Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1624 Fire Sword God

Shennong, born in 3245 BC, is an ancient figure in China, and is respected by the world as "the king of medicine", "the king of five grains", "the emperor of five grains", "the emperor of Shennong", and the emperor of land. He is one of the three emperors of China, the inventor of the legendary agriculture and medicine. He has tasted all kinds of herbs, and there is a legend that "Shen Nong tasted all herbs". The pre-apocalyptic deeds era is widely circulated, but people do not know whether he is just a legend or a person.

Unexpectedly, he appeared in front of him today in the form of a resurrected ghost, which made Qin An a little dumbfounded.

Not long after, the group of three people had already arrived here, and it turned out to be three women.

The head one looks more than 20 years old, wearing a red dress and red dress, with a very cold and arrogant temperament.

The second person is dressed in white and is a plump and sexy pretty beauty.

The third person wore an exposure, goose yellow shorts and light pink suspenders. Her figure turned out to be the sexiest of the three.

"Master, did you feel those ghosts just now?" the white-clothed woman asked.

The red-clothed woman glanced lightly across Qin An and the others, nodded and said: "Well, that's right! She ran quite fast."

"It's helpless after catching up. Although they can't beat the master, it is difficult for the master to kill them, but I don't know why they are so scared this time and run so fast?" The white-clothed woman said in doubt.

The girl in goose yellow shorts had already walked to Qin An's side, and circled Qin An for a long time.

"Who are you? How do you think you are familiar?"

Qin An calmed down, did not speak, but frowned slightly. He felt that the girl who circled around her was a bit weird. She looked at people naked, not like a normal person at all.

The white-clothed woman ran up to the woman, pulled her back and whispered, "Sister, don't do this, people will be scared by you."

Then she looked at Qin An and smiled: "This young man, don't mind, my Big sis is naturally curious about everything, because she is a person who knows nothing. She is in a daze on weekdays, it seems There is a lot of fate between you, she actually took the initiative to speak to you, this is a rare thing!"

Qin An nodded slightly to the woman in white, but still did not speak.

"You beat those ghosts away?"

The woman in red finally asked Qin An, her voice as cold as her appearance.

"No, I just fought with them. It should be the arrival of the three that scared them away."

"What? You did it with the Eleven Ghosts? They have been in Russia for many years, and they have been walking sideways in the Black Gold Empire. You can survive after fighting them. This shows that your strength is very strong! I don't know who you are. The white-clothed woman was very curious. At this time, Zhu Hai, Shi Bi, and Hui Qing's heads were all blown up, and only their bodies fell to the ground. The white-clothed woman did not recognize their identities, otherwise Hui would be even more surprised.

"An unknown man, coming from Hanghai City, has to go to the front line to see, don't you know who you are? Can you scare the Eleven Ghosts away? I really admire it!"

"Hehe, my name is Zhong Hongcui, this woman in red is my master, and her name is Qi Rou. This is my sister, named Wangyou. Master has been taking us wandering around these years, and arrived at Heijin three months ago. In the territory of the empire, I heard that the Eleven Shadows did a lot of evil, and even tarnished and killed the daughter of our borrower’s family. So the master took me and Senior Sister Wangyou to find them to settle accounts. I dealt with Zhu Hai, and Senior Sister War Yang Yuji. , My master monopolized Shennong alone. As a result, we didn’t know the victory or defeat, and we had to retreat. After all, the Black Gold Empire was the territory of others. Later, because of being chased by undead and ghost creatures, we were in the Black Gold Empire. There is no place to stay, so I can only leave, and let the bad guys go for the time being. Tonight we passed by here, the master felt the breath of Shennong, so he ran over to check with us, I didn’t expect them to have run away, Little Big Brother, you Still very powerful! There are not many strong people who can work with them."


Qin An was shocked!

He knew very well about Qin An in his previous life, and he naturally knew the identity of the two women in red and white. .

Zhong Hongcui, Qin Beichen's maid, disappeared during the second battle to defend the hell, his life or death is unknown. Qin Beichen married Shi Lida as his wife, but he hasn't forgotten his Xiao Cui all these years, but he thought Xiao Cui must be dead, and the memorial tablet that had been set up at home would be worshipped every year.

