counter-killing, and she actually killed Qin Lu because she was a little tired and couldn't activate the ability quickly.

"Boss! Who is this woman? What she released is the colorful lightsaber Spiritual Qi, is it a sword god who is fighting me? Haha, how can I be killed by me with such a weak strength, haha!?"

Although Empress Hu is arrogant, she also knows that he has no chance of winning a fight with the true sword god, so he feels that with the help of the boss's abnormal resurrection ability, it is very difficult and proud to be able to kill the sword god once.

As soon as her words fell, Qin Lu had already resurrected, and Queen Hu's head was split in half.

The next moment, she did not continue the fight, but returned to Qin An out of breath, her eyes full of panic.

Qin Lu was really unlucky. She had already been killed twenty-nine times by Qin An before. After a period of rest, although her resurrection ability hadn't fully returned to normal, she was able to resurrect five times.

However, only five times! The opponent is completely an unkillable monster, and his strength is super strong. He has already died once accidentally. Qin Lu doesn't know whether he can persist to defeat the opponent completely. He is terribly scared today.

Qin An knew in her heart without looking at her eyes that this woman was afraid that she would not be able to continue fighting today, because she already had a heart of fear. If she forced her to fight, she would not win much in the end.

"Take care of the black armored chariot!"

Qin An dropped a word, and the person had disappeared into the lobby on the first floor, before the leader Dage.

"Dage, you are right, this kid is really capable! The two people and a car he called are also very weird!"

Gongsunlan spoke.

"Yang Yugi, you do it!"Taking the lead in Dage's order, this is considered to be enough attention to Qin An.

Yang Youji raised his hand and shot a black long arrow, which quickly flashed to the tip of Qin An's nose.

Qin An felt the enormous power carried on the long arrow, and even dared not to meet him, so he dodged and avoided it.

But once the arrow was locked on Qin An, it would follow indefinitely, and Qin An flashed it and flashed immediately.

Since you can't escape, let's take offense as defense!

Qin An once again flashed to Yang Youji's side, turning his hand into a knife and slashing towards his neck.

Yang Yuji was a tall and weak man. When Qin An's hand knife was cut down, his body suddenly exploded with countless short arrows!

These arrows were shot at every corner of 360 degrees, with no dead ends.

However, they can identify the enemy and ourselves, and when they touch their own people, they will disappear before entering the body, without causing any damage to their own people.

Qin An's hand knife is about to be shot by these short arrows, and the long arrows behind him have also been chased. He frowned slightly, still not confident to touch these arrows with flesh and blood.

Yang Youji is not an ordinary supernatural being, but a ghost that is older than Qin Shihuang, Qin An understands this just like Ai Yu.


After a loud noise, all the arrows that had originally been shot at Qin An splashed in all directions, and finally disappeared in midair.

Qin An handed the Ruyi Scepter golden cudgel to protect his body, opened all the arrows, offsetting their powerful energy, including the first black long arrow shot by Yang Yuji.

After resolving the crisis, Qin An also activated the long-range attack ability. Numerous red leaves were like ocean waves, and Xiang Yang Youji overwhelmed the sky, leading Dage and the nine others to pounce.

When Gongsunlan saw that he hurriedly took action, numerous bright bronze swords spun out of the nine people. These swords flew in the air, and then formed a sword wall and flew towards the sea of ​​red leaves.

After the two sides collided, the sword wall was swallowed, and the powerful energy backlash was instantly transmitted to Gongsunlan, who flew out and vomited blood and died!

"Ah! So fierce?"

Yang Guang and others were shocked, but Yang Yuji and Dage were the only ones who remained calm.

An invisible energy encircled Gongsunlan's body and resurrected him. Gongsunlan stood pale, her clothes bursting, and she was now naked. Her sword array had been broken, and it was an instant, which made her unbelievable.

Qin An's Sea of ​​Red Leaves was hindered by the sword array, but it did not dissipate, and still moved forward.

Still Yang Yuji shot, and once again shot ten thousand arrows into a sea, colliding with the sea of ​​red leaves.

Even greater energy erupted, and the force of blasting shattered the entire house.

Ai Yu's mother and son and Shi Hu on the second floor all lost their center of gravity and fell into the rubble.

Qin An himself was standing ten meters away at this time, and in the smoke and dust, he saw the ghosts leaving the ruins. Then Zhu Hai activated the group teleportation ability to take all of them away, and reached ten meters on the other side of the ruins of the house. Away.

