Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1629 The world is a liar

Although Fang Xiaobao was a fool at that time, Jiaoyan was really attentive.

Not only will she follow her advice, but she will also provide her with various services.

Mother Liu and Mother Zhang didn't regard Fang Jiaoyan as a hostess, so she would often bully her. As long as Fang Xiaobao saw Fang Jiaoyan crying, she would immediately get hairy and would not allow anyone to approach her. So when Fang Jiaoyan cried loudly when she was bullied, she was immediately protected.

Even Fang Jiaoyan didn't realize at the time that that kind of protection turned out to be meticulous.

When she entered the barracks, no one was protecting her. The men’s goal was to get her to bed, and the women laughed at her because she slept with a fool for three years. The troop's turnover in various places occasionally faced dangerous beasts, and she had to fight each other. She almost died a few times, and there was no place where she lived comfortably with Fang Xiaobao.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Jiaoyan was already twenty years old, and almost all female soldiers of the same age around her were married, and her future had not yet settled.

In fact, many men in the army are pursuing her, but she doesn't like it.

These people are stinky soldiers, maybe not as good as that fool.

At least that guy looks gentle, and he goes crazy in bed as a man... That energy also makes women suffer from gains and losses, pain and happiness.

Fang Jiaoyan often thinks back to her life with a fool. She doesn't know why she thinks, why she can't forget it.

Such a predicament made Fang Jiaoyan unable to escape until Fang Dazhi appeared in front of her again.

Fang Jiaoyan felt that Own's life was finally going to be reversed. As long as Fang Dazhi could like her and let her be his woman, all the difficulties would be solved.

For half a year, Fang Jiaoyan tried her best to pursue Fang Dazhi, and in the end the two of them became boyfriend and girlfriend.

After that, Fang Jiaoyan began to struggle, because Fang Dazhi, the man, was an embroidered pillow, which looked good and was useless for birds.

Fang Dazhi's mother was Qu Mei, a very powerful middle-aged woman. She was Fang Dazhi's vocal representative since she was a child, and Fang Dazhi was obedient to this mother.

He really likes Fang Jiaoyan, because Fang Jiaoyan is good-looking, smart and good at communicating with people.

But when Qu Mei heard that her son and the fool’s bed partner had become a group of comrades in comrades, and was about to establish a boyfriend and girlfriend, she immediately ordered her son to stay away from Fang Jiaoyan’s woman. She absolutely could not accept a fool who slept with a fool for three times. A young woman becomes an own daughter-in-law.

When Fang Dazhi heard that his mother would not allow him to be with Fang Jiaoyan, he immediately began to cry.

Years of habit made him completely ignorant of how to resist his mother, so the matter between him and Fang Jiaoyan was delayed like this, and the two maintained the relationship of the same group of comrades, and that was all.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Jiaoyan was twenty-one, her thoughts were more mature, her personality was more independent, her abilities were enhanced, and she also adapted to the life of a soldier.

She suddenly felt that she didn't have to rely on men, and she could live well.

She lacked the care of her parents in her childhood, so she was too eager to rely on it, and it may be wrong to think of this desire now.

She also gave up hope for Dazhi.

This man has no blood at all, and filial piety is important, but a man who has become involuntary for the so-called filial piety is not a man at all.

So although she still maintains a seemingly harmonious relationship with Fang Dazhi, she has no interest in him anymore.

This year, Fang Dazhi married a daughter-in-law and had three lovers. He still took good care of her.

Fang Jiaoyan knew that he actually liked herself, but she didn't dare to take the first step against her mother's order.

Back then Xu Sanyue imprisoned her in a fool's house.

Now Fang Dazhi imprisoned her again with the care of a lover.

When she is with a fool, her soul is lonely, but her body is not lonely.

With Fang Dazhi, she didn't get anything, no matter her body or soul, she was lonely to die.Then this is all the past, Fang Jiaoyan and Fang Dazhi were originally stationed in Jiugong City.

They had been on the front line of the south of the city before, and had no rest for two days and nights of the war.

