This sentence was said by him to help Fang Xiaobao Jiaoyan.

Because through all the knowledge of the other's charming memories, Qin An judged that if a fool loves this woman, would a fool also have love? Qin An hadn't thought about it before, but now it seems to be.

Fang Xiaobao's lovely love is very simple, just want to be with her blindly!

This kind of love is also very pure, so after Ding Haitang passed the door, Fang Xiaobao did not have much contact with her. In the heart of this fool, he could not forget his favorite charming.

Seeing the back of the black sports car leaving, Fang Jiaoyan's body kept trembling, her face pale again.

"Huh! Why? Seeing that he is not stupid anymore, do you plan to revive your old feelings?"

Fang Dazhi next to him began to speak.

Fang Jiaoyan was taken aback for a moment, she turned her head to look at Fang Dazhi.

Is this the suave, sunny handsome man?

His tone was so evil, and the expression on his face seemed to be full of tyrannical jealousy.

My God, such a Fang Dazhi is so strange, is he showing a self that has been hidden for many years?

Under Fang Jiaoyan's gaze, Fang Dazhi was shocked for a while, after which his expression changed back to his former good-looking person.

"Hey, I'm sorry Jiaoyan, I may have been a little jealous just now, who made me love you so much?"

So hypocritical! For the first time, Fang Jiaoyan felt that this man's hypocrisy was simply discouraged!

"Oh, it's okay, thank you for loving me. But you refused to give me a place?"

"Jiaoyan, you know, the law doesn't allow

"Didn't you have three lovers in name? Don't tell me about the law! It's because your mother doesn't allow me, so you dare not let me be your lover? What am I now? Your confidante? You? The untouchable online dating partner? Or the doll you use to make fun? Six months ago we had said to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but because your mother disagrees, you haven’t even touched my hand in the past six months. Just use your mouth to assure me that you love me! Is this normal? Ah?"

Fang Jiaoyan was a little excited.

"I can't help it. You know that the guards around me are my mother's people, and any of my actions are within their control. My mother allows me to secretly ambiguous with you, which is the greatest tolerance. I will never allow me to happen to you. Any physical contact. My mother is a cleanliness person. She said that I can't let me be the picker. You slept with that fool for three years.

At this point, Fang Dazhi suddenly stopped.

Fang Jiaoyan's eyes were already round.

"Hahaha! Fang Dazhi, it turns out that this is what you really said, and it turns out that your mother's random words are the real reason why you dare not touch me! Am I dirty for you? I was wrong! I was wrong! It's really wrong! It's so wrong!"

Suddenly, Fang Jiaoyan burst into tears, and then ran all the way back to her own residence, letting Fang Dazhi yell behind her without paying any attention.

She needs a closed and independent space to think and understand her own life!

It was very precious when she was with a fool, but now? He became a woman with a dirty body on Fang Dazhi's side! She just realized this, how could this be?

The Jiugong City has an underground and above-ground construction pattern. In fact, most of the cities in the Kowloon Empire are like this. They are used for life on the ground and refuge and defense underground.

Now the civilians in the city can no longer be seen, and all the military vehicles are coming and going.

The black armored chariot can't drive too fast, because there are actually a lot of people coming out of the city and entering the city.

"You still remember Fang Jiaoyan?"

Ding Haitang finally asked about his inner entanglement.

"You already know that I am a powerful ability person, so don't be surprised, I just have some special abilities to insight into some things, I don't remember her, you don't need to be jealous.""I'm not jealous."

Ding Haitang lied unwillingly. Seeing that Qin An didn't speak any more, she said embarrassedly:

"Sorry, I didn't tell you about her. Actually, I don't know much, because she was gone when I got married. I didn't even meet her, I just knew the name."

"It's okay, it's Fang Xiaobao's past anyway, and I'm Qin An!"