Qi Rou is the legendary resurrection of the true fire sword god. It is said that when he was in United States, he was transferred from other space planes because of the ability of the singularity sword god. He also spent some time with Weng Lan and others, and then disappeared. Whereabouts.

I didn't expect that I would meet these two women here.What shocked Qin An even more was that Qi Rou, Zhong Hongcui, and Wangyou were so strong that they could fight Shennong, Zhu Hai, and Yang Youji.

In fact, Qin An's thoughts behind are somewhat redundant. Qi Rou has not been resurrected to become the main god, otherwise, with the power of the true fire, the mother of the sword god, how could he be inextricably beaten with that Shennong? It should be able to kill the opponent. Therefore, even if there is no resurrection, Qi Rou, who has inherited the real fire heritage, is still extremely powerful, and can naturally be comparable to Shennong's strength. Better than Qin An.

Where has Qi Rou been going all these years?

The statue of the True Fire Palace was taken away by Qi Rou, and it contained the energy left by the True Fire Sword God. Qi Rou gained stronger strength after absorbing it, but it did not become a true fire.

The true fire sword god exists because she met Qin Shihuang and descended on the sword spirit star.

After many years, the relationship between Zhenhuo and the emperor was incompatible, and the feelings were no longer there. Now Qi Rou naturally does not want to be the mother of the sword god.

Therefore, Qi Rou can be regarded as an independent existence. She acquired the memory of real fire, went to the tomb of Qin Shihuang, went to the zombie capital of the Tianyin Dynasty and moved around. He took Zhong Hongcui away from the battlefield of hell nine years ago, and soon afterwards he encountered madness and worries.

Wangyou is not someone else, it is Wu Xiaoxiao who suffers from communication disorders and delusions.

When Qi Rou met her, she saw that she didn't even know who she was, and she had completely forgotten everything, so she named her Wangyou and accepted her as her own apprentice. From then on, with Wang You and Zhong Hongcui, he continued to wander the world, traveled to every corner of the world, and saw the customs and customs of the earth.

With the help of Real Fire, Wangyou and Zhong Hongcui re-refined the Excalibur and have become two sword gods.

The Divine Sword was re-refined, and the two previous abilities also changed.

Wangyou is Hokage, and Zhong Hongcui is Huosha.

The four skills of Naruto Sword God, Time and Space Naruto, Fist of Fury, Skyfire Shield, Fire Sea Shadow Kill.

Time and Space Naruto is a combination of the flame clone and the spatial ability of Time and Space Shadow. Wu Xiaoxiao can still open the paused time and space, enter the world of other people's memories, and then spend a long time. And she can open hundreds of avatars at the same time, and enter the memory world of different people at the same time. That is to say, she looks like she is less than 30 years old, but the time passed is very long. Her body has always stayed in the real space, but the clone is floating in different time and space, constantly bringing her various memories, and then allowing her to evolve and accumulate energy over the long years.

The Fist of Fury is powerful. The destructive power of the fist blessed by the flame is extremely powerful. It ignores any defense. You can't touch her fist in a fight against Wu Xiaoxiao. Once it is touched, the stronger defensive force must be injured, and the weaker defensive force will be directly injured. Will be broken and killed.

Skyfire Shield is a defensive technique. This shield technique allows Wu Xiaoxiao to crack all the attacks of attributes, and even the most difficult to defend curse power does not have much effect on her.

The Fire Sea Shadow Kill is the Movement Technique ability. After summoning a sea of ​​fire, the fire sea area becomes Wu Xiaoxiao's territory. In the sea of ​​fire, she can freely shuttle freely, and she can also activate the infinite Hokage clone.

The four skills of the Fire Sand Sword God: Fire kills the desert, the fire dances on the sand, the sparks and quicksand, and the hourglass falls.

Fire to kill the desert is a summoning ability. Zhong Hongcui can summon the desert Realm. All the sand in this Realm is her weapon. It can be used for defense, attack, and concealment.

Fire dancing and sand movement is a charm ability. Zhong Hongcui dances wildly in the sand, and the group of shadows flashes. The trapped will lose a certain amount of combat power because of Mental Energy being charmed.