Just now, the Maya system called the police. Someone violated the principles of the defense system and intruded into the north gate of Jiugong City without authorization. He was about to reach the north gate. The target was three black cars.

Therefore, as the squadron leader, Fang Dazhi led a dozen of his soldiers out to intercept the three vehicles.

In fact, a squadron can have more than a dozen people, but other soldiers died in the battle. The squadron’s knitting was damaged and the personnel had not been able to fill it up.

Qin An used mind reading to know the identities of the two people, and at the same time understood the grievances between Fang Xiaobao and Fang Jiaoyan.

Qin An was very surprised, because he didn't even know about it, Fang Yunhai had long suppressed public opinion in order to reduce the influence over the years.

I didn't expect that my body was not a virgin man, but a dewy couple who had been with Fang Jiaoyan for three years.

This feeling was so strange that Qin An frowned slightly.

"Hurry up! Get out of the car!"

Fang Jiaoyan shouted, with extreme caution on her face.

The windows of the three cars are also black. This is a special material. The inside is not visible from the outside, but the outside can be clearly seen from the inside.

Two of these three cars are very valuable. They are apocalyptic off-road vehicles manufactured by Qinjia Automobile Company. Although the models of the two sports cars in front are not visible, they should not be cheaper than the apocalyptic abyss when you look at the high-end atmosphere. .

So who is the one who drove three luxury cars and swaggered through the line of defense and broke into the north gate?

When Fang Jiaoyan was puzzled, the window of the first sports car finally pulled down, and Fang Jiaoyan bent down slightly. She was dumbfounded when she saw the man sitting in the driver's seat for the first time.

This is... Fang... fool?

How could one forget that Fang Jiaoyan lived with him for three years!

"You... are you Fang Xiaobao?"

After putting down the car window, Qin An first saw the white flesh on the chest of the woman. She was not wearing a high-collared dress, but now she looked down at her and she was gone.

"Oh my God! How could he be a fool? Why did he come to the front line?... The woman next to him... is Ding Haitang? No, right? Why does the fool look so different? I haven't seen that foolish look on his face after two years. The temperament of the whole person is so special, the eyes are so clear!"

Fang Jiaoyan only felt that the emotions in her heart suddenly turned into porridge.

"It's Jiaoyan Big sis, hello, we are here to support. The robot in that level seems to be malfunctioning, so we just drove the car in. Isn't it out of the process?"

"Ah...it doesn't match, you're not stupid?"

Now that Fang Jiaoyan would still consider whether the fool and others violated the rules, she was already frightened by Qin An's expression and clear thoughts.

She lived with a fool for three years, how could she not understand this man, how could a fool say such logical words?

Unless, he is not stupid?

Thinking of this possibility, Fang Jiaoyan almost went crazy looking at the calm, handsome and smiling face in front of her.

Can fools be cured?

If so, why would she bother to escape from this man?

The 21-year-old woman this year is mature enough that many things Fang Jiaoyan want to understand.

In the twelve years after losing his parents, in fact, with a fool, Life is the most comfortable for three years.

Although Fang Jiaoyan didn't want to admit it, but...

A fool is definitely the most true man to her, he doesn't want to get his own body, he just simply likes her. The idiot is the only man who has been intimate with her, and the time span spans three years. A fool is the best man to her. Just compare Fang Dazhi. He is clearly a man who can express consciousness clearly, but Fang Jiaoyan can't feel his heart.

All of this was what Fang Jiaoyan wanted to understand in the past six months.

Therefore, she can hardly forget the fool, but she does not regret leaving, because she can't show the future of herself and the fool.

So if a fool is not stupid, wouldn't he become the most suitable man for her? Who in my world is more suitable for you than him?

The emotions in her heart became agitated at once, but it only lasted for more than a dozen times, and Fang Jiaoyan was depressed, because at this time the woman sitting next to Qin An was Ding Haitang.

This woman Fang Jiaoyan knew that she had looked at her from a distance, on the day the fool and Ding Haitang got married. She just wanted to see what it was like to replace own poor woman.