The road ahead became unblocked, Qin An accelerated the black armor, a black shadow flashed quickly, and the two apocalyptic abysses behind also accelerated to follow. The style of the three luxury cars aroused passers-by's amazement. Everyone didn't know what kind of big people came to Jiugong City. Driving such a luxurious car on the streets.

In a short time, three express trains arrived at the destination soldier reception station.

The war strikes, and the country is deploying resources. Most of the so-called resources are a group of people with military status. Civilian conscription requires a period of assault training before it can go on the battlefield. Then each city has set up a soldier reception station to receive those who have no military status and are not ordinary civilians to join the army.

The post-apocalyptic era is also an era of abundance of supernatural powers. Among the ten people who fell from the sky and killed them, nine of them may be supernatural powers, and the remaining one is the real poor on earth, the bottom of society.

In this age, ordinary people on Earth have become an alien. You have no abilities? That means you have no background, no money, and you are an ant that will die if you touch it.

The Soldier Reception Station is a large building. The square building is surrounded by a large playground. Qin An and the others parked the car on the side of the street. After getting off the car, they found that there were quite a lot of abilities who joined the army here. The empire’s heroism education has done a good job.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?"

Haitang felt sensitively that Qin An's mood seemed to be very bad. Could it be that his jealous performance just made him unhappy?

Qin An sympathetically held Haitang's hand to express comfort, and then looked at Qi Judo: "There is no need to join the army. Let's go directly to the front line. If we see the enemy, we will kill him. Qi...rou, you are right there. Wait for me in the car, I'll take Qin Lu and Qin Yan do something, and I'll be back in a while."

Qin An couldn't call Qi Rou a mother because he felt awkward.

Qi Rou didn't mind, she was not ready to be a mother yet.

In this group of people, all the women are not a good thing. Xiao Dalongdan is usually educated as a rural doll, and he is not too curious about the world. He just wants to live with Ai Yu.

Therefore, when Qin An wants to go to work, no one can ask. The women are all concentrated in the same car to exchange feelings. The two younger ones are studying luxury cars. Naturally, Haitang is the most worried about Qin An, but he also knows that men’s outside affairs are still ordinary women. Don't worry about it.

After arranging everything, Qin Yan asked Qin An what he was going to do. Qin An just answered two words, killing!


Xu Tianjiao, the host of the Doomsday Radio when the doomsday broke out, was later killed by Weng Lan's brain. After the eruption of the Doomsday Labyrinth World, a homogenous Xu Tianjiao crossed the Dwarf City, was rescued by Qin An and sent back to Tianju, and then moved to live in Liancheng, Kowloon.

Five years ago, Xu Tianjiao finally saved enough money and bought a sword soul stone to become a supernatural being. Three years ago, she bought the Parasitic Excalibur, but so far she still hasn't realized a Sword God skill, so she still Ordinary people with strong physical abilities.

Xu Tianjiao became a soldier after she became a superpower, so she can feel more belonging.

In other words, she is a woman without a sense of belonging, because she has entered the post-apocalyptic era directly from the eschatological explosion era, and she has a time difference with this world.

During a period of time in the empire, she only paid attention to the man named Qin An. Although he was dead, Xu Tianjiao had to pay attention to him. It was all because of the book Ma Liang wrote.

If you want to find information about Qin An, just go straight to "Dangerous City in the Last Days." This book late stage has been revised six times by Ma Liang, and at least the people and things Qin An experienced are not missing.

So Xu Tianjiao knew that the man who took her away from the dwarf kingdom nine years ago was called Qin An, and she actually had an interaction with this man at the beginning of the last days. Upstairs with the twins, not only was she stripped naked by him, she was even kissed forcibly... The most annoying thing was that Qin An didn't do anything to her afterwards... How bloody? Is he incapable, or is she incompetent?

This incident is actually quite interesting. There is content about own in a book, which makes Xu Tianjiao feel like living again. The only regret is that she died so miserably in the story...