Starfire quicksand is a big move. Zhong Hongcui will make the entire desert fly up and besieged the enemy. In this kind of siege, no one can escape immediately. Once trapped, it will eventually form a huge sand egg, which will vacate. Fly straight into the Universe, then if it cannot escape before it enters the Universe, it will never be able to return to the planet in the future. It will float forever as a meteor in the Universe. The sand egg takes only ten minutes from taking off to leaving the earth. Even if you escape, you will face whether you fall from a high altitude and fall back to death, as well as the impact of the explosion energy of the sand egg, because breaking the sand egg is the only way to escape, and all Spatial Teleportation abilities will be invalid.

The Fall of the Hourglass is a physical skill enhancement ability. Zhong Hongcui can summon a small hourglass that lasts for one minute. When the hourglass is turned on and flowing, Zhong Hongcui can instantly replicate the strength of any enemy and bless him on top of his original ability. That is to say, no matter who he is playing against, Zhong Hongcui can get a minute stronger than the other party. This is her ultimate killer skill.

Of course, the skills are powerful, but the probability of effect is the basis of the battle between the supernaturalists.

For example, in the battle between Qin An and Qin Lu, Qin Lu's skills were not effective in front of Qin An, so she was a weak chicken for Qin An.

Another example is Qin An and Ai Yu. Although Ai Yu has no fighting power, her ability to turn people into vegetables can work on Qin An. So it is not easy for Qin An to easily kill Ai Yu.

There were also Qin An and Shennong. When Shennong hit with a punch from behind, Qin An's teleportation ability was invalid, and he could only take the opponent's attack.

Therefore, the probability of the ability to take effect is a very important factor in the battle of the ability. It is related to many parameters, and there is no way to specifically measure it.

After spending a lot of energy to bring Wu Xiaoxiao Zhong Hongcui into a sword god, Qi Rou felt that his merits were finally fulfilled.

So she returned to China, planning to let the two apprentices return to Qin Beichen.

This has been Zhong Hongcui's long-cherished wish for many years, and Wu Xiaoxiao is no different from a fool most of the time, only when he faces Zhong Hongcui with a soft face will he have some spirituality, and he can't go anywhere else, so he can only follow the two of them. So Qi Rou wanted them to follow Qin Beichen together. After thinking about where she is going, the earth will grow bigger, but she is a person without roots.

Arriving in Hanghai City, Zhong Hongcui had never imagined but felt timid about his nostalgia.

She knew that Qin Beichen and Shi Lida were married and had two daughters, so she didn't know how to face this green horse Zhumei who grew up together.

So Zhong Hongcui decided not to see Qin Beichen for the time being after thinking about it.

Just at this time, there was a beast tide in the southern border, Zhong Hongcui discussed with his master to go to the front line to have a look, and just like that, Qin An, who was in another life of Qi Ruan, met here.

"Are you...real fire?"

Next to Qin An, Ai Yu couldn't believe her own eyes after Qi Rou appeared.

Qi Rou heard her talking and glanced sideways, then the image of Ai Yu appeared in the memory of True Fire Sword God.

"The initial creature of the Sword Spirit Star, ghost?"

"Hmm! Do you remember me? Are you really the mother of the sword god?"

Ai Yu was a little excited.

"No, I am not real fire. My name is Qi Rou, but I have the memory of real fire. When the Sword Spirit Star was just born, there appeared many small species with spirituality and able to speak. At that time, real fire and emperor The emperor’s feelings are still deep, so her memory of that period is particularly clear, so I can remember... You was originally a pet of the emperor and the real fire family, and later transformed into a human form and became Ai Yu From then on, you have been the cook of the Emperor and the Real Fire. Later, the Emperor was greedy for your beauty, and Real Fire was jealous to make you leave home. Since then, you will never hear from you again, right? I didn’t expect you to be the same now. Sword God."

As soon as these words were spoken, let alone Qin An's dumbfounded, Qin Lu behind him, Qin Yan was also completely stunned.

This woman who looked like an ordinary farmer turned out to be the pet cook of the father of the sword god and the mother of the sword god? Have you ever been spied by the emperor? What is even more shocking is that the woman who suddenly appeared has the memory of the True Fire Sword God? How can this be? Could it be said that she is the inheritance of real fire?

Qin Lu and Qin Yan stood together extremely cautiously. They were really unlucky. The confidence they should have on the first day of becoming a god was completely wiped out.