She made this fool's cupped hands to make people, the man she once cherished and threw away has now become the most suitable man for her. This change is so sudden and huge that she can't accept it herself! How could it become like this?

"Are you a fool of Fang Xiaobao?"

Fang Dazhi also recognized Qin An's appearance at this time, staring at Qin An's face dumbfounded, and didn't understand why the fool was not stupid?

"Haha, good Brother Dazhi, I am Fang Xiaobao, but now I have changed my name to Fang Qin'an. Grandpa allowed it, so you can call me Qin'an in the future."

"Aren't you stupid?"

"Well, a year ago, I was suddenly not stupid, and Daigo gave me an enlightenment. I signed up for this year's power competition. Although I did not participate in the competition, my grandfather also arranged for me to work, that is, let me come to the front line. That's right. , I don’t know the documents are needed for customs clearance here. It seems that I can go to the city to make up for it, right?"

"Ah...you can..."

Fang Dazhi replied subconsciously, and the emotions in his heart were also very complicated. He glanced at Fang Jiaoyan and found that her face was very pale and she was in a daze, so he couldn't help frowning, and his face became much worse.

"You said the Patriarch asked you to come to the front?"

Steady mind, Fang Dazhi's tone is questioning.

"Well, Brother Dazhi, since the Patriarch sent me here, won't you stop me from entering the city?"

"The formalities are actually not a major issue. Our main purpose of fortification is to prevent the enemy and protect civilians from entering the war zone. I know your identity. Naturally, you can enter without customs clearance procedures, but why are you here? Who is in the two cars behind?"

"I came to the front line naturally to kill the enemy, and now the southern beasts are invading, if I am still a fool, I am not stupid now, I naturally want to serve the country!"

Qin An's pretentious and powerful expression made people really think that he was a good patriotic young man.

Fang Dazhi was actually not familiar with Qin An at first, so he was able to quickly accept the process of turning him from a fool to a non-stupid.

Fang Jiaoyan couldn't stand it.

What the hell is this!

Not only is the former idiot not stupid, but looking at this attitude, looking at the look in the eyebrows, it is simply a super small meat plus the standard configuration of a male god, how could it have changed so much?

Qin An continued with a smile:

"In the car behind are all my escorts. Among them, Qin Lu is my maid, Qin Yan is my guard, Ai Yu is my cook, Longdan and Xiaoda are the sons of Ai Yu, part-time my errands , Help me deliver some news. And Qi Rou is my housekeeper, Zhong Hongcui is my babysitter, Ma Liang is my accountant, Wangyou is a fool, because I was stupid before, so I took such a fool around to be a pet , So I can recall my past. Anyway, there are no outsiders, they are all from my family, I want to take them to the front line to fight monsters!"

Qin Anhu said that it hurt. People in the car behind could hear what Qin An was saying through the sound amplification monitoring device. They couldn't help laughing for a while, knowing that Qin An was deliberately teasing the soldier leader.

Looking at Qin An's calm and smiling face and his slyly smiling eyes, Fang Jiaoyan actually felt that the man at this time looked familiar. In terms of temperament, the difference between him and that idiot is not too big. The idiot laughs hard to see, because uncontrollable will make Wuhang twisted, but he looks like this when he smiles calmly, handsome, not so big. Not a small charm.

Not only is this guy not stupid, he has become extremely humorous.

A fool can tell that he is funny, but "Why are there so many people in your family? Although I heard that you lived in the old mansion a few years ago, the owner didn't seem to arrange for you to serve you so much, right?"

Fang Dazhi asked a serious question.

Fang Jiaoyan sighed secretly.What is silly? What is smart again?

When he first met Fang Dazhi, Fang Jiaoyan felt that there was a lot of conversation between him and Fang Xiaobao. If Fang Dazhi is a star in the sky, then Fang Xiaobao is just a piece of soil on the ground, and the two parties are not comparable at all.

However, now, she met the fool again after two years and compared him with Fang Dazhi again. With just a few short words, she discovered that although Fang Dazhi is a clear-headed person, it is too much. A little dull.