All fighting stopped instantly, Shi Hu and Empress Hu returned to their camp, Ai Yu mother and son also ran to Qin An.

"my house!"

Ai Yu sighed in annoyance, her face tangled. The two boys are also dejected, their own home is gone, of course they are not happy, and they are now ashamed.

"Ai Yu, do you really want to deal with this Yang Youji?" Qin An said while looking ahead.

"Can you deal with him, too, I don't seem to be able to beat him."

"Stupid, I still think how good you are!"

"I do have a lot of knowledge. In addition to the four major skills, I also have some characteristics of my own, but the combat effectiveness is really not strong! Otherwise, I wouldn't have been hiding in the market for so many years.

"Hmph, be optimistic about your child!"

Qin An's voice fell and the man disappeared. He appeared again in front of Dage, who led the ghost, raising the golden hoop and smashing it down vertically.

Shi Bi, Zhu Hai, and Shi Hu simultaneously appeared in the hands of heavy cold weapons, and together they raised the golden cudgel to meet Qin An.

These three people are powerful people, and they expected to be able to prevent the enemy's attack.

After another loud noise, Shi Hu and Shi Bi were shocked by powerful forces.

Zhu Hai was a figure of the same period as King Qin, and he had close contact with him, so he was forced to death by Emperor Qin Shihuang.

The earth's current space magnetic field has changed because of Qin Shihuang, so Zhu Hai is also a beneficiary, so his strength is actually only slightly worse than Yang Youji.

Therefore, the fall of Qin An's stick only smashed the heavy hammer in Zhu Hai's hand, making Zhu Hai's arms numb and bleeding from the tiger's mouth, but he did not take a step back.

The battle between several people is not a fight on the ordinary Guwu battlefield. The power that erupts between raising hands and feet has already caused the space to crease.

This is normal. Qin An's strength is much stronger than Qin Potian's. The three opponents, especially Zhu Hai, can contend with Qin An, and their strength is not comparable to Qin Potian's.

Then the power here is different from the traditional scientific power concept of the earth, but a powerful energy parameter.

In the scientific narrative of the Sword Spirit Star, the basic structure of any concept is a trinity, so space and power should also be like this. That is to say, the composition of space is the space trinity, and the composition of power is the power trinity. The number of ordinary power trinos is relatively insignificant compared to spatial trinos, so the existence of space cannot be touched.

However, the power trinos of Qin An's people are already magnificent enough to collide with the space trinities, which will cause the space to fluctuate, produce cracks, or even break directly.

Then every space connects two worlds. One side is the earth, and the other side is not known where it is.

Qin An's strength is enough to tear through the space. Although the space cracks appear for a short time, they will still appear.

However, this kind of space crack is not a time-space door. Once someone falls into it, they won't enter other worlds, but will be caught in the crack and eventually disappear into the space, which is equivalent to Death.

Therefore, the battle of Qin An's people is not something ordinary ability players can join, but the powerful spreading energy can't stand it.

Now that Zhu Hai and Yang Youji have the same strength as Qin An, there is no possibility for other people to join this kind of battle. Of course, the mysterious leader Dage has not shot yet, if his strength is higher than Zhu Hai and Yang Youji. , Then Qin An is likely to lose.

Qin An had a little entanglement in his heart, and he didn't expect to meet so many masters tonight.

A Zhu Hai who can take over his Ruyi Scepter golden cudgel, a Yang Yuji whose attack power will make him break the defense, and a big boss who plays cool over there.

Although Qin An was not worried about herself, he was a little worried about Haitang.

Qin Lu, Qin Yan, these two sad sword gods died before they came out of their masters. Not only did they encounter their own monster, but now they also encountered eleven ghosts. They were blood mold, and they might have an impact on the gods. It is very likely that you will not have much confidence for a long time in the future.

What can we do now? let's hit! Qin An made up his mind, at least to force the mysterious Dage to take action, to see if he was genuine or a paper tiger.

Next, Qin An, Zhu Hai, and Yang Yuji fought together.

Zhu Hai is a close combat general, Yang Youji is good at long-range attacks, and the two complement each other, and they played against Qin An at once.

Those watching the battle on both sides were all dumbfounded.

Not to mention Shihu, Gongsunlan, etc., even the mysterious leader Dage is not calm anymore.

Who is this person anyway? Can you fight Zhu Hai and Yang Yuji with one enemy and two?