I first met the monster Qin An, and then I saw the power of Shennong, Zhu Hai, and Yang Youji. Now they have jumped out of a pair of super powerful sisters, and they are more terrifying than them. It is likely to be the inheritance of the true fire sword god. Of the winner.

When has the world become so dangerous? Life in the last days can really make people have accidents every day.

Qin An's eyebrows are tightly furrowed, and one of Qin An's secrets has been revealed in the novel "Dangerous City in the Last Days".

The book says that Qin An's biological mother is actually Qi Rou and his biological father is Qin Shihuang.

Anyone who has read this novel thinks that this is the author's nonsense, because the story is really weird. Even if this is the end of the world with supernatural beings flying in the sky, how could Qin An be the child of Qin Shihuang and an alien woman? It's nonsense.

As a melon eater, Qin An looked at the story of Qin An in the previous life, and at first felt it was impossible.

But later, as he learned about the Qin family, Qin An couldn't be sure.

Because that panda run seems to have been in contact with Cheng Gang, Ba Tian and others back then, but he has obtained a lot of secrets about Qin An from them.

Qin An of the previous life did not specifically tell others that he might be a descendant of Qin Shihuang, but when he was drinking with Cheng Gang, he half-joked about it.

If the panda running is not completely fabricated, wouldn't the previous life of Qi Rou and own in front of them be mother and child?

Thinking of this, Qin An's head ached, and the affection of the primitive blood made him feel.

At this time, Qi Rou also seemed to have some emotional fluctuations, her eyes suddenly fell on Qin An's face, and she said after a long time:"Are you Qin An?"

"Master, come back next time!"

"Go, go, daddy isn't here anymore! After spending so much money, even if you don't allow you to stay overnight, the ghost will take care of your business!"

Outside the neon tavern in Tianyuan Village, a young diaosi who looked in his twenties angrily yelled at the woman who had just sent him out, then took the wine Calabash in his hand, took a big sip of the wine, and started wandering awkwardly. .

"Cut, stinky beggar! All stinky, if it weren't for you to have two stinky money, my old lady could let you climb into my bed? I babble!"

The woman spit out severely, then turned around and returned to the neon tavern.

"The dangerous city of the last days,

How many people are suffering,

In the footsteps of history,

Soar forward without feelings.

I stand alone in the ruins,

Can't remember the dream many years ago,

In a dream,

My love, are you still so passionate?

He hummed a popular song called "The Last Days" in the voice of a drake. The sloppy beggar-like young man was slightly drunk, and because he had just vented on a woman, he was totally tired at this time. I really want to fall down. The land can't afford to just go to sleep like this.

"Haha, nine years! Nine years have passed, brother, how have you been in heaven? Have you ever picked up girls?"

The young man raised his hands and looked up at the sky, a trace of sadness in his slightly drunk eyes.

After a few hiccups, the young man continued to hobble towards the south of the village. Suddenly, a powerful energy wave erupted in front of him, and colored lights flashed randomly.

"Huh? The abilities are fighting? Haha, it's fun, fun, interesting, dude, I'm going to see it!"

After talking to himself, the young man took two steps forward, only to fall to the ground again.

Lie on the ground and feel dizzy, and feel that the whole body seems to be hot, and I don't know whether it is the cause of alcohol or the energy released over there that makes the air warm up.

Standing up hard, the young man ignored his muddy body, his knees were already torn, and he continued to hobble forward.

When he finally arrived at his destination, he saw a black sports car parked in front of the ruins and a few people standing beside the car behind the big tree.

The young man was taken aback for a moment, his eyes finally stopped on the woman in red.

"So beautiful! Is this a fairy descending to the world?"

The young man suddenly felt that he had a feeling of love, so he pushed aside the big tree that was supporting him, and continued to walk forward, getting closer and closer to the other side, and he could already hear their conversation. So he just heard the four words spit out from the woman in red, "Are you Qin An?"

The young man's body paused, his slightly drunk eyes gradually became clear, his mouth opened and his face flushed.

Suddenly the young man leaned forward, rushing forward almost in a weightless state, and hugged the woman in red.

"Fairy! Who do you say is Qin An? Ah? Did you mention Qin An's name just now?"

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