Yes, how much spirituality does a man who has been controlled by his mother for more than 20 years?

He looks handsome, sunny, upright, and good-natured.

It's a pity that all of this is not his, but the traces carved on his body by his mother.

Everyone has an inner and an outer, and the two together form the so-called personality.

And Fang Dazhi completely concealed the inside, and his performance was outside, so his personality itself was incomplete.

Maybe he is actually a fool.

Even comparing him at this time with Fang Xiaobao two years ago, Fang Jiaoyan didn't think he was much smarter than Fang Xiaobao.

Fang Xiaobao at least knew that he was his favorite at that time.

Knowing that she can’t make her cry, knowing that she should laugh with her when she laughs, knowing that she doesn’t like to use too hot footwashing water, knowing that she likes to drink plum soup, knowing that she does not like to wear underwear at night and is afraid of light, knowing that she is in the morning I need to drink a small cup of warm water when I wake up. I know that she will have stomach pain at the beginning of every month. I know that she needs to hold an umbrella to cover her when she walks. I know that she can't make noise when she is meditating. I know that she likes to give milk when she drinks coffee. What about Fang Dazhi instead of sugar cubes?

He performed so well, even though he took great care of her, but he didn't know all that Fang Xiaobao knew!

Suddenly, Fang Jiaoyan's body trembled.

If this is the case, is Fang Xiaobao a little stupid two years ago or Fang Dazhi now? She just wanted to escape from a fool in the eyes of the world, but she never thought that the world is not important to her at all. What really matters is her own feelings!

And then... she didn't even care to feel the fool, all she wanted was to escape!

Tangled, extremely entangled, a depressed breath suddenly gathered in her heart, which made Fang Jiaoyan unable to let go.

Qin An had already concluded negotiations with Fang Dazhi, and drove the car to a fixed place in the city at his request.

No matter what, the relevant procedures are still to be handled.

Fang Dazhi actually didn't want to help Qin An, but he didn't think it was a good thing to enter the city at this time. Since Qin An wants to come, let him come. Moreover, Qin An said that he was ordered by the Patriarch. If this is the case, Fang Dazhi can only help Qin An enter the city. Otherwise, if he goes back to Qin An to sue him in front of the Patriarch, it will be too unworthy.

When Qi Rou's group got out of the car, Fang Dazhi's eyes straightened immediately.

Qi Rou, Zhong Hongcui, Wu Xiaoxiao, Wangyou, Qin Lu, Ai Yu, and Ding Haitang are all beauties, although they are not necessarily more beautiful than Fang Jiaoyan, but they are more fresh.

Fang Dazhi is not a pervert, but he has a lot of desire for women.

Therefore, seeing that there are so many beautiful women beside Qin An, he was a little jealous.

After the procedures were completed, everyone returned to the car, Fang Dazhi and Fang Jiaoyan followed Qin An to the car.

"You can report to the Soldier Reception Station on Third Avenue. Walk along this road and turn left when you see the street sign. It's not far from here, only three kilometers. Humph! Qin An, I think you should be awakened. Some abilities, right? That's why they were allowed to come out to practice. Not to mention the brothers didn't remind you, the battlefield here is not a game, those fierce beasts are very powerful!"

Qin An was still very polite, shook hands with Fang Dazhi, and smiled:

"It's okay, I just run away if I can't beat it, I'm not a fool!"

Fang Dazhi was stunned for a moment, but he didn't react to the logic of this sentence, but felt weird.

Fang Jiaoyan, who hadn't spoken to Qin An anymore, had already calmed down, but after hearing these words, there was a wave of turmoil in her heart.

Qin An didn't take the initiative to speak to Fang Jiaoyan from beginning to end. After Zhidao got in the car, he sat in the car and glanced at her.

"Okay, it's good to meet again. Jiaoyan, thank you for taking care of my body in those three years, whether you are sincere or not, I think I should be happy in those three years, because I have you by my side!"

When the voice fell, Qin An started the car and drove away.

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