Although they were born because of ghost generals, as the earth's magnetic field changes, their strength has been comparable to that of ghost generals, so the subordinates named ghost generals actually already have a lot of autonomy. After staying in the Black Gold Empire for a long time, they asked the ghost generals for their current task. Originally thinking that relying on their strength to destroy it would be a piece of cake with half the effort, so the remaining time can be taken away by the way.

Unexpectedly, in the first battle when I came to the empire, I would encounter such a perverted master, and I didn't even know his origin. Is the foundation of the Kowloon Empire so rich? It seems that it is so easy for the dead sect to achieve the hegemony of a unified world.

Here, in addition to this perverted powerhouse, the two women who fought with Empress Hu and Shihu before are obviously sword gods, and the men who have not shot by the black sports car seem to have godliness.

Is it too unlucky or their hearts have been discovered by the Kowloon Empire? If it weren't like this, how could one casually encounter three sword god level, one master god level powerhouse?

Taking the lead, Dage furrowed his eyebrows, filled with doubts.


After a cry of pain, Zhu Hai's body flew 100 meters to the ground, his bones were broken and his brain was cracked. He was hit by Qin An's golden hoop.

Taking the lead, Dage naturally wanted to resurrect Zhu Hai, but his energy had just been released, only to find that he couldn't get close to Zhu Hai's dead body."Haha! It turns out that your resurrection ability can be isolated!"

Qin An laughed loudly. What he opened next to Zhu Hai at this time was the land seal space barrier.

Quickly getting rid of Yang Youji's arrow, Qin An teleported into the enchantment and used a Soul-Breaking Curse on Zhu Hai's corpse!

Taking the lead, Dage's face paled, and the other ghosts around him were shaking.

After using the Soul Breaking Curse, Zhu Hai has no possibility of resurrecting again.

Shihu and the others were all scared. If their Dage couldn't bring them back to life, wouldn't they be trash to Qin An?

Thinking like this, Qin An had already left Zhu Hai in a flash, and moved behind Shi Bi and Hui Qing!

"Go to hell!"

A stick swept through the heads of the two people. This time Qin An shot faster, and even the ground seal space was not opened. Before the lead Dage cast the resurrection technique, he had already threw two soul-breaking spells at the same time, making them unable to resurrect.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Taking the lead, Dage was finally angry. He didn't expect Zhu Hai to be killed so easily. He has the strength of the main god!

The figure turned into a shadow and came to Qin An's side and punched Qin An on the head.

Qin An waved the golden hoop with one hand to hit him on the waist, and then punched with the other hand to face the fist he had struck.

The lead Dage's body suddenly disappeared in front of Qin An's eyes, but the power of his fists did not dissipate in the slightest.

In the end, Qin An's stick slammed empty, and his fist collided with the fist of the leader Dage, and was shocked to be retreated. The nearby space wrinkled again, and huge spatial cracks appeared, almost attracting Qin An.

So strong!

Qin An's heart was shocked. After this touch, he had already understood that he was definitely not the opponent of this leader Dage.

Before he could think about it, the man who had lost track of him had already teleported to Qin An's back and punched again.

Qin An only felt that he seemed to be trapped in a kind of space barrier, unable to activate the teleportation ability to avoid it.

This time Qin An's forehead finally broke out in a cold sweat. It seemed that this person's strength was not stronger than his own, and he was able to restrict the activation of his own ability.

Since you can't avoid it, you can only resist, the abilities of various defensive attributes gather in the back, and at the same time, the ability of anti-injury is turned on.


After the loud noise, Qin An was beaten and flew far away. He vomited blood in the air, and he felt that his internal organs seemed to be broken.

The anti-injury ability has no effect on the leader Dage. He stood still and just shook his body, and there was no other damage.

Qin An swiftly ran his healing ability, and after flying 100 meters, he repaired his body and landed safely.

How to do? Can't beat this kid!

Qin An was so anxious that he didn't worry about himself, but was afraid that this mysterious Dage would attack Haitang and others.

To Qin An's surprise, things took a turn. The guy didn't continue to move, but looked at Qin An coldly, and said every word:

"I am Shennong! Boy, kill my three generals, I will avenge my grudge sooner or later!"

While he was talking, he turned around and left, and a puff of light white smoke wrapped his ghosts and was ten miles away in a flash.

why did you leave?

Qin An was extremely surprised. After a while, he finally understood the reason. It turned out that there was a group of three people approaching quickly to the east.

Qin An couldn't believe it. He didn't know who was here, and he was able to scare away such a bullish Shennong.

Wait, he is Shennong? Isn't that the legendary Yandi Sun God?

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