There is a light feeling called reading and then falling in love with the characters in the story.

Of course Xu Tianjiao did not fall in love with Qin An, on the contrary she somewhat hated this man. From the beginning of the story, Qin An met Qin Xiaoyan, Liu Xia, Tang Yu, Li Na, Lan Yue and other women in a car. All tm was taken into the harem. Even if they did not enter, there was basically a romantic story of one-night stand. Why she was stripped of Xu Tianjiao Being forced to kiss is not being crossed? What is she almost? Nobody is big, nobody is white, nobody is smooth?

The problem seemed to have returned to the original point. What she struggled with was Qin An's own mentality at the time. Xu Tianjiao would naturally not tell anyone that she had been acting as a sunny woman.

No matter what, the man died.

Of course it is impossible for Xu Tianjiao to fall in love with an unfamiliar person. She only occasionally thinks about it, and then imagines the situation in which she can become a female pig's foot in a dangerous city in the last days.

Life slowly passed through inadvertently. With comrades in the army and friends, after nine years, it was finally settled.

She even got along with a boyfriend, and he went to the city of Wujia just as soon as the two of them confirmed their relationship. He stayed there for a year.

They talk on the phone regularly once a week. Xu Tianjiao thinks this is good. She is already a woman in her thirties, and there is no such enthusiasm as a little girl.

After they can be transferred to a force, they can get married, isn't it for a lifetime?

In this world, she also has reliance.

It's a pity that things didn't develop like this. A few days ago, the beast wave came, and Wu Jia's city was not ready to become the first southern city to be swallowed. All the soldiers in it were killed. It is estimated that her boyfriend will not survive.

Xu Tianjiao was just stunned when she heard the news, but she didn't even feel much.

Oh, is he dead? It's really troublesome, it seems I still need a boyfriend! This is Xu Tianjiao's thoughts without feeling.

In addition, she began to wait, waiting for the tide of beasts to reach Jiugong City.

Xu Tianjiao was the first group of soldiers to rush to the southern city wall. She didn't have the consciousness to avenge her boyfriend. She just wanted to kill more enemies to release her pressure.

After several days of fighting, Xu Tianjiao guarded the city wall. She was injured many times but refused to leave until her collapsed comrades lifted her down the city wall and sent her to the hospital.

There are two hospitals in Jiugongcheng. One is in the south of the city, which is used to rescue the seriously injured; the other is in the north of the city, where those who need to recuperate with minor injuries live. Generally, you can rest here for about 48 hours after you retreat from the front line. If you can continue to fight, you will have to go up to the city wall. If you can't fight, you will become a logistician.

So Chengbei Hospital and the Soldier Reception are actually built together, which is exactly the same building.

Xu Tianjiao was in a coma for more than ten hours, and finally woke up, only to feel that the whole body was weak, as if the abilities had disappeared.

This may be due to the prostration too much, right?

Xu Tianjiao felt that as long as she was asleep, she should be able to recover, so she lay in bed in a daze.

After thinking for a while, Xu Tianjiao suddenly frowned and looked around.

This is... VIP ward? Why is she alone?

She is just an ordinary soldier, the lowest rank in the army and no family background. How could she live in such a room?

Moreover, this room is decorated in a high-end style. It doesn't look like a hospital room at all, but rather like a hotel.

What's even stranger is that such a high-class room has no windows.

The light in the room is bright, all of which are light from incandescent lamps.

Could it be that this is the basement? I just passed out in a coma. Is it necessary to live in the basement?

"Hello, is there anyone, please?"

Xu Tianjiao just yelled, and the camera installed in the room immediately moved flexibly to face her.

"Hi, are you there Maya?"

Maya is a friend of everyone in the empire, and her image will appear everywhere.

The voice fell, and the image of Maya did not appear in the room.

Is Maya too busy to take care of her? It shouldn’t be. Maya is super artificial intelligence. It’s too easy for her to do various jobs. Even if people all over the country are calling Maya, Maya can also display virtual images to serve people at the same time wherever there is a camera. This is Maya User Agreement.

Xu Tianjiao, who didn't know where she was, finally became a little nervous. She stood up and walked to the door of the room, pulling it slightly to open it.

The hairs stood up almost instantly, because she saw a long and dim corridor outside, and she didn't know if it was because the lights were too dim or the corridor was too long, she really couldn't see the edge.

Where is this?

Qin An took Qin Lu and Qin Yan and did not sign up to join the army, but entered the Chengbei Hospital through the other door of the building.

At this time, the hospital was very busy, with angels in white coming and going, and wounded soldiers of all kinds.Qin An took the two of them directly onto the elevator, all the way to the top twenty-fourth floor.

This is no longer a ward, but the office of the doctor in charge and the dean.

Qin An seemed to be familiar with the road, and soon found the dean's room. He gently pushed the door to be locked inside. With a slight effort, Qin An immediately exploded and dumped the whole inside.


A woman exclaimed.

Qin An strode into the fallen room door, and saw an obese old man pressing a long beautiful woman in a sexy nurse uniform on the desk naked.

The old guy is estimated to be in his seventies, his face is full of wrinkles, his hair is gray, his beard is very thick, his nose hairs are all growing out of his nostrils, and his nose is wet with snot, and he looks very disgusting.

"Who are you guys!"

Perhaps it was too nervous. The old guy who was galloping on the battlefield was sluggish at once. He just kept the posture pressed against the woman and asked questions.

The woman's head hung under the table, so she saw the whole picture of the door being destroyed, and she naturally screamed in fright.

Qin An's eyes were a bit gloomy, but the expression on his face was still calm.

"Qin Lu, kill!"

The order was given without emotion, Qin Lu's figure did not move, the old guy's mind moved directly, fell on the table, and then rolled to the ground.

The crushed woman was so scared that she let out continuous screams. After a few clicks, her throat turned out to be hoarse with tears on her face and liquid from her lower body. I don’t know whether it was urine or excessive stimulation. The last moments of the guy.

"Master, is this woman going to kill?"

Qin An breathed, shook his head, then walked out of the room to the corridor and opened the window.

Take a look at the playground from here, and there are really new recruits in formation on the playground.

"Let her shout desperately, that old guy is the dean here, and I think someone will be attracted to him soon. Qin Yan, those who come will not be amnesty!"

Qin Yan was taken aback for a moment, and finally nodded.

He was actually a little puzzled. He didn't know why Qin An suddenly became so cruel, and what wrong did the head of the hospital make that made Qin An angry so much?

At this time, Qin An had already lit a cigarette, took a sigh, and exhaled a thick white.

A group of doctors came from both sides of the corridor. They saw two men standing in front of the dean's office. They heard the frightened roar of the dean Zangjiao in the office. They looked pale at each other, but did not dare to approach.

After a while, a group of thugs in black suits rushed up.

They are all supernatural beings, so naturally they are much more vicious.

Seeing that the dean might be in danger, they rushed up immediately.

A flute flashed in Qin Yan's hand. He just waved it gently, and the wind flowed through the flute hole, and the flute immediately made a pleasant sound.

Hundreds of translucent sound waves gathered to form Flying Daggers, flying quickly to both sides.

Dozens of big men in black had just approached, and those translucent Flying Daggers passed through their bodies, leaving blood holes.

Everyone continued to rush forward three or four steps before the inertia finally disappeared.

They fell to the ground and died without even screaming, and there were corpses all over the corridor in an instant.

At this time, the group of doctors in charge had been so scared that they screamed and dared to stay wherever they were. They all ran around.

Qin An only took two puffs of a cigarette, and when he saw that all the people had been killed, he threw the cigarette away.

"Let's go, there is an elevator dedicated to the dean over there, which can lead to the third underground floor. Let's go there and kill some people!"

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